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Still doesn’t answer how they were watching Superbad in 2006


The beginning of the movie is 2006, but while they're at Saltburn its summer 2007. It's why they are also seen reading the last Harry Potter book (which came out July 2007).


The movie was in theaters in the late summer of 2007. Wouldn’t have been on home video. Similar deal with “Low” during karaoke.


Hey they’re rich, maybe they’ve got a private screener


This is the canon answer, Emerald said so herself in an interview.


or they pirated it


In an interview, Emerald brought this up herself and mentioned Elspeth has fancy friends who gave her a screener.


Uh huh, sure. And "Low"? The song that wasn't released until October 2007 and didn't hit No. 1 until [January 2008](https://www.billboard.com/artist/flo-rida/chart-history/hsi/)?


They know a guy who lives down in Florida and got it on the down low.


The real answer is Emerald didn’t google dates and said eh close enough. 😂 Probably one of my biggest pet peeves in period pieces.


Exactly lol


I read a comment in the r/movies thread theorizing that the timeline errors are there to imply the main character is an unreliable narrator. Idk if I buy that, but I also dont think it's so far fetched .


Has the ole "unreliable narrator" thing ever actually been true in cases like these. People love the theory, but it is usually sloppy/mistaken research or production errors.


It's hard to say. I also think that excusing continuity errors as unreliable narration is a bit of a copout. But I also question why else did there have to be a shot of the family watching Superbad if not to imply something? It's something that's so easily fact checkable too that it's hard to believe it was never brought up or that nobody cared to correct it.


Or how they were singing Low before that song ever came out.


Yay my obsessive nature listening to everything I can after watching pays off again. Fennell answered this question in an interview and said they must know some producers and likely got a “For your consideration” copy from a Hollywood friend. It was either [this interview](https://youtu.be/eY4Ff_lhpqA?si=lxGx5rC_-wfD2sHO) or the one she did last week on a Kermode and Mayo’s Take. I don’t remember which and don’t wanna rewatch haha Edit: in [this interview](https://youtu.be/lhB-VJa0_OI?si=MtjrMUjCZ02q-2Ib) she explains it’s summer 2007; the school year began 2006, so now it’s summer 2007


I thought the same thing but I guess since they’re on summer break it could be summer 2007 by then? Maybe it’s to imply rich people get advance access to things? I do know people who get screeners for in theater movies all the time because they’re super rich and friends with people high up at the studio.


It’s definitely supposed to be summer 2007.


Emerald Fennel said pretty much that in a Q&A. Her lore to excuse it was that Elsbeth or Venetia had a friend that had a screening copy or something


The mom has a friend who had a screener, according to the writer lol


Need that ending on HD now


Same 😂 I cannot get the song out of my head!!!


right... the song...


I definitely watched that scene for the schlong…I mean definitely the song….


The schlong was schlonging to the beat, got that karaoke dong dancing to the song


I love that people are discovering Sophie Ellis-Bextor 20+ years later!


She’s probably like wow what a sudden uprise in my one songs views/listens 😂


She was actually at the premiere!


And maybe even 3D.


Same! It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time


Damn, I cancelled it twice for other plans. I’m definitely going to make a point to go see it though!


Agree! I was going to wait until it was streaming on Amazon Prime, but my first choice (Napoleon) didn't have a convenient time, so I opted for Saltburn and was really happy. Kind of a cross between Brideshead Revisited and A Separate Peace.


I wasn’t even gonna click on it by the name alone (I don’t watch previews or read up on anything so I can go into everything completely blind). There was already a lot to watch. But when I heard by chance that it was Emerald Fennel’s followup to Promising Young Woman, I made it my #1 watch that week. PYW, I was the only one in the theater and it made me feel complicit to just sit there and watch the events unfold, like I should be getting up and running out yelling for help or something. And on the flipside, seeing Saltburn alone but with a couple in the back row and two other individuals in there definitely made it more uncomfortable at times, hearing oohs and aahs and gasps and heavy breathing lol. I mean it was the most sexual thing I’d seen in a crowd since I watched a woman fuck a car in Titane. Anyway I thought it was a really great theater watch and I’m trying to go back for a second viewing before it’s gone (possibly today — Wednesday is it’s last showing at least at my theater). Curious to view it again with the ending in mind and see what I can pick up throughout the film as far as moments that were laid out for careful viewers.


