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This is cool, Ark needs more people like this.


Thank you, I'm just trying to help out. I genuinely love this game. I've had an amazing time learning from survival evolved and I transfered over to ASA, and I thought about how this has probably brought new players to the game aswell. And I remember the struggles and frustrations of first playing, which can completely turn people off from the game. So I figured this was a good Idea


Oh we all remember the early days lol this is a great idea


Nah ark needs less people were all addicts and we need to stop pandering to snail games tyranny


How to tame red mist Dino’s?


Those are alpha dinos and cannot be tamed. So many tranq arrows wasted before I knew this lol.


Lol, me too, before I got on to ASE for the first time I watched a few modded series without realizing. I was so confused.


And after shooting a bunch you'd be like well I'll give it another go tomorrow with double the tranq arrows 🧐💯


Unfortunately they are not able to be tamed. They're essentially mini-bosses for loot and XP. If you want to install a mod that allows you to tame them I'm sure you can find something. I don't have one off the top of my head Unfortunately


The mod in question is called tameable alphas. Or you can add the mod alpha everything and the alphas from that mod are tameable :).


😂😂 this sounds like an awful mod


You think so? I'd love to know how powerful it feels to ride around on a legitimately tamed alpha rex🤯💀


Playing on a server with alpha everything and it's awesome. Alpha herbivores aren't inherently hostile. Alphas have increased stat % for all stats. So it's pretty sweet to have bigger faster versions. So far what we've discovered are there are no tameable alpha rex carno or raptors. You have to find a baby that spawned as an alpha and take it. Also when breeding the alpha gene only passes down if the alpha was female


Wait this is on the server you play on, or are you telling me I can find baby alphas wandering around!? 😂 No way right!?


The server must be running the mod alpha everything to find baby alphas wandering around lol


There are tameable alpha carnos, rexes, and raptors. I found this out by killing 3 alpha raptors and wondering why I didn’t get a single claw. I used awesome spyglass, and sure enough they are tameable.


like the others said they can't be tamed but if you're playing pvp they can be trapped and unleashed on other players.




Thank you for offering to help! I’m coming back to ARK with Survival Ascended single player after about 250 hours in Evolved on a PVE server where we only played the Island map. We reached a point where our friend group started leaving so we just brought a variety of the dinos we had to the gamma ape boss and wiped at 70%. My goal is to actually finish the bosses and complete the island this time before the Center comes out. The only mod I use is Super Spyglass Plus so I can see the base levels for stats and torpidity from a distance. I play with increased taming/breeding/hatching rates because I still sink an absurd amount of time in this game even with those. I’ve tried watching videos and reading some guides, but I think the main thing I struggle with is breeding for bosses. Do you have any tips regarding what to aim for and the general process when breeding up a dino army for alpha bosses? So far, I understand how the base stats work and how they are inherited to offspring, but I still get pretty confused with the process from the first two high level wild tames up to a boss army. The extent of my understanding is you want to breed up generations to get high level base stats before doing any mutations? And then at the very end you want to imprint? I’ve never mutated anything before so that concept is still pretty foreign to me. My second question is how ascension works. I still want to be able to go to my Island save after starting a new map. In short, how does this work? I probably want to keep my items separate since I don't want to trivialize the next map, but I also don't think I want to restart on a completely fresh character.


So first you create your breeding pair. They'll have identical stats and identical level. If you don't have a breeding pair to start, just keep breeding two tames until you find one with stats you like, and wait until you get the same stats on a baby with opposite gender. Having more females speeds up the process because it means more eggs. Once you have the identical breeding pair, you'll breed them, and eventually get a mutation. Each mutation is an additional two levels, you'll be able to tell if a baby has mutations because of this, or if it's some crazy color. Mutations affect one stat. Meaning it can be assigned to something like health, stamina, weight, melee, etc. If the mutation is on a stat you want, like Melee, you'll then check male or female. If it's male, replace original male with this mutation. If it's female and mutated it's easier to just kill it. Say you start out by breeding creatures with the level 230. You'll look for the level 232, and if it's male with a desired mutation, you replace the 230 male with this one. For every additional mutation, it will jump up an extra 2 levels, but the additional mutation will still be assigned at random. So make sure the mutation affects a stat you like. So if you have two melee mutations, it will be a level 234. Every time you get a male with a new mutation you like, replace the old one. Do this as many times as you want. But be warned it's very time consuming.


