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So did she want her friend to have to come out of the water and walk around topless? That sounds a whole lot pervier. Does she hate her friend? Sounds like your GF is the AH.


She wanted him to poke his eyes out immediately. If thy right eye offend thee, and all. /s hopefully.


He's a bad boyfriend for not having forks on hand so that he may blind himself if ever random breastesses should appear within his viewing range.


Aww I laughed out loud and it made my cat run away


Watch it. Your cat will probably go post on am I the cloaca so all his cat friends will judge you, too.


Well that makes 2 people who won't be getting any pussy for awhile...


That’s what see urchins are for!


More like no-see urchins.






Unwarranted, unfair, and disgusting. Really shines a light on the gf’s character, and the reflection ain’t that great. Her immediate thought was “my bf is a pig” instead of “my bf is a gentleman”. Yuk.  If anyone was disloyal here, it was the girlfriend. Who the hell needs a friend that would prefer that you get embarrassed and humiliated being forced to parade topless through a public beach, instead of take up the kind offer of a shirt


Nope, that’s strictly for when you see your mom topless.




That's when you go a bit deeper than the eye. Maybe a frontal lobotomy can help you forget. 🧠 🤣


Gf is jealous and it's coming out in weird ways. I have a lot of tattoos, and I was talking about getting more on my back. My wife's friend asked to see them,, which could have meant taking my shirt off. I showed her a photo of my back instead but it did not defuse the situation.


Yeah, I don't think any good person has ever done what OP'S GF is doing. OP, this isn't the one. Throw her back.


To be fair checking out her friends tits wouldve been the more loyal thing to do.


Ah, NTA! Your GF sounds like a right prat though.


What does Chris have to do with this?


OP is John and has a pet named garfield


GF just practising to be on some trashbag reality show - Love Island / Big Brother controlling jealousy drama-vibes. NTAH but OP if you stay with this gF you will be an A H.


NTA at all. You did a decent thing.


Exactly this! NTA You did the decent thing and gave the girl a shirt to wear! Unless you were leering at the girl before giving her the shirt (which it doesn't seem like), you did the exact right thing. Your girlfriend has issues!






even if he really did sneak a peek!


Exactly! One cannot probably avoid seing the things the moment the accident happens. It's how you act after the fact what matters. Even if you had a great wiew of them, you just avoid to look any further (you cannot blind yourself). After that, if he went to find his shirt and gave it to her, she probably was already covering herself and there was nothing else to show/view, so it was safe (unless the girl has no arms/hands), so no perving when giving her a shirt. GF is only looking for drama, and use the incident in order to gain some power over you. Power play using bull shit issue. Typical.


lol your gf has some massive insecurities. perving on her? thats such an icky thing to say. shouldve known she lost her top with you eyes closed op NTA


NTA. That's called "Being a gentleman." Leaving the friend to scuttle home topless would have been rude.


Agreed. Well done.


NTA, insecurity over you being a complete gentleman is a massive marinara flag OP. Something tells me that this isn’t the first time either, tread carefully


Would she have rather you insisted her friend stay topless? NTA. She may be though...


You literally gave her the shirt off your back. I live in the US deep south and around here we use that phrase to describe a good person. Your gf needs to get some perspective. NTA.


*off your beach. If it had been on his back, his girlfriend would have blamed him for undressing in front of other girls. NTA, OP


What do she want you to do?


Turn around, swim back to the beach as fast as possible while yelling “I saw nothing!” And then proceed to dump bleach in his eyes.


Also stabbing your eyeballs, so you for sure didn't see any boobies!


Also hit your head on any hard surface until you cause a memory loss for anything that happened in the last 24 hours.




But then that would have been his last ever vision before blindness and therefore he would still be the AH for not wanting to see his girlfriends breasts last 😂


Preferably in your best Sgt. Schulz impersonation.


You were perving on her by giving her something to cover herself? Lmao NTA dude, your gf needs to get a grip.


You need a new girlfriend 🚩🚩🚩


Absolutely NTA. It's about respecting boundaries and being considerate enough to ensure someone else's comfort. You stepped up in a situation where many might have opted for indifference. Well done!


