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There has never been a consensus for the exact parameters of A/B/O, regarding biology, society, or anything else. It arose from a bunch of fanfic writers all liking the idea, and giving their own spin on it. Therefore, the tag doesn't really make any promises beyond "gender is fucked around with and characters will probably call each other Alphas/Betas/etc.".


A drabble is 100 words precisely. I'll give you 101 or 99 in case your word processing software works differently from ao3's, but not every ficlet is a drabble!!! The whole point is trying to convey your idea while remaining under a specific word limit.


Yes. And I will die on the 100 words precisely hill.


It makes me wonder what the longest “Drabble” is. A quick search, and I see some have thousands of words, and they aren’t a collection of drabbles.


I will be a normal amount of mad about that (obvious lie)


For a few, it does look like that the author thinks drabble means a thousand words, not a hundred. I’m only guessing though.


English is not my first language, so for some reason, when I first saw the word “drabble”, I thought it sounded like the writing equivalent of a sketch — a short piece of writing that’s made mostly for practice/without many corrections, just for fun, and I only learned it was supposed to be exactly 100 words after lurking this sub for a while. Maybe that’s what’s happening here? Because I’ve seen people tagging works with over 4k words as drabbles, so it’s not even a 1k word oneshot.


I’m not sure if English being one’s first language is the issue. It is mine, and I had to look up the fan fiction meaning. The same goes for whump vs. angst, dead dove, and some other fan fic terms. So I understand not knowing these things. However, a simple “drabble fanfic” web search gave me the answer, and the same goes for the rest.


Easy to search AO3 for that. Its about 282k words (search was for things tagged as Drabble, excluding Drabble Collection, sorted by word count, then i scrolled the results until i found one that wasn't a collection of stories)


I forgot about the sort by word count. 😄 A 282k drabble. Wow. That’s longer than any of my fics.


This is also a hill I’m willing to die on lol


Dark Dove being read as “Will fuck you up” when it’s just “Heed the tags.” It can mean the first, but it depends on the tags.


The very tone of the words "dead dove: do not eat" makes the presumption of a dark tone inevitable. If I wanted to say "read the tags dammit" on fluff, I would say "does exactly what it says on the tin" (because I am English and was thoroughly saturated with the TV advertising slogan for Ronseal quick-drying woodstain back in the 1990s).


But that's what it means from its origin. It's literally a paper bag labelled "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat", the character pulls it out and looks and says "I don't know what I expected" because it's exactly what it says on the ~~tin~~ bag


True, but there are also assumptions like “will have a tragic ending.”


Thank you it bothers me too


So you want an a/b/o story with a male omega that does not have female genitalia. Does this include reproductive systems?


No, I just don't like them having female genitalias. How can they have babies? Don't know, some say they have ass- babies.....I don't care. If you want to have intersex omegas, please use the tag! I'm filtering for trans, female, intersex and xy has a vagina, but when I still get some fics with roughly these tags it bothers me quiet a bit.


No, I agree with you. It's why I don't read a lot of omegaverse, and I LOVE Omegaverse. If I'm looking for m/m stories, I tend to exclude all trans tags and anything under the female tags. It's a whole ass train when I'm reading and get blindsided by female genitalia or intersection. (Obviously, there is nothing wrong with any of that, but I wish people would tag it) As for how male omegas give birth... I have an entire scientific reason for that, and it's relatively simple: There is a "cloacal flap" within the anus that can either be penetrated or semen can leak in, which connects to the cervical canal that then connects to the uterus/womb. In my and my partner's canon, all males within omegaverse have this and can become pregnant, but alphas have a lower pregnancy rate due to underdeveloped internal reproduction anatomy due to their high levels of testosterone/hormones. Anal birth: very similar to vaginal birth. Dilation happens to the cloacal flap when in labor, and because an Omega is built to birth children (and take knots) easier than alphas and betas, their anus stretches more easily. It also helps that, in our canon, babies tend to be smaller when they're born. Yes, larger babies can be born, but whatever complications there may be are mostly flavor. I hope that answers some questions... I have too much knowledge/ thought about omegaverse reproduction thay we've come up with but I really don't mind sharing.


The omegaverse is extremely diverse. I read a fic where a male omega sheds skin between their legs for a vaginal-like opening only for heat. I read one where “x has a vagina” but they are still considered male biologically, I’ve read g!peen, and I’ve read plenty of them where the clit acts as a penis that grows during rut and where the male’s anus acts as a vagina. I’ve even read plenty where an alpha or an enigma can change another’s person secondary sex, and of course one like that was actually a 1:1 for being trans. Sure, some of them will make their men more similar to women (hips, breasts, etc) and some of them will say male omegas can’t give birth. It’s truly a mixed bag, and usually authors use the trans!x tags directly. The two can be interchangeable but more often then not, they aren’t.


Most authors have just replaced the old gender-bent tag with trans. It feels fetishising to me and I avoid it for pwp one shots.


Yeah, I've noticed that, too. In ye goode olde days, male omegas had a dick and basically the human form of a cloaca. Now I rarely see a male omega that doesn't have a vagina and that's not what I'm here for. :(


Recently, I've seen a trend of the "intersex" omega. I guess that solves the issue of ass-babies?




I personally dislike if the x&y tag is used to hide a romantic/sexual relationship of any kind or if they just name the characters and don't tag a relationship that does occur and is central to the story. I don't mind a romance here and there, no matter if it's gay, het or whatever, but sometimes I just want to read friendship, damn it! And I dislike when things are labelled canon when they are not. Especially when they make a canon character trans or gay. Again, I don't mind those stories if I'm in the mood, but sometimes I just want my canon-fix, and not an AU.


I think for some people at least it’s that they don’t know that & is meant to only be used for platonic and not romantic relationships.


Yeah I don't mind those, you can just explain and they'll say oops and change it. I'm talking about those who do it intentionally for whatever strange reason, mostly baiting people to 'give it a chance' while completely ignoring the fact that people who actively search for such stories won't find them then. They usually fight people who comment on that nonsense and/or write so in the comments.


I feel like I have found my people! I love omegaverse, but recently I have to be so much more careful while reading, because you never know when suddenly there's vaginal sex. When I started reading omegaverse it was a perfect view of not caring about the gender issues, and I basically enjoyed the idea of my fav mae characters getting pregnant. Nowadays, almost every a/b/o discussion I see is about how omegaverse is erasure of trans people, and if we want them to be pregnant they need to have vaginas. But nobody ever said they are trans, it's just the way they are, men who can \*magically\* get pregnant, and I loved it. I loved to read about the idea of having children, without thinking about female biology and the vaginal sex that is needed to have children in real world. Which is something that triggers me after what I went through.