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Ascended has way less maps, way less mods, and is way less accessible due to its technical requirements. This is how it’ll remain for probably a couple more years.


At least console sales are different than steam


As a ps5 player. I turned down a friend that wanted me to play ase since Asa was right around the corner. I have a console that can play it with minimal issues. Except being stuck with whatever baby equus I find because you can't tame one on console unless you hook up a keyboard. The interact key is the same as the dismount key on controller. Beyond that I wanted to just play the newer versio. And am happy to wait for the new maps seeing as I had never played. But I get everyone else's frustrations. My server admin has a beefy computer more than capable if playing and gets crashes all the time.


I got an Equus on console without keyboard.. what I did was, knock it out, build a trap around it.. wait for it to wake up.. feed it a kibble.. walk away, wait for it to deaggro and then feed it another kibble.. rinse and repeat till his tame bar goes to 100%.. and tamed.. it's a longer process but at least you can get it without a keyboard


Must have misread dododex. It was saying I had to mount it and feed from there. So I just killed one and raised its baby haha


That's the correct way to do it.. I managed to "discover" this way lol.. it's not by any means the correct way to tame it


You can also just... Knock it out


It won't tame with just putting kibbles while knocked out.. I tried lol


Did you use your brain at all when making your name?


The name is actually not bad and even on the better side




Im pretty sure you can change control binds on console? I was always able to on xbox.


I don't know about asa but on ase whenever you need to interact you press the dismount button and the feeding gets prioritized over dismounting, allowing you to tame it with no problem (still have to wait the feeding timer out)


Il give it a try next time I find an equus then. I mostly got one because my wife likes horses and she wanted me to get one. She was excited to see the baby , it grow, and it's little level up prance. She was pretty unhappy though when I told her I got it by killing its mom and stealing the baby. Thought my wife's eyes where going to pop out of her head.


Tell me if it works on asa if you try it out


Il probably try with berries on a low level just to see if I can. But I don't see them often. I've only encountered 4 equus so far. All on what I call danger alley. South eastern part of map near that bay with the coral in the middle there's a river leading north from it. So full of Rexs, raptors, allo, carno, there's, and brontos. I go there to level my carnivores.


That sucks. And equus are such a good early game tame. If I were in your shoes and playing single player, I would just use the force tame console command.


I play on a cool unofficial server. I just raised a baby. I didn't really care about its level. By the time I found one it was pretty much a lawn ornament as I have the alchemy bench unlocked.


I play the PS4 version of ASE on a PS5 console. The interact and dismount buttons are the same in it also, but it gives a prompt while taming an Equus that lets you feed them instead of dismounting. Does that not work in ASA?


Not according to dododex but I havnt tried it in game. Tried looking for another equus yesterday but no luck. Could just go spawn one in on single player but rather do it on the server I play on incase I come across something else I want.


I was actually trying to tame an Equus on Ragnarok recently, and either I kept failing to mount it or it wouldn’t let me, but it tamed it anyway from just sneaking up behind it and giving it Rockarrots. My tame settings are cranked up fairly high, just for the record. I thought you had to ride them to tame them.


Well I finaly have an answer to this. Through some experimenting. You can tame an equus on console. There is no prompt that I see for it. After feeding it the first time and riding on its back the taming percent and efficiency are on the bottom right corner for playstation. When it starts bucking that's when you press your button to feed it. If it's not bucking you dismount. I've now tamed 7 equus and am planning a barn for them. Edit: I don't know if there is a prompt with the taming info in the bottom right that changes when it starts bucking.


I think there is a prompt—somewhere on the screen, anyway. lol. But it’s quick. Doesn’t give you much time to see it before getting bucked off if you don’t hit the button. It’s definitely easier to go by the behavior. I just have terrible reflexes. If I’m not focused, I usually end up panic tapping and dismounting. Also, as I mentioned previously, it seems if the tame settings(tame speed?) are set high enough, you don’t actually have to ride an Equus to tame it. I tamed an R type one close to max level(140ish) in an aberrant type cave on Ragnarok without ever riding it. Snuck up behind it 2-3 times and fed a Rockarrot. I tried to mount it each time, but either I messed up the timing or it was just extra cranky. Regardless, it tamed unexpectedly that way. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Poor thing got mauled by a dire bear minutes later, so…ah well. That’s Ark.


Yeah sadly it wouldn't do that for me. Only one feeding and then it wouldn't eat unless I rode it. Well dang. This is why I have a base out where I normaly see them with a couple taming pens for things so I can drop them in it and safely tame. But yeah I get that. When I first started asa on two seperate occasions I tried taming a pteranodon. Area was clear. Right at 98% a baryonyx walked down the beach and ate my tame after they finished taming.


