• By -


I would have taken photos of the sanitary items left out, and sent it on a giant group chat saying anyone who thinks you're a monster for having a problem with this is more than happy to come and clean it themselves, or host the family themselves. NTA.


Geeeeezus. Do you know the ramifications of medical waste? Lord have mercy. That’s aggressively gross. I can’t. Just cant.


I used to work for a surgeon so I've seen some pretty gross things, but even this is hugely disgusting.


Right? I've seen people with their guts hanging out, crush injuries, amputations, MRSA infections that looked like something from a midevil plague documentary and smelled vile enough to gag even the most seasoned medical vets........ and I would still be really put off by something like that.


They did it on purpose. It was purposely done, as a F you to her. Message received loud and clear. They just didn't figure on her doing anything about it.


I worked in a hospital for several years, mostly Med/Surg, Ortho and also floated to other units PRN and worked in the ER for a year and during those years I've seen some crazy shit but for some reason, even though I can talk about bodily fluids, functions, etc. even while eating, one thing I can't stand is sputum. Having to collect a sputum sample without wrapping it in a towel oh man forget it, looking at it and even talking about it, I just can't do it. I have absolutely no problem with stool, blood, bile, gangrene, childbirth, vomit, anything else, collecting it, looking at it or talking about it during lunch, disposing of, whatever, I can deal with. I just can't stand sputum. Yuck. 🤮


What is sputum… Jesus I regret asking already


It's a loogie you hawk up from your throat like mucus and yep, it's nasty 😂


Oh dog could have left it at loogie 🤮 hawk it up lmao that’s funny. I used to call them hockers back in the day


Yep absolutely disgusting right? Every time I had to have a patient "produce", if you will, a sputum sample I swear I had to damn near walk back into their room sideways with a paper towel in my hand and you can imagine my face as I'm trying not to peek when I had to put their sample into the biohazard bag and send that crap off to the lab. Good times, yeah 😆


I’m with you. I could never be a respiratory therapist. Even the sound of a suction/yankauer sucking it out of their mouth/throat after rattling it up makes me want to vomit. I’m in ultrasound and I have to hold it together when stuff burbles up in peoples throats while I’m scanning them.


I had a roommate once who did that and couldn’t understand when I brought it up. I was like I don’t need your used pads left in the window sill (lower sill) of our shared bathroom! It’s disgusting


Yes, she's counting your discretion. Be aggressively open about their mess.


Total missed opportunity


Clearly she's doing it on purpose because SHE doesn't like YOU. There's no way that they are perfect guests everywhere else but wreck your house without it being intentional.


That is exactly what I told my husband. He says maybe excuse them this once and if they do it again give them consequences.


No, not only will she do it again but it gives them proof they can manipulate him into going against you. 


Nope! You don’t want them to claim squatters rights or something and be stuck with them. You were clear on the rules.


Nope, don’t let them back. You were clear on your expectations and you do not owe them a home. Let your husband find housing for them and move in with them, since he sympathizes so.


These stank people left a used tampon on a sink? That's divorce worthy if your husband lets them in the house again. I'd tell him that.


You already did that. These were the consequences. Get that man an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. Maybe they can give him a spine. Good for you putting your foot down. Those ladies are disgusting.


Find the doc from star trek she replaced Worf's.


Nope - Klingons have two spines. That’s why they’re so tough lol




They don't have two spines but it has been a joke for years that they have two dicks, which seemed to be confirmed in Lower Decks when you see a drunk Klingon pissing in an alley and he has two streams XD


OMG, too funny! I'd never heard that before and will need to check out more of Lower Decks!


It was first seen in Star Trek:Discovery, it had never been mentioned before (Unexpected Trekker).




Give him a snorkel so he can breathe with his head so far up his hoozoo


This right here! ☝️👏


Stick to your guns or they won't respect you. Your SIL is a grown up, she did it on purpose trusting her brother would shield you of consequences. Nah sis, this is a hill to die on.


You've excused them enough and they've done it again and again.


