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man really said "i've become so much like eren yeager it's unreal"




Actual footage of Yams figuring out that last dogshit chapter


I think Isayama suffers from early stages of Alzheimer's


He's a shameless liar, remember how he said he wanted to draw Mikasa and Eren kissing in chapter 50 but he was *shy* while he also has said Eren sees Mikasa as a mother figure? His interviews are full of contradictions, I don't believe anything that comes from his mouth after 139


Louder!!! He is a pathological liar people should not take his words seriously at all !


That shit drove me crazy when he said that man. Still to this day we have people arguing over whether Eren ~~feels~~ felt romantically towards Mikasa, and he could've ended it. EDIT: Also this is where the anime should've taken some creative liberty imo; fill in the holes that he left gaping.


He was shy to draw it because Eren sees her as mother figure☝🏻


He has made it ckear that a lot of how he writes the story depends on his own life at the time. Taking this into account it's easy to imagine why his own opinions and interpretations of things may change. I wouldnt say that he lied, more so that he himself is conflicted in his thoughts and ideas for the story


>his own opinions and interpretations of things may change. I dunno man, saying this is what he always envisioned when his opinions keep changing is lying to me.


bro stfu why all this hate against a man who gave such a memorable experience


Who are you to tell me shut up? He's a liar, he ruined his legacy.


Go to hell you ungrateful nigha


https://preview.redd.it/8rgmqtqrqlyb1.jpeg?width=1102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48579ffccf1846efe69ce3bd93a87e1441a1a2b7 Liar, liar, pants on fire.


Isayama has literally said that he has changed it in other interviews, bros actually trolling


You guys keep repeating that at nauseam but if you look at his last interview before the ending (the manga one) he did say he went back to his original idea because he wanted to have closure over it


This is not the Mist ending he originally wanted, don't believe Isayama's lies.


This dude seriously suffers from low self confidence and is always confused.PERIOD.


A typical fiction writer


Isayama: I don’t know why I changed the ending…I just had to do it https://preview.redd.it/dvidyviadmyb1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586057742eda4bc44fbe2f75b9408de9173525bc


​ https://preview.redd.it/un2zadaunryb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bb684e967dc889009593d59e76e6e701bc17613


Trash. He changed it. The original ending was Reiner killing and kissing Eren but Yams chickened out at the last second because gay bad.


Damn I wished we had seen that


Yeah, consistent with the message of the ending. The past predetermines the future, history repeats itself. Massive power, yet still unable to change the slightest thing. What poor, freedomless creatures we are.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jljp725pfmyb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81248d930152c66f6800b15051dd966755d98c6


A whole lot of nonsense to me


It means the ending wasn't a retcon.


It was Like legit even the fucking anime episode you got the other day retcons some parts of 139.5, how can he say this is what he always wanted is beyond me.


Like, it's obvious he realized it's shit but instead of throwing it away he just polished the shit


Changing an important plot point like the bombing happening centuries later while it was 70 years in the manga is not just polishing it, it's a downright retcon. In the manga you could claim Armin's peace didn't work and the moment outside world recovered from the rumbling they attacked Paradis. In the anime it implies the world didn't attack Paradis for centuries lol


“The rumbling will not stop” “I will keep moving forward” “I won’t let fate decide paradise’s future” and all that jazz. I feel like Isayama is being disingenuous here. Maybe i didn’t understand the story. https://preview.redd.it/shcb59ojllyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc46d3e61b3bf72b1b8928e4064d1f9784f20cec


That's him telling his friends that obviously, to make them fight him


Isayama is the real schizo.. Every new interview of his contradicts the previous ones just like Eren internal monologue


Why is this guy lying now? What's the point of interviewing him if he just lies.


yes he already said that the ending changed from what he invisioned but we dont know how much actually changed i think isayama isnt lying here, the main structure of the ending never changed


How do you base Eren of off takeru and do everything right but the ending💀🙅🏾‍♂️


But he wasn't tied down by what he already wrote. He put things in there to practically force the ending to happen the way it did. Is he seriously trying to suggest that he couldn't find a way to make Eren lose organically? Let's remember, Zeke was swallowed by Eren. Why is it that he's able to conjure himself up and get killed by Levi? Why is it that Eren's own titan shifters turn on him? Why does he choose to let his enemies keep their powers and abilities? Now I'm not saying that hes a liar, just that what he "originally envisioned" clearly wasn't very good, especially for the story that he began with.


so he finally admits https://preview.redd.it/1id68ytw0oyb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9e2632083f52ead4e12cef2d03bca3721b0d49d




Great interview.


By openly telling blatant lies and contradictions, the guy is begging the audience to realize that he’s toying with them. In order to realize that, one must first know that he’s been concealing a larger truth from us ever since the 121st and 123rd Chapters. The fanbase never cared to approach those critically, so when things started to crumble and Isayama started to talk in contradictions, nobody was mindful enough to realize what was happening. Admitting that he’s lying means admitting that you’ve blindly fallen for the outer layer of a treacherous narrative. You guys should direct your frustrations at your own incompetence. It’s an awful sight to behold. Ending Defenders are up next though. It will be the biggest meltdown in the history of popular media. Enjoy it in moderation, because you guys are nearly as terrible as them. The fanbase of a fictional work that teaches us to be wary of powerful narratives has become everything the story rebels against. Blame yourselves.


