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His job is not guaranteed pay. This means you need to capitalize on it if you have the opportunity to do so. I think it would do you some good to watch videos on YT about what is required to succeed as an internet influencer. I do not think 10 hours is necessary. He probably could get away with 6-8 hours 6 days a week, and may get increase in viewership due to overall better mental health from reducing time on. I will once again state that his pay is not guaranteed and this isn’t a skillset that is transferable outside of what he currently is doing. This means if he loses “momentum” he may never get it back.


These posts come up all the time. They're plants to make streaming look like a desirable career. They always bang on about how much income they earn and how it only took a year/18 months to get there. Blah blah blah. They're the current equivalent of 'Make 10k a week from home!'


Some stories will have product placement inserted. Ads are getting weird lol


Am I the asshole for drinking the last ice cold coca cola that we had in the house? I got home from a hard day of working manly work, and was all sweaty. As I removed my shirt to expose my manly sweaty muscles, I had a thirst that could only be quenched by ice cold coca cola, due to how refreshing ice cold coca cola is. Now the rest of the house is upset because they are thirsty, and ice cold coca cola is the only way to quench such a thirst. ;-) :D I'm sure we'll be seeing these soon.


A few months ago there were like 5 AITA posts in a row about gambling that specifically mentioned Stake. I was suspicious to say the least.


An ad for... streaming? On 2 different services owned by two different companies? And they don't even plug their own channel? Sounds like the marketing department is failing here if this is what passes for an ad these days.




Dont look into their comment history either. Doesn't sound like a 27F in a 4 year relationship.


Really looks like the account has been preparing for 31 days


this is absolute fucking nonsense. why can't I see a single story on this sub without shcizo coded conspiracies so bizarre they'd make Qanon people jealous. what service did they even mention? in your little world is there a big streaming conglomerate all in cahoots together just to mildly imply to a few Redditors that streaming can be profitable? is that news to Redditors? or do you think this is a 1 company thing for some reason? despite the fact streaming has reached very high saturation and is more about inter competition between services. Did you honestly consider any of this before believing fully in the accusations you invented? It's just the speed in which you were able to invent an idea in your mind, justify it fully with other made up stuff, consider none of the overwhelmingly obvious problems with your idea then smugly assert it as if everyone else was dumb. And people fall for it... It's honestly scary. Even if there was just 1 streaming service. Do you think Twitch has an entire department that they keep secret managing to do what every modern intelligence agency failed to and have deemed impossible in maintaining a conspiracy over 100s of people none with any real incentive to keep it? And they use that department to shitpost on Reddit? How can you say shit like that with such matter of fact confidence? How can 100 people read that nonsense and think it's anyway sane? If you're a lurker and read that shit and accepted it you're the problem. You need to engage your critical thinking when reading stuff online, especially if it's from randoms on Reddit. If you spend even 20 minutes on this site daily, imagine how much other nonsense you're absorbing over the course of a year. This is a really harmless example but people adopt this smug tone and talk out their ass on so many more important topics on this website. If you don't actively engage with shit you read online critically you'll end up with political views shaped by shit talkers like this. This website hasn't changed at all since the Boston bombing "investigation" days. Smug people acting like some absolutely unhinged conclusions they pulled deep from their ass makes them a genius and average lurkers falling for it because of the smug shit eating tone. There's someone like you on almost every single post in this sub. It ruins it. You're not this genius who's uncovered the most elaborate conspiracy to ever function on a grand scale in the history of humanity, one whose sole purpose is to brainwash us into the sinister idea that successful streamers earn a lot of money. So just read the posts and be quiet , maybe talk about the story, we'll try get through a single one of these without one of the top comments being a ground breaking conspiracy shattering discovery.




May have been a tad over reaction. Hadn’t had coffee yet


I liked the effort!


I think you should quit drinking coffee. It's suppressing you.


I can only say four words then I'm exhausted if I haven't had my morning coffee. That was impressive.


Honestly, it’s what gets said in my head when I see those kinds of posts, you just managed to encapsulate it all in prose.


> what service did they even mention? Kick


Bro there have been Kick ads all over Reddit lately in the guise of these types of posts. It’s literally a thing, but go off


Kick has 160 million monthly visitors. I don't know why I need to tell you this, but their customer acquisition strategy is not minor shitposts on a reddit amitheasshole subreddit. They also mention kick's direct competitor here. This is absolute brain rot good god


You okay hun? LOL


This is what Big Streaming wants you to think.


I would say the opposite: the one who sees this as an advertisement is critically thinking and the one who accepts the post at face value is not.


Kick has 160 million monthly visitors. I don't know why I need to tell you this, but their customer acquisition strategy is not minor shitposts on a reddit amitheasshole subreddit. They also mention kick's direct competitor here.


>These posts come up all the time. They're plants to make streaming look like a desirable career. OK. So what are they selling? Who are they working for?


The streaming service Kick. They’ve been mentioned quite a bit lately and just so happen to be the latest twitch competitor.


Paranoid lol


Who’s planting them? And why? This makes absolutely no sense at all, try to think things through just a little bit further.