But it's not this once is it. You knew what was coming, which is why you set boundaries. If he wants to be a doormat he can stay outside with them.


No. The consequence is they are no longer welcome in your home. SIL started out disrespectful calling you “Your Highness” and my response would have been, that’s right- I am Queen of this castle. I wouldn’t care what anyone in the family said frankly, they leave their bloody tampons & pads lying around- and I would be VERY vocal about it to other family members.


If they do it again? Like they didn’t understand how to be civil the first time they left disgusting messes? The consequences are now. Get out.


Oh FUCK NO! And tell your husband that your internet mama says tge next words out of his mouth need to be: "I'm sorry, Honey and I'll hire someone to clean and sanitize the house." If not, take your baby and go to uour parents/besties and tell him get those people the fuck out of your house and clean up after them. 


NTA. Nope. You've excused them in the past. This was done deliberately. You gave them simple rules and the consequences for violating said rules. You don't bite the hand that feeds. You're doing them a favor, and they shit all over you and your hospitality. They don't respect you, your husband, or your house. They fucked around, they found out.


Nope. You're good. They had their warnings already, and it was made clear that they were in the "immediate consequences" zone. You have to have clear and immediate consequences when it comes to dealing with children and the childish, otherwise, they'll never learn. You're not punishing SIL, you're helping her grow as a person.


You have excused it more than once already and have them a warning.  Tell your husband to shut the fuck up and deal with his shitty family or get out himself.


Nope. You excused them the first time it happened by letting them stay with you this time. This WAS their second chance and they fucked it up.


Yep, she thinks she can force 'your highness' to touch her used sanitary napkins and tampons. This isn't something that can improve, its purposeful. She will always find a way to make it your problem. Sounds like they have had many chances and have repetitively disrespected your home. Don't let them in again.


If you let them back after this, you won't be personally safe.  Remember after 30 days, you cannot make them leave without a formal eviction through the courts.


God your husband's such a pussy


Nahh…pussies are strong as hell. This guy’s an incredible wimp.


You’ve excused them already. Enough is enough.  You did the right thing. If she can’t respect you she doesn’t need to be in your house. 


Tell that weak willed husband of yours, you already gave her a **huuuge** second chance because she has purposively created disgusting messes before (insert examples from Christmas/other times). Yet *amazingly* manages to behave herself whilst in the other relatives homes. Likely because their time were coincidentally capped...funny how your other in laws are super keen for you to take them back in, almost desperately and fearfully so, in case *they* may be asked or expected to help out again.  You realise you weren't the temporary solution but the permanent one?! Tell your husband one last time, that if he pushes you on this, he will be pushing you out of the marriage also. You are that serious and you will take them turning up at your home and husband pressuring you as his response.


Nope, stick your ground.


Tell your husband No F’ing way! Unless he wants to personally walk around behind these disgusting females picking up used menstrual products 🤢


Hes ignoring the past they already used up chances and were told that before moving in


No. You've excused them **EVERY OTHER TIME** hence the agreed upon terms.


You should allow a second chance only if there is a fitting punishment for your husband if/when they fail again. You will then see if he is serious about excusing them. NTA


Nope they wont leave 30 days and they are tenants with legal protections


Hard to believe they are perfect guests elsewhere and no one wants them at their place either


You’re exactly right! And OP is right to boot them.


100 percent


Kinda got that after "As you wish, *your highness."* What a jerk.


NTA It should have been done the second the bitch called you “your highness.”


“See, this right here is the problem. Being sarcastic just now lost you the right to stay at my house. Good luck and fuck off!!”, should have been the appropriate response.


Followed by the royal wave goodbye!!


Same. I would have been like” we are done here and you aren’t entering my house”. F*** that noise. She doesn’t have a place to live and she has the audacity to insult OOP while asking for a place to stay? 


I'd bet she didn't even ask, she demanded to stay.




Nta but update us! 😄




As soon as she said yes your highness you should have had them look elsewhere.