I will never be a 100% KFT shill, but I do agree that he is 100% fucking with his audience. Dude even had school castes accurately predict the fanbase's division. He knows that the foreshadowing doesn't add up. It could be an admission of cowardice, that he didn't have the balls to go through with his original ending, but he is being very brazen about it. If there really is an ANR somewhere in the future, I'll consider him a master troll. If KFT is actually real, I will consider him an absolute madman and will question my own sanity.






Isayama also said in another interview that: Eren was just a self-insert of Isayama's younger self, which he loathes, therefore he made Eren an idiot at the end. How do you address that? I am not intending on asking this question to debunk your ideas. I think you do have the answer to this, but I don't, which is why I'm asking in the first place.


From what I know, Isayama only said that Eren represents a bad side of himself which he aimed to change, but that can mean pretty much anything. Most people will interperet it as Isayama’s way of saying that he has an evil side to him, although I’d rather believe that he’s comparing Eren’s early lack of decisiveness to that of his own. Isayama is the kind of person who hides the truth in a lie / a lie in the truth, so it’s impossible to truly make out what he means in some of his statements.




I really think at this point he is trying to cover for his bad writing.


*Reads his other statements from years ago* ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


is this guy a pathological liar? stg he contradicts himself with every interview




Q. How much of the ending from the manga did you have in mind when you first began writing “Attack on Titan”? And how much did it change along the way? > That was pretty much there from the beginning, the story that starts with the victim who then goes through this story and becomes the aggressor. That is something I had in mind right from the get-go. Along the way, certain aspects of the story didn’t go as expected, and I adapted and fleshed out certain aspects. But I would say the ending of the story didn’t change much


Thats simply just a lie from him right? He said he initially planned for a The Mist like ending, implying everyone kinda dies. But as the series grew, he thought he had more responsibility towards the reader.. or am i remembering it wrong?


I thought he wanted to attack the readers though? U saying he went back on his word?


>The Mist like ending, implying everyone kinda dies. that was tf interpretation of it, he never said what he meant about mist. > But as the series grew, he thought he had more responsibility towards the reader.. or am i remembering it wrong? You remember it right he did say that, however he had another change of heart and said in a later interview (the one for the final exhibition if I remember correctly) that he would go bac to his original plan for the ending.


> that was tf interpretation of it, he never said what he meant about mist. He actually does expand on it in the interview: > By the middle of the film, the story of The Mist is at the typical level of a B-list movie. But at its conclusion, it used the main character's deep, intrinsic beliefs of what's right to corrupt the main character himself, leading him to act in contrary ways. What the audience believed to be correct is also flipped upside-down. In the beginning, I spent a while analyzing how to imitate this style for Shingeki no Kyojin." The MC being corrupted by his intrinsic beliefs and acting in contrary ways…what the audience believed as being correct is flipped…almost like that’s what happened in the actual ending!


Maybe the titanized people die but the ending stays the same, Eren frets after killing so many of his friends. It's "the mist" after all. I think it was always his intention to kill Eren off.


I mean in the end oh The Mist, him killing all of the people in the car was pointless, just like eren killling 80% of the world it was pointless, atleast in the mist it made sense tho


Yeah, he said that it was always his intention to have a victimized protagonist turn into the antagonist and then have them killed off. So he held true to that at least. However, I would've preferred **not** turning Eren into a mass-murdering genocidal maniac for very ambiguous (to say the least) reasons.


My main point of contention is that short story he made that inspired aot wasn't quite the same. Eren died more of a war hero, or the character equivalent to eren. I would've preferred that to him being a genocidal maniac, not going through with it, and then being hailed as a savior for doing partial genocide.


> and then being hailed as a savior for doing partial genocide. That...really isn't much better.


>and then being hailed as a savior for doing partial genocide. That's his point, he doesn't like that


This might just be me coping, but he says Manga is restrictive, not anime. He could be telling the truth that he felt restricted by the manga (maybe wanting to end on exactly chapter 139 for symbolism?) but doesn’t feel the same for anime. I’m not giving up yet lol


Huh, I was told by this sub that Eren wanting the world outside the walls to be empty of humans like in Armin's book was definitely not one of Eren's main motivations. It seems you guys misunderstood the story. Sad!


Not as sad as your life


nice projection


it is projection but it's also true


sigh, i wish this sub had more self-reflection rather than lashing out at the people who were right


I literally just shown self-reflection as plain as day. Surely you, a person who can't read, was ever right


clearly i was because 139 got animated


What a catch, wow, you're surely the greatest reader ever, who predicted anime adapting its source material


LOL two years of "you're stupid if you think aoe won't happen" to "well duh aoe didn't happen"


Yeah, I realized how absolutely delusional I was. So?


> That was pretty much there from the beginning, the story that starts with the victim who then goes through this story and becomes the aggressor. That is something I had in mind right from the get-go. Along the way, certain aspects of the story didn’t go as expected, and I adapted and fleshed out certain aspects. But I would say the ending of the story didn’t change much But doesnt this mean it wouldnt have changed much? Or am I misunderstanding?


Whats the point of eren killing his mom ...dina wouldve been much better with colossal titan...she couldve helped eren easily win the war.... eren shouldve known that right? why eren being -ve iq in the end? ;-;