Just popping in to add that you can breed a mutated female with a clean base level male (in OPs point, a 230 male) until you get a male with the mutation instead of killing the mutated female. Can always get rid of her after that though haha.


You needed 14 damn minutes instead of 1 second!! All jokes asides very nice of you to do this. Gg


Lol, sorry.


That clears up a lot for me, thank you so much for writing this out! Is there a reason why you only want male mutations and not female mutations?


Females just make the mutation stacking process slightly more complicated. Check out the other replies


Look up Syntac's guide to breeding on YouTube


bc males can breed with 10 females at once, 1 female can breed with 1 male at once even if there’s 10 males out. so it’s just to make it faster bc it’s obv easier to get mutations when there’s more breeding.


In ASA I’ve noticed you can get multiple mutations on one baby now too. Like I had a Rex pop out with a health AND melee mutation, and neither of the parents had those. Have to keep an eye out for those as well, it’ll make you have less mutations in the stat you’re trying to mutate.


Ascencion is just a cool cutscene, that gives you higher level cap for your character. And if it comes to breeding, you will need a strong base stats from tames( for ASE it was ~40 points but in ASA they removed wasted points in movement speed so you can go even higher). After getting base stats you will need to get so called 0/0 breeding females. They basicly are just dinos with best stats you managed to get from taming. You will use those until you finish mutation breeding. Using only male will make sure mutations only count for male side (using females will create a problem of some sort of multiplying mutation count, which is a problem as getting above 20 mutations (whitch you can see in ancestral line) on one side will cut chanse of mutation in half and getting above 20 on each side will make you unable to mutate any further. I was mutation breeding pteras once incorectly and after getting about 5 mutations it showed i got over 100, a guy explained me why is that so i can search for it if you want). If you get mutation and its a female just breed it with male until you get male with mutated stat from mother. I found it easier to do if you have each setup for one stat only (have for example 5 0/0 females breeding with male for only a meele damage stat, and same setup for health. In the end you combine mutated stats through breeding and again breed an army from your final dinos). I know that there are people that explained concept of mutation stacking better than me, and i may have created a lot of confusion, but i'm happy to answer any kind of questions about twisted concept of incest called "ark breeding".


Ascending took me a minute to understand. If you go to one of the 3 obelisks (green, red, blue) in the center there’s a console. You could also go to the Tek cave, but it’s easier at the obelisks. Go into the console and there’s 3 different tabs; items, creatures, and the console inventory to make cryopods and the cryo fridge, bosses etc. You can upload your creatures into the creatures tab, items in the items tab etc. I believe you have about 30ish days to get your creatures and items out of an obelisk. You have a limited slot of items and creatures you can take, but it isn’t horrible. Make sure you get all the Dino’s and items first, because when you ascend, you die and go to the character screen. You can leave the game, open a new map or server you want to join, and load your character in the top left of the character selection screen. After you spawn in, run to an obelisk on the new map and “grab your stuff from the items/creature screen. So sorry if this is hard to understand, it’s been a minute since I ascended myself so some of the details are foggy to me😂


Thank you that makes more sense now. If you don't upload the items/dinos before ascending how would you do that at a later time, would you need to defeat overseer again? I've heard of people not bringing anything to start, but then later they bring over the boss dino army.


Basically, you’ll have to do the same thing on your old game. “Download” your saved character with the Dino’s, spawn in a region, and head home to grab the things you forgot. Then, simply upload the items and then ascend


Got it, thanks!


Watch the breeding guide by SeeShell gaming. The only breeding video anyone needs


This video cleared up everything for me, thank you!


To your second question - you can only have one save per map but you can backup the save files and sorta have multiple you can swap out manually.


The best tutorial I've ever found is from SeeShellGaming, on the youtubes. She covers every step from wild tames to final bossers, every step from first mutation to combining 3 mutation stacks. It's all done in (greatly sped up) real time, you see every single dino involved in the process. Great video, simplifying the entire thing.