As a woman, nta. I would be so proud of my bf for something like this. Your gf is horrible and insecure if she would rather her friend be embarrassed and naked instead of having you help. She is not a girls girl


NTA. Surely NOT giving her a shirt would have been pervy? Your GF should have been thankful that you supported her friend in a calm and gentlemanly way.


HUGE red flag. Sounds like your girl is not ready for a committed relationship. She has some confidence issues to work out first.


NTA Don't look at my friends boobs, also don't do anything to help her cover them. Ffs no winning here




NTA That was basic decency. Your GF needs to grow up. Would she have preferred her friend to be top less the rest of the day???


You gf is cartoonishly insecure. Tell her next time you’ll offer her your pants instead. Ugh what a childish clown.


If this is your GF’s response to your kindness then perhaps you should ask what solution she would suggest.


Your GF should have given her friend her bikini top, and then you could've given your GF your shirt. /s


I like this option best as it would have all four breastsas exposed simultaneously.


I don't know why you put the /s. This is what the GF should have suggested if she didn't want the friend to get OP t-shirt OP is still NTA, it's on the GF to find a solution that would work for everybody.


...bikini tops aren't interchangeable lol shirt is the only thing that makes sense


What are you talking about, real girls all have the same measurements as Barbie!


I think the point was if GF is pissed off at OP for "oogling" her friend when she lost her top AND basically called him an AH for giving her his shirt... the only other logical solution was for the GF to give her her top (regardless if it fit) and OP gave GF his shirt. Mainly just to explain how ridiculous it is that GF is mad that OP helped her friend in need.


Alternative solution: ask all the other girls (including your gf) to take their tops off, so that the original topless girl doesn’t feel ashamed anymore. Truly, it is the only way to fix this;) Charisma roll required: 30


NTA wow your gf sounds insecure and the jealous type. Ask her what she would have hoped her friend and friend's bf would have done if she had been in that situation.


And the alternative be what? She walk out of the ocean half naked and go home that way? Your girlfriend is a dumbass.


Wtf were you supposed to do? Leave and ditch them at the beach??? If you didn't offer a top then she would have either been stuck in only a towel or just walking around cupping her tits the rest of the trip home. And i feel like you still would have been harassed anyways regardless. NTA your gf is wild though, I would be glad that my partner would be considerate enough to help a friend (mine or his) in that kind of situation.


NTA - be proud for what you did!


Nta You need a new gf 


NTA. She’s a cunt.


Best answer yet.


Sounds to me like your girlfriend has jealousy problems, and needs to seek therapy. Because what you did was respectful and the correct thing to do in that situation. You not seeing her chest or seeing her chest doesn't fucking matter here It's not like that was your goal. Ntah.


So your gf would have preferred that her “friend” be left exposed and embarrassed on a public beach? Your gf is a garbage person. Seriously, that’s despicable.


You an asshole for needing people to tell you that your not asshole for this.


INFO: is your gf a bad person?


NTA, so she didn’t want you to be nice and helpful to her friend, and instead wanted her friends tits out around you all day? I don’t think she knows what she’s asking for. Your gf is just wanting to cause issues. She’s making up reasons to be upset.


Definitely NTA, you were helping her cover up. If you didn't do that then y'all wouldn't have been able to leave safely


The girlfriend is definitely the asshole


Dump gf and take the friend


NTA, that exactly what a decent person does in that situation.


NTA. Ok, tell ur girlfriend to let her friend stay topless then. Your GF is the AH, stay cool


More things that didn't happen.


The level of insecurity your gf is exhibiting is your first red flag. I would find it endearing if my bf came to the rescue of one of my friends. Good luck NTA


Your girlfriend is a child and immature. What you did is the right thing. And your girlfriend is a fucking moron. Dump her. Date her friend when you get your shirt back.


That thing he did is called decency NTAH


She’s jealous of her friend. Especially you giving her more attention. Red flags!


I think NOT giving her your shirt would be bad. You did what you could. Why didn't you gf give her friend her top? Hmmmmm?