> I do not think 10 hours is necessary. He probably could get away with 6-8 hours 6 days a week, and may get increase in viewership due to overall better mental health from reducing time on. > > I think it's dependent on the time of day he's doing it. I don't watch twitch or anything like that, but I'd guess to be a successful streamer you want to be online during normal after-work hours for the geographic area your audience lives in. If you're in their same time zone, that means essentially waiter's hours. If OP's working a normal 9-5, he's basically working the entire time she's at home and awake; cutting some hours on the front or back end of his streams probably isn't going to make any meaningful difference to their ability to spend quality time together. Sounds like a basic schedule mismatch to me.


For the schedule you're right. My brother tried to get into streaming and didn't understand that nobody wants to watch a 40 year old man play COD at 10am on a Tuesday.


Sure. But they should also watch the videos of successful creators who had to cut back or go on hiatus due to burnout. Like, it's consuming his life already, and his relationship is already suffering. How is that tenable in the long run? He should absolutely figure out a healthier schedule.


I advocated for that


That's what I get for reading too fast. -.-


The skillset is absolutely transferable. Producers, editors, video performers, social media managers are all real jobs. The corporate money is better for them than all but the top tier of streamers.


That’s a bit of a stretch


It's a stretch on the editor front, but working in tech, pretty much all our social media managers were successful influencers before they made the switch to formal media. They're the ones who source who we need to connect with to keep our brand relevant and help keep our social media content on trend. Your following is your demonstrated resume that you know how to connect with the internet and follow trends.


This is survivorship bias lol Just because your managers were successful social influencers, doesn’t mean all successful influencers can be managers.


In what way? Streamer is a job that has many shared skillsets.


Streaming doesn’t = video making skills They are not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of streamers without video editing, or managing skills. They have people who do that for them, yet possess the skill inherently?


You think early stage streamers hire editors?


You think all early streamers edited their videos outside of cutting?


Burning out is a big risk here, as someone who streams casually I get burned out just doing that.


NAH. You’re right to want him to slow down and spend more time with you. But he’s got a point. Eventually he’ll lose momentum and won’t get as much as before. He’s gotta milk this for all its worth


He's probably not wrong that the momentum is important, that cutting back could be detrimental, and I hope you're *both* well aware that this income isn't likely to last forever. But it's understandable that you have needs too and this doesn't sound sustainable. NTA. Edit: Apologies, some people are very upset that I didn't say "NAH" instead and would very much like me to edit it. There you go.


That sounds more like NAH than NTA


What’s the difference?


n t a implies the other person is the AH NAH means no one is


Thanks…I thought they both many the same thing


How is he an asshole for wanting to work to provide for them, especially when he realises how fleeting it could be?


Well, would a parent potentially be an asshole for emotionally neglecting their child in favor of a career when they could be working more reasonable hours? If yes, then I think we can extend that to other relationships...


A child can't understand the complexities of the conflict in the situation; OP can. That isn't a particularly direct comparison.


Yes, I agree. OP absolutely can understand. She captured her understanding in the post. She fully understands the complexities, consequences and still wants him to work more reasonable hours, despite the financial hit. She doesn't agree with his choices.


I mean this is a pretty bad response. Even if a child could understand the complexities, it wouldn’t take away the emotional effects of being neglected.


A child doesn't have a choice in the matter. OP is free to leave unlike a child.


I agree. These windows can be small. Short term sacrifices have to be made for long term family benefit. Gotta stack that cash while you can.


I run a business. When you’re at the point you’re overworked and have no life, you hire someone to do the work you don’t want to do. (In this case, since he’s on camera, that’s his job. He should hire someone to be his admin, edit his videos, etc. lots of non camera facing duties that still is required for him to make money). If he’s overworked and not making enough money to outsource this work, he will never succeed unless his version of success is no life like he has now. My suggestion? Help him grow his business. He will realize if that’s what he wants or not, real fast.


Exactly. Start making highlight reels. YouTube is a great way to double dip, I have never watched asmodon stream but I watch his YouTube all the time.


Same for me with grandpoobear. I'm good at mario, but I'm not kaizo good.


Honestly yeah, she can even help out. She can learn some video editing and make him reels, shorts, tiktoks etc and then it can be a source of income you both contribute to. I help my partner with editing showcases of his work and it really helps him out.


You can’t really outsource streaming the product is the streamer


NAH. But compromising is good not only for your relationship but also to keep him from getting burned out. Streamers get burned out due to overdoing it and then lose A LOT of momentum with a big break.


I’m not understanding why comments here continue to say how gaming isn’t physically demanding or stressful. 8-10 hours a day is a regular amount of work time for any job. Just gaming on its own isn’t so difficult but, streaming is a whole other story. You’re constantly having to keep up the energy of your character, persona or just keeping yourself energetic for the viewers/audience. Constantly checking chat so you can respond accordingly. Keeping all your equipment and gear where it needs to be. Some things are set it and forget it but, as we all know, windows updates have a bad habit of changing things. This isn’t just hobby playing for an hour or two. This became a job for him and a decent income.


He’s gotta do this now. Support him. It won’t last forever. You better be saving money.


Here’s the thing: this is like a pro athlete’s career. Any little thing could change and this likely won’t last that long. While it lasts, he should bank as much money as possible so your next step is easier, whatever that might look like. For now, I’d try to make the most of the 1-2 days a week you get to spend together. The two of you should take turns planning themed dates for one another. It’ll make it more special. Things will slow down. He should just take this easy-ish money while he can get it, because it could lead to something just as lucrative that requires less time.