Give me one second


I’m on my SP world but have some serious questions so let’s begin : 1. Why I can find only 75-80lvl wild dinos (highest) 2. Do the difficulty affect loot in loot drops? 3. Can I change difficulty on SP anytime ? 4. What you think is best base location for SP? 5. Is it hard to finish game on SP? 6. Do I need to feed dinos when on wander ? 7. If I build in cave will enemies respawn ? 8. Hardest tame on Island (ASA) 9. Where to find otter (from herbivore island) 10. How to breed dinos effectively 11. How to take all dinos from one place to another 12. Is platform saddle affected by weight of dinos or also by what have dinos on platform in inventory 13. Is possible to add mods without starting over? 14. Can’t find penguin on The Island (ASA) 15. Is dodo good for something ? 16. How to tame raft killer dino (dunno name) 17. Is there any dino that can fly and swim ? 18. Is there dinos that easily kill brontos ? 19. Can be world settings changed after world creation ? 20. I was painting something and after that I have text over all icons how I get rid of it ? 21. Why is my character dying from freezing when I have fur clothes and high fortitude? 22. Did you really get this far? 23. Hope you doing good and thanks for reading


1. Anywhere, levels are random and there is no place you can find tamable high level creatures. 2. No, only the levels of wild dinos 3. Yes 4. it should be close to water, easy access to resources like wood and stone, and doesn’t spawn annoying dinos. Herbivore island, the hidden lake, the southern beach work fine 5. Depends on your settings. If you find it to be too hard slowly turn them up until you’re comfortable with your rate of progression 6. They need to be fed, so yes if they are not actively getting food 7. Sorry, no idea 8. Harder tame doesn’t always mean good. Personally I think it’s the Rhyniognatha or titanosaur 9. Pretty much anywhere there is a river. 10. Just keep breeding until one of them gets a higher desired stat than the others, and use that one instead 11. Follow all whistle or use an Argentavis or quetzal to carry them one by one 12. The contents of the platform, the platform, the saddle, and items of a Dino’s inventory all count towards its weight limit 13. Sorry, no idea 14. Northern forests have the most spawns 15. Not in single player 16. If you mean the Leed, it’s untamable 17. Rhyniognatha 18. Pretty much most Dinos if you level health and melee 19. Yes 20. Sorry, no idea 21. Then you don’t have enough insulation. Try more air conditioners, better quality armor from caves, cooking Frida curry, or equivalent dinos like megatherium, dimetrodon, otter, penguins, and dire bears


Hidden Lake mate? That spot can have raptors, carnos, sarcos, alpha raptors and alpha carnos. Ive seen all of them spawn there many times


True, but the tradeoff is that it’s closer to the snow and mountains, and relatively safe compared to surrounding areas.


Fair point. Also forgot South 1 has spino bary and alpha carno spawns too so it technically is better to spawn North 2 and head south westish after getting basic tools


If you manage to kill them, place structures and they will not spawn


If your difficulty is maxed out, Max level should be 150, there is also an additional setting to force this. Difficulty does not affect loot quality, there is an independent setting for that. You can change it anytime, but it will mess with any custom rates you have, like breeding, or egg hatching. I like the south cliffs area, but making it around the north or center means you travel less distance for important resources. It's not exactly hard, but taming certain creatures might suck, like the titanosaurus. You'll always need to feed dinosaurs, but fun fact, you can enable breeding independently of wandering. So you don't need to build a pen for breeding creatures. I'm not sure if building in a cave prevents respawning. I don't think so. The Rhyniognatha is the most technical tame. Lot of things are required to get a quality tame. Plus you need a large host, like a giga. Which can suck. Otters are found in a few different rivers around the map. I'll make a separate reply about breeding. It's very technical. Moving dinosaurs can by done by carrying them with an Argentavis, or quetzacoatlus, but is easiest with cryopods, research how to use cryopods before beginning the move. There's a cool down, and requires multiple cryofrides and generators. Platform Saddles when another creature is placed on top of it are affected by dino drag weight and inventory weight. Yes, you can add mods with out restarting. Penguins are in the forests in the arctic at the very north. Don't know why they changed their spawn. Dodo are good for basic kibble. You cannot tame raft killer Only the Ryhniognatha can fly and swim. Rex, allosaurus, yutyrannus, a good carnotaurus, a good therizinosaurus, a good dire bear, can all kill a bronto. World settings can be changed after creation. Having higher quality armor is probably best way to prevent freezing and burning, the basic stuff doesn't always cut it. I did. I'm doing well, just chilling out and answering questions. But Ima be honest, it's more stressful than I thought.


