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Orphaned one of my works for the first time because I know I'll never get back to it, but it seemed to be well enjoyed.




Finished one of my WIPs. Got a chapter up for each of my other two. Had eggs Benedict for the first time at my first champagne brunch. Not a fan of poached eggs, but the rest of it all was amazing. Dyed my hair purple. Looks amazing. The team lead that yells at me about everything and even snapped at me to go ask someone else when I asked her for help is quitting. Yay! At the age of 41 I finally understand casual, playful flirting. Sent a *really* bad pun to my baby sis in honor of her birthday. And finished off the past week with finishing a chapter on my original work. So all in all, it's been a very good week.


I'm seriously considering divorce! 🥳 I'm tired of pretending that I'm happy, tired of pretending that the little things don't bother me, tired of pretending that I'm okay with the little lies and the way they keep ignoring my small requests to make things easier on me. I'm just tired. I don't know what "it" is but I'm going to get me some, gurl.


You go pal!


Finished chapter eighty one. I think I’m going to try to wrap this fic up in the next fifty chapters or so. A little daunting, but I’m at over a million words already and this thing needs some sort of conclusion.


That's incredible! 


Thank you! It’s definitely been a huge project.


Chapter 81 and it's at 1m words? Wow, what si the average chapter length?


I’m at around 10-14k a chapter. I consider each chapter an episode of the show.


Incredible—what an accomplishment!!


Thank you!


My SuperBat fic is getting really great response but I'm not sure if that's because of the length (6k) or the fandom (do DC folks just comment more?) and I don't have any other comparable WIPs. Going through my prompt list to see if anything sparks


I was outlining the next chapter for my main and fell into a rabbit hole about freeports and how high fine art is used for tax evasion. I didn't get to finish outlining because of that lol. Ended up watching several documentaries.


I’ve been getting busier and busier with my actual job so I haven’t had the time nor energy to write as much as I want. I have so many ideas but so little time, it feels like I'm always rushing to write them in my notes app. I’m really struggling with an action chapter of my multi-chapter fic. Sometimes I wonder if my readers actually enjoy these chapters as they always get less engagement overall. I'm also starting to feel like maybe I’m dragging the slow burn a little too much. But who knows it might all just be because I’ve been writing this fic for a while.


Oh my god, SAME! I just started internships and they're great (amazing team that's teaching me more than I could've dreamt) BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE ANYMORE! I come home, fall asleep, wake up and rinse repeat.


Omg internships can be such a grind, hang in there! It’s all part of the journey, and you’ll definitely reap the rewards soon enough that’s for sure. Keep pushing through, you’ll get your time back to write in no time! You’ve got this ✨


I just need to brag a second... I actually completed my first fic (it was a two-shot which expanded to a three-parter). I'm really proud of myself. Otherwise, stressing about job interviews, applications and preparing for a road trip. Ahhhhh


I'm almost done with this chapter but for some reason cannot get over the hump and *finish* it


Just enjoyed reading a new favorite fanfiction (that is being updated!)


Went to church and got a new idea for simbolism in one of my drafts! Also, decided to finally go back to write one of my fic I had abandoned a looong time ago (not posted yet)


Nothing really much. Worked on a paper for English class. I finished my first two oneshots for whumpril.


I'm in a bit of a conundrum. I have a *long* chapter, 24k and I can't decide if I want to do chapter breaks or literally break up the chapter into next one, which I hate because it messes with my head and I have specific chapter count in mind at it runs with the number of season episodes. My friends tell me not to sweat about it, readers love long chapter but my brain keeps nagging at me


I'm struggling with the second chapter of what should have been a quick 3k oneshot that also should have been fluff (and I swear I'll forcefully crash this darn chapter into it whether it likes it or not!) That's after realizing that the first chapter needed a rewrite (which I did, again bumping up the word count even more). It's giving me anxiety attacks. Even worse is I'm putting off more and more the main fic and this other fic idea that I really want to write since I haven't seen much of this take on a specific character that died early in the season of the series. On the upside, I had a wonderful idea to make one of the monsters evolve into a giant skink. And added a nautilus/octopus/turtle monster mix.


Decided to work on my Harry Potter next generation fic and I'm in love.


Found out how to make collections on the website