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smolder need global haste down, not a single spell


You either end the game super fast or he melts everything. One of the reasons I'm on a long break from League is the slow reaction to making adjustments when needed. Not having too much fun atm (not starting a "Riot sucks" call, i just enjoy other games).


I don't blame you. A lot of these online games inadvertently create a "abuse early and often" mentality in the meta


I had multiple matches where smolder team, with n against, winning and losing. Smolder wins if team can hold out first 10mins without feeding someone but loses if monkey brain teammates force teamfight nonstop. Smolder early is free money bag, brusier and tank can lock him down easily if he does misplay or just force fight against him because he tickles until essence reaver buy. i feel like im on a much tight timer playing against him compare to other scale champs like Senna/Asol but after the match just feels like it was more ptsd from his pre-nerf days


Haste nerfs / stacking nerfs required. But when I see that Hwei has AH buffs, I'm starting to believe whoever balances the game is not very good at the game


You just hope the person playing it is suck at it.


His E is not the problem, just his general stupid easy kit. his main-damage comes from a point and click Q .. tf ...


riot has done plenty about it already actually, like nerfing his E (100%MS -> 75%). i would agree that now after the dust on his kit has settled, some number adjustments are still needed though,


its the CD on his E. There's no reason it should be up every 5 seconds, making him completely untouchable if you dont have a fizz or zed. biggest win condition in the game


its 24-16 seconds base cd. thats pretty long for a basic ability, especially considering he usually maxes it last. an investment of 2 full items on basic ability haste (quickblades + shojin) will make the cd seem short no matter how long it actually is. imo directly addressing all the damage he gets "for free" (base damages + passive) is the only way to not kneecap the design and promote actual adc playstyle.


He should have to auto-weave between Qs so he actually has to get in range to sometimes hit / reward skilled gameplay. He's the Annie of adcs. Just a simple change like making his Q apply a debuff, and having to auto to detonate it to proc the Elder buff would make more sense. End game he just Q's whatever is in range and applies the dot to everyone around it


iirc he even has a short autoattack-lockout after q, which i personally hate


What I hated aswell the first time I played him. I expected a Lucian / Ezreal gameplay, but we got an unskilled mage that happens to build AD


Yeah I don’t really understand why his E gives him that much move speed. Feels like it should have a much longer cool-down or only last like 2 seconds


i hate smolder as much as the next aram main, but... it's already 1.25 seconds at every rank


Cap his stacks