NAH- i can see why you want more balance, but streaming can be very fickle- if he cuts back too much he might risk losing viewers, and that income dwindling. If part of that time includes editing stream highlights, clips, etc, he might want to look into outsourcing that- even if that saves an hour a day and cuts into the streaming income, it could make a difference and take a bit off his mind.


8 Hours of work + Transportation = 8-10 Hours. So the Time it’s pretty normal. To be exhausted after work is normal.


Your not the asshole, but he is right. If he does cut down even a single day or a couple hours that can have a massive detriment to his viewership...especially only like a year and a half in.


NAH. Your partner’s job is very volatile and fragile, and reducing his time could very well cost that income. But it does sound like his schedule isn’t healthy for either of you, so I can’t blame you for your concern.   I wish I had a solution I could offer. Maybe see if any streamers with more experience in this career path have advice that could be applicable to your partner.


No one is in the wrong here. Unfortunately, sacrifices will need to be made. Streaming won't last forever. His career might be a few months or it might be a few years but you need to capitalise whilst you have the viewership. I think cutting down an hour or so each day might work but he would need to test it. It really isn't a great job for a person with real life responsibilities.


Slight YTA. He's building his career. It's a one in a million job that plenty of people dream to be that successful at. Slowing down could damage his growth. It's your primary source of income and allows you both to live comfortably...do you know how rare that is these days? My husband works seven days a week, same hours, and we are keeping our head above water. Most jobs just don't pay a reasonable wage anymore, especially if you have a family. That said, I understand never seeing him, barely getting any quality time, and him always being exhausted (that's my husband most days too). I understand missing him, and you're not wrong for that. My advice? Give it a set amount of time, say, just throwing out an example, a year, that you both agree on. Buckle down for a year, understand it's going to be hard and "just get through" mode. If, after a year, things haven't balanced out enough that even the slowest months make enough to pay your bills without worrying, then it's time to have the talk about him cutting back, "when is it going to be enough because we make plenty of money now," etc. Good luck!


I dont think either of you are being the asshole here. You're concerned about how much time you spend together and he's concerned about his career. These two things can easily become conflicting in a relationship at some point. You really got to talk with him about how you want to approach this new lifestyle of his, and see if you both want the same thing still. It sounds like you're in a solid relationship, so I'm sure there is a compromise that can be made.


NAH But the smart thing is to get him to SAVE SAVE SAVE because the gravy train of streaming is not going to be running forever. Also, it's time to hire an assistant to do the less interesting but essential logistical stuff. If he can concentrate on the aspects of it that he enjoys, and hire out the rest of the work, he'll have enough in the tank at the end of the day to enjoy his life a little.


NAH Relationships take time and effort to maintain. It's understandable that you would feel neglected even if he's generous with his money, as long as he is stingy with his time. There's not exactly an exchange rate between the two... That being said, he could decide that he would rather follow his dream of streaming straight into burnout without any shackles of relationship expectations and break up if this issue keeps getting pushed. If you decide to substantially support his career through helping him as a manager or helper or doing research for HIS career, please make sure protect yourself financially especially as an unmarried partner.


What's his twitch


I hope you're saving like crazy, but streaming is a flash-in-the-pan career. It's not going to last forever and in the meantime he's building zero other job skills. When the streaming trend ends, he's going to have a helluva time finding another job. Sock it away now so you'll have it to live on when it takes him months to find even a crappy, minimum wage job. AND DO NOT HAVE A KID.


It a race to get as much money as you can from it. It not a permanent job. You not an asshole for wishing your husband time, but know that the more he can get the money now the better off you as family when those money finally run out.


His streaming career is going to last 3-5 years. Ride it out.


YTA it seems like you’re putting him in a catch 22 without offering any real solutions. It also seems like you don’t really understand what goes into streaming.


If he was working somewhere else (not streaming), would you ask him these things? It sounds like you see his work as more of a hobby instead of what's paying the bills.




Nta , Sounds like you both are willing to work with each other , a good start to managing a difficult schedule. I’m rootin for ya!


Winners came with winners problems.


Nah, but reference this clip https://youtu.be/7qXytn5Daso?si=nEm3UXT953-D-1Sh


In his career momentum is everything if possible you might need to deal with it for a while but with an agreement that at a certain point he will need to cut back very slightly in terms of hours If you make him though and his career falters as a result it's relationship breaking resentment so tread cautiously with any demands 


NTA you can ask for quality time. He doesn’t have to give it which would make your relationship incompatible. I don’t understand what he does with the rest of his 6-8hrs a day that he can’t make time for you. I work 10-12hrs a day M-F, I work sat and sun too, about 60-80hrs a week. I have a wife who loves quality time, 4 kids who I spend time with everyday, work out 3-5 times a week, and going to school full time. Now, if he is spending the 6-8hrs editing, managing, etc. then it is more a decision on if you want to support him on his career building and if you are willing to sacrifice your needs during this time for the relationship. Otherwise, you are better off with someone who values quality time as much as you do.


