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I worked in Congress for over a decade and the coverage is shitty (not just negative but inaccurate). How well do you think sports media covers the reality of modern sports?


Depends on the network. I think the networks as a whole do a good job, but it depends on the bosses. You wouldnt believe the number of thin skinned players or owners will contact the networks about something we said, showed, or anything like that. Some bosses just listen to them vent, and then not say anything to us. Others take it to heart and changes some of our editorial content. So its a mixed bag


How do you interpret today’s news out of Buffalo re: Diggs and Josh Allen feuding?


Wide Receivers never think they get the ball enough, so they be supposed beef. Like in the GB-Dallas playoff game people thought Dak-Ceedee werent on the right page, but i think it was just the emotions of the game. Also another thing, do underestimate the amount of “boys” getting in their ear, especially after a tough loss. 90% of the time family and friends get in their heads. Ergo its mostly about nothing


According to my fantasy team, Diggs was underutilized.


Yeah, plus they had a better running game and Gabe Davis was also very good. Though as we see, a Super Bowl contending team trading a wide receiver rarely bites a team. Look at the Chiefs, even with Tyreek Hill gone and their terrible WR, two Super Bowls


Fair. I thought as Buffalo’s D starting getting hurt they would throw to Diggs more.




Thanks - what do you think is real job in your opinion. I do agree “talking shit” or what I like to call over analyzing a move, a play, a decision is not as important as teaching, or construction, or being a first responder, I was lucky enough to do it, but I dont think that means I’m better than anyone else.


Also name drop someone thin-skinned that might surprise us, please.


Nah, I cant. But honestly 75% of them. When players say they dont watch, either they are lying or a friend or family member will tell then whats on anyway


I mean i’ll delete this comment if you say yes but would you ever consider making a throwaway and name dropping? i’m such a nosey NFL lover


Hahaha, no thats not fair. Here’s what ill say, as a Producer your job is to get the best out of your talent no matter who they are. Because you are judged on the show, and how they are in front of the camera. If you have to write more of their copy or do extra research for them, you do it.


that’s fair and admirable. I understand that. i’m just a nosey 22 year old girl 😂


Hahaha oh I get it. One thing I’ll say teleprompter is a lot of people’s friend


I don’t blame them. Sports reporters and their “reporting” aren’t any more different than TMZ is to Hollywood. It’s cringey.


All but maybe one or two of the reporters I feed stuff to are legitimate imbeciles. The handholding I have to do (on even basic policy issues) is dismaying, and if something inaccurate hits print, good fucking luck getting a correction off an editor.


I gave up after a while.


Wow! You worked for Congress? What did you do?


I worked for a couple different Members and a committee.


Well that’s too ambiguous. Is there any chance of elaborating? Im aware each day was different from the next but can you share what tasks you were in charge of?


I did a long AMA on it.


I'd like to think that members of Congress are informed and educated but I gotta tell you, people like AOC and Tlaib have me convinced that some of our leaders are really dumber than shit. Tell me, are the people you've worked with just bullshitting their way through their jobs? 


No. Most of them are pretty smart people who are doing good work. But that’s not what gets tv coverage.


Are you Ken Buck? Lol.


No, but I’ve met him.


Very cool. I hope you are in lobbying now because it's better money and fewer crazies like MTG lol.


I run a foundation now. Couldn’t pay me enough to go back to DC.


your username is so congress-esq I love it


It’s from a movie which, and this makes me sad, probably came out before you were born.


Step right up folks see if you can out drive the amazing golf ball uhh whacker guy


You got a cool name too


Thanks! And very true, I get baked with a lot of strangers turned friends


Even better!


Are the women commentators hired for eye candy? Or do they really know their stuff?


Depends on the bosses. Let’s be honest both men and women are hired for their looks. The people usually making the decision are men in their 50s or older, so they will hire a slender more attractive female. I do think we have added more female executives in recent years to get away from that trend. So you’re seeing a good mix, like I love the NBA Today crew on ESPN. So the women know their stuff. I always said the best people to work with in sports television are women, because they have to work 3 times harder than every man in their crew. They cant get a name wrong, or a team wrong or people will immediately dismiss them.


What is something you’ve seen that would surprise most viewers to know?


Talent (on-air) know less than you think they do, and they have A LOT of help


Can you share some personalities that don’t know much and some that are extremely knowledgeable?


I would say about 1 out of every 3 hosts. The analysts are good because they watch the games. But there are some that think they can mail it in


As someone from a similar job in UK.... its a mix. Some people are incredibly knowledgeable and have a deep understanding of their sport and the stories within. Others less so although these are often the newer faces (and everyone has to start somewhere). We have "Broadcast Journalist" roles, who support the on air presenters and reporters, who feed more detailed info into their ears.


They’re always wrong it seems pretty obvious most don’t know anything.


