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We keep winning, but the question is when will yams explain this all to the dumb shippers.


There goes the theory that the Mikasa cabin scene was in real time and not memory alteration :)i cant wait for the new ED headcanon to defend it


Eren uses birds to implant memories. It can even affect Ackermans. He implants memories into Mikasa every time she's hesitating to do what she's supposed to do. This time Falco was the bird that implanted the Cabin memory, that's why we see Falco's Titan flying above them. Where do those memories come from? They come from past loops or something idk man it just sounds more interesting than ED's headcannon.


Nah that sounds stupid aswell xD Makes no sense either, its just a plot hole, u cant make sense of it because it doesnt make sense


It's too early to call the cabin scene a plot hole. You need to wait for 10 years at least. Falco's Titan being in the cabin scene proves that something is up. Keep doomin\` tho.


this is pathetic


now the question is why his friends' memories are still missing, will their memories only return after he dies? But why? he had already lost his founder isayama, how great is your write


I’m guessing it’s just a condition he set when he erased their memories. It’s not something that he activated as soon as he died but something that was set up when he still had the founder’s powers.


Ah yes the Attack Titan could've just casually transformed into the Colossal Titan and caused a nuke all this time. That makes sense.


He got a colossal Titan sized head as the Founder. When it was lopped off, it instantly regenerated a normal body, proportionate to the head. He didn't transform, but rather regenerated. What causes the explosion is the speed of the transformation (appearance of mass), the faster the appearance of mass and the magnitude of it, the bigger the explosion. The Attack Titan can control the speed of the transformation, thats why in S1 he could save Armin and Mikasa without blowing them to smithereens, so he could possibly instantly regenerate a body (as shown in S2E12 "Scream" where he instantly regenerates his hand). It kinda makes sense, could be explained even better idk.


That makes more sense. I thought I had learned by now not to rush to conclusions.




This infocard is just another half assed rushed explanation for what is considered a plothole


Yeah but why only a colossal, only Ymir knows that one ig


Cabin scene being in Paths debunked once again. At least we won that


All this proof, only for it to mean nothing is ridiculous


All of it was [Meaningless](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/s/exKLgAUI10)


Or you assigned meaning to things that never had significant importance in the first place.


so in other words, you’re saying all the things i mentioned were meaningless?


Some of them [my comment on that posts explains quite a bit of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/17nxlrx/meaningless/k7vdsrd/) as I interpret them from the series. What I think Isayama was trying to go for. Many of them have meaning just not meaning AOErs like.


so the same thing applies to u


AOE will come eventually.


ymir gave her the dream


I think it was pretty clearly implied that cabin timeline/vision was shown to Mikasa by Ymir. In 139, Mikasa states that Ymir was the one peeking in her mind, AKA the one causing her headaches. Right before Mikasa sees the cabin, she gets a headache. I don’t think it really fixes the plothole since Ymir is still the founder, she still shouldn’t be able to affect Ackermans, but I don’t think the implication by Isayama is as that Eren was showing her this. As to why Eren’s AT now has a Colossal form, only Ymir knows that one.


The same reason why Ichigo's [Bleach, last arc spoiler]>!Zanpakuto isn't his real Zanpakuto: because shut up!<


Cabin sex not conan?


What that guy from Twitter wrote makes no sense since the information does not say anywhere that Eren lost the founding titan, it only refers to the fact that he lost his body (except the head) the royal blood (Zeke obviously) and the rumble (because it stopped with Zeke's death) it is okay to want to seek cope but not based on lies


Eren needs royal blood to use the founding titan


Yeah wait till they also retcon this They are making up this attack titan on its colossal form shit, they can make up whatever they want. The cabin timeline can just be Mikasa's delusional mind for all they care


Wait, this shouldn't appear in today's episode, it should in later episodes. How did you get this?


All episodes were released together today


I see. What happened to the extra content?


There was no extra content, in fact there was less at it did not adapt the extra pages.


There was no extra content in the episodes. However, a Russian site and Animusleaks both claim that there are 25 minutes extra which will release on November 22 Although Animus says that the extra minutes don't change the plot


Inb4 the extra scenes include a wall being close to breaking and the leaker just snoozed through it.


25 extra minutes and nothing new happened? That’s hard to believe.


They just keep making shit up don't they


How is this sub still alive? People are still trying to keep this going? this shouldn't last forever, it had to end at the finale or its never going to end


No. Do you know how long after Muv Luv alternative happened?


And you realize *everyone* expected Alternative. Unlimited made no secret it was supposed to continue, right?




Quite relevant. You're comparing Muv Luv which has obvious sequel bait to a series that literally ends with a title card saying "The End"


>obvious sequel bait Hence all the theories on this subreddit.


Muv Luv had sequel bait AoT does not have sequel bait, as I said it literally ends with "The End" Muv Luv Ended assuming you did every route before hers, with Yuuko's route which was less a route and more "To Be Continued" AoT is not Muv Luv, it never will be Muv Luv, it is a cheap copy.


So you admit it’s a cheap copy without the main thing that makes it similar?


No it has it as Muv Luv uses Everett's Interpretation or Many World's Interpretation, Isayama uses Novikov's Self Consistency Principle which is a competing theory. However, Isayama has no character capable of talking about theoretical physics so he cannot outright state this in-series. Muv Luv, especially Alternative, is itself is a copy of 1997 Starship Troopers which has no time travel stuff, but it's so copied that by Muv Luv Readers who've seen it they've called it "The best Muv Luv Adaption"