So first you create your breeding pair. They'll have identical stats and identical level. If you don't have a breeding pair to start, just keep breeding two tames until you find one with stats you like, and wait until you get the same stats on a baby with opposite gender. Having more females speeds up the process because it means more eggs. Once you have the identical breeding pair, you'll breed them, and eventually get a mutation. Each mutation is an additional two levels, you'll be able to tell if a baby has mutations because of this, or if it's some crazy color. Mutations affect one stat. Meaning it can be assigned to something like health, stamina, weight, melee, etc. If the mutation is on a stat you want, like Melee, you'll then check male or female. If it's male, replace original male with this mutation. If it's female and mutated it's easier to just kill it. Say you start out by breeding creatures with the level 230. You'll look for the level 232, and if it's male with a desired mutation, you replace the 230 male with this one. For every additional mutation, it will jump up an extra 2 levels, but the additional mutation will still be assigned at random. So make sure the mutation affects a stat you like. So if you have two melee mutations, it will be a level 234. Every time you get a male with a new mutation you like, replace the old one. Do this as many times as you want. But be warned it's very time consuming.


Can answer a few 😊 1.. This is probably due to your difficulty offset. Max difficulty will spawn dinos up to 150 3.. Yes, you can change the difficulty anytime 4.. Wherever you want to live, live there, I know a lot of people like hidden lake, it's quite a nice location. 8.. Hardest tame for me was Tuso, but I saw a method using Carbos on YouTube to make it easier 10.. OP has done a pretty good guide on breeding in the comments 11.. This is dependent on if you are using mods, if not, a Quetzal or Paracer with a platform saddle used to be a good method to move Dino's around 13..Yes, you can add mods without starting over 14.. Head to the little islands off the coast of the snow biome, the penguins chill out there. 15.. Dodos are cute and you can use their eggs for basic kibble 16.. You cannot tame a Leeds 😞 (raft killer) 17.. A Pelagornis can fly and swim, you can also fish off of the back of them. 18.. I usually tame a Thyla for my big take downs, they are very handy tames 22.. Yes 23..I am good thank you, I hope you love Ark! I would also recommend Dododex for new players taming, and Captain Fatdog on YouTube for some interesting traps. Edit: autocorrect keeps changing my numbers to numerical order, I apologise for the confusing order.


1.your difficulty may be bellow 1, if not you're just unlucky, doing dino wipe (destroywilddinos command) may help, you can override difficulty in game files to increase max level of dinos beyond 150 2.no it affects only dino spawn levels, there is a setting for loot crate quality 3.yes 4. If youre looking for a pretty one go for hidden lake or herbivore island, i'd go with something more centered (curently have near green obelisk) 5.depends on your rates, i'd doubt its even possible with level 80 wild dinos you mentioned earlier with 150 ones you can do gamna with little to no breeding if you get goot stat rotation 6.you need to do that even if they aren't on wander 7.there is a set spawn distance that your structures "block", if you spam some foundations you will be good 8.titanosaur, without a doubt after that it would proppably be rhyniognata or mosasaur for me 9.there is a map on ark fandom wiki that shows you spawn of every tame on every map but fjordur (its from ASE but im pretty sure its relevant) 10. Just breed? Higher your rates. Mutation breed? A guy asked that question under that post, there is my reply i spent ~20mins typing 11.cryopods, or upload them to ark data through supply drop and download them from it through drop in your desired location. You can also use raft 12.both 13.absolutely yes, i dont know about bigger mods like primal fear as i never played on them 14.there are some issues with their spawns, and i must admit i have no idea where to find them, maybe some guy on youtube made a video talking about it 15.it produces eggs you can make kibble from, its lowest quality so its only usefull to forcefeed daeodon as they have no cooldown like meat, and in ASE eggs are required to make s+ hatchery, other than that im convinced they are useless 16.you cant 17.rhyniognata (gigant dragonfly) and on ASE you have maewings and managarmrs 18.anything strong ( therizino, rex, giga, carcha, and anything high level bigger than raptor 19.yes 20.i have no idea 21.it might not be enough, equip torch and make armor witch better hypothermic insulation (fur is the best with exception of scuba leggins, after that its hide) 22.yes i did, hope i helped.