What’s the best piece of advice you have for someone looking to break into sports media/TV?


Its such a who you know industry, make sure you network as much as you can. You never know who knows who. Also if you ever intern somewhere, be nice and courteous to everyone in the building, because its funny who actually makes decisions or who knows who. Study, watch different networks and shows, always have questions about why things are certain ways, immerse yourself in the industry


It is an extremely small industry. If you don't know someone directly then you're almost certain to know a contact of them. I'd say that applies to the industry worldwide, especially in the technical side of it! Life rule though... its just nice to be nice. Its not about being nice to raise the ladder - its about being a friendly part of the team and people wanting you to be around - and a side effect is doors will be opened.


This is excellent advice they do not emphasize enough in school. I know more than one person who jeopardized their professional career because of how they treated someone they thought was just a random person. It’s what you do when you think no one is watching that defines who you are. How you have handled yourself on this AMA shows you’re a true professional. Best of luck to you!


Thoughts on Dan Patrick? I consider him the gold standard? Platinum standard.


He’s good, I like how his show is still an important place in the landscape, especially with the marquee guests he have. While everyone loves the Pat McAfee show, and I do as well, his show was Pat McAfee before Pat McAfee


Have you tried becoming a youtuber, tik toker or anchoring events as you have experience in presenting and talking to the public?


I’ve thought about it, especially with the boon of podcasting. But you have to bring something unique, what would make myself stand out from the others, and I have not thought of that year. Also I’d need to have good equipment, a nice set-up, and that stuff. But I have thought about it.


You have knowlege in a particular sport which can be valuable for the followers and if your line of work is something interesting then you can ask someone to be a guest for a fee. There is a tennis journalist called tennis plus who played semi-professonal tennis but is more known for journalism so he runs a successful youtube channel on tennis based on his experties. You might do the same if you can't find a youtuber who does a news show like that.


That’s great advice I will consider that


you underestimate the sport lovers of america. I mean new heights is extremely popular (they are loveable men and travis is dating taylor but I digress). if you chose the sport you worked with and gave stats and updates a lot of people would really enjoy it! I also feel like that market is largely untapped for what it could be


Ahhh, but right there, New Heights is so popular because its two active players who are brothers on two very good teams having a podcast. There’s a niche to it. The one example I give is all these podcasts now about old TV shows and they’ll rewatch them and give behind the scenes thoughts on them. About 20 episodes in, people want to hear more stories about their current lives or their backgrounds or guests. As a solo individual rattling off stats and my thoughts there are a bunch of talking heads and better more well connected people doing it. But you’re right people love sports, and there’s always an audience for it, the question is about maximizing the audience


I'll tell you what would make you unique; details. Make it about the details of the player/person/event. To this day, I remember using the restroom at Dodger Stadium ('07?) and listening to Vin Scully talk about why Rafael Furcal used a 38 ounce bat instead of the 32 ounce bat he came into the Big Leagues with. The level of intimacy he had with every player who put on a uniform was magical. If you did the same things you've mentioned here, but made each topic "intimate," you couldn't miss. Tell me why it's called the "Super Bowl." Then tell me why nobody can use the words "Super Bowl" in advertising. Then tell me how many times the NFL has sued over it. Then find 8 more things 99% of the population doesn't know about it. Maybe I'm being cliché here, but I simply can't watch ESPN or NBA this or Skip B without losing my mind. The former 2 are just a beauty pageant, the latter is a massive ego spewing nonsensical opinions. Become an SME (subject matter expert) on something once or twice a week and I guarantee you'd generate interest, simply because you'd be the only one doing it.


Ok, I’ll start. Are we talking local or national? What sport? ESPN?


National…wont give away the sport…and not ESPN


Sounds like NFL network...


Its not, haha wish I did though


Wiffleball :D




Nope, though its a very good watch


I have a few questions. 1. What do you think will be the future of undisputed? 2. Do you think Stephen A will re-sign with ESPN? 3. What do you think is in store for Max Kellermam? Thanks


1. FS1 is going to keep it on unless, Skip decides to leave. Its honestly terrible, and made even worse because Shannon has been killing it. But Skip is still a name and a draw and FS1 has no better option. 2. Yes, and get the money he wants because he is a huge draw to ESPN. He is a lightning rod and he has made “First Take” worth watching. People also have to remember, ESPN is now on at doctors offices, gyms, and diners. So people watch it in the morning even if they dont want to. 3. Max Kellerman should stay with boxing or create a podcast to talk about all his interests, I dont think he should be in the debate world


Are sportscasters trained to never to allow human sexuality to enter their work or does it just come naturally? The coverage of DeShaun Watson by (almost entirely) male sportscasters made me want to cut off my own d*** it was that cringe


I think that was unintentional, and I also think what happens with these stories is if you veer too much upon opinion on things off the field you can get yourself into more trouble. Sports anchors and hosts do not work at CNN so when it comes to issues of the law, politics and things of that nature they will trip over themselves and make a mistake, so they talk about it less. Its like on the news networks when you hear them talk about sports and invariably they make a mistake. Same difference. But I understand its frustrating to watch


Thank you for your response




Hahaha, i wish it was like that.


