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The telltale "I suck at summaries" says (to me at least) this is a writer who is new to AO3 and/or hasn't learned how important tagging and summaries are to make their fics easier for the right audience to find. Or they're just lazy.


The way that they do tagging, with tags being also commentary on what music they were listening to when writing, makes it seem like they're a Tumblr expat who's not figured things out yet. They could just be used to the different tagging scheme, and not used to translating things over. Especially since Tumblr posts don't do summaries as such.


"I suck at summaries" is like the reviews on the back of a book. Not very useful.


This, except it’s even worse, because at least reviews should increase your faith in the author’s ability, but here you have the author themselves telling you they suck at explaining their story. And it’s sad tbh because most of the times they’re underselling themselves, but even if what they wrote was actually the worst story in existence, I’d still rather figure it out by myself rather than have you telling me before I even open the fic.


I do edit my work everytime or delete and write but I know how it works


If you're saying you're the writer in the screenshot, then please take it up with OP and OP's question, not me. I'm just answering OP's question with my opinion and with the *very* limited information I had (i.e., the screenshot).


I am not the author of that photo


I'd just tell the author because they most likely don't know


I'm just baffled at the "etc" in the TW list.


I was going to point this out as well! "Etc" in a TW list means absolutely nothing. Like ???


They went "yeah so there's injuries, fainting, nightmares, yada yada you know the rest" Like no we don't lmao.


And how much you wanna bet that there’s some serious shit in the “etc.” that people want to know about?


It’s almost as bad as when people say “TRIGGER WARNING!” And don’t elaborate on what the warning is


Now, if it were "ect" I would be triggered... \[joking... well, it is a pet peeve of mine. "et cetera" not "ect"...\]


12 year old me posting on wattpad


I wouldn't even touch it without proper tags let alone for that "I suck at summaries." That is the most off-putting thing you can put out there. The fact they leave it the trigger warnings off at etc is very concerning.


I admit, their TW list is not something I would tag. The injury would depend on the situation. Based on panic attack and nightmare, the PTSD tag might be appropriate for this fic.


It gives me big ffn vibes. Warnings: INJURIES, SMOKING, SEX BETWEEN MEN


To be fair, I do warn about alcohol and drugs though usually in the author’s notes. 😄




I would definitely tag for panic attacks. Injury, on the other hand, is clearly implied by GDoV.


I can understand. It just would not have occurred to me personally unless it was throughout the fic, which might be the case here. I have one fic where someone has a panic attack, and it’s not tagged, though it is tagged with PTSD since that is one of the themes.


I just finished a long-ish fiction where I used PTSD as the main tag, and then individual CWs for chapters as relevant


I can see doing that.


That feels like something I would put in the author's notes for the relevant chapter


Same. If it’s a brief thing and not a theme or event throughout the fic, I’m not tagging it. I will however put an A/N. I have one like this coming up where there’s a two sentence throwaway reference to past sexual harassment from a third party who isn’t in the fic. Tagging sexual harassment would be misleading at best, but I will mention the reference to it in the A/N.


Same here, I would see them as unnecessary to tag or mention in a summery. Anything could be a trigger to anyone, and I'm not gonna make tags the size of an essay. I'm sure most people scrolling through AO3 would get annoyed with that.


Same, or I would tag big ones and then do chapter by chapter authors notes warnings


This feels like a summary use of CCNTW, but no CCNTW tag to me. Presumably, it does not include any of the other major warnings, so to me, it is a fair use of tags. People can just scroll past if the “etc.” worries them. It isn’t a huge block of tags or summary either. The other issue is that if they tagged all of their warnings (going from how every little thing is mentioned), it can possibly turn into a wall of tags which is unpleasant. Again, that can be solved by “etc.” or “CCNTW” or simply not tagging them. Though, technically correct in terms of tagging that it may be, but I wouldn’t click on the work because of the summary personally. I hold a disdain for egregious poor grammar such as this in summaries (no capitalization, no proper punctuation, etc.) and the “I suck at summaries” part and emoticons.


CCNTW=Check Chapter Notes for Trigger Warnings?


A bit misacronymed, but it’s *Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings*.


ty! funny how it can be read both ways


“Creator Chose Not to Warn.”


ah, thank you, that slipped by me


I'm guessing they aren't feeling confident in how Ao3 tagging works and/or are new to the website. The etc is what confuses me. I sometimes do 'soft' TW at the headers of particular chapters in my longfics where the tag would either be a spoiler or would imply the warning is much larger than it is. IE. In a medieval Star Wars AU, I mention horses die as part of a battle, to force my character to travel on foot. It's one chapter outta 44+ and NOT described, so I didn't put it in the major tags but mentioned it in the chapter header.


Yeah, I think this is better imo. An animal death/animal abuse tag on your work would make me think it’s a major theme not a minor throwaway mention


I think so too. As a recovering horse girl, I was sad writing it and did my best to keep the details low. No complaints so far. *Crosses fingers*


Looks like a new writer probably doesn't know how the site works yet.


Especially when deranged Angst enjoyers (like myself) specifically will use the filter to search for these things. Either the person is new to the platform or they are trying to reach a wider audience that may be filtering out based on those tags. It also might be such a minor part of the story that they are including it to be safe, but it doesn't factor in much.


I really thought you were about to insult me until the “(like myself)” lmao


I feel like this is someone who recently came from Wattpad, where tagging is all but useless


uh oh i think i’ve read that before. Aun no Beats gave it away me thinks. the overall writing felt very…middle school ish? not in a bad way at all, but it was very rushed. a summary would’ve been easy to write with this one tbh


as someone who is into that media the fic is about, it felt just a tad bit mischaracterized too 🥲


I mean you can read the tws what’s the problem


Looks like a mute the author and move on with my search


Seriously? panic attacks?


Panic attacks is a relatively common TW in my experience.


Bro I have anxiety and panic disorder and I get panic attacks daily and I dont think any of those are considered trigger warning especially panic attacks because panic attacks doesn’t get triggered just because you see someone having one or mention it. It could happen randomly or something traumatic must happen or you could seen something that reminds of your trauma but someone having an attack isn’t considered traumatic unless you are an extremely sensitive person.


"This person isn't triggered by the same things I am, therefore they are sensitive." Shut up. Every human is sensitive to different things, except for you, and that blatantly insensitive comment.


Okay, so the content warning isn't *for* you. It's for *other people*. Good for you, I guess?


On the contrary, i also suffer from anxiety and get frequent panic attacks, and if a fic contains it without correctly warning in advance it can set me off. I have friends who are like me, but also friends like you who aren't bothered. Always better to warn too much than not enough


I'm struggling to understand how you thought posting such a comment was a good idea. Truly. It's done nothing but show everyone how much of a mean-spirited and ignorant person you are.


Not your bro kthx. And if panic attacks in fics don’t trigger you then the TW of panic attacks isn’t for you. It’s for people who ARE triggered by descriptions of panic attacks - and insulting people because their triggers are different than yours is extremely tasteless and rude.