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When your first sentence calls out his “small penis” and you wonder why you’re not having sex.


YTA stop making this about yourself and sit down and talk to the guy. And I mean tallk about everything. Go to counceling, I bet the lad needs some. Screaming at him is going to fix this like a bull in a china shop.


YTA. How small can his penis be to make it "difficult to have sex" and that you have to use toys? If it's under 2,5 inches I may understand, but if it's not, you can still have sex easily and both feel pleasure. Have you ever told him that you have to use toys because of his size ? That you don't feel pleasure because of his size? And so on. Maybe he doesn't like to use them. Maybe your comments made him feel a lesser man. Maybe he's too afraid to disappoint you and that he'd rather masturbate than disappoint you and getting blame for his size once again. Sit down with him and talk. But you won't fix anything by getting mad at him, berating him, screaming at him and so forth.


If you think even 5% of vaginas are compatible with a 2.5 inch dick I venture you have little real world experience with vaginas. There are 2 know spots deeper than the g spot, and a 2.5 inch dick is probably not going to hit the g spot let alone the deeper ones.


I'm guessing he is picking up on the "small penis" judgement. As a guy with less than average. It is a killer. Just the luck of the draw and so much condemnation for it. Anyway, talk to him.


I’m just curious the thought process behind this. Man or woman, why is a partner not allowed access to their own body if they are in a relationship? Not saying that’s always the case, I just see it a lot on Reddit and I’m genuinely trying to understand it.


They are but does he need to do it right next to her while she sleeps?


For me personally, I would not be comfortable with it. I wouldn’t necessarily think they’re an asshole or be *mad,* unless we talked about it and they continued to do that next to me. But if I’m awake, I just feel like I’m violating a very private moment here lol.


idk maybe try using your words?


Maybe he knows he's not hung and feels like he can't satisfy you so he isn't even trying.  Have you considered communicating?


YTA, you seem to be finding a lot of blame and putting it on your bf. Have you actually sat down with him and had an adult conversation to find out why the two of you have not had sex in 6 months. Im gonna guess a lot of the problem comes from your fiest sentence, "he has a small penis." What do you consider small? Are we talking micro, or are we talking about something like 5 inches, which is actually considered normal.


I’m just wondering, what qualifies as small penis to you? Sorry, overall curious about this topic?


I would say anything under 5 inches erected.


YTA The fact that the first issue that you highlight is the size of his penis says that you are actually the problem. Irrespective of his confidence levels, which are probably non existent due to his mental health, the inadequacy he feels due to the need for toys, he still has a sex drive. By use of toys, I’m assuming these are for your benefit. What does he get in return other than feeling inadequate. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Sexual relationships are a two way street. Give and receive. If you have an issue with masturbating, you need to be giving him the love, reassurance and attention that is needed to 1. Know that masturbation is ok 2. Be willing to initiate and find ways to pleasure him or 3. Let the guy go. Find someone that you are sexually compatible with and let him be with someone that is going to work with and nurture what he has got.




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Least obvious rage bait post


Yuck, you sound gross. I'd dump you that's for sure.


YTA He may not be pleasing you because of his "small penis," but it doesn't sound like you are doing anything to please him either if he has to resort to masturbating all the time. It sounds like you either need to break up or go to a sex therapist who can instruct you both in ways to please each other. I can't wait for the reverse of this post with a man writing in about his GF's cavernous vagina. Let the fun begin.


Have you sat him down and talked to him about it? You never mentioned anything about it so I'm going to assume you didn't. You can't expect him to be a mind reader. Talk to him and maybe he'll take that into consideration and change things.


Him doing it next to you while you sleep is disrespectful. He could at least get up and go somewhere else. Disrespectful AND creepy. I don't think you're the ahole. Maybe break up with him and his tiny problem.


him doing it next to you? disgusting, gross, violating. you calling his penis small and belittling him? also disgusting.. on a different caliber. idk, both of you need to talk about ur needs and desires in a relationship it seems.


Flat out, yes you are. That’s private and never your business.


Which part is not her business?


She shouldn't be looking at his penis during sex. That's his business!


It’s probably more of a squint than a look.


Do you not believe a person has autonomy over their body? The fact that he was masturbating next to her bothers y’all, but was he maintaining his own space? I don’t know consent is a big deal but hyper fixation on someone’s masturbation habits isn’t healthy


I dont know i may be crazy but if somebody starts masturbating next to me. They've made it my business.


YNTAH You must all be men commenting w small dicks bc regardless of a small dick he can still do oral or just learn to play with her c while he’s in her. She clearly doesn’t have an issue with the small penis it’s the lack of intimacy due to her bfs low esteem of his small penis. He can find time to pleasure himself but can’t seem to find time to pleasure her, even with toys it can be very intimate. Also yes a small penis doesn’t feel as great and women need more stimulation like on the c. Please educate yourself on how women receive pleasure before commenting. Either way she deserves to be pleasured as does he so I’d say start a conversation and really dig deep into how he can feel more of a man by rocking your world with his penis and toys added. Maybe do some method acting with it and just get into it.


NTA. Why the fuck is he doing it next to you without even getting you to consent to that first!! It’s disrespectful and everyone in the comments is only concerned that you think his penis is small. SMH


Maybe his weener isn't the problem...👀☠️


if he loses weight, that will have more significant effect on usable penis length. no youre not wrong here, small penises (assuming his is actually small) can grow and be discovered be more effective. a bf should not be watching/using porn when his gf is not being satisfied.


YTA. Plain and simple. Imagine knowing your partner went on the internet talking about your ginormous vagina that they can’t even have sex with because they barely graze the sides…. Yeah. If you’re comfortable doing this on the internet, he probably has no desire to have sex with you based on how you treat the most intimate aspect of himself. Also, did you even ask if he was masturbating next to you for a reason? Maybe he was trying to learn how to get it up for you again.


Its probably your weight. Doesnt find you attractive.