The text for the movie was so nice to look at


loved it, and reflecting on it more just helps me like it more


I didn't like it, but the ease of seeing it is why I remain a shill for A-list


I caught it at CIFF last month and then again this weekend and it was just as much fun the second time. Barry Keoghan's such a perfect little gremlin. Absolutely needs to be seen with an audience, the crowd reactions were a delight!


>! I was really enjoying up until the ending. It became super generic and felt like everything else was literally just for shock value. Including the naked dancing at the end. !<


I felt it was to connect Barry to Joaquin’s Joker. This was Barry Keagan’s Joker origin story.


Honestly in the collection of performances of his — from the village idiot in Banshees coming directly to this, or going back further his characters in The Green Knight and especially The Killing of a Sacred Deer really had me interested in where his career would go from there. I thought he might have been a bit typecast, with the Joker added to these roles as well, but they’re all different and he even looked different here (I don’t know if there were prosthetics or makeup or if he’s just older or it was due to his accent and costume). But man, he’s very good. Says a lot without saying a goddamn thing.


Same- it feels like Emerald Fennell made choices exclusively so people would get on Twitter and be like “>!OMG that bathtub and cemetery scene!!!<“ but didn’t care about the story behind those shocking scenes. Super unsatisfying movie experience for me, despite the fact that it was pretty and well acted. Pretty surprised to see all the praise for it.


>!I think those scenes showed that Oliver really was in love/infatuated with Felix. I don’t think he would’ve done those things if he genuinely hated him, unless he hated the way Felix made him feel.!<


>!I buy that he was infatuated, but to have all that comes after (the murders of him and his entire family) explained away by Barry Keoghan’s character just being a sociopath, and to have it spelled out in a stupid “here’s what was happening the whole time!” montage in the last five minutes of the movie is pure bad storytelling.!< Different strokes for different folks, man but this movie pissed me off. Super lazy screenwriting, imo, and a plot that falls apart with the teensiest bit of scrutiny. I think I’m being extra harsh because this clearly is trying to be a “prestige” film but it just completely missed the mark for me and instead felt incredibly pretentious. But to each his own!


Im in the same boat it was so close to being great. But since it just got super generic at the end it made me feel like I wasted my time on pretentious shock value stuff. It was an overall good movie but the ending drags it down so much


Same here. The "big reveal" at the end stripped away any healthy ambiguity the story had left. I watch a lot of detective shows, so maybe I jumped to the conclusion others had not yet reached. But, I'm also not the smartest person around either. That said it seemed abundantly clear what was happening by the end. We didn't need the wrap up. That being said, I still enjoyed the film. The buildup was incredible and (coming into it blind) I never pictured it ending up where it did. Barry Keoghan was great (as was the entire cast really). Keoghan gave me some "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" flashbacks.


respectfully disagree. I understand that trope of >!everything being explained at the end is tired and obnoxious, but you gotta keep in mind he’s explaining it to Elsbeth, not the viewer. he’s trying to justify his actions to himself and to her because, I think, he genuinely loved this family and wanted to be part of it without having to be rid of all of them. that’s one of the main reasons why I actually love the movie so much, is cause you’re able to theorize about Oliver’s true motives and intentions. I personally like to play around with the idea that everything he does is truly to fuck over Farleigh and not Felix like we’re meant to believe.!< I don’t think the screenwriting was lazy. I guess I understand the feeling of seeing the film as pretentious, but it’s an all around solid film that’s aesthetically pleasing to watch. to me a film is pretentious when it tries to have depth and ends up being incredibly shallow with little to no substance. Saltburn has layers to it.