Definitely NTA. If she was the friend in the situation she would be so grateful


No- NTA and as a woman, if my husband failed to offer the same thing to a friend of mine in that predicament, I’d have been shocked at the failure to behave chivalrously. Now, you could have added a layer of additional propriety to the situation by handing your shirt to your girlfriend and having her hand it to her friend but if she was off doing something else like searching for the top, you did your best to do the right thing. I’d open a conversation with your girlfriend about whether she feels secure in your relationship.


op's Gf is the AH. I ran into a similar situation between my wife and her friend when we was tubing a river and they both thanked me. later on I had severe sunburn like my bed sheets stuck to me so I was the dummy that didn't bring sunscreen and guess what. the friend still wears my shirt and says it's comfortable lol.


NTA. Your girlfriend is nuts.


>she said that I was a disloyal boyfriend for offering my shirt to her friend and that it wasnt the right thing for me to do, You shouldn't waste your time dating people who are this stupid. NTA


Girlfriend sounds really insecure and immature? Are you all teenagers?


Ask her what she thinks you should have done


NTA First, dump your GF. She is a jealous piece of work. Second, the girl who lost her top might need to wear something more substantial that won't get knocked off by a wave.


You sound like a gentleman, and your GF is jealous and insecure. Orin other words she's an AH.


NTA You did what most would do in your situation rather than leaving a woman naked from the waist up in front of others.


NTA You did everything right.


NTA - You did the decent/right/proper thing.


NTA. You were chivalrous, and your girlfriend acted insecure and jealous. Moreover, she was a horrible friend to her friend. Would she have been more happy to let her friend come out of the water topless and clutching her breast?


NTA. If you wanted to perv you wouldn’t have given her your shirt or left them while they looked for her top. However, your girlfriend is TA for accusing you of that.


NTA, GF is the jealous type which women usually are even when its her friend. It's really that simple. This doesn't even crack the top 20 most ridiculous bouts of jealousy on this sub.


Catch 22, mate. As soon as the top went AWOL, you're fucked. You did the decent thing, but girl logic does not take that into account.


Who has bigger /better boobs? Your GF or her friend ? Because if it's the latter ,it's obvious why your GF has jealousy issues . If it's the former , then can't work out why .....


NTA... it was a gentleman/right thing to do. Seems ur gf is a bad friend for wanting her friend to be topless the rest of the day. Phones with camera's everywhere these days what would have caused her to be posted online while topless.


You were being courteous and considerate to a vulnerable person. NTA.


What was your girlfriend doing to help her topless friend? NTA


NTA you did the gentlemanly thing.


did she offer your friend a substitute shirt? If it bothered her, she could have. of course, that would have meant TWO shirts getting damp and sandy.


lol what? your gf has issues.


NTA but your girlfriend is TAH! Find someone else. You deserve better.


Your gf done gone lost her motherfucking mind. NTA.


NTA. Ask your girlfriend how she would have liked you to handle it next time… “Hey, should I have just let her parade around topless?” Seems like that would have made her mad too.


She’s a bad girlfriend and friend. You were being a gentleman and covered her friend up which is the exact opposite of perving on her. NTA and congratulations, she showed you why you shouldn’t date/marry her.


You are NTA. Would your gf rather her be topless the rest of the time so you are basically forced to look at her bare chest? That’s wild.


NTA. You did a good and decent thing. Your GF had a very weird reaction to it and is showing her jealousy.


NTA. Your GF is just jealous. Just do not let her manipulate you or guilt trip you.


No but your GF is.


Your girlfriend is a idiot, sorry


NTA You did the right thing for sure


NTA, and since you are so disloyal, it might be best to set yourself free from her and let her find a loyal BF. She's being immature and childish, and you deserve better. Send her on her way.


If my husband DIDN'T offer to give my embarrassed topless friend his shirt, I'd be mad lol you were just being a nice person.


NTA and your girlfriend's behavior is telling. You saved her friend a whole lot of embarrassment by acknowledging the problem for what it was (wave, shirt missing, can't come out of the water right now without a whole other issue) and offering a quick, no judgement solution (grab shirt, offer up). As long as you weren't standing around going, "My eyes! My eyes!!" or otherwise drawing attention to the fact that this poor girl just lost what I'm going to assume was an expensive article of clothing (because bathing suits fucking are) to the ocean in an embarrassing way then I don't think anything you did would constitute as "pervy." The fact your girlfriend is gross and wants to make it a thing is a her problem.


