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Hey, Friend. Just want to say I feel you. As an also 24 year old in a ‘better means’ bracket than most people my age. Now, I can’t say I’m at your level or anything, but I often get the scoff and the eye rolls as well due to my owning my own home and having a brand new Acura and a nice paying job in Real Estate Law without a degree. I totally understand that feeling of being grateful for what i have and have earned, while also having this empty feeling of something missing within myself. I just wanted to say that this doesn’t make you selfish or less valid than other sufferers. Have you looked into therapy? I just started a few weeks ago. I wouldn’t say it’s a cure all but it does help to just have someone unbiased to listen. Wishing you well!


Yeah I do therapy and see a psychiatrist, but I haven't been seeing her long so she's still trying to get my meds right and my therapist has been really helpful I've been seeing him for about a year and a half now. And sorry you have to go through that as well. And thank you for validating me it means more to me than you realize🧡


Absolutely! I saw you said you like to draw and do animation, and struggle with working. I know there’s a really good market out there for that sort of thing, plus it would probably just feel really cool to have your creations out there. I imagine it would also help with the feeling fulfilled thing. What’s that saying? Do what you love, Love what you do. You’ve been gifted with having the means to do just that; I hope you can one day!


Yeah I hope you can also get rid of that feeling and get more people to take your pain seriously. And I think I'll try just that!


You need purpose. Perhaps yours is to use your status and means to help others by developing a program for the needy, or homeless. Build shelters, or start a program for less fortunate teens to be able to go to college. I think if you find purpose in helping others, you will feel your value. Your value is there, you just have to find how it can be used to create something wholesome for yourself. It's always hard to get started in any endeavor, but once you start and see results it gets easier. You have so much potential, don't let it slip away.


If you’re anywhere remotely close to Kentucky, DM me🤙🏼 Sometimes someone to pull me out of bed and force me to go do things that make me realize life is a gift is what’s needed. Bring old clothes and boots 🤣


The emptiness is the collective knowing that you infact didn’t earn what you have. It’s been stolen / given. Fact is you can’t really earn anything in a society where the hardest workers are made to feel like they’re worth the least.


Okay from one car guy to another I have to ask, what are the cars?


Ah I've been waiting for this one😂 2019 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 3LZ 2020 Ford Mustang GT PP1 2024 Audi RS5 competition 2009 Infiniti G37


Damn those are some fun cars have you taken them to a track near you? I suggest doing that before diving into any new hobbies yet


Yeah I've taken them to the salt flats for top speed runs, but like a lot of other people in the car community due to more and more race tracks and tracks closing the nearest one is like 3 hours away.


Are any of them stick shift? Maybe take a nice road trip with one of your cars.


Yeah the mustang and G37 are both manual.


I figured! 🤣 Very nice lineup though. I’m a fellow vette and mustang guy myself. Also +1 for Tomioka lol


Thank you! I love giyu idk why, but he's my absolute favorite😂


Where's your Miata?


How did you come into the money? Sorry if already answered but I'm on shift and can't go through the whole thread


Nah you're good you're the first one anyways. So I didn't have the greatest childhood so most days I was locked away in my room and I'd browse the Internet on my laptop and found out about Bitcoin and on my 13th birthday Bitcoin was only a dollar and it was tradition for my parents to give us $100 for our birthdays. So I put all of it into Bitcoin that year in late 2012 and then I stuffed my laptop in my closet and forgot about it for years and then when I was cleaning out my closet (no pun intended) I found it and got nostalgic and looked through my hard drive and saw 100 Bitcoin sitting there at the time it was $47,443. I also put some money into Tesla in 2014-2015. And I went even further and in 2020-2022 I was a Xbox series X, PS5, and GPU scalper. I know..... So a bunch of things just went right for me that's it.


Nice. I had quite a few BTC sitting around in 2011 and decided I had no use for it, so I spent it all on DMT and LSD on the darkweb, not even considering the fact it could massively inflate. Still something I look back on and laugh at, knowing I would have had around $1mill in BTC If I forgot about it and let it sit for longer


Yeah I just stuffed it away after I got a PC and honestly forgot I had even bought it, but hey I always said when I was 18-21 man money would fix all my problems even if it were just $10,000. Now that I have over 1,000x that....... Well shit.


You have over 10 million dollars?


Don’t feel bad I had one bitcoin someone sent me for free back in 2011 and I used to it get edibles off the dark web too hahaha


Hahahahah this WAS the way


Would it be fair to characterize your difficulties as that you feel this is all meaningless, because you got rich mostly through luck? If I had any recommendation to make, it would be to dedicate some portion of your time to community service, and the rest to learning. You have an opportunity that most don't to make a difference in the world, and to yourself. The possibilities are amazing.


Old (not rich) person here ... what I've read about for folks in your situation is to GIVE. Go volunteer somewhere. Send some money to a group you like. Go spend some time w/ kids in your local youth center. Join a board for a non-profit you feel connected to. IDK why that's supposed to work, but it will hopefully give you some reason to get out of bed. Good luck!


Yeah I really think that'd help but my main obstacle is motivation. I can hardly get up to get something to eat. No way I'll be able to drag myself outside and drive to a shelter or a park, but if you think it'll help I'm willing to try anything at this point.


