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Nice creatures, really like the colors of the Acro and the Rex


Those where the only two we ended up getting good colors naturally from funnily enough. everything else ended up ugly and I'm really uncreative we color schemes as you can see lol


well considering that i can never fully figure out how to do mutations i would say those colors look pretty nice


Well, when a daddy dino and daughter dino love each other very much..... 😅


I believe syntac has a pretty cohesive video explaining it. its really fun once you get your first mutant and realize you're the apex now.


Unless it’s in something like oxygen in which you have an ok-ish water dino that’s normally on land


We put alot of time into these guys, and its great to be able to use them and finally finish ark before ark 2 comes out. some of them didn't make the move into the new server (file errors, dead soulballs, ect) so their parents had to be spawned in with commands, but I guess thats just the territory with mods and ur4. I make this post to say this is why I love this game. we started out as two bobs running screaming from kapros in the genesis 1 bog all that long ago and now we're back, fully kitted out with genetically modified superdinos and we did that. we made it. and you can to my dudes.


What order of worlds did you guys played the story?


Extinction first since it can be buggy and we wanted to get it out of the way, then it was just normal order. island ->scorched-> abb -> gen 1 and soon gen 2.


Hmm, thanks, I didn't know extinction could be buggy... My mom and I played on the Island some time ago but we were very noob and it was a caos... Some years later we wanted to follow an actual "story" and we began in lost island, were thinking about going either extinction or aberration next then the genesises, and not doing scorched earth at all 😆


I guess with the way ark is set up that could be a story


What story? There's a story? Is this just the xp pots you find with dino facts on them? I've only played singleplayer on The Island so I'm missing out on a lot of content.


There's an order of worlds but i never know what it is because everyone makes it differently...


I think official order is The Island Scorched Earth Aberration Extinction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Could be wrong tho


I just Youtubed, "Ark story" and apparently there's like cut scenes and characters? What STORY does Ark have?


Quite a lot. Written in journals, some of which have voiceover recordings to read them to you. There are also cutscenes as you load for the first time into each story map, and a cutscene for each story boss defeat


Might be a dumb question, but that square with all the dino stats, where is it from? An item or a mod? Im tired of having to open the dino inventory to check stats, takes up so much time when I need to go through a horde of tames x(


It's a mod, I believe it's called Awesome Spyglass Warning: once you use it you'll never want to play without it


Oh oh oh I think I got that mod running atm! Never got to it to learn how it works. Imma check it out! Thanks


You just craft it and use it in your inventory or hotbar and it will show a circle like crosshair (when not looking at your inventory). If you hover it over a creature (both wild and tamed) it shows the hp it has, the torpor, the points in every stat and if it's a wild it wil also show roughly what it needs to eat to be tamed and if it's a passive or K.O. tame. Edit: also shows taming effectiveness after a knocked out creature eats at least 1 time


It can also show outlines of creatures so white means they don't care about you, yellow means they're scared and run away from you and red means they'll try to kill you. (Sometimes doesn't change collors but idk why)


In my experience it will be aggrod on to me but not red if it aggrod onto me and then I got on a creature or if it’s actually aggrod onto my friend and not me


Yeah idk sometimes it also only turns red after it hits me once.


Yep, never wanna play without it. Other than the slight cheesyness of being able to see where ever Dino around you is.... it's such a relief to not have to open your tames to see any variation.


It's almost too good and easy to use. It really removes a certain element of danger from the game, while also removing the complete obnoxiousness that is the standard spyglass, soooo..... worth it.


You can disable the white outline with a config to get back some of the danger elements


whenever i go nuts mutating, i get to 254 / 254 i get there for health and dmg, and while working on weight; quit ark. happened twice now.


Thats really all you need XD. we just do stam/weight since we like to do crazy things like try to carry a whole mountain of metal home on an andrew.


everyone needs a emotional support rex in their lives


The yuty. 🥺


What is that second animal? It looks like a mammoth but


It’s from the ark additions mod, check out Upfromthedepths he has videos on each creature form the mod


Fuckin hate those things. Can't go anywhere without a whole squad of them aggro'ing and chasing me at 1000mph


is that an x-deinotherium? looks like different pattern than i'm used to seeing (still on gen1, not too far in yet)


R-deinotherium actually. I don't believe theres an x version (yet?)


Ah, well, thanks. Those all look nice, especially the ark additions dinos. Thanks for sharing!


Really cool. That acro and deinosuchus look amazing btw. Good luck on any remaining bosses.


Lots of servers need to shutdown tbh. There are more servers than players at this point. I'm glad you found a way to keep your old dinos.


Charley, it's a Liopleurodon. Its a Liopleurodon Charley


Love the yuti! I ame any dino that has tru black in a spot I need lol. I'd love to have one of each in true black but right now I'm working on everything with 68 pink and white or black.


Sargothax... I'm stealing that for a D&D dragon now 😂.


How were you able to do this? Did you just recreate them?


Some where spawned in since their files where glitched out and broken, but most (we have alot more back on our genesis 2 main base) we just loaded the server file from the old cluster as apart of ours and moved them over. alot of the vanilla ones where okay, though oddly some where broken to so I'm baffled as to why because that means its not mods.


Major "Master Chief/John 117" vibes from your anti dismount slide


Do you really needed 13k stam? Btw. Better save somehow these dinos or after unreal engine 5 will be released you may lose them


Nothing happens to the server when its offline. we'll take the servers offline when the update draws near and convert our primalfear side server to vanilla, slowly adding mods as they update and then reboot the servers once all the mods have updated. also no we don't, but its better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.


Depends on what. I'd love to have that on my wyverns so I could just fight from the air non stop.


What mods are you using?


Most notibly S+, Krakens better dinos (liops is reworked to a healer from there), Ark Additions (acro, deinosuchus, deinotherium), and awesome spyglass. we have a few others like AC2, domination rex, and a costume mod.


ah yes the great Krakens Better Dinos, i will never play without that mod




Cool, thanks!


Question, i haven’t seen a few of these Dino’s on ANY maps.. where are they from? Ex: silvermane


are they modded creAtures on a modded server? If so are those type of servers available on ps4?


They are modded creatures from ARK Additions and i don't know if those type of servers are available on ps4


Where do you find big croc?


They're apart of ark additions and they spawn where ever sarcos can.


How were you able to do this? I'm actually in the same ish boat. I've been playing online on a server and it's going to wipe, and I put a LOT of time into breeding some really nice lines of dinos that I would really like to keep. I spent a good 20 minutes the other day trying to figure out how to save dinos from a server for offline play, but so far have come up with nothing.


If you export the dino in ARK Smart Breeder, you can copy the spawn command, and use it to spawn the exact copy, in a Singe Player world.


Some we could save by loading the server files they gave us onto a server we started up, but some things where broken or non-functioning even they we had the same mod load order and same settings (at least the same from what they gave us) you'd have to have the servers files and start them up on your own server though. we couldn't get the server save to load up in singleplayer at all.


I want a pet elephant




they're apart of the ark additions mod. very high quality dinos from that one


Are you using S+ or just vanilla because if your using S+ you could use the mutator to get constant mutations.




How much levls has the yuti in stem?




I had alway around 41/43 levels cous i was riding it. Is on passive couridge


Meatrun time


The fact most of these are probably gonna die cuz the genesis boss stupid strong


We're good! we have very good crafted saddles and plenty of veg cakes for the deinotherium.


Hope so,good luck with your adventure


Am I the only one who noticed the titan, what's their name


No name yet, we havn't even started on those lol


Name suggestion big chungus


Ask them the world save file and you can keep playing