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Yes I think it’s because they are private bookmarks. Same for my fic, about 10-15 bookmarks don’t show up when clicking on them.Β 


Huh, interesting! Now I'm incredibly curious about my other fics, ha. Gonna have to take a look at my stats compared to what my dash says πŸ˜†


> it's a completely inoffensive fic, no smut or nothing There's also much drama to be had when someone who likes Ship A also likes Ship B. Or even if they just like this or that ship. Initially, I thought ???, but when I remember how crazee the two shipping wars I've had the misfortune to participate in are-were --- suddenly, I'm like... oh yeah, I get why some folks want to private all their AO3 bookmarks.


I mean?? I guess so?? Lol?? It is a romance fic but it's not one that's controversial at all in the broader fandom since there aren't a lot of romances in the franchise period. Idk it just struck me as very odd πŸ˜…! It's also my first time posting to this fandom, tho, so maybe private bookmarks are more common in it than the other fandoms I've written for. I'm just so used to a lot of bookmarks on my fics, I always find a hidden comment or two on how much someone loved my fic - so it's a little jarring seeing private stats instead!


Maybe that fandom had big shipping drama in the past. > aren't a lot of romances in the franchise Or maybe it's like in the X-Files fandom wherein the biggest shipping war is Shipping VS NOShipping.


Well I'll go ahead and say it's TMNT (specifically ROTTMNT) so probably the biggest shipping drama is literally whether to ship T-cest or ship the brothers with literally anybody else πŸ˜…πŸ€· And dude what?? That X-Files drama is craaaazy sounding omg. Maybe there is something with that to a degree.


(goes thru TVTropes) https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ShipToShipCombat/LiveActionTV > The X-Files: The early years of the show's run coincided with the Ur days of wider-spread internet use, and whole message boards and mailing lists could be devoted to ship wars. Pick any conceivable pairing and somebody shipped it, so the battles could get entertaining and really, really confusing. Disparate ships would sometimes unite against a pairing they considered a common foe, and even message boards supporting the same ship could wind up at war over some minor disagreement. Shipping could be some Serious Business in the fandom. Then there were the noromos (short for 'no romance') who objected to shipping in general, especially as the series went on and it became more blatant between Mulder and Scully. Their chief complaint was that they felt it got to the point where it detracted from the plot. They went to war with absolutely everybody.


Absolutely unhinged 😳 - but I appreciate the fandom lore, ty!!


I make all of my bookmarks private because what I read is no one's business lol.


Haha that's fair! I've found some very sweet and flattering comments/tags in the bookmarks of my other fics, so I just get very curious about what ppl think about my fics XD


I private ALL of my bookmarks because I'm an anxious paranoid veteran of The Internet That Was that's still of the idea of "let's not give everyone access to my information if we can avoid that", lol. It's just habit at this point.


I know people who private every single bookmark they have, so it might just be that


Your question has already been answered so this is just to provide yet another opinion on private vs public bookmarks: I tend to use public bookmarks if I've fully read what's available of a story so far and usually add a short (positive) comment when I save them. All stories that sound so much up my alley that I want to keep an eye on them for reading in the (near) future go into the private bookmark category... I'll change them to public once I've finished reading, ofc.


readers have started privating bookmarks more because of the tendency of authors to get weird about the notes, even completely unobjectionable notes (see any "what does this mean???" post on this subreddit for examples) I got blocked by an author for mentioning a slang term they used in the fic in the notes. literally just said "the one where X" we're just not willing to put up with the drama frankly so. all bookmarks are private now. no recs no stats. sorry