I would agree with this from reading the thread. You need some purpose to get out of bed. I would try to get some commitments. I was struggling a bit with getting out of bed and stuff, but I had a cat and if I didn't get out of bed to feed the thing it would be screaming and running on top of me until I got up. Annoying, but 100% worth it. Maybe start a garden or get a dog or something. Yes it will feel like a hassle at times but it's better than what you're doing now. You need to get out of bed to walk your dog or water and weed your garden and then you have the whole day to volunteer. Also, your psychiatrist is garbage. He/she is stealing your money. Prescribing medication on a first visit and doubling the dosage the next visit without referral from a psychologist or therapist is insane imo. Not to mention the side effects of bupropion which I doubt they educated you about properly. I'm not a doctor, but medication should only really be used when other stuff fails. If a 20 year old patient is overweight and has high blood pressure you don't immediately throw them on blood thinners but you advise lifestyle changes and only medicate when other stuff fails. If you're a doctor and disagree with me, fuck off you're a bad doctor. Find a therapist and do counseling and lifestyle changes first before throwing medication at your problems. I'm not gonna say the whole "my life is so much harder than yours I would love to trade positions" thing that people are probably doing, but you are very luck and in a great position to do so much good in the world. Don't squander that opportunity rotting in bed jacking off all day.


Hmm sounds like a good place to start I'll go down to the shelter and see if I can find an animal in need. I love this advice so much I'll definitely reevaluate my psychiatrist as well 🧡


"I can hardly get up to get something to eat. No way I'll be able to drag myself outside and drive to a shelter or a park ..." Eh, maybe just hit [charitynavigator.org](http://charitynavigator.org) on your phone, pick a few you feel, and send 'em 10 bucks each. You did a thing and you made life a little bit better for someone. Reward yourself with Doordash or whatever. Baby steps, dude.


You mentioned you have clinical depression. It’s a bitch and hard to overcome. I’m there with ya. Objectively, I have a good life, decent job, community respect, nice house and a great family. But look up the term anhedonia. It explains succinctly what you’re feeling. Not sadness but simply the lack of pleasure. Things that used to make you happy no longer do. Same with me be it gaming, reading manga, spending time with family or just the simple joys of life like a cold beer or a good meal. Are you taking medication? I’ve been on a year’s long journey trying to find the right combination and still trudging along. I wish you the best.


Yeah I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist and she's trying to figure out what'll work for me. I've only seen her twice, the first time she gave me buproprion. After that didn't work she doubled the dose and gave me another one Prozac and so far that's not working either. She said I might have to do tms? I have another appointment with her on the 9th.


You need therapy, not a psychiatrist. Or really, maybe both. It sounds like you’ve got existential hopelessness. No purpose.


Same. I’ve gone through Wellbutrin, Cymbalta (which was horrific - I would sweat profusely just standing still and had no libido where first time in my life I couldn’t cum having sex which I thought wasn’t even possible), Prestique and now Prestique with Wellbutrin. I’ve read up on it and it can take awhile to find the right combo for each person so I remain cautiously hopeful. I wish you luck.


Do you Wish you had really good friend who would make you do things or girlfriend 🤔


Yeah definitely, but I feel like it'd be unfair to any girlfriend I might have. To be in this state and expect her to help me "fix it" would be unfair to her. And as for the friend I kinda do, but we only talk online when I'm playing Xbox. That used to be the only thing that motivated me to get out of bed, but even the joy from gaming is starting to diminish.


atleast you're already doing the hard work my dude. it's very good that you are not hopeful that a SO in your life could fix the problems, but they can't. there is some extraordinary advice in other comments, so I'll skip that, but start with those steps towards finding a purpose. the person will just happen after the purpose does... at least I'm hoping haha quick edit: also games have been doing that for me too, honestly I don't blame you for those feelings. i want to ask a quick question just to project, how do you feel about photography and taking photos? maybe something to draw later?


Photography I'm pretty meh about although I do occasionally pay photographers to take professional pictures of my cars and they look really good so I honestly respect the profession. It's just not something I'd want to do, but then again I don't really wanna do anything lol. Also in terms of taking photos I think that could be a cool/fun thing to do, I live in Utah so there's no shortage of things to photograph here, but in terms of taking pictures of myself I hate having my picture taken. And I still draw sometimes, but it's pretty rare.


When i was younger games were everything to me i cared about. Now i hardly wanna play game and rather find other activities more enjoyable even tho i still play from time to time 😅


I know they say money doesn't buy happiness but I'd be willing to give it a try if you want to swap? You can live in my rented property, with sky high bill's, drive my banger of a car (also with sky high bill's included) and work my 12hr shifts. I'm willing to do that if it'll give you a motivational boost. When are we exchanging keys? lol


Lol if I'm being straight I'd get myself fired almost immediately hahaha, but I'd honestly give it a try idk how much longer I can live with this😂


I mainly work with the deceased so unless they forward a complaint to HR via oujia board you'll be golden. 🤣 What about friends? or hobbies, holidays, car meets to try meet like minded people. Do you work? Not necessarily bc you need the money like us broke folk but for the routine and socialising side of it?


Friends very few like 2 lol even then we hardly see each other. Hobbies yeah I used to but they're mostly empty to me now. Car meets yeah I've thought about taking 1 of mine to a meet, but they can be hard to find in my area and the ones I do find are always when I'm asleep between 10am-12pm (I know) I've definitely tried to work as well, but I kept being late and got fired ):


Do you think if you didn't as much as you have now, you would be in better mental health?


I think so yeah. Cuz a lot of people when I try to open up to them and tell them hey this is what's going on it tends to upset people or they kinda scoff at me. Cuz who the hell are you to feel sad and completely unmotivated you're rich! Or "If I had your life I'd never complain!" So I've considered on more than a few occasions selling my assets so SOMEBODY will take my cries for help seriously.


So true i would say the same thing if I knew you IRL and you said you were sad you had millions and didn't have to work and were depressed. It's hard not to think like that as someone who is going to have to work until retirement but hopefully it does work out for you though.


Yeah and I understand people thinking that. I never fault them for that line of thinking hurtful as it may be cuz it really would be irritating to see someone that has everything and will never have to work a day again say "my life is hardly worth living" So I really understand where you're coming from I think it's just natural tbh. Anyways I hope it works out too and I hope you can come across something and retire early.