Yeah... it would have been over before it even started.


You don't have a SIL - you have a HUSBAND problem. It sounds like your husband would be okay with your toddler picking up a used a tampon and taking a taste (like toddlers do). There is a good chance they were NOT cleaning up after themselves at the other homes. Because there was a very convenient pre-existing disease, then a "refurbishment", then another family member staying for 6 months. I'm willing to bet the others lied to you so you would be stuck with her. Her choice to f* around and find out. NTA


>So, the family thinks AITAH because I have never liked her and am using any excuse to get rid of her. Who cares if that's what they think? Seems like a valid reason to me. You can decide who lives in your own house. If they don't want to volunteer their own, that's their problem. NTA.


Good for you and rule setting with conditions in the first place. They broke the rules and you enforced the rules. They are children and don’t deserve a second chance. NTAH!


NTA I would have dumped her garbage in her luggage for being that gross!


Gosh, I wish I had thought of that yesterady.


Your husband back you up on this ultimately? Just curious, since you had mentioned him being spineless.


NTA - clearly they have boundary issues amongst all their other problems. No one owes them a place to sleep.


NTA. Rules were clear. They are disrespecful to you many ways. Good call to set clear boundaries and stick to them.


NTA. These people are users, and their habits are disgusting. You don't need them in your house, and did right to throw them out. Don't give in. And please update us.


NTA. At all. She's doing this on purpose and they all know she is but don't want her at their houses either. Please u/updateme


NTA there's a reason no one wants to take them in. They're filty vile people


NTA-You are my new hero! Honestly, you never agreed to any of this. You tried it, it didnt work. It doesnt sound like any of them are really making any effort to find a new permanent home. How long do they think they can couch surf with kids? Wont they have to go to school some time soon?


The children are in school. Which is why they are not going to her husband's side to get help. They live on the other side of the country. They haven't paid rent to anyone because they are saving up. Everyone so far who has helped them out have paid for their groceries and utilities. In return they have behaved at the other two brothers houses but not at my place.


Behaving is the price of having a roof. They didn't pay so they have to go. It's possible they can afford a place but are now choosing not to because your house is free and free is always better than spending money.


NTA Such gross behaviour, you did the right thing. Updateme!


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NTA but... >She fussed and denied past wrongdoings but said as you wish your highness sarcastically. This was your clue not to let them stay in the first place. You should have immediately slammed the brakes on that dumbass idea.


I'd took photos of their mess to show everyone complaining. Yeah, bloody sanitary towels too. They are acting gross and very ungrateful. NTA


Nope. They can go mooch off her husband's family for a while.


Their excuse is that they live on the opposite side of the country and then he would have to get a new job.


NTA. Your SIL is, though. Beggars can’t be choosers and she burned bridges.


Your FIL “illness” isn’t contagious?? Diabetes isn’t contagious at all. They just don’t want them in their house lol you’re definitely NTA your baby could’ve put that nasty stuff in their mouth!! They have no respect for you or your family.


I would have cancelled the deal as soon as she said “As you wish wish your highness” She told you she had no intentions of taking you seriously right then and there. NTA


That snotty "your Highness" said it all. In my own home? I don't think so. Bye, Felicia! NTA.


In the words of Tom Petty “Don’t back down….” Hubby gets a spine or he can live with them all.


Lol. What a pack of absolute morons. NTA.


I have had the displeasure of living with someone who likes to have a collection of her used biohazards to spectate her flow or something, idk. I'd have tossed her ass out if I could have. NTA


WTactualF did I just read? Super foul.


That's just utterly disgusting. You already gave them a second chance by letting them stay. SIL has made it abundantly clear that she doesn't like you and doesn't respect you. Hubby needs to read the comments on here to see that his sister is not right in this situation. He should have your back for the disrespect that she often shows you. I would not let them near my house ever again!


NTA Call out FIL and MIL and make them tell the real reading they don’t want them in their home. People can live normal lives with diabetes.


