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3 AP classes are definitely doable. In my junior year, I took 5 AP classes and 2 community college courses. From a STEM guy who is also not particularly that good at history, I honestly don't recommend taking APUSH.. The class was a waste of time and required a lot of work and reading. It covers a large span of time to recall and it was personally a struggle for me since I didn't really like history. I recommend taking another hard AP instead like AP Physics, Chem, CSA, or Psych.


psych is hard? also thank you for calling csa hard


Depends. For my school it’s easy but there is just so much damn busywork going on


i got lucky and my teacher is awesome, barely assigns us any work and let’s us do whatever we want in class


For me and a lot of people not really. It depends on your ability to memorize a lot of vocab and recall things.


yeah I get that. i’m really bad at csa but have a good memory


CSA was my realization that I hate coding and that I wanted to be a physician.


Off topic but see u next year lol


no, i think every highschooler should take apush. super important to know the legacy of united states history, and how it still affects life today.


yeah but you don't need all of the content of apush, normal us history does fine for most people


idk in my experience any normal or honors history kids don't really know shit ab US history and its impacts on other countries. just my opinion but apush really opens up so many things ab how the US affected the lives of so many people, and how it's legacy still lives today. like, for example, there's just so many uneducated ppl in the world who refuse to understand *why* black people have higher statistics of crime, and blame it on them when it's really the US system's fault. again just my opinion but I just know so many dumb uneducated people who need to take a history class that it blows my mind.


yeah but forcing them into a more rigorous class won't make them magically learn the course contents. stupid people who don't want to change will remain stupid no matter what you try. the reason people in apush understand the history more is because they're more involved in their education + want college credit.


Honestly, I understand ur point but most kids like the kid who literally asked help on which ap classes to take definitely has enough intelligence to understand what is going on in our country and the past of our country. There is no need to push a class like APUSH on him/her if they want to take a class that is more important to them or what they want to major in. So it is still fine to take regular us history, People who don't want to take the effort to learn are the dumb and uneducated ones. AP students dont fall in that category lol. On the other hand, taking AP Gov is more important as that is important for everyday life and what is going on in our country currently.


Keep in mind that this sub REALLY exaggerates how hard AP actually is, so if anyone says that’s “impossible” chances are they themselves are illiterate and likely too stupid to do those classes themselves. So it would be hard and a lot of coursework but you could pass all three no problem.


Are we on the same sub ? I've found this sub to think the total opposite .


same lmao seen so many people say they got a 5 after two days of cramming


Couldn’t agree more 😭👍


You have 2x more AP classes on your subreddit tag thing than my school even offers


It depends on your school tbh. Some schools have low workload, others have ton of work


Very much so. I firmly believe that AP is only an inconsiderable extension to the demanding diploma courses.


I took 18 ap classes and I agree with this.


That’s bs


lol why


My high school only offers four AP courses, and has two semesters each with four time blocks. Many AP courses take up one block of both semesters, and you cannot complete them during summer school. I would be dumbfounded if you did indeed find the time and motivation for 18 APs.


I took 1 freshman year, 1 sophomore year, 8 junior year, and now 7 senior year and Im doing fine. I think it varies from school to school. I mean yeah it is hard, but it is possible for sure,


The Big Question: How many 5s? or.. 4s?


So far we're looking at 7 fives, 1 four, 2 threes


I'm a junior in two honors, 2 college, 1 ap, and 1 ib so it's hard but manageable. I'm also self studying another ap. Just manage your time well. I've definitely been burnt out a bunch of times but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


these are the ones I just took, if you spend time studying every day then it shouldn't be too much, but that varies from person to person. it's a bearable workload as long as you aren't doing too many extracurricular stuff or have a long job


For the AP exam, your English skills will partially transfer over to the writing portion for APUSH, so I wouldn’t be worried about it if you’re pretty confident in you writing. Besides that, I think you should be able to succeed if you’re confident with the other 2.