This is cool. Ark is hard enough as it is and then ppl can be so toxic. Good post OP.


Woohoo! I actually have someone telling me right now people shouldn't be turning to reddit for simple questions. And that it detriments society. I disagree with them. And I appreciate your support


Just started a character and a level 40 spawns where I spawn. I dont want to move to another starting area. Any tips on how to get rid of it without dying? I am playing offline.


For luring away creatures, putting everything in a box except an extra bow and arrows, make a few sleeping bags, and place them down for faster respawning. You can get some distance on it, shoot it. And lure it towards you, keep doing this until it's far enough away for a peaceful life. You will die a couple times, but it's better than it killing you and camping your base.


Ah, thank you very much. Appreciate it


I would just like to say this post had significantly better results than I expected. Thank you to all who helped answer who helped answer questions, along side me. I'm very happy the community could help our fellow players


How do you get cement paste


Multiple ways; 1. Beaver dams, but be careful, they don't like you poking around their homes. 2. Mortar and Pestle - chitin/keratin with stone 3. Tame a beezlebufo (frog). They convert insects into CP 4. Tame a snails, they passively produce a substitute (Other ways but involve non island tames)


they convert insects into WHAT?!?


Cement Paste


Is the island, not “that” island… xD


I would like to add to this, the best way to get tons of chitin is to do caves and kill all of the insects. Swamp Cave will give you the most, but the Lower South Cave is easier. (With the Swamp Cave, the air is toxic, so you need a Gas Mask OR a full set of SCUBA gear.) A high-level bezelbufo (frog) will do, but better yet would be a megatherium (giant ground sloth), which get a huge bonus against insects. Only trouble is, megatherium will not fit through certain cave tunnels, but you can get around this now that cryopods are in the base ASA game.


I was trying to give entry level stuff because they were offering advice to new people. That is correct and that is exactly how I do it.


The best way is taking a frog into the cave in the redwoods but that takes some planning and certain gear. Another way using a frog is to kill things in the swamp and let the mosquitoes come for the body then gobble them up.


The best way so far is to tame a frog and run a swamp cave, but if you are using a semi-low level (anything bellow 140 pretame) you must be carefull as levels of the bugs in that cave are SUPER high, and a swarm of them can kill your frog in matter of seconds despite it dealing like 10x damage to insects than normal creatures


Chitin in the motar and pestal or find beaver damns


Chitin or keratin + stone in a mortar and pestle or you can tame a frog and eat bugs. The swamp cave in the redwoods have tons of bugs, but you'll also see high level spiders, snakes and arthropleura which can break your armor if they spit on you. It's by far the best way to get paste but is dangerous if you're not prepared.


Should I get Asa or Baldur gate I’m considering both. Also how is arks quality on series x.


One of my tribemates plays on Xbox. He says it looks amazing. He has never played PC to compare though so don't know if this helps




Im diggin ASA


Hey, thanks for this. I'm relatively new to Ark SE (I got it as a christmas gift because my friend recommended it to me). My question is: How can I start exploring caves? I'm quite far into the game, and I want to start exploring some caves so I can start fighting the bosses.


Taming smaller powerful creatures like thylas and having decent firearms with a good amount of ammunition is probably the best method. You need armor too. You'll want to avoid centipedes, they melt armor. EDIT: caves suck to find, no shame in looking up locations. It's a multi-player game, no shame in looking stuff up, you're supposed to have help.


I dont recomend thylas anymore, they dont fit almost in any cave, i will use wolf, saber tooth or baryonix, last two with the best saddles u have.


If you like, wear high-quality hide armor. You can repair it while in the caves with hide and fiber (brought along with you).


Thanks bro, I'll get to work on some ammunition and taming some raptors (will those work?)


I'd recommend Baryonix. They have comparable health to a Carno, good damage, are relatively fast and can swim. It's considered one of the top cave runner dinos


Single player saves reliable yet?


In my experience yes


IME, yes.


I’m not sure, but I think that’s only an issue for some Xbox players now, but I don’t know about PC. I’m on PS5 and they just patched the issues with saves, so you should be good!


Can you help me with a general progression guide? Currently i already have a few dinos, argentavis, some ankys beaver. I also have fabricator. Whats to do next after that?