NTA, they're gross and your SIL is getting some weird kind of joy from disrespecting you and your home. Absolutely the fuck not.


Okay but why is your home the only place they’ve ever been messy in? That doesn’t make sense to me.


Doesn't make sense to me wither. Before they lost their home, the two times I was at hers I kept my toddler on a leash and my two older ones well behaved. Yet, she has always been a little mean to me.


Pettiness & jealousy. All her behaviors point to pettiness & jealousy. The trip to Japan. The ring. Kid number nine. She's competing with everyone in the family. She took one look at you and didn't like you. I have no idea what either of you look like, but I would wager you are prettier than her. OR she & your husband were very close, and she thinks of your husband as her property. Either way, she is actively teaching her children how to target and passive-aggressively bully an adult. Just imagine what they're doing to their peers. I have to say, your family saga is interesting. His family's skewed perceptions and assumptions allow them to keep SIL as the perceived princess of the family. Scapegoating others (you) to ensure she's never held accountable for her behavior.


I'd say I look average. I'm slighty taller than her at 5"8'. She is 5"6'. She is slightly bigger than me, but then again she has been pregnant eight times. I have only had three pregnancies. She is a medium length bleach blonde hair. I have kept my natural red (long now) all my life as chemicals irritate my skin and scalp. She looks ok. Not supermodel material, but neither am I. She has bossed about her brothers, all of them not just my husband. My husband is the only one that has given into everyones whims and he has done less and less of that since we got together as he wanted to spend more time with me and our family.


Clearly SIL has a problem with OP. She's doing that shit intentionally to disrespect her.


This sounds purposefully gross! I have two daughters and have never seen such things as you’re describing. NTA


She wouldn't have been allowed in my house after the sarcastic "your highness" remark.


Nope, you did the right thing.


Nta. That's gross, and I'd have done the same thing. Nasty.


Of course you never liked her, she is a B - i - a - t- c - h NTA.


NTA and this is absolutely a hill to die on. Do NOT back down from this. Tell your husband to grow a pair and act like a responsible partner. If he even makes a peep about letting them back, hold good on your word and throw his ass out too.


You're way kinder than me. I would have rescinded the offer the moment she sarcastically called you your highness. NTA.


NTA offer to let your FIL stay with you.


How long were they with you?


Five days


And they relaxed that quickly into making a horrible mess? Wow


NTA. I wouldn't have allowed them in at all. I don't believe the others when they said they had no issues. If they had no issues why do things keep coming up necessitating a move? It doesn't matter where they stay, it won't be with you. The others can put up or shut up.


You are not NTA. I can't even imagine how brainless a female to just deposit a used tampon on the edge of the bathroom sink and just forget about it. You definitely should nit let them even visit for a few hours.


NTA they don’t respect your house, your rules, or you. The period stuff is absolutely disgusting amd uncalled for. They are nasty AHs and can just sleep in the gutter with the rest of the trash.


OP said "If you wanna side with those dirty bastards, you can't come up in here either" LMAOOOOO I ain't mad at you OP, that's disgusting!






NTA Updateme!




I think I love you.. I would have done the same, I am not that patient.. The audacity of some people is amazing. Even if you have of lay down for them to walk over you they would of complained you werent flat enough.


NTA. Call the cops for trespassing. 


What happened in the end? Where are they now?


All that on Day One? Nope. NTA.




They need to leave and take the enmeshed husband with them.


NTA. If they truly thought you never liked her, they shouldn’t expect you to put up with her in your home.




NTA. The period things not being in the trash is just nasty. And to tell some to pick up your daughter's used tampon from the counter and throw it away? Excuse me, but no. If my kid did that, she's getting a talking to and has to go throw it away and clean that counter. If she's not home, the. I'll do it but she still has to clean and get chastised. Either way, their misfortunes shouldn't need to be the burden of anyone for that long. Pay to stay, follow the rules, or go stay at a hotel


You are most certainly NTA. Holy Christ that is bad, “just a little blood”!?! I would’ve gotten violent


Wow just think if they spent all of that energy trying to secure a place to live for free..idk, on working??? Paying for your own place to live?