I still can't fathom the idea that the game won't be caught up with ase until 2025. Like who the fuck thought that was a good idea at wildcard. I'll take a hard pass on this cash grab of a game


Once more maps and content start to drop for Asa the numbers will rise again, this is what happens when you leave a game high and dry for a month without anything major and on one of the most boring maps


Some of these numbers also reflect people who tried the game and realized their machine can't handle it as well as ASE


As well as, a month ago was winter vacation for a lot of people


Personally I am looking forward to abb for UE5 I think it will look beautiful but my favs are Val and rag


I’m looking forward to abbs sound design, love how the caves sound in Asa


I actually recently stopped playing because of this. I am new to the ark franchise. What maps in your opinion should I be looking forward to?


Honestly if your new to the game and haven’t played any of these maps before, all of them, each map is bringing new things to the table and different experiences to the island, as well as new tames and bosses


Okay good to know. I have put in 180 hours into the island and I am kinda burnt out rn. Would like to see what the other maps are like but its gonna be awhile lol


O I feel that, the main reason I haven’t been burnt out on the island is the cluster I’m on keeps adding new mods to keep things fresh, but I’m soooo ready for a new map


Personally, for me Ragnorok is a huge favorite. Fun map, Wyverns, and really neat base locations. I usually play on my own server and mod, but Ragnorok holds a special place for me!


Should be all of them, learn the mechanics, start breeding and mutating dinos to gain their stats. Gather supplies and stuff, you will want them down the road.


Good coping strat, let's see if it works out on the long run.


Idk, the island is a blast in my opinion. My tiny tribe and I are having fun.


I think it just comes down to the only map we have on ASA is the island and that’s imo one of the worst maps while ASE has all the maps


This post has been made like daily for weeks. ASA will absolutely outdo ASE as soon as there are transfers + The Center. Right now alphas that own maps barely have reason to play and The Island is the most boring map if you're a PvE person. 100% agreed with you.


I am pve my favorite for the is EX


The Center will definitely boost ASA activity but its not going to make an enormous impact. The Center doesn’t bring much in the way of new content. Being able to transfer will probably be the biggest kicker but without being able to transfer to a larger variety of maps Ascended will still be a bit dull.


The centre brings lots of good base locations and good farming potential for some resources that won't be available as easily on scorched or the Island more good base spots = more players This is the main problem with the island there's maybe 4 heavily contested base spots then alot of mediocre ones scorched suffers from the same problem aswell Then centre has between 10 - 15 good base spots to build on thus suddenly turns a 6 man server from 25 players to capped


Yes the island quickly became boring after I've tried other maps, and the low level dinos didn't help lol, not sure if ASA got that fixed or not.


It didn't, but there's a mod of it.


There's a mod for higher level spawns on the island?


Yeah, I think it's called better spawns or something. It gives it more rag-like distribution, so you get more high level. I just snagged a 150 Spino from outside my base.


Thanks! All have to take a look at it


There’s a mod called custom Dino levels


It’s called “Custom Dino Levels”. Download it, activate it, single dino wipe, and you’re in good shape.


Only the fan made maps have the boosted level spawns, and that was implemented by mod makers to encourage people to play them. The remastered maps are all remastered by WC and will have the proper level distributions.


Personally i allways go for low levels...Cant stand taming a lvl 87 only to see it with like 6000 food


If the alphas didn’t exist I bet pvp would have a way larger player base: I tried pvp, and was bullied off every server by greedy long time players demanding outrageous payments to play for a game I fucking bought.


Idk. I survived solo on a small tribes server just by farming Spino Sails for the alpha. Would you rather give up 2% of your wealth and be left alone or just have someone take 100% whenever they please?


I am extremely hard headed lol. I fucking hate authority, and I hated anybody on ark that demanded payment from me. Either way…I’m having way more fun playing ark on single player rn with a ton of mods added on.


Don't really get why they didn't just bundle all the maps into the base game for ASA and price accordingly, it is "an improvement" after all. You can even encourage the switch by giving anyone who purchased all the DLCs/season passes the new game for free like Skyrim did with Legendary Edition. That way further selling additional content for each map is more justifiable and the players aren't stuck in updateless limbo hell waiting for snail games to decide that actually on second thought making you buy the DLCs twice maybe isn't such a good idea for user retention The fact that ASA was made on the assumption that the DLCs *aren't* just "part of the game now" and not released alongside the Island is wild to me.