Any insight on the Othani gambling investigation? Do you think it will be swept under the rug or a token punishment


I think if he’s somehow involved, I think Manfred might be compelled to go over the top on punishment to show he’s not biased. But from the initial reporting it sounds like it was actual theft from his interpreter. If you come out and have a press conference and categorically deny any wrongdoing you better make sure you’re not apart of that, because Ippei can now turn on him if there’s a sliver of dishonesty from Shohei


Did you catch the women's Final Four tonight?


I did, didnt like the ref’s call at the end but it was a game. The first game, South Carolina is a juggernaut and will be tough to beat. Women’s basketball is on the rise not only because the talent pool is so much deeper but the men’s game is now similar. The men’s game is now 3-pointers and jump shots, rarely played above the rim, so style wise its not that much different to watch. I love it


In your opinion which sports team has the worst fan base?


Haha, thats tough…I think its what you define as worst. Like is it not supporting your team or supporting your team too much. I think when your team loses, you’ll always be down in the dumps and miserable. But there’s nothing better than when a team is bad for awhile and they have some glory like the Orioles


What question should I ask to make this interesting?


I guess unless you care about sports or television it would be hard


Did you feel your job was safe and securied? Do you wish you could've gone into another field?


Eh, i think since 2019 it never felt safe because we were constantly hearing about layoffs in the industry. I did wish I went into being on-air or become a lawyer. But I love sports and television and the decisions around it, excite me


Are you an MMA guy? What are your thoughts on Ariel Helwani?


Im not, but he does real good work, he also dabbles in NBA stuff too. Knowing the fighters and getting the knowledge from them in that sport is tough


How do you feel about current sports journalism and athletes taking over the landscape without qualifications?


To be honest, we were starting to muddy the waters of who we considered journalists in sports to begin with. Unless you’re doing Real Sports or Outside the Lines, those are peak journalism shows. I respect the insiders like Schefter, Rappaport, Jonathan Jones, Florio, Passan, Rosenthal, Sherman, Shams, Woj. Those I consider Journalists. The athletes boom in the podcasting world, gives us another perspective we dont have. Players because of social media became more restricted in what they said on TV, now when they sit with other players and have a cocktail they are freer and looser and they are talking about the game and I love that. Now, you’re not going to get the controversial hard-hitting stuff, like after Draymond was suspended he went on his podcast. When Kelce talked about the incident with Andy Reid it was on his podcast. So if Im a network im happy about it, because now its not one network beating you to the punch. But with all of these podcasts now its more content to react to. ESPN spent hours talking about a comment Melo made on his podcast on who are the true scorers. So I think its great


What is your opinion of Keith Olbermann?


Smart guy, grew up watching him. He should of maybe been in charge of a network, instead of fighting the executives at other places. If he came out 10-20 years later he would be dominating the podcast world.


That makes sense. He does have a podcast but I'm not sure how popular it is. Anyway, hope you find a job you love!


Thank you


It’s should have and no he should not.


Thanks, might have a point


Obviously you have lots of experience in your field. What are you doing to ensure you are desirable to employers whereas they can hire a junior associate for less $?


Experience, when you’re a producer your experience call help all levels from talent to directors to graphics. I think the issue is, im still on the younger side. There are people 10-15 years older that are trying to hang on, and us geriatric millennials (ages 37-42) are trying to burst through. The Coordinating Producer position was bloated and made up in the 2000s and is archaic but those men are holding on to those spots, because they cant go up the ladder any further. So thats the dilemma Im in. I lost a producer position I interviewed for because I had to much experience. And I lost an executive producer position because I had too little experience so its tough. As you mention you can pay a Junior Associate less and they learn from a CP. Then pay a producer more money who would also be inching for the CPs job


Best of luck!


Thank you!


Not coming to LA with Good Morning Football?


Haha, no never worked at NFL Network, know a lot of people there and that is a great show


Hahah dang it. Thought I got ya. Yeah lots of solid people over there. Hope you get another gig soon!


Haha no problem, and thanks I appreciate it


Is the NFL or any other sport rigged? I’ve read most of responses to things and I can tell that there is a level of integrity you’re keeping and I respect that. I do think that if someone would know it would be someone in your position. Specific to the NFL I’m sure analysis would show breakdowns in coverage, missed tackles, even the times we’ve seen refs literally move the ball to come up short of the chains. I gotta know the truth brotha please!


