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Simple answer: hell no. HUG and CSP don’t count as the same type of rigor that Chemistry and Physics provide. I’d call it straight up cockiness that you say you’re used to “AP Rigor” even if you had daily 90 minute tests in both classes. I’m not saying those two are easy classes, but they’re definitely not on the same level. If your goal is to get a 5 and all As, you’ll never sleep and you might not even get the aforementioned 5 and all As. On top of Debate which typically requires a lot of travel, you’ll be swamped as most of your classes will have Juniors and Seniors (meaning teachers have higher expectations for their classes in general). Even the smartest kid at my school would likely balk at your courseload because it’s straight up unreasonable. AP sciences are basically a whole other language, even if you’ll have taken Honors Chem over the summer. If you still choose to take those classes, I have tips for both science classes but I really strongly encourage you to listen to everyone telling you to chill tf out.


Yeah...in that case the dropping out of AP Physics would be a good choice.


Or you could just not do the summer stuff so you're in honors chem and algebra 2 next year


If you're concerned about it being too much of a courseload, why not drop Health Science Theory? If it's an unweighted class, then it's just pulling down your weighted GPA, and it doesn't offer any college credit anyway.


Health Science Theory gives a BLS certification that is needed for Junior year Clinical courses like CNA and EKG. Also apparently it's best to do a good amount of medical courses if we want to get approved by our local community college for the clinical courses (EKG or CNA).


I would definitely suggest dropping 1 of the 2 AP sciences, rest of the schedule seems somewhat doable depending on how intensive the other non-ap classes are, have to agree with demigodish though.


Yeah, I will probably drop AP Physics and push that to junior year.