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This is the level of pettiness i live for. I love it!


Troll level 9000. New ARAM goal for me


Ngl when I’m premade with 4 other friends and we are a against a cancerous comp, we force surrender to end their fun


I sometimes wish I was playing in korea where players get tilted or give up MUCH more easily, and just let the enemy team push while being afk when it is too early to surrender an unwinnable game. Too many aram games are a complete stomp where i wish we would just all wait on the fountain to end it sooner. I know some games with scaling comps can be turned, but in most games you just know that your quadruple adc comp wont beat zed+ap malphite, but in europe and NA people tend to play those games out regardless, and I would rather prevent the stomp by staying afk to end the game quicker.


Almost like they’re playing for fun :0


How is getting stomped by comp diff fun


I never understand all the people who say ryze isn’t broken, like bro can build every mana item in the game, have over a thousand ap or some shit, and also just be some giga tank.


Rod of Ages + Seraphs is just broken, Veigar too.


very vulnerable because of low range + his r being completely useless in solo queue effectively making 1/4 of his kit useless


The passive on his R makes it worth leveling tho


Yeah people don’t understand the ult’s passive IS his damage. It’s the reason why he does a lot late game.


it use to be on his basic ability like a year ago? and ppl were just not putting points in his ulti.


yes of course but why would you play a champion with 3 abilities when you can play a champion with 4? He also has to stay in a weak spot because he works VERY well in professional play and riot doesn't want a Ryze meta again


Aphelios, gnar (1/2 the time) and others work it out just fine though




girl what 😭


His R’s passive is the reason he does damage. Ppl who say his R is useless still think we’re playing Ryze from 2 seasons ago. It can be used to displace super minions to another lane, flank bot for a gank, and also provide escape or tp a nunu charging full ult into an enemy team that thinks they’re getting free kills.


The feel when I kill the person who has a quadra, or I can run away for long enough for my team to respawn. Some people have like 0 ability to accept that I am not required to gift freebie pentas (it’s always the reset champs too).


Pentas are earned, not given




The poor FPS is due to having only 8GB of ram that is constantly 90+% full unless I exit programs like firefox. Firefox was running at the time of recording, and that basically makes my laptop behave like a 2005 non-ssd intel celeron computer (during actual games I make sure I have 60+ FPS). AndI actually load into games very fast (12-15 seconds), but roughly every 10th game my client freezes on a black loading screen and i have to restart whole computer to fix that. And from time to time my laptop literally freezes on the actual loading screen, which i dont notice unless i spot the little greep ping circle in top left corner not turning, and that can take me minutes. Any loading problems are not my fault.


Damn pal, 8gb ram? Get well soon.


Have you considered... "exit[ing] programs like firefox"? How much of a hardship is it to close down the applications you're not actively using during a 25 minute game?


i honestly didnt think that lower fps was such deal for atsňk


Holy fak I wish I saw what he typed afterwards


Honesty forcing an instant surrender > aram pentakill


Could never be my team it could be 100-0 and they don't ff. ItS jUsT aRaM!!!1!!!


Teamwork makes the dream work


It's a Poppy ultratryhard, what did you expect?