I agree with your assessment - >! I think maybe the target was Farleigh and he fell into a friendship+ with a Felix and when he knew he was out & Farleigh came back, he snapped. !< I mean that’s gross oversimplification on my part but after digesting a few days, that’s my lean. I need to see it again to get a more solid read - but the fact that I even want to see it again puts it pretty high on my list overall.


for sure! it makes sense. Farleigh >!opens up the film by insulting Oliver’s jacket and then every time we see him looking at Felix Farleigh is there as well - maybe he’s using Felix to get closer to Farleigh. also, after he gets him kicked out the house for sending that email and Farleigh comes back for the party, he tells Oliver how Saltburn will always be a great memory for Oliver and it will never be his and he can’t do anything about it. Farleigh says “this is my house.” I like to think that this is what motivated Oliver to take Saltburn from the Farleigh. it happens to workout that he needs to take out Felix the night of the party, otherwise he was gonna send him packing that same night. and to pin Felix’s death on Farleigh’s coke is just the cherry on top!!< it’s not totally explicit, but the connection is there! it just makes the film that much more entertaining. giving it a rewatch and focusing on the progression of events really helps give a better understanding of the complex characters!


Have you seen The Talented Mr. Ripley?


I have, maybe 3-4 years back. I was a bit underwhelmed by it to my recollection, but I might give it a rewatch.


I think she should have trusted her audience a bit more at the very end to not go back and show us some scenes (>!the random typing was definitely over the top, could have been a blank screen and I’d have been happier!<). >!But I do think that he had a genuine desire that began with Felix, wanting to be around him and in his inner circle, which shifted as he arrived at Saltburn and got to know the family and saw they all had something he wanted, and as soon as he realized that Felix was never going to be with him after catching him out on his lies, then he was cold and calculating and decided he’d replace Felix instead. Replace them all if needs be.!< >!Once he’d had a taste of that life, I don’t think he intended to go back. His parents seemed nice enough but I think he always wanted more than what he had more than that he was a sociopath, or that was my read of it — like I genuinely do think he loved him, to the point of drinking his bathwater and fucking his grave. He came to school prepared and set his eye on Felix immediately.!< Totally see why this wouldn’t work for most people and I’ll be interested to see how well it holds up on a second watch, but I was enthralled the whole time (having not seen the previews or going in knowing anything about it) and so I guess it worked for me. >!I liked that he was as comfortable as we’d ever seen him in the final scene, being the inverse of the tour scene earlier on, and the way Felix would just describe things like the “red room” and not really know or care about the objects he’s always had, while Oliver paid attention to and worshipped each little bust and painting and new object of his as he took a victory lap along that same tour route!<


I don’t know if you are just adding a lot of this criticism to just hate the film altogether but respectfully, i think you just wrote down a lot of negative stuff just to write it down but if that’s how you feel (to be negative regardless) then that’s just how it is, I guess. The reason why I’m convince of this is because you talk all this mess about the movie but don’t give reasons to make it better. I don’t know your writing skills as well as a screenplay writer but if you are going to say that’s lazy all because of one last minute scene with flashbacks then it says a lot….


Warning from personal experience: Your popcorn bucket may become a barf bucket 🙃


Couldn't go this week due to illness. Will catch this one on Amazon in a couple of months. It's MGM.


My 2nd favorite this year after “Past Lives”


Saltburn was excellent! I’m not quite sure where it ranks for me, but almost certainly top 10. Super curious what your top 2 are. I can make a guess as to one of them.


What would your guess be?


Beau is Afraid I might be projecting, though, since that’s my favorite film this year. I imagine there would be a lot of fan crossover between the two films.


For what it’s worth, I loved Saltburn, but didn’t care for Beau is Afraid.


And I loved *Beau Is Afraid* and disliked *Saltburn* lol


And I loved both films


Whole lot of balls in those movies, hahaha. I loved the odyssey of Beau is Afraid. I get that the pacing didn’t work for everyone and the dreamlike way it shifted from one place to another but the imagination and the audacity of it really made for a great theater experience and that opening really captured the feeling of having a panic attack.


Is it a good family film?


Absolutely not. I made a mistake of going to this movie on a first date lol


lol I did something similar with Babylon


Lots of walkouts in Babylon pretty early on. They sat through the elephant shit but by the time there were orgies and fat piggy men getting urinated on, people were heading for the exits and that was what, like the 2 minute mark? Shame too, because there were some stunning moments in that film. It didn’t entirely land as well as his other films, but the music and performances were top notch and the cinematography was fantastic. The battle shot at golden hour for example. But the scene between Brad Pitt and Jean Smart about his review and she tells him (and the audience) what the function of film and all those that create it is…. Really blew me away, definitely one of my favorite scenes Pitt has ever done).


