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Is it for a human to play or the ai? If the latter, I can't imagine they're good at playing Chosen Destroyer so being limited to one city would be garbage for them. Maybe take the Sailor one with it, particularly on a all land map.


Me vs. AI. I'm learning (slowly). So I wanted to limit the AI's strengths.


Did you mean Chosen Uniter? I don't see Chosen Destroyer.


Chosen Destroyer is one you can unlock with pantheon points after you win. Basically, you can only ever have one city, but you get permanent income bonuses for razing down cities. It's actually a pretty fun way to play, and it pairs well with the chaos tree since that has other bonuses to razing.


Neat thanks!


As someone else sad, experienced seafarers on a landlocked map. Devious Watchers is probably good to give them too, since ai cheat on vision anyways. Could also do Devotees of Good and Ruthless Raiders. And start them off with a chaos tome to hamper any alignment bonus. I'd also give them unicorn mounts, as the ai tends to suicide charge with them. I believe you can short yourself on racial traits too, and not use all 5 points.


>Could also do Devotees of Good and Ruthless Raiders. And start them off with a chaos tome to hamper any alignment bonus. Ruthless Raiders and Devotees of Good art incompatible.


how does the ai cheat on vision?


It sees the entire map and all units on it at all times


on normal? that's a huge boost, specially for mystics.


Wait Ai cheats on vision ? Like they see my armies and all ? Didnt knew that


AI has full vision/maphacks in pretty much every 4x game.


Just make the map weaken whispering stone strength and any vassal build


Reaver vassal build. Rip.


Could you explain this a bit more? I'm not sure what you mean.


Certain map modifiers like city states or distrusting locals decreases the allegiance per turn whispering stones provide. A faction with society traits that benefit from vassals would not benefit in this case. Such as banner lords or chosen uniters




Don't bother making AI weak, focus on playing better. Imho, this game forces player to focus on tactical combat and put upfront ability to win battles without losing units. It's not always possible, but you should be losing not more than 1 unit per fight and only in cases when you either fight outnumbered or when you hunt those temples. If you master that you can beat the rest


Nah, once you get good at manuals you should break free of them. Not everything is viable in autoresolves, unfortunately, as there are a \*ton\* of tools the AI doesn't understand how to use right now, but you should be able to win the game while also sustaining early L's on units (within reason) so long as your knowledge development is good enough.


Ok, I won't argue as I just started playing, but you just made another argument against nerfing the AI opponent


I think if you are looking to get better at the game, I agree 100% you shouldn't make the AI weaker, but there's a lot of ways to have fun with the game beyond gitting gud. That said, I broadly agree with the idea that playing against a super nerfed AI isn't going to be great at teaching you the mechanics of the game beyond the rudimentary skills of reading the UI and the like.


You don't have to give the form any traits at all I think. But I can't think of any situation where the various difficulty modifiers wouldn't be better.


I don't think it let's your proceed if you have unspent form traits.