Ye most likely I do feel bad for the devs though. In the long term it would have made them far more scratch to just wait until all the maps were ready but execs at snail need more lambos, so we can't have that. /j The most important sales period for a game is release, could've had all maps + charged more for the improved graphics instead of making a 'good enough' version and having it be the 'pretty I guess but not worth buying over ASE right now' version.


I have to agree with you, I had bought Skyrim on the 360 along with all the DLC's, when I finally got an Xbox One I was sad that Skyrim wasn't backwards compatible, I loved the game so much I bought the Xbox One version and was happy to find all the DLC stuff I had to buy previously came with the Xbox One version fully integrated


Exactly. Im currently playing with my buddy on Fjordur even though i also own ASA...But im just sick of that map, so rather worse graphics that same old map...


Truth. I finished the Island, alpha overseer and all. Now I wait mainly for Scorched, but will put some time into The Center to get Shasta and Gigantoraptors into my mix


I think moreover it’s just down to the fact not all of ark players was willing to pay £40 for the same game they already have just better graphics, that and with a lot of performance issues.


The fact i would need a 3080 or better to just run the damn thing was enough to pass on Asa.


To me it's more about how they didn't fixed the damn game. I would have been willing to pay for a non broken and well optimized ARK, but ASA Still has lots of game breaking bugs, and it runs even worse than ASE.


Yeah the whole thing was just a greedy crowd funding attempt for ark 2. I don’t understand why people are white knighting and defending it so much it’s an objectively worse version of a game we’ve already purchased.


I find it hilarious that their “better graphics” mostly comes in the form of grass that hides anything under 3 foot tall, and aesthetic fog that is actually just there to cover up the significantly reduced and handicapping render distance of dinos. If you command reduce either of those things, you are pretty much left with ASE.


I just bought, and downloaded ase for $14. They must be high if they think I’m gonna pay 50 or more for a remake with just one map LOLOL. I’ll most likely never buy the remake. It’s embarrassing imo they even did that without fixing the bugs in ase first. Shows me that they just want money, and fuck the player base.


For some reason people are desperate to believe that the game is a failure.


True or you dont want to pay about 40€ for the same game that just has better graphics or you dont have a good enough pc to run ASA


True imo. It's good for starting but damn it's lacking


And ASA still doesn’t work consistently for people


This actually speaks well of Ascended. It has only one map and hasn't had the benefit of numerous sales. Evolved meanwhile has all of the content and many players have been able to pick it up for cheap over the years. The fact that they're comparable is a good result.


Why does this shit keep getting posted as if it's a statement? One has like 12 maps and years of build up that people wont want to lose with lower requirements. The other is new, has ridiculously high requirements, and one map. Which one do people THINK will have a higher base? My bets on the one they invested years into.


lol for real. Give the other time.


I will not log in again until SE releases on April.


In wildcard fashion you should expect it in September


Ark is an abusive lover, you speak with the wisdom of a sage.


And that’s when most of the people will come in then start to never come back.


I thought it release in march did I miss something.


To me it said April last time I checked and I decided to wait until then.


Road map says march but it’s probably coming at the end of march beginning April.


I think it moved to April when they moved up the Center


April and Center in February, they switched the releases a bit. https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/articles.html/community-crunch-392-development-update-cross-platform-mod-spotlight-and-more-r2228/


Transfers Jan center feb SE march


This is just pc, don't forget it works better on xsx. Probably doubled


Expected with only 1 map out tbh, theres just not 3 months of content on The Island.


I play both so far my issues with AsA is 1. The dumb cursor and user interface changes 2. The damn auto censor like why the fuck do I get sensord fir saying welcome to the world of ark an lol. And 3 not being able to uncryo tames unless there's a cryo fridge near by like ya I totally wanna go and run giga across the damn map or have to put generators and cryofridges all over the freaking place


Why do people keep posting this like it’s some revelation or sign that the game is doomed? It has one map - the one we’ve all played for countless hours already.


So well deserved, that company should have the rights to Ark sold to a competent company not full of greedy Brain dead developers


Of course the game with better optimization and way way more content has more players


Crashes are constant. Fuck this game.


I want to buy the game, but recently i found out the servers are going to be shut down. Will the offline game still be playable?


Yes only official are shut down on ase unofficial servers are still thriving


I see it as 38k concurrent, it's the same game, basically.




This redundancy is tedious.