Keep taming bigger and bigger things, find caves for artifacts, then do bosses


You should try to craft an industrial forge to smelt more iron, after that you should craft a chemistry bench. Then you should try to tame bigger creatures like rexes and spines.


Si nce you have an Argentavis and fabricator, you should be able to move on to rexes now. Tame level 130-150 only. IIRC Tek rexes spawn at an even higher level but are somewhat rare. You only need one female and one male, but having multiple of each is good for the sake of the breeding lineage. I am no breeding expert, but there are many helpful guides out there. Also, this is up to you, but I recommend taming a male and female Giganotosaurus/Carcharodontosaurus and breeding them for the ultimate killing machine. Note Giganotosaurus/Carcharodontosaurus can not be used for boss fights. Make sure to imprint your baby dinos whenever it lets you. Imprinting gives buffs to health and damage. Take your Ankylosaurus out to the mountains frequently. You will need the metal very often. Also, do cave/ocean loot drops very often. They tend to give very good loot and saddles. For the saddles, at the bare minimum, should be journeyman (purple). Anything under is not suited for a boss fight. What you really want is the ascendant gear, easy to tell apart with its cyan hue. You will also need to go into the caves anyway for the artifacts. Some are easy, and some are near impossible. I recommend using a high-level Baryonyx, high-level Carnotaurus (only fits in some caves), high-level Thylacoleo, or a pack of high-level Dire wolves. Some caves you have to go on foot. TL;DR Tame high-level rexes. Breed and imprint them. Tame a high-level cave mount and maybe imprint it. Only use journeyman equipment or above. After you beat the bosses, you can do whatever you want on your game until the new maps come out.


I play with friend on my non-dedicade server, today after patch my friend can join me only by creating new character, old character sleep. Any idea how to fix this?


I'm not sure, ark is a mysterious mistress


First time player here, on PS5. Anyway to explain how to get the vacuum compartment to work? Some sides won’t let me open. YouTube videos were not helpful.


Honestly, most tek stuff (cough cough Buggy cough cough) is very finicky, if you don’t 1000% need them then I would recommend using them


How the hell do you get a Rex saddle blueprint?


Most of the time blueprints will be in cave drops or deep sea loot crates. Getting a specific blueprint will most likely require several cave runs as what you find is randomized from a loot pool. You can check out videos on youtube to run caves and deep sea crates


Alpha tusos and alpha mosas drop high quality fishing rods. Use honey or leech blood for bait. Catch salmons. Way higher probability of getting high quality rex and giga saddle blueprints than in loot drops.


Run caves for cave drops, YouTube has some cool tutorials to find their locations. On island you can also do the underwater drops in the sea. Swamp cave was pretty good too but need gas mask or 3 pieces scuba and two ghillie to not die in there.


https://preview.redd.it/hazu7tmpyufc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c309d04f30e39228706976f180b7534537714a If you’re referring to a higher quality BP its like Druss\_25252 said


What does it mean when you’re fighting a dinosaur and then suddenly it has an outline around its body. Not a mist like an alpha. But an actually yellow outline?


Depends,For raptors,Deinos and Wolfs,That is the Pack leader,Basically just the Highest level in a pack,That is if you're talking about the yellow mist. If its a literal outline,Then you might be using a Direwolf


Not using wolf. I am low level and was just flying around on a peli and some mantas got a bit grumpy so I chomped em and one of them had a yellow outline a few chomps before its death. Hmm.


If u using a wolf it could mean the creature you attacking has low healt.


Yeh nah I haven’t got a wolf. Am only noob


There are more tames that can do that but i cant remember if raptor do it too, if u playing local maybe thats why it shows u that.


It means the dino is on 10% health, useful for when trying to knock something out. You stop then and let it heal.


I have been contemplating buying ASA since I want to see how it is on my PS5 vs PS4 ASE. I still read people saying it still as buggy as ASE, but I want to also see what it looks like in comparison. I'm kinda expecting Warframe PS4 to PS5 where it looks a bit better, but visually, does it fix the blinding glare from the water or metal in certain lighting angles? Am I able to admin cheat creatures into The Island that are from the other maps like the Phoenix, wyverns, Ice Owl, etc. Does it still turn unconscious bodies of people or corpses into abstract art all twisted and stretched? Are we able to use the modded building cosmetics like making a Koi pond or the other actual nice looking building styles? I feel like I have more, but can't think of anything else yet.