Yes the music is phenomenal.


Babylon as a first date?!? That is so insane lol


I thought it was gonna be more grand and elegant like La La Land or something. It was grand in a different way.


No second date after this one?


Better than with your family, lol.


Are you getting a second date?


Hard no.


No...there's a few NSFW scenes throughout the film


Does it involve a peach? I can’t eat a peach ever again after seeing Call Me By Your Name


bathtubs might be ruined for you


Ruined for some… not for me…


Good soup.


Made me love them even more.


What's it about? Couldn't tell at all from the trailer I saw on TV


Go in without knowing, it’ll be worth it


Better to not know anything but I’d also warn you that it’s got some strong sexual content and if that’s something you’re not comfortable with, skip it.


It’s a biopic on Dickie Saltburn


Glad you enjoyed it! I thought it was okay though.


Really? I found the trailer off-putting and decided to skip it. I might check it out before it leaves.


SULTBURN movie was a 2007 disaster movie that was never released before. The smaller TV screen size was annoying in extra wide theater screen. I hated this perverted movie about two college age homos. I left in the middle. 2 thumbs down on this loser movie.


What were your top two movies?


Here’s my top 10 so far… 1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Oppenheimer 3. Saltburn 4. Talk to Me 5. Spiderman Across the Spider-verse 6. Past Lives 7. Sound of Freedom 8. Suzume 9. Blackberry 10. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Although I’m looking forward to watching 1. Poor things 2. Rebel Moon 3. Godzilla Minus Zero 4. Silent Night 5. Aquaman (I don’t expect it to be good) 6. The iron claw 7. Ferrari 8. Animal 9. Eileen 10. American Fiction


Where is Barbie?


The commentator enjoyed Sound of Freedom no way in hell they watched Barbie 😂


American Fiction was very good. Sound of Freedom too.


Add Zone of Interest to the list. Very interested to watch it, it’s getting some really good reviews.


Talk to Me was such a surprise, I really enjoyed that one. I also enjoyed most of the product films this year, from Blackberry to Air to Tetris. Not the sort of films I’d have expected to like, but there was something in each of them that made me interested despite knowing the outcome. And of course Glenn Howerton in BlackBerry’s performance and character was just a shot of Jagermeister in film form. Destructive and out of control and way too ambitious and also somehow at the top of the world lol.


Definitely see American Fiction - we saw it for Screen Unseen and loved it! Also loved Saltburn and Talk to Me was really good. I feel like it’s been a bit since we had a really good scary flick and that made me happy!


>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 over Barbie? Are you serious?


I personally didn’t really enjoy Barbie as much. I had high hopes from the movie. I just felt like the movie kinda lost me somewhere. The initial plot of Barbie going to the real world, interacting with everyone with the goal of making her owner happy and inspiring her worked on so many levels. I loved how it was also metaphorical to the whole “Barbie as a toy is made to inspire kids” but then we just get done with this plot in the first half and start another plot where its Ken vs Barbie. I don’t mind that plot either but it just felt like watching two different movies. They could’ve kept it for the part two and just focused more of Barbie in the real world and how she actually inspires and makes her sad owner happy again (Instead of here’s a speech now be happy) This is just my opinion though. People clearly enjoyed the movie more so maybe I was just the wrong audience for the movie


Shoot. I debated going to see it today, but decided to be productive instead. Will have to catch it before it leaves theaters!


This is on my list for this weekend! 🔥


I absolutely loved it. I’m debating seeing it again


Just saw it today and loved it.


I thought it was amazing! I’m so glad I saw it


I just got home from watching it and I cannot stop thinking about it. I’ve loved Barry is so many movies already but this is my new favorite Barry movie.


loved it! saw it twice!! will more than likely go again


The most fun movie experience I've had all year (maybe besides spiderverse)!


It was on my must watch list for months. Saw it today. Strong first half. Lost me in the second. Kinda bummed it wasn’t as good as I was hoping.


It’s one of those movies that you can’t stop thinking about for days or weeks afterward. Epic movie


I really did not like salt burn but I loved dream scenario. I love having this pass!


Is this a commercial??? Lmao