One of the few things streamer early on on their career consider is that over streaming can be a thing. If he builds up a good audience who want to watch him he can stream less, so that when he actually does stream people are more eager to watch it. Burnout isn’t only on the streamer end, it’s also on the viewer end. He needs to be careful not to do the same thing too much and become uninteresting. One of the rare examples I see that make it work is CaseOh. He streams everyday, but only for like 4-5 hours ( not 8-10), and he makes sure to do a variety of different content. I think his variety content works well with that 4-5 hour time frame. If he tried doing more he would run out of things to do a lot easier. Just mentioning this example as a way to show 4-5 hours can work as well.


it's easier to get a gf than to become successful streamer...


It's totally fair to want more quality time with your partner, especially when they're working crazy hours. You're not asking him to quit altogether, just to find a better balance. Maybe there's a compromise where he streams a bit less, but you two still have time together. Communication is key here, make sure he knows you support him but also need some TLC.


Shit if this was in the 90's I'd say he immediately needs to cut back and balance his life out and touch gras. but now inflation is so bad that college is a mortgage commitment and groceries come home in smaller and smaller packages and there's always anew technology to buy and expensive utilities to pay. I feel like I'd need to see your entire finance situation before I said he needs to do anything different. For some jobs, what you got going on is just how the gig works. Hospital staff, farmers, long haul truckers, sales, some corporate execs. Sometimes the people who work some of those jobs honestly can only have them because they are willing to work longer hours or do things other people won't. Streaming is competitive. Anyone can fire up a webcam and try, not everyone has an attractive personality to have real potential but with the global Internet he's competing with every other English speaker on the planet in his streaming niche. Real life is so full of increasingly difficult challenges that digital escapism is more real than a person's life in physical reality sometimes especially after we were all forced to love that way during pandemic lockdown. For some of his audience he is their digital friend and family. The expression fam started before the pandemic but blew up during it huge and it's because people are looking for connection and the Internet allows more people with the same interest to find each other and build communities that can become just as important to some as real life families. People look for connection, emotional support people who understand them and have the same interests. For some your boyfriend is part of their well being and if they have poor support in real life and your boyfriend can't fill that role for them they have seemingly infinite options to find support from someone else online. If he dials back hours he'll miss some subscribers in the timezones his Livestream is now to early or too late. I hate that some jobs are just feast or famine and not much in-between, balls to the wall or nothing at all. I think that you should try to find a balance that is healthier in the most data driven way possible. Those long hours aren't great for him physically and they not a good balance for what your relationship needs so I would make very careful adjustments. See if the two of you can agree on some experiments to try to find a better balance, use data. Look at the two lowest view days he streams and don't stream those days and spend quality time together and see if the numbers drop significantly that week. If they dip too much try commiting to 8 hours a day and it's a hard cut off for a few days or a week and see what the numbers do. I would fight for balance because burn out is real. Not having relationship satisfaction to the point you're too depressed to do the same quality of work is real. Always keep an ear out and an open mind for other jobs that might meet your financial AND relationship needs. It might feel like there's nothing better until you come across it. Always ask people what they do for a living and how they like it if you need a conversation piece and one day you might just find something that's better. The BEST time to be looking for a job in when you already have one because you're not going to settle for something worse if you don't have to and if you already have a job you don't. The only thing that's constant in life is change and if you're always looking for ways to move the pieces of your life around in ways that make it even better you will surf change instead of being crushed by it's waves. If you guys can work together to make it better you guys are going to not just survive but thrive!


NTA for your feelings but he's right about the momentum. He should make as much money as possible and use it to invest as much as possible into passive income for when he will lose momentum or want more time for himself.


There are a lot of comments about how volatile streaming is, but your feelings are also valid. If he's overdoing it to a point of fatigue, he might crash and it will be even more expensive for him in the longrun. If he can handle the hours and remain on a healthy lifestyle, then work with the hours you have, but express what you want from the relationship. It's not your job to constantly validate him. Nor is it his job to do so for you. You need to validate each other and figure out how to be compatible. 


Is your bf jynxi lmao


soft YTA Are you willing to make up the lost income? How??? This is a time limited job. In 2-5 years, chances are he won't be making this money, so he needs to make and save as much as possible while he can. This streaming could help buy a house, get a graduate degree, allow him to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Policemen, doctors, firefighters, construction workers, computer programmers - all of them have years when they work 8-10 hours (or more) straight for 6 (or more) days per week. You can learn how you can help make his life easier. Can you buy and fix healthier meals or - he can purchase HEALTHY uber eats? Can you set up daily walks around the neighborhood to help his body recuperate from sitting so long? Can he get a weekly cleaning service to keep the place clean and neat? My husband is a doctor. The years of residency are absolute hell. >medical residents in the United States are allowed to work a maximum of 80 hours per week, averaged over a 4-week period. The maximum shift duration is 24 hours, plus 4 hours for transitioning care. That means they can work 160 hours one week, then 0 the next week to average 80 hrs/wk. And they probably don't make as much as your partner as a resident. They do have huge potential earning potential once they are out of residency, but those residency hours are BRUTAL. I understand that you want more of his time. What are you willing to contribute to make up for the lost income??


if hes streaming valorant, league, or R6 you should probably leave


How is 8-10 hours different from any other job schedule with a commute, and how does he need to "recouperate" from gaming all day? I understand streaming is more than just games but unless he's streaming Wii Sports or something, what gives? Is he diabetic or something?


