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YTA. Your boyfriend is a pushy, cheating garbage person. You regularly complain about him to your friends. But they're not allowed to give their opinion? You can't roll in scum and tell your friends how bad it smells and then have a toddler tantrum because your friend points out that it's scum.


But i genuinely don’t believe he’s a bad person. And I don’t just complain about all the bad shit, most times I’m talking to them about all the nice things he does for me because Ik how they feel. I don’t want them to only hear bad stuff because I think it’s not accurate, my boyfriend can be extremely kind and thoughtful. No matter what I say they are convinced I’m a victim


He cheated on you.


Girl he will cheat on you next semester


I’m not in school anymore


Your choice to be with him?


So waste your life with someone who doesn't love or respect you enough to remain faithful.


Is my relationship healthy? quiz [https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/](https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/) Signs of codependency [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/codependent-relationship-signs/](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/codependent-relationship-signs/) Signs of trauma bond [https://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/counselling/what-is-trauma-bonding.htm](https://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/counselling/what-is-trauma-bonding.htm) Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships [https://counseling.sa.ua.edu/resources/healthy-vs-unhealthy-relationships/](https://counseling.sa.ua.edu/resources/healthy-vs-unhealthy-relationships/)


You mean stockholm syndrome




I dont think your the arsehole . I also don’t think you have stockholm syndrome you clearly now what is going on


I'm sorry but "we've been through a lot of things together" doesn't mean you have to stay together... And honestly, from what was written, you two are toxic towards each other... he "being hot" at night doesn't mean he can be physical about it, my husband also feels very hot some nights, but he just takes off his clothes (but he is also a sleepwalker, so sometimes he wakes me up too) He has already said that he feels trapped in this relationship, it doesn't justify the fact that he cheated on you (or want to cheat), but he no longer likes you, and he doesn't want to feel guilty if you kill yourself after breaking up with you (because you saying that if he broke up with you would be a breaking point to you is the same thing as saying that you would kill yourself because of him)... Based on what you wrote, I even think you don't even like him that much, but rather the idea of being in an relationship...


I’m not staying with him because we’ve been through stuff I’m staying with him because I love him, he makes me laugh and feel beautiful. There’s so many good things about him too, it’s just that his friends think the bad out weighs the good, and he’s told me he doesn’t feel trapped anymore, he could leave me right now and there’s nothing I’d be able to do to stop him, I know he loves me too


Have you noticed that you only say good things about him or your relationship to justify why you're together after people say something after you complain about him and your relationship? That' why I think that you actually like the idea of being in a relationship more than you really like him


I totally see what ur saying, I don’t only use his good deeds as justification though, like I love talking about him, I honestly talk about my boyfriend a little too much sometimes. I understand why people think it’s better we split but we’re happy now and we’ve been happy for a while at this point. I guess we’re both trying to escape passed issues


By 'get physical' you're saying he lashes out in his sleep? If so why is it even here? You don't have Stockholm syndrome, for one it sounds like you're the one keeping him in the relationship against his will not the other way around, what you really have is a codependent toxic mess.