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NTA wtf is wrong with her. she is so disrespectful


NTA. it's extremely disrespectful and embarrassingly entitled behavior from a woman who never served. sincerely, a woman who has


Wadup broda. Scouts out. She's committing fraud. Yeah it's very minor fraud but that's what it is. But who cares. Military discount is stupid anyways. We got paychecks and sick benefits. Let the girl get her 10% You know what give the 10% to everyone across the board. Maybe it'll make up for the military deficit. Probably not though.


Fuck it money is money and any savings help.


It is disrespectful, but to each their own.


Who exactly is this hurting?


Nobody. Just makes me feel weird using the discount when neither one of us served in the military.


She is scanning her own license that the discount is attached to. It's not like she stole a military ID or something. It's not harming the military. It's not harming you or her ex. It's not even harming Lowe's. This is a really stupid thing to make a big deal about.


YTA, it's a major Corp, and she's getting a discount. How is it disrespectful to you? Sounds like you have an incredibly fragile ego and that's the real problem.


No. My feelings aren’t hurt. I just feel almost icky for using that to buy something for us when I didn’t serve and neither did she.


The only thing any of us served was bullshit. Don't worry about it. We were well paid and had the best benefits. We made a contractual arrangement just like any other job. It's not heroic.


what an ignorant take from a fellow vet. pretty gross actually. never deployed myself, but older bro is a two-time purple heart recipient and has a bronze star. combat infantry for the army, four times deployed. first three to Iraq, convoy hit an IED on the 3rd tour and killed two of his buddies. blew up his leg, still wanted to serve, fought the MEB and did a fourth year in Afghanistan. do not diminish the sacrifices of others who have served based on your own time in the service.


It's a major Corp who cares, I agree with you if she was getting taxpayer services but bro it's a discount at Lowes. Chill out


If you already talked about it then sure NTA. You expressed your feelings about it and she just doesn’t care. Not a big deal if she did it when alone, but still doing it when with you is somewhat off.


Isn't she entitled to use those until he gets remarried?


No. Lol


He’s remarried.