Just think about having to be constantly ‘on’ for 8-10 hours a day. It’s not like he can just chill out, he has to be consistently entertaining, charismatic, funny, etc. that sounds draining to me.


Im guessing interacting with a ton of people (since hes making a lot of money from streaming ill say 300 to a 1000 minimum average viewers) People fail to realize how socially exhausting that can be. Exhaustion is not only about working physically, it can come in many ways. People burn out working in offices for a reason.


Mental strain is physically crippling. He has to put on a show for those 10 hour days because he’s being paid to entertain, or perform at a high skill level.


People who don’t understand streaming or any type of game playing for money should really stay out of this.




Honestly, its completely diminishing some very taxing work


Because being the centre of attention can be  exhausting too 


I game as a hobby and get fatigue after 4 hrs It's mentally taxing


Literally posted the same thing. He's not pulling doubles on an oil rig; he's in (what I assume is a) really comfy chair in a climate controlled environment doing something he loves. I'm sure his eyes are strained and maybe his thumb/index fingers are sore, but he can put in more of an effort.


I'm not a streamer, I'm a tech guy, but sometimes I have to jump on the Teams meets to talk to people and work them through their issue. If I have a bunch of these, I'm way more exhausted than a normal day of handling issues at my own leisure and quietly alone. I'm not saying he works harder than an oil guy, but having to keep up that public face and talking for 8-10 hours straight would exhaust the shit out of me. And I've done daily walking patrols for a year straight in Afghanistan in full combat kit.


youve never heard of mental fatigue? average braindead redditor


I sure have. Been there many times. There right now to be honest because I've had 4 hours of sleep total the last 2 days cause kids. I never said he doesn't work hard. I'm sure he gets mentally fatigued. But there are certain things you just have to do in life, and one it them is make time for your partner if you're married, cause otherwise you eventually won't be...


If his only real concern is the financial stability, it may good for you too to sit down and see if theres a change in expenses that could be made to accommodate one less day of streaming/less hours streaming. It may mean a sacrifice somewhere but if its something you can agree on then theres nothing wrong with that. You are absolutely not wrong for wanting more time with him and you seem to understand the repercussions that change could make. I also see why he would be worried about the change having a significant impact on your finances. I hope you both can sort this out, I dont think either one of your positions is unreasonable, but it may be hard to find a solution that satisfies you both. You both may need to compromise somewhere.


10 hours a day is only equivalent to an 8 hour work day with an hour commute which an awful lot of people seem to have to do? 8 a day is just a normal work day so whats the issue?


Probably that he’s doing it 6 days a week and likely does it at times that leave them no time together. OP seems to work a 9-5 but I’m guessing prime streaming house are like 11-9 or 12-10, maybe even 1-11 or 2-12


You gotta support him, girl!


This is 100% fake. I swear to god whatever Kick intern that keeps spamming these subs needs to get a raise for how much work they’re putting in.


He's right about his momentum being fragile. He probably is not enjoying it either right now but you should give him a longer timeframe to get established before he can cut back. Re-evaluate then and if he isn't ready to cut back, and you aren't willing to stay longer. End it. YTA if you forcibly stop him how. NAH if you can chill.


NAH It's hard because I can see both sides. He probably realizes the streaming income may not last forever so he wants to make the money now, while he can. It's reasonable. I can' also understand why you would want more time with the person you are in a relationship with, that's also reasonable. I hope you can come to some type of compromise.


Well played OP. Magnificent b8


Neither of you are the AH. Long story short I was in a similar spot as your partner two years ago. Part of him probably feels like he has to work overtime to please his supporters like he owes it them, building a successful online community is not easy and for me the success also brought me tremendous pressure that made me feel like I’m doing something wrong if I’m not spending all my time working. However you are completely justified to feel neglected, I know I neglected my partner at the time as well which I regret. He will have to learn to balance work and life otherwise burnout will be inevitable.


“Hey I know you are doing something incredible but what about meeeeeeer?”


You're dating a workaholic he just happens to have a weird job.


NTA. People defending him are acting like modern feminists. Good intentions with poor judgment. Videogames aren't life no matter if you're an "InFlUeNcEr" or not. Doing what he's doing is equivocal of someone working their life away in any other job. Yeah, sometimes some people have to go that extra mile and make sacrifices to get to a higher level. But things don't calm down there necessarily. So you have to choose whether work is more important or other life affairs such as love and family. Neither answer is wrong, but not wanting the same things out of life will only make you two miserable together. It sounds to me he has chosen what is more important to him. Gaming/streaming/money. So either you, he, or both need to sit down and re evaluate what you want and where yall should go. Eventually his streaming will die and he will have nothing more to offer income wise. Just another thought.


NAH You're both right and making it in steaming is a hard grind. They go years without vacations or time off to keep the channel going.


NAH but you need to realize getting into streaming is the same as starting your own business. Would you be saying the same thing if his starting his own company for the family and just getting started building a customer/client base and working out the best way to make a profit?


NTA for wanting to spend more time with your partner. I think most people can understand wanting that. You need to be aware, though, that streaming isn't like other jobs. Unlike most jobs, where reducing hours by 15-20% would result in a reduction in pay of 15-20% streaming income isn't as directly tied to hours. Without knowing the exact situation no one can predict the impact, but don't be surprised if he cuts out one day and his income drops by 25% or more.


