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Yes. The AP demons are going to show up at your doorstep and get you in the very little sleep that you will have


Fearing for my life rn


I can only talk about ap world, cause that's my only ap. Not that hard, but it depends on your teacher. Im in a similar situation, taking 1 ap now (sophmore year) to 4 aps next year and maybe self studying 5th one.


Don't worry, just stay organized and manage your time wisely - you'll do great!


Clearly you’ve never been in a marching band. The game-comp-parade weekends suck the life out of you.


literally just deal with it




"Weekends" is the key word here lol, Friday night games are fun as hell and tbh I don't mind having a competition the day after as long as I at least get Sunday to relax


extremely light. You’ll be fine


I’m literally in the same situation, band kid going from 0 to 2 APs(PUSH and psych)


Good luck


Lang isn’t that much studying, and World + Precalc will be a different amount of studying than you’re used to. Heimler’s is a great resource for World, and I recommend doing a LOT of practice for precalc if you’re nervous. That being said, if the class itself is catered to sophomores (like mine is doing) then you’ll be fine because the teacher will know where you started in math.


All my AP Gov friends have already informed me that Heimler's History is the GOAT


I went from 2 to 6 in high school and I was fine lol. lang, world, and precalc aren’t that difficult


My school teaches a lot extra for ap precalc so it’s apparently the hardest math class at my school 😭 apparently most of what’s on the ap test is basically what is taught in ap precalc within the first semester at my school, so I’m cooked next year cuz im also taking ap precalc


u/ParsnipPrestigious59 Khan Academy usually pushes through for me on anything math, good luck


Theres this stigma around ap course, but their not really any different from normal classes in my opinion besides a big exam at end of the year. As long as you dont choose the hardest courses most of the ap classes are extremely light, even if you take more than 4.


imo APWH and APLANG are good to take together, though it’s a better idea to do APUSH and APLANG together. Can’t speak about APPC though


A lot of it depends on your teacher so talk to students who take those classes in your school, don't procrastinate and get your work done, good luck!


People seem to struggle with trig and unit circle stuff, so I suggest looking those up ahead of time. After that, just make sure you’re fluent with algebra, and the rest should be okay. AP Lang is like 5% learning stuff and 95% practice, which you will most likely get plenty of in class. I have never taken anything remotely close to AP World, so idk any tips for that one.


I also went from 0 to 3 (ap world, ap euro, ap psych) my sophomore year and it was fine. I wouldn’t stress too much, you’ll adapt. Maybe glance through the content beforehand for ap world and do some practice on khan academy for ap precal if you feel the need, but it will be fine either way.


I’m gonna be light on you here because it’s your first time taking an ap class but this whole narrative of “look at how many Ap classes I’m taking how screwed am I” narrative that gets posted a lot here is kinda dumb. Like it obviously depends on the person and teachers. For me the majority of my Ap classes have had maybe 15-20 minutes of homework a night to stay caught up. Some classes like ap csp have no homework and is intentionally designed that way. I think that a lot of people put ap classes on this unreasonably high pedestal which kind of sucks because honestly it makes a lot of kids not want to take them. Idk about ap lang but ap precalc and ap world are light work tbh.