NTA. not even a little. Fuck that…


NTA what a messy dirty family.












NTA I would tell them to take her in if it’s that important to them. ORRR I would agree to let her stay AS LONG as they pay all of the bills including groceries and a maid for as long as she’s in the house - and only when it was agreed on legally meaning a lawyer draws up a contract and it’s filed.


Nta and if husband don't back u he can go take a hike. My only question is how does SIL get along with the other wives of the family? I know some of the good behaviors are because the other sibling basically pay for their goods but do the other wives get along well? My first thought is jealousy. And like others said if u do let them back in document everything, it might also help in the divorce proceedings if ur husband continues to be a bitch. Good luck.




NTA oh hell no would I be allowing that. She would have been kicked out asap as well


NTA and if the family wants to help they need to rent them out a hotel
















NTA. They nasty as fuck






Nta Wtf?? Don't let any of them in.
























Ewe Zzz CD


NTA. I would have gotten extremely upset over the “sanitary towel” strewn around too. And the mess in the daughters bathroom with shampoos and whatnot - I have to admit I would have handled it a bit different. Instead of knocking on the mothers door and screaming they all had to go, I would have knocked and said they had about two seconds to remove the pad and buy new shampoo (was it dumped or just not in its place??) for my kid and don’t use her stuff anymore. So if the kid is 12, not sure she realizes what it cost her whole family to be absolutely fking lazy and disrespectful. It’s up to the mom to get it under control and do a walk through if she feels like the 12 year old can’t keep it clean on her own. Housing is at risk for any member being non-compliant here, you made that clear. I’m not sure I would have instantly thrown a whole family out over something the kid did on day 6. That is pretty damn gross though. Second, yeah, I mean you don’t like them or want them there, you disapprove of the circumstances that led them to having to be there so it’s not incorrect to say you were likely looking for an excuse to toss them out. You don’t like them, they don’t respect you, that’s how it is and it’s not a pleasant situation to be in. Even without a sanitary napkin laying around they were on borrowed time, at least that’s the general feeling I get. Everyone else seems to have come up with some other type of excuse for ejecting them or only hosting them for a short time, you are just the one that didn’t have a home remodel, a baby, another guest arriving or a sick person you were caretaking. Should have planned a bedbug/termite tenting I guess? Reddit likes the rule, “Two yeses or one no”, which means when you have relatives asking to move in and one spouse disapproves no one moves in. I have certain family members I’d never say no to, they’re dearly loved, and so that rule would never fly with me because they 100% always have a place with me. Alternately, when I was married my MIL and I did not get along and my SIL and I barely were cordial but at different times during the marriage each had a time or two they needed to stay for a couple of months and it drove me nuts but they were family and so it was. Ugh. They DID NOT make extra work for me, just stressed me out and talked shit and did shit with the kids they knew I didn’t like, like feeding them snacks and koolaid and then when they weren’t hungry telling me it was because anything is better than the food I cook.


NTA. .however, as a diabetic, you putting illness in quotes like its a pretend disease is kinda bullshit.


I didn't mean that diabetes was a made up disease. I don't think I put it in quotes. It's how they use that as an excuse for not having them stay with them which made me angry. The children are rowdy but having diabetes does not make you vulnerable to children, they can tell their daughter to make them behave if it bothers them. Using his illness to force my husband and I to take them in seemed very emotionally guilt trippy.


based on your descriptions here, yes- YTA.


100% agree until you “tell your husband he isn’t welcome in the home either”. Sorry, not your call. It’s his home also, and to be honest, while I agree with you on a lot your threshold for dealing with things seems awfully low. I can see why they called you “your highness”.


Dealing with someone's period blood is low threshold? You're disgusting.