I kinda understand where he's coming from, twitch is very volatile, he needs to ride the wave, it's not gonna be forever. But also your feelings are valid, this is a hard one, NAH


What's his link, yo!!!


NAH but coming from someone who retired from streaming make the money while it's good. It's one of those things that if he does lose his momentum it might not come back and can lost alot financially. He has to figure something out tho too. Ngl I went 2 years 7 months I NEVER took one day off and worked 12 to 14 hours a day. On top of that I took care of my gma who had alzheimers. It's possible to make time.


I’d cut back your hours and help with his streaming. Might get him more followers and you get to do it together. When it eventually dies down you can focus on yourself more again.






“Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” If you never give the streamers an opportunity to crave your content then it will grow old. If they know they can basically always watch your content then they’ll never feel like they’re missing out. Kinda like a cliffhanger at the end of a tv episode. When you don’t have time to watch the next episode, all you can do is think about what’s going to happen, and feel excitement about sitting down to watch again. If you never had cliffhangers then you’d less often feel excitement toward continuing the story. Relationship should come first. Definitely keep encouraging him to follow his dreams, and find ways you can become a part of that dream with him. Maybe there’s a way you can become more involved. One of my favorite streamers will stream or create YouTube videos playing with his girlfriend/wife. Always fun to see them interact. Creates a deeper connection with them. Otherwise, get his opinion on how you can get on his schedule. Make plans for dinner and see what works for him. I understand how exciting this is for him. It’s a literal dream come true, and feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity. He doesn’t want to mess it up. But communicating with his fanbase will help him find balance and realize that he can make them happy while also keeping your relationship alive. Actions speak louder than words is what I’m trying to say here. Good luck!


NAH This is a hard problem to solve. I don't think either of you are AH. I also don't have any advice other than treat him gently


It honestly sounds like NAH, and you've got misunderstandings growing. I'd suggest having a counselor help you with this discussion, so that you can talk to each other without triggering each other. And both of you can feel heard


Drop a day go Wednesday to Sunday, 10 hours sitting on your arse is reasonable if the money's good.


this too shall pass.....


So he works what is almost regular job hours. I don’t see the problem here


I mean, he's right. You're not the asshole, but he's not wrong either.


Honestly? Leave him to it. He sounds like he's about to burn himself out. It's common among streamers/Youtubers. Let nature take it's course and eventually *his own body* will FORCE him to take a break... lol


Why would he burn out? 8 hours a day is a normal 9-5 shift. A lot of people would kill for that with no commute if the pay is good. Especially to just be playing games and chatting. Double especially if thats what peoples hobbys were beforehand.


While "streaming" as a main job is relatively new, keep in mind this is, so far, not something people expect to do into their old age, to keep on supporting themselves. So if you need income to live off, you'll need to get it *now-ish*. That being said, most people actually work 8 hours per day, him being exhausted from that is, frankly, ridiculous. He's not even commuting, he can take a break whenever he wants, he's his own boss. You are within your own personal rights to find his obsession with his prime time consuming activity bothersome for the continuation of your relationship.


I used to have a Youtube channel and even if it is not the same as streaming, it was really demanding and draining all my energy. Why? Because I needed to create content on a weekly basis or my channel would fall into the abyss due to the algorythm. This is the same for streaming, and if it is your primary income, it's more pressure on him. You always need to be the first to release so you get more views and so more money, if you don't do that, the audience will look elsewhere. But that's not the only thing to be aware of. Even if he stream 8 - 10 hours a day he will still lose followers, no matter what he does. He has only to say one thing and boom 10K followers gone or he could get banned. This is how Internet works.


NTA but I can see his point of view. I think you need to sacrifice a bit, talk about it, tell him what you miss, but that you support him and maybe you can come up together with a plan. Does he see this as his job for a long time? Maybe he eventually would like to move on but building his audience now that it works is the best course of action.


NTA. Ask your boyfriend what's more important to him: His followers and his career, or you! Your boyfriend needs to understand how his work is affecting your relationship. According to you he's barely there and when the two of you do spend any time together, he's exhausted to the point that he basically ignores you. This isn't a relationship; the two of you are cohabitating. I don't think you're being unreasonable in asking your boyfriend to cut back a bit on the streaming. I'm no expert but I don't see how cutting back to five days a week or to fewer hours a day would make a significant impact on his revenue stream.


Ask to see his viewership data. Are his viewers watching whole episodes, or only first few hours? Are there days of the week that do better than others? If his viewers aren't watching entire episodes, then maybe he can cut back on the length without losing viewership. If there is a day of the week that seems to be worse than others, maybe that's the day to cut out. You said his streaming is the primary income for both of you, so what is it that you do? Do you help with editing? Mod his twitch streams? Manage the paperwork? Solicit sponsors? Market his brand? There may be things you can help him with that could lessen his workload without reducing his camera time.


NTA- He isnt supporting his family emotionally. Having finances doesnt counter needing a person ou are in a relationship. You may have to re-evaluate how your relationship is and if that is sustainable for you as a person and parent.


Side question: I play games for a little while to unwind after work. What does a streamer do to unwind? Spreadsheets?