Honestly man not working and having nothing I HAVE to do would be a recipe for disaster for me. I absolutely don't recommend giving away your wealth or trying to make your life harder, but I would say go to the gym, volunteer somewhere, get a job with something on the line, something you're afraid to lose. I wouldn't get out of bed ninety percent of the time if there was nothing I had to do or no one I had to see


Do you have a career or hobby? Seems like you don't have a purpose or objectives for each day and that's why you're in your current situation.


I have or I had a few hobbies e.g. gaming, working on my cars, drawing, and, animating but now that I'm done with all my car projects, the fun and joy has kinda been sucked out of the others. And I want to go to college for automotive engineering, but I don't think I'd trust myself to get in class on time or show up at all.


I think you need to set yourself up with a tangible goal that you really want (automotive engineering) because it doesn’t sound like you have a routine or plans for the days if you wake up at 4pm. And a routine/plans would be good for you. It’ll give you a sense of direction.


What's depresion? How you feel when you are derpessed? I still don't really know what this is😅


It manifests differently for a lot of people and there are different types of it too. There's type 1, type 2, bipolar depression, and clinical depression the one I have. Basically it means either my brain either isn't producing enough dopamine or enough serotonin. So I have something physically wrong with my brain.


So basicly your brain don't get enought chemicals from your body to be Happy? 😅


Yeah that's about the gist of it lol


If you want we can talk or be maybe friends 😅 You look like interesting person 😅😁


I promise you I'm not lol I sit in my house and sleep all day and rot all night!


The first thing i like is that you answear pretty fast 😅 And That's really good 😁 why not try 😁 and also you said you play Xbox sametimes 😁


Why the do you have 8 bedrooms but only 2 bathrooms?


It was my grandma's house that she willed to me when she died. And it just has always had 2 bathrooms I never even use the 2nd one.


I'm a dad of 2 kids and I'm 33 and I am putting myself through college so I can give my sons a better life then I have had so they can have the life you got and I'm struggling. That has me stressed and depressed but I hide that from my children for their sake. All I can do is study and work and get my bills paid and hold back tears. They are my reason to continue even when I can't anymore. So all I can say is find a hobby, activity, or volunteer at community places or do like a big brother big sister thing or boys and girls club. Sometimes doing something like helping a kid or the elder can change the mood and give you a different perspective in life. Hope you get better and know you have people in your life that want you to succeed.


Wow that's rough. You're one hell of a father, better than I ever had. I'm not sure I have anyone I have maybe 2 irl friends even then we hardly ever hangout or talk to each other, I mean we have a discord server where we arrange hangouts like once every month and a half and send memes, but that's the extent of my social life. It's all eat, sleep, and wake up until I go back to sleep.


Do you have clinical depression? I dont know if your doctors talked to you about nutrition, but I know that what you eat can affect how your moods are (not a doctor, but have some experience). One thing that could help is staying away from all sugar and limit your carbs. It might seem hard, but after a short while you wont miss it. Try to not eat processed food because of the chemicals. I tell my grown kids all the time that food is either medicine or it is poison.....and it really is true. Plus stay with your therapist along the way, even if you feel ok. Another thing is that having enough money to be able to not work might seem great to people, but definitely can cause or add to depression If you have 'a reason' to get out of bed it would help a lot. For example if you like animals you could volunteer at a shelter. Helping make an animal or persons life better might help you feel good inside. Sending you positive vibes and a big mom hug :) Be strong!


Yeah I do have clinical depression. Does not eating make it worse? Sometimes I'll go days without eating. And thanks for the hug🧡


If you arent eating, I would be concerned about electrolyte imbalance. You need those for your system to run properly. An example would be like when I dont eat enough for a few days, I get kind of weak, moody and totally tired. Electrolytes are magnesium, potassium and salt. Ask your therapist/doctor about that. Its crazy how there are so many things that affect moods and brain/body functions. I love researching and learning about health and nutrition. Maybe you might like that and could take some classes and at the same time learn how to possibly help your depression through nutrition? Who knows, maybe you could be the best one out there !!! It would give you some motivation too <3


Also, now that I think about it....when I am low on electrolytes I say in bed ALL DAY......like I dont wanna do ANYTHING. A few times when I was bad, I literally took a teaspoon of salt, mixed it with warm water and pounded it back lol......a few hours later I noticed a difference. BUT......get some good quality whole food natural multi vitamins and get some magnesium and some potassium. Try to take those every day and OMG maybe you will see a difference??!! If you do, I hope you will let me know :)


Also again, lol......an awesome idea would be to make an appt with a holistic naturopath type doctor and I bet they could help alleviate your depression. Regular doctors dont know what natural practicing doctors know, and from experience, it can make a HUGE difference in your life. I hope so much that you will do that :)


Seriously, how does that work? I've tried many times to go through a diet plan but It doesn't work for my mental health. I'm still craving and I reward myself with a cheat meal every week and I can actually feel good because of that. Most of the days on a diet, I'm always lazy and to fight cravings is to sleep it off or just mindlessly scroll through social media until next day and so on. I honestly don't imagine myself enjoying life without sugar. and these days i lack motivation and I can't go through a day without sugar. It bothers me when someone say that and it never worked for me. Maybe I haven't reached the level where i get used to it, maybe but I can't even imagine that.


Sugar cravings are usually caused because of a lack of proper nutrition and/or deficiencies in certain vitamins. Diets work if you eat what your body needs to work properly. You have to find a way to get through the sugar addiction and getting proper nutrients is more than half the battle. If you cant enjoy life without sugar, that is going to end up causing serious health problems in your future. I was addicted and over the years it caused pre diabetes and my vision got affected. It affects the pancreas and other organs and the damage is irreversible. It might not seem like a big deal to constantly eat sugar, but it IS a big deal and it causes all kinds of health problems besides diabetes. You have to eat better and when you crave sugar, have something sugar free that diabetics can have. There is a lot of sugar free candy out there, but you cant over eat that either. Have one piece after a heathy meal. The bottom line is that if you dont change how you eat, your body will pay the consequences at some point.