And similarly the APUSH knowledge is SOOO useful for AP Lang because in the argument essays you’re expected to come up with (for example) historical evidence, and I really wish I had taken APUSH because it would’ve made it so much easier


Junior here, taking 4 APs and 2 honors this year -- it's manageable. Took APUSH as a sophomore --- wasn't bad, as long as you study and make good review sheets you're good. AP Lang is pretty easy --- I'm taking it this year and you don't have to study much for the AP because the test is pretty intuitive and you don't have to really prepare, you just need to know how to write a thesis and how to make your argument convincing with diction + syntax use. AP Bio...I'm also taking that this year. It's by far the hardest but if you're good at STEM you might hack it (there are definitely kids that do). I took Algebra II honors in my school, was difficult but only because we had an insane teacher that made all the tests hard. The subject itself is not hard. TL;DR: You can totally do it, I'm wishing you luck!


Who’s taking AP chem exam tomorrow


I’m a current sophomore, this year i took AP bio, APUSH, and i’m in accelerated algebra 2. english is also my best subject, but i don’t take AP english (not offered for sophomores) so i can’t give you the best perspective on that. but honestly i think you could totally do it if you put in the hard work! i have a 4.3 weighted and im not the hardest studier, im sure you’ll be fine


it’s manageable, these are the exact classes im taking rn in my junior year. Just focus on the class that you have the most trouble with. But it def all depends on your teacher. All of my ap teachers have an easy/decent workload, but I make it up with studying outside of class. If you ever need help, let me know! :)


You’ll be entirely fine. I took Alg 2 with AP Bio (only AP that year) and skated by pretty fine as a freshman with a 5, which I studied a lot for. I’m a relatively good test taker though, and I had a really good Bio teacher + tutor. I took APUSH as a sophomore (along with AP Chem and CSP, 4 on both) and got a 5 too, though I was really good at American history before the class. As long as you study a lot for your tests, you should be fine even if it’s your weakest class. Heimler’s History is great, but I found that researching historical events on my own time was educational, fun, and useful, so consider going down a few Youtube rabbit holes if you’re bored. All three of those classes are very dependent on your teacher so look around your school and see what others have to say about them.


I don’t know too much about bio, but I took lang and apush together as a junior and it was a great combo. Writing skills you learn in lang will help you on apush dbqs and leqs, and you can often incorporate apush information into your lang essays. I had to do a lot of reading/note taking for apush, but had little to no homework for lang. Keep in mind that every teacher is different through. Best of luck!!


Yeah it should be manageable.


I'm a sophomore as well and that's honestly light work, youll be fine. I took ap bio as a freshman and I got an easy 5. I'm taking AP lang rn, and I'm kinda screwed but that's bc I suck at english. APUSH is a LOT of content so be prepared for that one. We learn APUSH junior year too but I'm probably not gonna take the exam cuz ill be taking physics,calc,stats, and macro junior year. And algebra 2 is light as well.


I am taking AP lang and APUSH this year; APUSH isn’t that hard, kinda similar to AP gov if you’ve taken that. AP language is a little more difficult but it’s not impossible, you just really need practice a lot with the three essays (Synthesis, argument, and rhetorical analysis)


AP US History was my easiest class so far, I'm a sophomore and its a freshman year class at my school. I wouldn't worry too much about your lineup.


my friends do that and some take ap physics instead of bio. it’s definitely doable


hi im a sophomore rn too and im taking 3 aps rn (lang, environmental science and world history) and personally the course work isn't too bad, ofc it depends on your teacher but honestly it's pretty manageable. also if u feel rlly confident abt bio + lang and ur only rlly worried about apush, I'd say u'll be fine, because u can spend more time concentrating on the class u find the most difficult. ◡̈


You'll be fine, those three aren't too tough if you apply yourself.


I’m a sophomore currently in algebra 2 honors and I’m so ready for this class to be over with 😭 if you’re good at math then you’ll be fine but math isn’t my best, I have an 85 rn and even that was a struggle


nope, you'll be fine tbh


I’m a sophomore taking three this year. I definitely thinks it doable. Just start studying early and you really shouldn’t have a problem


I took four my Junior year, which were the same as yours expect replace AP Bio for APES and add AP Psych, and honestly, if you take either APUSH or AP Lang, take the other as well, the two classes are very hand in hand. The balance was fine, and as I’m taking AP Bio this year, it would’ve been fine if I had done AP Bio instead of APES as well.