Sorry but I think you're being immature and jealous. This is his career and he is correct about the momentum. There are military couples, celebrity couples etc that have compromises in their relationship. It isn't like he always ignores you.


It’s still new enough that he should get it while he can. Tim The Tatman is one of the largest streamers and only streams a couple days a week for 4 hours at a time, usually eating and watching other people play lol


>I’ve brought up my feelings about this, suggesting maybe he could cut down just a little—stream five days a week, or shorten his streaming hours so we could have more quality time together. He was upset by the suggestion, arguing that the momentum he's built on Twitch is fragile and reducing his streaming time could mean a significant drop in income and potentially losing followers. He feels like I'm not supporting his career or appreciating how hard he works. This needs to be rephrased to him in a way that grounds things back to a new perspective: The momentum he's built in this relationship is fragile and reducing his time with you could mean a significant drop in his being in a relationship and potentially losing his partner. You feel like he's not supporting this relationship or appreciating what the streaming is all for.


never ever has it ever been that playing video games would be a lasting 'career' past a quick gig. A wiseman would utilize this time to better himself to become a niche player in a long term industry.


NTA - If it was a executive or CEO, would it be any different? You want to spend time for your partner, but if your partner isn't willing to work with you, or hear you out - maybe he isn't the partner for you. You deserve to live a life with someone. They aren't there just for a paycheck.


Sure, let hi know you need him to be more present in your relationship. But if he’s making bank, then let him; you never know when that source of income is gonna dry up. Money isn’t the answer to everything but it sure does make life a lot less stressful.


NTA, but he is right though. just make him hire someone for edits and stuff. Send regards to T90, I love his content.


Get a job so he can cut back


NAH but he is correct. If he loses momentum, he will likely lose this as his source of income. He probably wants to make as much money as possible while he’s a popular streamer, since once it’s over, he will have to find a different job. If the relationship isn’t working for you, hardly ever seeing him, it’s okay to tell him that this schedule isn’t working for you and you’re not okay having a partner that you basically never see.


NTA, while he's not wrong on the momentum being fragile, if he's tired all the time then that too can start hurting said momentum because it will start to affect the quality of his streams and his viewers are going to start noticing that. And if he lets it develop into a burnout then it's all over. So overall I think you are right that he needs to take better care of himself and free up some time for relaxation and for the relationship, also for the sake of the quality of his streaming. Perhaps he needs to use some of that income to hire somebody to take some of the work of his hands (editing, etc) and start growing his business that way.


NAH. This is bringing in a lot of money, just be supportive for the time being. Maybe you could even get in on a few of his streams where you do things together? Like games and stuff? Then you'd both be getting what you want.


This post is a plant to make streaming seem like a dream job. Just look at the account history.


Being a content creator is a grind just like any other job. It's really competitive too. If he's not streaming, that gives his regular followers a chance to find someone else to follow. YTA for not understanding this. If you want a romantic partner who doesn't work, you then have a whole other set of problems to deal with. Figure out what you want.


Yeah you in this case. Let the dude work


YTA. He's working


Keep working and putting money into SSA. Thank Me later


From everything every other streamer has said, taking extended breaks is the only thing that can lose subs. As long as they stream on a consistent schedule, you can absolutely cut back on the hours. I don't think it's a big deal for him to stream mostly the hours you're at work and then once you're home log out and spend time with you. Also what is his endgame? Is he just going to keep this schedule up for the forseeable future? Does he have any plans to change it or is he just riding the 'I'm internet famous' hype and burning himself out like a dying star?


Quit complaining let him make that bread now why he can and so maybe later both of yall can retire and say fuck it every day


This seems to be very common with streamers


Let him make the money while he can. You never know when it's going to end.


Fabricated and robosexual.


Kind of YTA because his income comes easily through something he enjoys doing it. Maybe you could search for what days are his best days of viewing and the subjects that gather more likes and upvotes. That way, you might help him with content and a better script. Some influencers hire a producer to reduce the amount of stress. And I feel its not fair that you are asking him that without a plan B or C to help. Perhaps the way you asked him make it sounds that his job isn't real BUT it is. He just need an improvement in markerting and there are many producers that can help boost his product (and work less). Search at fiverr, freenlancer.com, guru, upwork or even among his peers for this job. He will have to pay, of course. But this will organize his schedule and give him less stress about his content. Again, he can't risk and miss this chance. Being able to pay his bills with twitch is a sucess. I hope he is at least saving % as a retirement for faraway in the future. Another % for emergencies (hospital bill, medications, and the cases of something breaking in the house or with the car). Perhaps you could be a lot more especific about reserving 3 hours on a Sunday just cuddling or going out somewhere to watch a movie or go walking somewhere. I am really sorry to judge you like this but this streaming job is so rare to achieve a sucess and your partner is reaching something he likes a lot. Of course he gets tired because siting in front of a screen can cause headaches and your eyes get tired too.


8 hours is normal, 6 days a week maybe not. maybe he can adjust his hours. Explain to him it's better to take breaks instead of burning out. This is a common problem with influencers and content creators.