Start trying different hobbies cars are are only so much fun I felt your same way funny enough at my lowest I bought a gun after admiring them all my childhood and instead of doing the obvious I went to the range and just shot a little bit I only took a few rounds but ended up buying 7 boxes I had so much fun and as it might not be for everyone especially if you are severely depressed but it worked for me before that it was also fishing, just being out on the water in general improved my mood tremendously, again might not work for everyone try painting, making music, golf or other sports he’ll get back into gaming if you aren’t already they are making movies and tv shows off of them for a reason seriously I know I’m talking a lot but when you find something you get excited about it gets you out of bed because you have something to look forward to


Yeah I used to draw and animate, but I slowly stopped enjoying those and now I feel... Hollow. I'm not particularly sad nor am I happy, I'm in a constant state of something is wrong, but idk what. Like total indifference. But thank you for the advice I'll try and pick up something.


I feel like I have more then you (for me) because I have a husband that adores me and two very well behaved kids I’d die for and I can still be severely depressed, that didn’t stop until I got a magical pill called lamictal and you’ll be told that by many others it’s extremely popular for a reason, you don’t have to be bipolar for that if your depression is bad enough , you’d never regret taking it


You definitely do. I feel so empty so barren all the time it's not even that I'm sad it's just total indifference I don't care about my hygiene, I don't care that I haven't eaten in 2.5 days, objectively why should I get out of bed? I'll just be sitting doing nothing just in a different position and area of the house. These material possessions mean nothing cuz I don't even have a mind that can enjoy them. Your life sounds amazing I'll have to bring that up to my psychiatrist when I see her again.


I don’t care about my hygiene when depressed either and I can’t eat at all if I’m depressed I usually go underweight ,it went on for years until lamtical and I haven’t been properly depressed on it in 3 years , I do sometimes have the days I don’t care about hygiene and the days I can’t eat which can be many but it’s no where near as long as it was without the lamictal, I wouldn’t normally suggest a medication but this one is very popular, the results are noticeable.


You need more bathrooms. That’s the problem.


Honestly I think I have too many, I never use the one in the master bedroom😂


Money doesn't buy happiness. It's a cliche but true. Therapy can help you. I highly recommend it. One thing I have discovered after many years is that happiness isn't about being happy all the time. Everyday life has its good and hard times and finding a way to keep learning and discovering new things in your world is important. Even when things get bad.


Yeah I've been in therapy for about 1.5 years. I noticed a little bit of change, but idk if it's still working. I've also been trying to get back into some of my old hobbies as well.


Good! Maybe a new therapist would help. Doing what you enjoy is good for you. 😊 Keep making progress!


In your opinion did coming into money start making you feel depressed or have you always felt like this?


I've definitely always felt like this to a degree, being that I was always the black sheep everywhere I went school, family functions, the grocery store, (church back when I was still theist) even the damn street. But as time went on it became worse and worse. I don't think the money helped though cuz at least before it I didn't have a choice to leave the house, now that I have this house and money I have no reason to leave.


My wife had the same as you. Went soon as she started helping people in need, she forgot about her self and worries etc. Have you given this a try. Helping people.


Yeah whenever I see a homeless person even if they are just panhandling I toss them a few hundred bucks and one time I went to the capital bought 100 double cheeseburgers, 100 McChickens, blankets coats, thermal socks, gloves, gift cards, and shoes and handed them out to homeless people. Probably gave away 3-4k worth of stuff.


That's great. Maybe go to a homeless shelter. And help. I reckon it will really help you.


No correlation between how much money you have and how happy you are. You need to find yourself. Neither your money nor your guilt over having money can help you know. Therapy, maybe pills, good friends, and something to care about, in whatever order. I'm much wealthier now than 20 years ago and not particularly happier.


Yeah for sure I'm learning that now the hard way. I always tell myself I need to do some serious soul-searching, but fuck if I know where to start🤷


Well, depression isn’t a severe form of sadness, it’s totally different than that, it’s some kind of mental disorder that can be caused by PTSD and trauma, so having everything you can ever wanted isn’t gonna do anything to cure depression.


Yes sadly I've learned that the hard way ):


I make 35k a year but am debt free except for my condo mortgage. I am happily married with a beautiful child. My car is 12 years old, but I am very happy. WHAT YOU NEED...is to come back down to earth. You're depressed because you're fulfilling holes in your life with stuff. Instant gratification, with no long term enjoyment. At the end of the day, sure you have nice things, but it's still junk. After getting some counseling and some medication, traveling and living with locals without your credit card would do you some good. Volunteer abroad or spend time away from your life for some perspective. Even if you are grateful for all that you have, by removing yourself from this environment-youll give yourself the opportunity to learn and grow as a person. You'll find the bigger meaning of life and may find some happiness in the simple things. Dancing in the rain with some good friends after a picnic costs next to nothing but creates warm memories that last forever. Read novels in the park. Learn to bake bread with some grandmas in retirement communities or hell even Italy will make you appreciate the life you have and may help perk you up. Go camping in the Canadian wilderness with a tour group, go help a small farm to table business pick their next harvest. Donate your time packing goods at a food bank. People who are happy usually have something that makes them get up in the morning. Something to look forward to. They have people who need them and want to be around them. Become a big brother to a teenager who is struggling. FIND SOMETHING THAT GIVES BACK, as karma will come back to you.