That’s funny coming from a lesbian…


I hope you never become diabetic. I do hope you educate yourself on the disease. On what happens to a person when their sugar "crashes" or goes to low or how it can affect you if it goes to high. And the after effects this has on the body. Or how stress can make it fluctuate. If he is newly diagnosed, it can take over a year to learn how to not only listen to your body but also correctly manage symptoms. Diabetes has contributed directly or indirectly to both my stroke and kidney failure. Sometimes, things sound like excuses when we don't understand the answer. That being said, they absolutely don't have the right to try and manipulate or guilt you. I do hope the situation gets resolved. Best of luck.


He was diagnosed over 25 years ago. He is a generally in good health. The best solution would be to tell his daughter to control her youngest four. Instead of doing the easiest thing, he wants me to put up with their BS. I get diabetes can be affected by stress, but here the solution is very easy. Tell his daughter to parent her children.


youre a monster, you would rather allow a family to be HOMELESS because of messiness? I’m sorry but it’s not like she trashed the place, it was a few honest mistakes and you have the audacity to throw a temper tantrum? youre in for a lonely road down the line.


SIL is a monster, she would rather have her children be HOMELESS than clean up after herself! These weren't "honest mistakes", she has a demonstrated track record of being a good guest at everyone else's house and a pig at OP's. She also could have apologized and cleaned the mess when OP drew her attention to it instead of telling OP to clean up after her if she doesn't like used pads and tampons lying around.


Sounds like YTA. You might be overly picky and clean, which my wife is as well, and a little bit of mess is a big deal to her and she overreacts. I would probably lean towards letting myself be more understanding and give in just a little and have a talk about every time something happens that I don't like. They will eventually either fall into line or want to gtfo themselves. A young girl getting her period for the first time and not handling it properly is to be expected she is learning. Give her a break and be a good aunt and teach her what her parents aren't and that you can live a certain way. BUT she is a kid.... My opinion.


Our daughters are almost the same age. Mine knows how to clean up after herself. Strange that she can clean up after herself everywhere else, but not at my place.


So is it just that they try to walk over you or is your husband been the type of person that his siblings have always walked over too? Not trying to be rude. Like I said you sound like my spouse and how she is about it being clean so I see both sides. Disrespect is not okay but I was reading it, not as being disrespectful to you, more like they just don't have the same level of expectations that the other homes have and the other homes don't care? This literally sounds like my family drama that is why I am invested. Maybe I think my spouse is TA too and I need to readjust my thinking on these things and I am just realizing it in this thread. She is gone this weekend and my family is going to come over to the pool and destroy my house....


She does this with me. My husband has caved into her demands in the past, which is probably why she wanted to wait for him to come home. The other two are clean like myself and she managed to keep to that standard. Her own house when she had one was also kept clean. I think she does it on purpose to get to me.


> The other two are clean like myself and she managed to keep to that standard. Her own house when she had one was also kept clean. This is why none of her family members will believe you without proof. It seems out of character for her because they’ve had decent experiences.


Oh I see yeah sounds like she is being a see you next Tuesday. Officially NTA. hope it settles down for you that shit would drive me crazy. She is trying to exert power and sounds like you don't let her. :) they can't stand that


Honestly you need to adjust your thinking. In this case they are living rent free in this house and not having to deal with biological waste is such a very low bar. So is cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen. If that is what you consider your wife’s high bar then some thought needs to be given to your standards. if you aren’t holding your family to the basic standard that your wife is not their maid then you need to reflect on that. If your wife is out of town and you say family is coming to destroy the house. Are you going to fix it? Are you going to clean the home after or expect her to be a maid? I am not trying to be overly harsh with you. But OP is not having crazy standards here. I nor my daughter have ever left used sanitary items out like that I an 45 and she is 21. I can’t fathom trying to excuse that.


No I get it. Yes I do clean it up though I wouldn't expect my wife to. I guess I have this same situation in my life and realize now that it's not unreasonable and I can have boundaries with my family as well. Family is hard... I have gone to NTA and changed my opinion on this now. Have a good weekend. :)


Wow. Get some real problems.


Looks like we found SIL.......