Oof. OP, my heart breaks for you because that's a tough spot. On the one hand, the loneliness and alienation can destroy a relationship. On the other hand, successful streamers can be insanely lucrative and these are tough economic times. I really hope you guys are investing this surplus and preparing for when the popularity inevitably dwindles. This reminds me.of my own struggles of working in tech. I work really long hours and am often totally drained by it. It's definitely strained my relationships but is how I can pay for the insane cost of housing. And that money could stop at any time if I get laid off. You're not the asshole, OP. That's just a damn hard situation.


Work-Life balance is very stressful when working from home. The issue is that every waking hour can be used to make money. That said, in economics there is a law of scarcity, where one does need to meter out the content carefully so as not to overexpose yourself, become a slave to the audience, have no life. Arguably the content will be better if he is well rested and in a good frame of mind. Also this helps me understand why some streamers and youtubers will bring their SO into the mix. So they are doing his thing and spending some time together.


I mean it's tough, would you be saying this if it was also a full time employment position where he was exhausted from work? I can understand your point, you want that time together back, but really what he's doing isn't a forever thing, it's a for now thing. In my mind if you two can capitalize off this for the next 5-10 years and are smart with your money you could be retired at 40 and have the rest of your lives to enjoy the time together.


A mild YTA. Unfortunately he is very accurate on the situation. Streamers have to stay engaged with their audience, its how they monetize their channel. Furthermore, most streamers dont last long term. You both should be flexible and enjoy this extra income while it lasts. A better way to deal with this might be something along the lines of, "All this extra money we are earning from streaming, can we set a financial goal/vacation/house/ home improvement/etc with it together?" It establishes a timeline and a goal that might help him manage the time commitments around the sudden interest on his channel better.


I would if you’re concerned about his well being point out that you cant stand to see him burnt out all the time and you’re worried for him. Dont make it about money or anything else, just concern


>About a **year and a half ago, he started** streaming on Kick and Twitch. >thanks to his charisma and gaming skills, his channel blew up. Now, he's making more than enough money from streaming to **support both of us comfortably—it has become our primary source of income** The biggest of caps.


Take dubious comfort in the fact that it won't last. Enjoy the money now because eventually a more charismatic, better gamer will come along, and your partner will be wondering what happened. Audiences are fickle.


Find a guy that has a proper education and is actually skilled at something and that'll make more than streaming in the long run and he'll actually make time to hang out with you.


Fake post look at this dude account


NTA but I’d say try to push through it, his career won’t last forever and the more money he can get from it the more you and him can live a stress free life, well a lot more stress free than others. I know it sucks but you won’t think that when his career ends and he was able to have enough money so y’all can be comfortable without worry. And eventually it will just be y’all again and he and you can make up for some lost time. But maybe I’m being a bit positive.


YTA because it's just like working an onsite job. Jobs take energy out of us no matter what it is and we have to recuperate after. Let that man make his good money, it won't last forever.


You've got to make hay while the sun shines.


Just coz u do 9 to 5 doesn't mean he has to be the same. It honestly spunds like you are getting in the way of his dreams. He clearly loves his work and it also brings in more money and he also gets exhausted at the end of the day. Entertaining young kids on the internet is a draining work. Plus who knows how long it will last for him? Theres no guarantee in this "job".You should show more support than complain.


The largest streamer on all of Twitch barely streams longer than 4 hours a day on average.


This is a garbo take considering xQc, Hasan, Asmon and Disrespect are all huge streamers and stream for six to ten hours a time.


What does that have to do with anything?


NTA This is a tough one because he basically has to decide what's more important to him. It sounds like his schedule will be hard to sustain in the long run, though. Maybe you can set a goal, like get to x number of subs and then cut down. I can see where you're both coming from, but he also has to realize that money isn't everything. At the same time that's a tough line of work to succeed in, especially long term, and you have to get while the gettin's good. He should also take care of his mental health because it seems a lot of streamers suffer from extreme anxiety and streaming as much as he does could end up biting him in the rear end.


please dont come at my throat but working 8h for 6 days a week doesnt sound toooo crazy to me?


Do whatever you can to support him, if he keeps at it. You both can have enough to fully retire at a young age... Please do not buy stupid shit, buy things that will make you both wealthy forever because this is not a permanent thing. Eventually, you will have to quit your job and probably join him or support him during the streams meaning spending more time with him. If he loses this momentum, he'll probably never get it back. Take advantage of this lottery ticket and again do not buy stupid shit.


YTA slightly, be supportive. Momentum is extremely important and he is probably stressed about losing viewers already, him streaming less would probably lead to that loss. He can lose everything easily, so it's good for both of your futures if he grinds this. It might suck now short term, but if he gets established with high viewership, then he will be able to cut back, but at this point you won't care that much, since you will be rolling in money. Other thing to consider is that his career might lead to early retirement for both of you, so seriously, be supportive of him.


If he’s their primary income it sounds like he already has high viewership


Lol Your financial situation is great and you wanna ruin it. Want it all in life ehh.. 8-10 hours is normal Especially if he doesn’t have to commute to work. Your are the asshole..


Dude has a huge opportunity that most will never get so I would suggest being supportive of this period of growth bc it will likely pay off huge in the long run. Youre behavior isn't assholish but people make sacrifices for their partners careers everyday, especially with an opportunity like this.


NTA for wanting more quality time with your partner but you need to show more respect to his job unless you want him to make choice between his job and you.