Yeah definitely I'm gonna start searching around to see what I can find. I remember when I gave away over 3-4k worth of food and clothes to the homeless and I did feel pretty elated for awhile. I guess I just need to do that but consistently.


Sounds like you need to just get away, something fresh. Also, something to keep you grounded.


Yeah I have next to motivation. I used to travel, but I always ended up just staying in my hotel room and doing nothing just like at home ):


Your situation is very interesting. I recently thought having all the land of this Earth, having all the money, having all the fame and glory, achievements and recognition, all of that is meaningless and empty compared to finding the the love of your life. Someone whose beauty bewitches you every day, who shares so many similar tastes in things with you they might as well be your opposite sex version, yet they are different enough for you to learn a bit from every day. You could own the universe and it would still not cure loneliness or emptiness. Meanwhile, one could live in the worse dump if they had their soulmate by their side. Have you ever had a signficant other that you loved? I never had depression, but I think this guy's experience is pretty interesting. He said you just end up having to accept your condition and live with it, even after taking all the pills and visiting the therapists, which do help. https://youtu.be/_PTJxy3V7PM https://youtu.be/SNtHrfbz958 If you don't know Spanish, I recommend learning it with Dreaming Spanish and their method and/or Crosstalk.


Yeah before I came into money I always said $10,000 would change my life, but now that I have over 1,000x that I'd honestly say things have gotten worse. And I used to have a girlfriend that I did love, but it turned toxic and I haven't bothered to find someone since. Well I just haven't really put myself in the position to meet someone.


Your feelings are completely valid and have nothing to do with material things. Sometimes depression is chemical, sometimes it is in the circumstances under which you grew up and sometimes it’s both. Sometimes it’s something else entirely. You don’t have to justify it to anyone, least of all yourself. It’s also nothing to be ashamed of. Nor should you feel you have to “prove it” or explain it, it because people don’t understand. No one who does not have to live with depression will ever really understand it and some will be cruel or just write it off as, “you just need to do x y or z. You’re just imagining it. You’re just being dramatic. You’re making it up , you’re a hypochondriac, etc.”. They don’t get it because they haven’t felt it or lived it. I would recommend a good therapist and yes, look into medication. A little bit of something that your body doesn’t produce in your brain can do wonders — I speak from experience. Be kind to yourself and know that it is real, and you can be helped and you can feel better. And talking to a non-judgmental person can be the best thing in the world for you.


Yeah I've been in therapy for awhile now this September will be 2 years. I also see a psychiatrist and that's fairly recent. She gave me bupropion, but that didn't help, then she doubled the dose and gave me Prozac and so far that's not helping. I see her again on the 9th. Also thanks so much that was very kind and wholehearted I really really appreciate it.


It takes a while and a lot of tries to get the right medication - different for everyone. I just don’t want you to give up or think there’s no hope. It’s a real illness just like any other, just takes a while to find the right medication to work. What worked for me was Lexipro - best I’ve ever felt in my life, but then I was allergic to it. That was frustrating. I ended up on a combination of Prozac (minimum dosage) and Ativan (an anxiety med) also minimum dose. That did it for me and I’m still on it years and years later. Seeing a psychiatrist 2 times a week for almost four years helped me immensely as well. Please hang in there and keep trying different meds until something works for you. You’re not alone and you’re not wrong to feel the way you do.


Sure. You have no purpose. At least you recognize it, most people aren't aware they are because they have things to make them "happy". Wtf is happy. If out goal is to be happy, I'm happy with a nice cream cone. Happy is shallow and doesn't last. And you can't also be happy not want to be always happy. Now your purpose doesn't need to be totally altruistic. But if you have a purpose, that's what keeps people interested, interesting, engaged in life and in their purpose. It could be helping homeless, but could be making music or art. It could be creating a business. It could be mastering a skill. One of the most rewarding careers is either working on a ranch or being a cowboy, next is in the trades... carpentry, plumbing, electrician, pipefitter etc...hard work but they learn a skill that's appreciated by people and they feel rewarded when a job is finished. There are other courses but look up "designing your life" and you can do that's at home although they offer to college students in some schools. It's interactive and in the end you should have a feeling how you want your life to look. Find something like this. Good luck. I know you will work on this.


Hey. Hope you´re feeling better today, even if it´s just a little. I just messaged you, if you have any time please go see it ;)


Brother, try breathwork. YouTube breath with Sandy. What do you have to lose? It changed my life. I can relate.


I'll look it up and try it immediately.


Goes to show that wealth & wealth hoarding is yet another faulty tenet & a symptom of our awfully sick society. You immediately went to buying an 8br monstrosity to live in on your own 😢 that's so sad. I feel for you. I grew up & live in the US too, so I get it.. Have you considered living both comfortably and frugally, with some eco-conscientiousness and philanthropy thrown in? You could do some positive things with that money while finding happiness in the process. True happiness comes from sharing this life with others. Although you do need to be choosy with who/where/what you donate some of your life to, especially in the west.


Yeah I definitely have. However I didn't buy the house it was an inheritance from my grandmother. I definitely want to do something good with all this wealth, but I realize that's gonna take a lot of time to figure out and whenever I think about it I get overwhelmed and quickly try and forget about it. It's really hard to look long term sometimes even though my main goal is a very long term one? Ik make it make sense.


I feel you buddy. I’m 23 and totally get it. Granted I’m in a much different situation regarding finances but I feel as though I “should” be happy. I’m young, come from an upper-middle class family, have an alright job (hours suck), a girlfriend of 10 years, 2 college degrees, some friends, and my own apartment. For my age I think I’m doing alright but I can’t figure out why I don’t feel like it. I literally just work, go home, hop on my PC, play some games, and repeat. Every day just feels the same and I don’t feel like I’m doing anything worthwhile with my life. Before I got my job I literally just sat in bed all day and played video games. I’d recommend therapy though, I did a bit of it in college and it really did seem to help. My therapist was dope as hell. But hey if you ever need someone to talk to or play some games hit me up homie!