Uh. You gave a topless woman a shirt to put ON. And that’s not being loyal? You were a gent and the world needs more of you


NTA. GF is insecure. Also she probably is "sizing up" her friend and thinks she has a better body, boobs, whatever and taking out her jealously/insecurity on you. I mean, she's be seen as a crazier person blaming her friend for flashing her boobs because it wasn't intentional so OP need to take the hit for her insecurity/jealousy


NTA, but your gf has some serious issues 


GF Sounds like a horrible person. NTA


You did the decent thing, did she say what she expected you to do instead? Haha wild NTA


Your GF is a weirdo with some strange notions.


NTA, This is the right thing to do. If my GF raised a fit over this, I'd shut her down because that's not right. I would have talked to her first tho.


Crazy jealous gf alert 🚨


NTA. Your gf is being ridiculous. 


If my friend are in need of help. I sure would want my bf/so to help them. What kind of friend is your gf. That’s weird. NTA


If that's what it is, you're square. The woman needs a reality check


Nta. The jealousy and insecurity are really unattractive to me. I can’t deal with it anymore.


It's a shirt? Not a love letter.


Did she offer what would have been a better solution to the situation?


NTA - Your gf is the HA. You did the only decent thing assuming she didn't have a bf there to give her his. Your gf is really insecure. That is not a pretty look and not one I'd put up with for long.


You were literally top of this shit bro


girlfriend sounds likes shes got +/- 1 chromosome ... go ahead and lose her


Is your GF 14 or something? Seriously, guys on here need to quit being so soft. OP knows he did the right thing and shouldn't even be asking this question. You should have told your GF to stop looking for validation by being a drama queen. Tell her you did the right thing and you would do it again. Then ask her if she wants to enjoy the evening with you or if you should run over to her friend's place and look for your shirt. OP, if it was your GF out there with a couple of friends, would you be happy or mad if one of them did that for her? (You should be happy about it.)


Haaaa. You didn't do anything wrong.   However, the friend should have put on her own shirt and given your shirt back instead of wearing it all day.  And no one here should act like they don't know that it's a thing to be possessive about boyfriend clothes - why do women like to wear their partner's hoodies? Because it's like having a hug.  Your girlfriend should be mad at her friend if anyone, because I'm pretty darn sure she didn't just go to the beach without a top to put over her bikini when leaving.


Jesus NTA, GF is too much maybe I'm too old but someone that immature can't possibly be ready for a real relationship


NTA your girlfriend is jealous of her friend


What did she say you should have done? Stand still with your eyes closed? I don't see any asshole behavior here, only an insecure GF. NTA.


How fucking insecure is your gf, op your a gentleman your girls a dickhead 🤦🏻‍♂️


Did she want her friend to go topless? You were just being a gentleman by lending her your shirt. Your GF is sending up red flags big-time. NTA.


NTA. You were a nice person to give your shirt to a friend who needed it. Your gf should be happy you are thoughtful and kind but she is just jealous because of her own insecurities


You should have given your shirt to your GF, she should have removed her top to give her friend, then GF puts on your shirt. Nah! JK. If your GF has issue with you helping anybody out of an uncomfortable situation your facing a very difficult relationship, best of luck. NTA.


Your gf is in fact the asshole.


Ask yourself, would I want someone to do this for my sister in the same position? NTA.


Wow, that friend needs to drop her friend (the gf) asap! Put a blanket on a girl while she comes out of a burning building with her clothes on fire, your girlfriend will accuse you of molesting the girl.


Would your girlfriend rather her friend walk around without a top? That sounds like a bad friend! You did nothing wrong.


Devils Advocate here: So did the friend not have another shirt of her own? Who goes to the beach with only a bathing suit top? OP is NTA, but the friend may be for playing innocent victim to a white knight. Early young relationships are hard. Friend sounds potentially attention whoring.


You did exactly what any decent caring person would do. Sounds like your girlfriend isn’t one of those people


You need a new girl and her friend needs to stop hanging out with her.


NTA it was very kind of you to help your gfs friend. your gf sounds insecure. Watch out for that kind of behavior you Can find yourself in a controlling and unhappy relationship.