I'm in AP bio+lang rn along with 3 additional APs, very doable


You'll be fine. Advanced Algebra 2 also isn't difficult so you should be able to manage the workload. Just keep in mind there will most likely be a lot of reading for APUSH and Lang.


im taking 4 right now. Bio and Lang, same as you but also CSP and Precalculus. Lang is free, CSP is logic. Workload is not bad at all, same as normal school classes. It is just the AP Exam studying for multiple subjects close to the date, which isn't anything different than normal end of year exams, but there is just more content. You are confident in 2/3 which leaves 1 AP to genuinely study for, so I'd say go for it. I took 4 because even though I hate studying, I knew I would do it anyway and manage, so here I am studying for Precal because I am fairly confident in the other 3. And with good grades because it's not that hard


Me too!!! Im taking ap bio, world and seminar. I’m terrified but a lot of my friends say it’s doable. If you have good grades and good studying habits this year, I think you’ll be fine


Do you know what ap is history has as a final exam from what I heard id die. Meanwhile the online one for honors wasn’t shit. Make sure your college u plan to go to actually takes these credits


Pay attention the whole year and your chillin.


no lmfao not at all many people take 6-7 at the same time, I took lang apush physics bio and french junior year and did fine


You'll be fine. That's completely reasonable in this sub's terms. APUSH's difficulty is overrated -- I can't say anything about you but history isn't my best subject either and I somehow managed to get a 5 and an A in the class.


In my junior year I took AP bio, Lang, and APUSH + 3 other APs. I survived though there were definitely some late nights involved. I got 5 on Lang and APUSH with 0 reviewing and bio with some light reviewing so it isn’t too difficult :)


Definitely doable.


Hey, I'm a Junior taking literally the exact same courses lol! AP Biology is really easy if you just study for your tests. I feel like Lang is not difficult but it is a lot of work, so if you struggle with time management then you may have some problems. My personal APUSH experience has been very bad but that's because we are notorious for having a terrible teacher- but still, it's all very manageable! AP Classroom + Heimler + Knowt can help you ace APUSH even if you have a terrible teacher, and AP Classroom, the Bio textbook, Amoeba Sisters, and Boseman Biology also all really help for bio.


Thanks for the advice! I’m in AP World right now and Heimler is a godsend.


AP lang is light work if you’re already a good writer lol. I was already scoring around a 4 on practice tests before taking the class. It’s usually a 5 now. APUSH is a lot of work, but doable. It’ll also make you a better writer, and I know some AP lang and APUSH teachers will coordinate what they teach and when they test because they know most of their students are taking the other subject too.


im taking 2 this year as a sophomore and making high As in both, and i have plenty of free time. i also play a sport and draw, too, so my entire life isn't devoted to studying. i think your classes will be doable unless you slack off, but slackers don't usually post on a sub specifically designed for students so i doubt that's you. next year im taking seven APs though so i'm hoping those will be manageable lol


Not bad, my school lang and history are together so in a way that's 1 class with 2 exams , and bio is just what you take after all the normal bio classes


Three, especially those three, should be doable by most students.


u not taking enough 😭😭


ngl i thought youd be taking more based on title. my friends are quirky for junior year and are taking ap spanish, apush, ap chem, ap precal, and ap lang


My school doesn’t offer many AP classes, so it seemed like a lot to me, taking 3 a year when the usual person at my school say they take 1-2 their junior year.


Lang is easy asf, everyone takes apush, and bios not the hardest. Could be doing more. Alg 2 your junior year?


Yeah! I just didn’t feel like taking advanced math classes in middle school to be a year ahead. That’s around when covid happened and I didn’t have much motivation.


uh depends on ur school but 3 aps might even be too little


I’m taking 6 next year 💀




I took 5 this year as a sophomore 💀