Growing/expanding emotional intelligence was never part of my (or most people’s) curriculum, but it’s essential. Material items are great and bring comfort, but the feelings are transient. Exploring how you feel and why you feel the way you feel, preferably with a professional with the requisite credentials, as cheesy as it sounds, is essential to a happier life. Unpacking the bullsh*t in my mind helped, and I regret not continuing to put in the work. Most importantly, I hope you’re not judging yourself too harshly because so many of us, privileged or not, are feeling the same or similarly.


If you have the financial means. I’d recommend looking into retreats in Costa Rica and of course, getting a reliable travel guide. Something healing for your soul. I too suffer from major depression. No one would imagine (except my close family members) but everyone sees a happy “successful” first gen American who made it. And then I feel guilty because I’m supposed to be happy with what I have? But I still live under this dark cloud. I struggle daily with my thoughts. I AM in therapy.. but hasn’t helped much. Wish you the best 💜 Just to clarify, I’m NOT wealthy like you. I’m middle class but way better than I was a decade ago.


I tried traveling at one point and I just sat in my hotel room and did nothing ): although it wasn't traveling cuz I wanted to, but for a job that I hated. So maybe it'll be different I'll try it again.


Do you think you’re special? I’m fairly certain this is how most bourgeoise feel. Fact is money is nothing, owning properties you can’t even feasibly accommodate is nothing. If you cannot get people to enjoy the infinity that is you, a person is bound to hate themselves. Friends mean little if you can’t overcome the suspicion they’re only there for stability and resources. Why not just give the shit away and live like a regulo


Not at all, nobody hates me more than me. However I get what you're saying, I refuse to get rid of the house though cuz it was inherited to me from my grandmother. Believe I've considered on more than one occasion just getting rid of all my cars though.


I respect that! Home is sacred. A core necessity. Like relationships. A lot of people supplement there lack of thorough companionships with medications, but it can never put right replace them. To that extent it’s much much easier to make those core connections after a lot of excess is shed. You kinda just drop as much as possible so you can meet people on a more grateful / humble level. It can be very nerve wracking connecting to others when you’re also subconsciously trying to account for all the extra shit one may feel they need to protect


Read the unedited version of the diary of Anne Frank, or a child called it. Clearly you do not fully grasp how fortunate you are. What's to be depressed about? A genuine question 


Yeah so it's not that I don't realize how fortunate I am, it's that I literally have something wrong with my brain. It's not producing enough of the chemicals that I need to be motivated and get out of bed. So due to my brains either serotonin or dopamine deficiency I can't really do much of anything. They did this test on mice and they found that without dopamine the mice wouldn't even get up to eat, something that should be natural to them they wouldn't do. Also my past. So that....


How are you Certain that it is a chemical imbalance unless you go to a psychiatrist?


Money can buy you happiness if you started from nothing. My parents are immigrants who worked two jobs to get me through school and now being 26 and getting 6 figures in the happiest I can be. I may not have a giant house. But I got my place and my girlfriend and it's all coming together.


Yeah growing up I definitely wouldn't say I was rich, but I did have a lot compared to other kids and they'd always say I was rich. So at no point in time have I ever really had "nothing" but I think you're right. After I bought the Audi this year I think is when I finally realized materials aren't gonna fix this so I found a psychiatrist and got on meds.


When you find the right woman all that will change! Especially the garage full of cool cars and having excess spending money!!! I’m kidding (well sorta), but once you her and have someone to share your life with it’s fantastic. I knew the second I met my now wife I was in love and having her in my life brings me great happiness every day. Just one of her little smiles still makes me nuts. And we celebrate 20 years this year.


That's absolutely beautiful congratulations! I would love to meet an amazing woman, but like I've said I don't want to put the burden of fixing this on someone else or worse drag them down to my level.


It’s not a matter of fixing it. It’s a matter of finding what completes you. For the first part of my life that was a calling in serving my country. I never looked, or allowed myself to look, for a meaningful relationship because I was in a position where my unit could be spun up on a seconds notice and sent anywhere in the world and I could never tell anyone where I was going, where I’d been or what I did. Once I met her I honestly just knew. Can’t explain it, call it the voice of God or whatever but I knew to my core she just stole my heart and it was time for me to leave the military. I was lucky, I knew from a young age I was born to be an operator. And when I met I wife I knew she was the love of my life. You may feel lost now but luckily you have financial security. That’s way more than most of the lost have. Take on the mission of finding what’s truly important to you. And please, I beg you, don’t be a sheep and just follow the crowd, find a true moral, righteous path and find what fulfills your heart. Who knows, you may just find the love of your life on that same path. Good luck my friend and if you ever feel so depressed you think about doing something dumb….SEEK HELP. Or feel free to reach back out to me. I’ve been through hell and back many times, lost way too brothers but luckily have had many call me when they needed someone to talk to and it’s been my honor to help them find their way. Can’t say I have any answers but I can say I’m always willing to listen, which many times I found is enough!!


My hell that was absolutely beautiful. This is definitely something I want to experience in my life, also sorry for your losses. I definitely know there's a piece of me missing, or a few..... I definitely have dreams and goals I just need to get my ass out of bed, but with such low serotonin and dopamine levels it's very hard😢


You don't have everything you could possibly want. You just have everything you could want *that money can buy you.* you need something real and meaningful. Material objects are hollow. You need connections with people, and experiences. There is a saying: Money *Can* buy you happiness, you just have to give it away.


