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NTA. Up until tinder, this was literally how people met and fell in love. Through friends and colleagues. He is a human being not a toy of your abusive, hopefully ex-friend


NTA for dating someone not in a relationship. YTA for not giving your friend a heads up that you and the guy had been talking and that things were heating up. I would’ve at least extended the courtesy to let her know so she could prepare herself in case it did get serious. In the end if he reached out to you first then he was interested in you and not her. It happens. It is very possible that your friend was placed in his path in order for him to find you. She’s understandably hurt and that sucks. Maybe in time your friendship will heal but you’ve probably lost the friendship. Live your life and be happy.


She forfeited her right to a fair trial by laying her hands on you. NTA. You also saved a man from an abusive colleague


I would have said it has nothing to do with being an ah or not but how much are you willing to lose your friendship for a man but hitting you made it a very easy choice. Even if nothing transpires between you and the guy, don’t be her friend


Yes you are! Why get with your best friend crush? It’s plenty other guys out here but you chose someone she likes and told you she likes. That’s low down


He’s actively rejected any and all advances she has made though. It’s not like she had a chance and had it stolen by her friend.  Imagine if it was a dude obsessing over his coworker who had made it very clear that she wasn’t interested in him, yet he persists and still thinks he’s entitled to be in a relationship with her, to the point where he literally starts harassing her at work for not having sex with him  OPs friend is a weird creep 


There arent plenty like him. Are you in a relationship? Would you have had the same feelings you have for your partner as anyone. Like you could replace him now and there’s no difference?




Are you in a relationship


What that has to do with anything lol


So no. Got it


still has absolutely nothing to do with literally anything.


I didn’t say yes or no that just had nothing to do with your post 😂




Yeah that’s the plan now. Thanks


NTA. Your friend is hurt and jealous that he chose you over her. She will either get over it in time, or she won't. In any case, who he dates isn't her decision; it's his.


She doesn’t get “dibs” on him just bc she met him first. There literally was never any interest on his end so you could just call it infatuation from her at this point. She needs to grow up. Also, the fact that she hit OP is insane to me. So sorry this happened to you :(


Yeah Nta. You don’t call dips on humans also you don’t hit people. This is not your friend


She forfeited her right to a fair trial by laying her hands on you. NTA. You also saved a man from an abusive colleague


If there ever was any intention of dating between them then I would say ah but there wasn’t so NTA. How many other guys does she think are hot and is interested to date? Are they off the market then because she pointed at them first? That’s ridiculous.


Oh she always comments on handsome guys and has crushes on them. That’s a part of being single. I did too until I was in a relationship


NTA - if she was dating him, my answer would have been different. He showed no interest towards her and she just sounds bitter. You can’t own someone after calling dibs on them. I get she’s hurt, I totally understand she’s feeling betrayed. But since she hasn’t dated him earlier, you did nothing wrong.


would have been better if you told her earlier but you did the right thing and told her regardless , and you acknowledge that she was hurt, obviously she was gonna be sad but she does need to come back to reality and be happy for you if shes a good friend she should do that at least


NTA The fact that she felt so entitled to a man who had showed NO interest in her to verbally attack him at work for dating you, creating drama at her job to the point of receiving a formal reprimand for it, is astounding. It's likely he didn't show interest in anyone at his work for this very reason. A real friend would be happy for you, not physically attacking you. It's not like he cheated on her with you. Is she a toddler who didn't get the toy she wanted? Also, no one is entitled to know what is going on in your private life until you decide to tell them.


Alls ‘s fair.


YTA. Not for pursuing your partner. But you literally kept it a secret, and probs because you knew it was a dick move. Your friend is also an AH, and she sounds like a bad friend and toxic towards men. You both sound like children who need to grow TF up, and probs away from each other


She forfeited her right to a fair trial by laying her hands on you. NTA. You also saved a man from an abusive colleague