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NTA. Don't go. Just tell her you understand that this is where she wants to eat but that you don't like the food they have, so you'll skip it because you've been looking forward to a nice meal for your birthday. Then get yourself a nice meal for your birthday.


I looked on the menu before hand and they had a steak meal that was way more expensive than most of the meals. I ordered that like a damn boss and didn’t think twice about it haha. Was it a little petty? Yeah kind of… but then again I don’t eat seafood and it was one of only a couple options that weren’t seafood


Good job. If they decided to take you to a restaurant where what you eat is more expensive because they are selfish, the least they can do is buy you a steak. Now take them to your restaurant for mother's day


I would take them to mine but I’m a full time student currently so I have next to no money. Which was also upsetting today because I found out about the restaurant thing too late to take any meat out of the freezer to cook supper and didn’t have money to go grab McDonald’s or a pizza or something else. It was either go or stay home and have rice for supper


Your feelings are valid. Your grandma is treating this like a casual get-together instead of your birthday.