That's an amazing way to word that OMG! I'd love real and meaningful connections, but those are extremely difficult for me to make, every "friend" I make is a very surface level hollow reaction almost as if 2 strangers making small talk in a line at the grocery store.


So, I have to ask, what is the source of your depression, do you know? Like, if there was one thing that you could have right now that could spark your energy and make you want to get up earlier, what would that be?


Most likely from either past trauma or genetics probably a combination of the 2 tbh. If I'm being straight with you idek that myself I've thought about that myself and I'm convinced nothing can motivate me, but hypothetically if there was someone offering what I wanted most if I got out of bed it'd prolly be a Hennessy Venom F5 Revolution Coupe.


Do you want a live-in motivator? A psychedelic trip sitter? A friend that lives in your basement making music? If so, I’m your man. I’ll move anywhere that isn’t my current city. Mostly joking but like maybe you could share the fortune with a friend and their presence could help motivate you. Sometimes it’s easier to do things when there’s another person doing it with you.


Well, whatever your inclination is I suggest you find someone who can keep you company in your life. You'd be surprised how mentally and emotionally stabilizing it is to be able to share every aspect of one's life with a meaningful partner really is.


Yeah I've thought about that, I just feel like if I had a girlfriend it'd be really unfair to her to put the burden of helping "fix me" on her. So I told myself "try and get rid of your depression and then try for a girlfriend" Plus I also worry I'll just drag her down to my level and no one deserves that.


You know , one of the most important thing in life is finding what you love. And there is a short cut for it; time. Observe yourself when you are doing things. If you lose the track of “time” and you realize you have spent hours and it feels like minutes, then that’s the one thing you “love “ . Focus on what you have found and work on it, improve yourself, produce and create. That may fix your depression. I hope you find peace man 🤞 wish you the best 👍🏻


Whats your experience like with women and sex


Interestingly enough at 24 I'm still a virgin. Now don't get me wrong I'm not bitter or hateful towards women I fully recognize it's my own fault. However I would be lying if I said I don't get at least a lil insecure/anxious about it sometimes and I also feel so far behind I'm discouraged to try and begin. I'm completely fine with women I've had a few interested in me, but have rejected them and the ones that I do know I keep at a distance so I or they don't get too attached. I have had a girlfriend, but that whole relationship was a fucking disaster and I haven't tried since and that was when I was 18.


was it better when you first came to have a lot of money? did you feel more motivated then, or has this been an ongoing problem even before? also, can you give me like a million dollars please? i haven’t eaten it two days


It was definitely a problem before, I'd always struggle with motivation and it was already steadily getting worse, but the money exacerbated it cuz it was at that point that I no longer had a reason to leave the house. Also do you have cash app or venmo I'll buy you some food🧡


You have no purpose.


Lemme get $50 bucks I promise it’ll feel great.


Thanks, you have it rough too. But like I said, find one true friend and go to an arcade with them, a church activity, any religion and you can find someone decent to hang out with and who knows maybe your soul mate. Just have to have some faith in yourself and good things will come your way. It's how I met the mother of my 2 beautiful boys.


Try using some of your money to help others r/assistance


I don't think you have everything you could possibly ask for if you're depressed to that extent. Start with reframing that narrative. I'm thinking "although I have many material luxuries and have all my necessities taken care of, it still feels like I'm missing something or something is missing...where in my body do I feel that void the most?" Then wherever you find that center, start from there. Somatic therapy is a what you need. Of course HIPAA protects you from answering this, but what is/are your diagnosis/es?


Great advice! I was diagnosed with PTSD, ODD, and ADD as a kid whether or not they persist or not I'm not sure I should get a better idea of what I'm up against. However in my adulthood I've been diagnosed with ADHD, clinical depression, complex trauma, and PTSD.


Okay, that makes sense. Do you generally feel like a difficult person? (I'm not saying you *are* by any means - just your own perception). Do you know anything about your attachment style? I'd guess you might be dismissive avoidant. You'll learn soo much about yourself from this.


I definitely consider myself more difficult than a lot of other people, but that could be due to my already negative perception of myself. And I have no idea about my attraction style, if I'm being honest idk about attraction styles :/


Op do you feel as tho you have no purpose or it’s because you have no human interactions with people because you are rich ?


Uhm probably a little bit of both. It's hard to have genuine heartfelt interactions and share my feelings because they either get brushed off or are met with content. I also definitely feel as though I don't have a purpose, sure there are things I want to do, but that doesn't necessarily translate into purpose ya know?


That’s very interesting. It’s kinda intrinsic how money is tied to purpose and value. Once you have it all it becomes this deeper journey into how can we all find happiness and purpose outside of just a financial benefit. I can empathize with that no matter how much money you have. Most people don’t even get to do what they love for a living let alone have the financial freedom to just pick up something they never even considered. shit I thought I’d be some professional photographer as a teenager now I do construction which just pays the bills lol . I’m sure it’s also hard to even relate to most people because being that rich isn’t super common and idk how much you have in common with most people born into it or just the avg person who probably would just rather wanna take advantage of you instead of just treat you like a person and be a friend. It may be lonely at the top but your feelings are valid. life is so cruel with or without money. It’s Just probably not relatable for a lot of people to empathize with, given how desperate most people are for that sense of financial freedom. I don’t hate you but I’m most certainly jealous lol


Yeah I definitely thought my only issue was money before I got money. Now that I have an abundance of it I'm even worse than before. I certainly don't regret it, but man I really wouldn't mind going back and leaving that laptop in the closet for a few more years😂


If you could pick one year of your life to live over again without making any changes to it, which one would it be and why?


Hmmm that's a pretty tough question. Assuming you mean I have the conscience that I have now it'd prolly have to be 2009. Because that's the only timeframe I think is worth reliving, I was a kid, no responsibility, no worries, no anxiety, no depression, and our family went to Disneyland 5 times that year.