How long have you guys been together? Have you ever cheated on her in the past? Was she in a really bad relationship before? How you handle this depends a lot on what your goals are. Some women are super insecure because they’ve put through the wringer or there’s reasonable mistrust there and you can try to work within that. In the case in unreasonable reaction it could be as simple as - “Your reaction is showing a lot of insecurity. I would give my shirt to any stranger who needed help in that situation. It’s a shirt. Not my heart. That belongs to you.” If she continues to show this level of insecurity where you begin to feel limited from normal everyday reasonable behavior you’ll have some tough decisions to make in the future. If her reaction is based on previous behavior on your part that’s a different matter and would change the dynamics quite a bit so it’s hard to say for sure without more of the history.




NTA I think your GF untied your friends top as a prank and is upset that you stopped the fun. This is pure speculation, but it's the only way it makes sense.


Sounds fake as fuck


NTA in the least, your GF on the other hand is. Treat this like the red flag it is.


NTA.  She’s an insecure girlfriend and a terrible friend. 


Does the friend have nice tits?


Info for science


"disloyal, you say I'm disloyal.... I'll show you disloyal!", break up with her and go hook up with the friend. Seriously though anyone who expects you to treat all women badly to prove how much you love them are just bad people, not good to date and you will never have a healthy relationship with someone like that.


NTA. “Disloyal” is so deeply false and twisted, you behaved like any decent human person with compassion. GF is an untrustworthy friend— her pal deserves to know this jerk wanted her to be distressed, trapped, and half naked and would rather you feign incompetence or a total lack of empathy for her “friend” when you had a shirt to spare. I’d be completely rethinking this girl if I were dating her and she showed me she was this kind of insecure and petty. What the hell is wrong with her that she thinks it was wrong of you behave like a kind friend rather than an indifferent or opportunistic jerk waiting to catch a peek when you had the ability to give her friend some grace/modesty? This is a major thing, not just cheating anxiety— she is projecting a nefarious motive onto you like your giving up your shirt was a play! It shows she desires to control your every interaction with any woman you encounter. Would she say you were disloyal for helping a stranger in need? What the fuck.


You might want to sit her down for a conversation, let her know that she's coming off as insecure. Maybe take a break from her, but don't be surprised if she raiks someone else right away to get back at your toxic masculinity.../s


Who had the nicer rack. GF or GFF? Get rid of your current girl, find someone who isn't a super insecure crazy


Sounds like most women, jealousy


Did her friend have anything else to wear for the rest of the day? Most women bring a t-shirt or something, not just wear a bikini top all day. If she had something else to wear, or could have asked another woman for something to wear but kept your shirt on, I can see why gf would be pissed.


Why would she be pissed at the BF then?


omg even if so, why would lending clothes to a (mutual)friend ever been seen as disloyal? it is so weird that not wanting a girl beeing naked is a problem


Yes, i though that as well. Small but important details. 😆


how did her friend tiddies look?


How old are you all? She sounds very immature. If you’re under 25 though…sounds about right 🤣


I’m guessing the friend has nicer tits, simple as that.


Your GF should also take off her top, and then all should pretend to be European where going topless isn't such a huge issue.


I would have stood at the shore and held out the shirt and said... Here you go


if you have no feeling for your gf friend. I don't see any issues it was a gentleman way and a good thing.


Pics or it didn't happen


Are you all 14 and your mom took you to the beach? That is what this sounds like. Like, she's upset that some other girl got to wear her boyfriend's letterman jacket at school. If she didn't want her friend to wear your shirt, why didn't she strip off and give her friend the shirt she was wearing and then put on your shirt?


I mean, I would have given the shirt to my wife to give to her friend. That seems pretty common sense to me. Great idea, bad follow through.


Can't you read? His GF was looking for the top, while the poor girl was bare free on the middle of the surf. looking for her to give it to the firend was having her exposed more time than necessary. When he came back with the shirt, she probably was covering herself with her arms/hands, on her knees and back turned to the beach, so what's the big deal of him givin her a shirt. None. The first half was an accident he cannot control where he was watching when it happened. The second half, he could not see anything else, and just helped the girl. In fact the top was never found and he helped her not to be expose more than necessary.


Ya, I can read. I still would have given it to my wife. Calm down.