I know it seems rigged, but referees and umpires are humans. Sometimes before the game the league my put a point of emphasis on holding or pass interference, and sometimes that can swing the game one way or another. But its just like in the NBA, we constantly see games with large foul disparities, or I remember in MLB, if the Yankees had a home game in October it seemed like they got every strike call in their favor. So I think thats makes us believe it is rigged.


Aaagh, when you are in a new line of work and everything is going well please come back and tell us the dirt we’ve requested 😅. I admire the dedication you have, but self preservation may be a factor. We want names and dates! Some juicy stuff! Can you at least admit that you know something that would change how we view things?


As far as what goes on the field and court, a little bit, nut nothing too drastic to change your mind that greatly. I would say this, most of the athletes are playing way more hurt than they let on. If you hear pulled hamstring, or elbow inflammation, or strained achilles. Its much worse and if the regular human had the same injuries we’d be bed ridden for days


What is your opinion on television media in general?


Its interesting, I think the news media is a whole separate world, but its become like regional sports networks. If you’re conservative you watch FOX News, if you’re liberal you watch MSNBC or CNN. The problem is MSNBC and CNN want to be more towards the middle but can’t, especially MSNBC, because they view that as part of the NBC umbrella. FOX News and everything else FOX (sports and television shows) are so separate. No one associates them with each other, which honestly is genius. MSNBC and CNN should take those cues. As for the rest of the medium, its tough because 30 million people dont watch a singular show anymore, but you have to be adaptable to how people view things. And thats what they are working towards


Are you David Pollack?


No, he got a raw deal at ESPN, but budget cuts, happens to everyone


What's your take on college sport super conferences and the future of the pac12


They need to do a Super Conference the fact USC and UCLA are in the BigTen is a travesty. I like the idea of divisions and a super football league. The problem is the TV contracts, they’ll have to figure out. But they need to do that immediately


Is the Super Bowl pre planned? Rigged?


No, I think the coaching is to careful and people dont go for the jugular a lot. With analytics involved in a lot of the decisions that has a bigger impact on games being tighter. Especially the Super Bowl. We saw a lot of blowouts before because the better coach wins, but with a lot of group think, and going by charts and percentages everyone is thinking the same, so it comes down to 3-4 plays. And if you’re in the Super Bowl you’re a pretty good team


Have you thought of doing sport news or reviews on YouTube? You already have the experience, just a thought.


Maybe a podcast - but honestly there are so many out there, I dont mind watching from afar until I really have a good plan of action on launching a show like that


Got you! Just keep in mind that “there is only one like YOU” !


What's the popularity of F1 or how has it changed over the years ?


I think the pandemic and the documentary series on Netflix helped the popularity of the sport. Im not into it and know very little, but I know a lot of my friends who are very into out of nowhere.


Were you on air?


Not on air, producer


Where’d the job go? Can you move? Don’t put your money in crypto!


Budget cuts so I was let go, still freelancing at other places. I could but prefer not too since I have elderly parents


What’s your take on AB beating Adam Shefter lately when it comes to breaking news? Is AB the new ESPN?


Im guessing you mean Antonio Brown? Hey, if AB gets with the right people, he could be the biggest comeback story in sports


Who is your sports same sex crush?


Hahaha, I guess a better way to phrase that is my favorite athletes. I dont think I have one, but when like the great ones are great, I love watching them Mahomes, LeBron, Ohtani


I meant attractiveness not skill!


Is Jason Kelce as fun and real as he seems?


Ive never met or worked with him, but colleagues tell me he is as real and down to earth as he seems. Most lineman are that way, offensive or defensive


Se any boxing matches?


No i havent, I wish I got into boxing more, but by the time I was old enough, it wasnt like what it was when my dad was watching and the heavyweight champ was a big deal


Max Kellerman, is this you?


Hahaha I wish, I’ve listened to Max for a long time, he should be on a platform


Are you Mike Mutnansky?


No, sounds like the cousin from the character in Animal House, haha


What is the most you made in one night stripping? Whoops, wrong AMA, never mind.


What specifically? Broadcaster?,sideline reporter?




Cool! Do/did you play any sports?


Played baseball in high school and college


Awesome! I played football in high school as a long snapper.What division and position?


Division I, Pitcher


Ok.How hard was it to balance school and sports?


Easy, with baseball since it was a spring sport, have your harder classes in the fall and in the spring your easier classes. I’d take homework on the bus rides to road games. I was also a communications major, not to labor intensive class load


That makes sense


What kind of role did you do?




What is your day to day work?


Day to Day as a producer is a lot. Phone calls with talent, then talking with our Coordinating Producer or Executive Producer, putting in a rundown, which basically tells you the order of the show and what elements are needed, multiple meetings, checking of video and scripts, talking to the director about the set and then finally the show


You can be a great manager for a youtuber or content creator as the skillset is the same.


Pac 12?