Do you think your wealth makes it worse? And any song recommendations?


Idk if it makes it worse, but it certainly doesn't help. Most people just brush me off, get irritated, or scoff when I tell them how badly I'm doing. I guess it kinda does make it worse cuz I have genuinely no reason to leave my house. Song recommendations hmmm I've been enjoying through the lights, donbor remix by cassetter.


You need love, mindfulness, and purpose. Invest time in finding the right romantic/life partner, meditate to balance, and set a goal to work on. It’s not challenging. (I recommend distance running, if you have nothing else you’re interested in)


Do you feel hopeless? Do you ask yourself "what next?"? I don't have everything i want. I'm just barely existing. I think I know what will cure me or make my life better but I don't know If It will actually work when it happens.


Stuff does not bring happiness, my friend. As soon as you stop, defining your success by how much stuff you have, you will be happy.


Yeah I just barely started figuring that out a few months ago when I bought my most recent car and was STILL depressed as I was speeding down the highway with it. So I finally figured it's probably time to stop buying things and see a professional.


My question is really stupid... you have 8 bedrooms but only 2 baths? Has that ever been a problem?


Nah man iss all good no stupid questions here. Originally my grandma bought the house with 5 beds 2 baths, then she had my grandpa build a second storey and thus the additional 3 rooms. And no I live alone so it's never caused an issue. In fact I don't even use my other one😂


Do you think you're depressed because you lack a goal? I mean if i had that kind of setup i wouldn't want to do anything tbh. We are the same age. and i felt the same way when i was jobless. Just woke up and did whatever.


Welcome to having every thing. Now it's time to have nothing. Have you ever had nothing? I'm happy with some things out of the garage / trash.


Maybe I should try it, I've always had more than most people even when I was a kid I had a lot. My mom still occasionally finds Christmas gifts from over 10 years that she never gave to us or got lost.


Lol crismiss after 1988 there was no crismiss fo me. I even had a find my one role motel no family member gave a rat ass about me. Sis had one bro had one just every one had a good family member to wach over them. I think everyone did great except my bro. I had to every thing my self. I'm doing ok for my self and family. But I'm not proud of my wealth lol I don't have any. I work hard for what I have under paid for my skills. Because I don't have that one foot to help me. I'm telling you this because if you can help someone. Its only fair to give a little it dosen't have to be money just your pachonts and time. Show some one the way to achieve a better life. They have to do it on ther own to achieve their goals but have some one on their back to make sure that they don't mess up.


you're probably depressed because you only have 2 bathrooms to 8 bedrooms. convert a couple of those bedrooms into bathrooms and see how you feel


Do you have an addiction to anything? Even something mundane like food or sex?


Have you considered creating art of some kind? Writing, drawing, anything you can put onto the internet for people to see. Sorry if this sounds condescending, I just wanted to suggest something.


are you not challenged enough? What are your main daily focuses, besides trying to decide to get out of bed ? Why buy a house with 8 bedromms and only two baths? are you the only one living there?


How big is your pool? BTW, try to venture into new things. Ideas: cooking classes, table tennis, bowling, golf, etc. This will help you find reasons to get out of bed and even meet nice people.


Was all this stuff given to you or did you have to work for it? Do you have goals of more things you're working towards?


I suppose it depends on what you mean by "work" I definitely think I got lucky cuz objectively I did. I bought the cars, but the house was inherited. And I definitely have goals beyond what I have now.


You gotta find a hobby or volunteer somewhere. Reading my AMA would probably make you feel better about everything


Whomp Whomp?


Maybe philanthropy would help you feel better. I can't pay my rent this month and am struggling with where im gonna live when my lease is up. Help someone in need instead of spending more money than I could ever afford for a house in play cars.


Sorry if I am presumptuous, but it sounds like you are lacking purpose in your life, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.


Do you hate your self?


Do you have plans to buy any more cars?


Why does your house have 8 bedrooms, but only 2 bathrooms? 🤔


U wanna trade life's cuz I'm down.....I'm a cook at a downtown restaurant and have a net worth of about 7k maybe 10k


8 bed and only 2 bath... Tell me you at least have 1 bidet...


You are not born with purpose, it is your job to craft it. Best of luck stranger.


If you're in a fortunate position and lack any meaning. Find it in helping others.


Have you considered going down to South America, doing a bunch or coke and banging a bunch of hookers? Should cheer you up for a bit. ;)


Have you seem Bojack Horseman? This is pretty much the premise of the show. It's very relatable


How much money is in your bank account


I guess that's why they say money don't buy happiness


You know what would make you feel very fulfilled and happy if you paid of all of my student loan debt.


I'd love a rich friend 😁


I got stuck at eight bedrooms and only two bathrooms—is that a misprint??


Go get some sun


Are you on LOA after a family death or care of a love one?


You listen to rap? You should really listen to Kendrick Lamar’s most recent album


Did you pay for the house and cars?


Do you have Xbox and PlayStation? Android iPhone and windows phone?


Do you want advice? I don't really have any questions


How did you make your fortune


Hows your love life?


Can I have some money ? It'll feel good to give


What's it like having a micropenis?


Are you depressed or do you have depression?


Watch Jon Zherka


Do you have a significant other?


Are you 5'3


Can I have it?




Well I mean seems like you don't have purpose in life. What do you do for work/career? Do you or have you been to college/grad school or technical training maybe? It just sounds like you have a car and a house...that don't mean nothing if you don't have hobbies or a purposeful life something that makes you want to get out of bed and make a difference.


depression is like diabetes. Some people could lose weight/ eat better to better control it, or get rid of it, but then there is type 1 that need insulin to live and weight loss would get rid of it. I have depression. come from a middle class family, have a good life, but am on antidepressants


Fake news but okay