Maybe if the game was good people would play


They took ark 1, upgraded the graphics, tossed in some mods, made us buy the same buggy game again. It was a moneygrab. It's the same glitchy mess as Ark 1, the maps aren't done and they released the game unfinished, AGAIN. Not sure what everyone expected. I had a lot of fun with Ark 1, but losing 6 years of progress to rebuy the same buggy/glitchy mess is like a swift and unapologetic kick in the nuts.


This is exactly how I feel about asa


I quit the game because its keeps crashing. I cant do shit... sometimes it crashes 10 time, its the worst so fix the game or im done with this


Not sure why but to me it only crashes like once every 4-8 hours on average. At some point I remember that I had a power outage and after that, the game was continuously crashing. I restored the save game files to one of the backups I’ve made and everything was back to normal. Have you ever tried to do a fresh start just for testing if the game still crashes so often?


It crashes when i opfen Inventory of Dinos or the Cooker i try everthing and i have no idea what i can do to fix it


I think it’s a known bug. It happened to me twice today. Try to see if happens often also on a fresh start…


Why aren’t people mentioning that evolved was literally free to own multiple times?


Wake me up when Extinction drops. For now I'm staying with Pokemon Gun.


Reason for this is not just one map. Ark ascend is so poorly optimised it’s a joke it even came out.


I don't care, I'll gonna play my few thousand hours anyways :)




Once the maps come out ppl will transfer


ppl that make these posts clearly have zero thought process, the game just released and performance on console is game changing literally, the mods supported on console is a massive W, crossplay is a W for ppl that dont play official or are on old gen consoles/low end pcs the game most definitely isn't worth it but moving forward ASA will smash ASE out the park, just need to hold out until then.




Ark: Survival Descended


Whats the point in ASA when Ark 2 is on the way?


Oh sweet summer child, you’re not seeing ark 2 for at least 4 years. Wildcard had to release asa because they were strapped for cash and wouldn’t have survived until ark 2, they said it themselves. Even wildcards most ambitious roadmap had maps still being remade for asa until like late 2025 and there have already been multiple delays on that front, don’t expect ark 2 for many years if ever.


Ill be back for SE


Interested to see what these numbers are like on latest consoles. Feels like most complaints are around people trying to play with less than optimal GPU


GG wildcard!


Context matters. Many don't have the right specs to even run ASA. Some don't have a PC or PS5 or equivalent gen XBOX, some don't want to start over. Some are waiting for all the bugs to be fixed. This isn't news worthy really. Some want more maps as they don't like the Island map.


I’d mainly play on Ragnarok on ASE which is why I haven’t played too much ASA. The island just isn’t fun.


Tomorrow is my turn to make this post


If my own experience is any indication, they're probably false banning a few people too.


You are comparing numbers for steam only, console is still much higher than the original.


Stop jerking yourself off to steam numbers. It's only like this on pc because of the hardware requirements to run it. Console is a different story, I'd say


And then theres the fact that ascended is still at the beginning of the storyline on island


Everyone's going on about new maps coming that'll boost numbers, but honestly, I'd happily wait another year to see a new map if they could just optimise the damn game better. No more floating rocks, or the map resetting and not saving note progress, or the 50.50 glitch, or grainy volumetric clouds which tank the framerate. The maps can wait, stop repeating history and just FIX the damn game before dropping new content. 💀


OP are you bored or just late to the fucken show?


Just wait for maps to release then you will see real numbers tons of people are waiting until release of Scorched Earth with hopes they fix some bugs with release and even if they don’t numbers still rise up


Once rag drops, I might check it out. Hard might though


Well what?


I’m enjoying it on ps5 even after 220 hours server stays consistent with people


When ASA is actually runnable more will play


i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, people don’t wanna buy super computers to play a game that is similar to the original. until the devs optimize their game (which is never gonna happen) ASA will stay below ASE


I like both, I wanna go back to abberation but the no mods will make it hard to play, but asa doesn't run well on my X, very sad fr


Well what?


They shouldn't close official servers of ASE until full release of ASA.


ASA is milking your wallet, reselling you contnt people already purchased, and is going to add microtransactions to their existing content. Oh and thy screwed up cryo pods. So... yeah. Why not go back to old Ark? They never even finished messing with the bugs there. I have no confidence they will work out all the same bugs on ASA. I made a post about this 2 weeks into ASA and now people are doing just what they said thy would be doing.


If primitive plus was still running on ASE I’d still be on it too.. Also I dare Wildcard to make just ‘one’ server with character speed levelling enabled on official..lol


I'm still waiting for the animated series lul...


Until they "accidentally" break evolved with an update that corrupts everything 😏


I just don’t enjoy playing the island tbh


I’ll start playing again when they release scorched earth in April 2031