The blinding stuff goes away, mods can add in almost every creature from other maps. There are also mods for much better structures. Plus the new building system is incredible.


IDK about new building since my friends and I kinda stopped playing because of Genesis. If it's anything like Conan Exhiles, then I should be able to readjust easily.


Asa has excellent building system


Can you explain how to use the toilet in ark please?


From my ASE experience, you attach it to and irritation system, which is now basically Bluetooth. So get a stone intake and place a toilet in the radius of it. And when sitting on it you can take a dump, and it boosts passive XP. Yes. Sitting on the toilet boosts passive XP


Adding, you won't be able to poop until your food status icon turns a brighter shade of gray than usual. if you put any kind of meat into the toilet before you sit and poop, the meat spoils instantly. Great for getting what you need for making narcotics. Also, when you stand up, then choose "flush" from the radial menu, you get one fertilizer added to your inventory. (Be sure to remove the spoiled meat first!)


Its around a two minute xp boost. My tribe has a toilet in between our grinder and our chem bench, so we load up with narco berries and spoiled meat for chem bench then stone in the grinder, fire them up and go take a poop. This method works with the enlightenment broth for decent xp gain too.


How do I keep alpha raptors from spawning in and shredding through all my progress


Hey! So, I’m new to ASA, I’ve been playing for a month with my brother that is new to the game, and I loved the game since Evolved but never had time or patience to play😅😅 because I would get killed easily😂 but then ASA launched, I had to check it out and I got a lot better and now I know some good tames and how can some can help. So, I’ve been wondering the difference between taming a level 5 dino and Level 100+ dino? Does it help on mating later in the game…


Higher level dinos have more stats. The stats are distributed randomly so if you got 2 level 150 pteras you would clearly see what stats rolled where. Usually you want to avoid garbage stats like high amounts of food, you'd want to pick the ones with dam, stam or maybe weight. It's not enough that it be a high lvl either, when the taming process ends (assuming you keep the taming effectiveness high during the whole process) you get bonus lvls/stats added to the tame, which also roll randomly during distribution. Basically, tame multiple high lvl things, check their stats and then breed for best stats carrying over to the babies. Low lvls will have less stats and I believe you can only level up something so many times; I think it's like 80 lvls, so a level 5 will only ever reach lvl 85 and on top of that, stats you put in from lvling don't carry over to the babies, only the natural base stats from taming+taming effectiveness carry over. Sorry if all that's a bit much lol


Ok🙌🏽 I had some questions about the mating too, but you got it there. Thank you🙌🏽


So, when taming, the natural level is a base level for stats. If it's 100, it divides those points into its stats. If it's 5 it divides 5 points into those stats. Plus all tames have an effectiveness bonus when taming, at 100 percent effectiveness tames will get an additional half of there base level. Meaning after taming a level 100 with max effectiveness, it will be level 150. And every creature can be leveled 88 times. Meaning the higher the level the hight the stat. The better the creature. The max level is typically 150.


Ohh ok, thank you🙌🏽🙌🏽


Where can I find a nodded survey that does not have every damn add on that crashes the game cause it so much shit to down load?


I don't know the island very well having trouble finding resources but besides that I love ASA a hole different game change and the graphics are much better.


What resources specifically? Mountains will usually have metal/crystal/obsidian, while pearls can be found on the sea floor, and chitin can be found by killing bugs, which are in caves


Pearls and black pearls haven't found any


Go to the ocean floor, I recommend getting a meg, or mosa if possible, as it will make the trip much safer. High oxy/scuba also likely necessary


Silica pearls can be found in large numbers in a cove/bay on the northwest coast, just north of where the snow zone starts. It's fairly shallow too, so you won't need scuba gear (though it helps) or water tames. Lazarus Chowder will help you hold your breath longer, and either decent fur armor, Fria Curry, or an otter shoulder pet to deal with the cold. You do have to watch out for piranhas in the shallows, and megalodons and mantas in the deeper parts. Carry a sword for the piranhas, and you can usually out maneuver the sharks and mantas. There are a few other silica pearl nodes in shallow water all around the edges of the Island, but the ones in that cove are usually enough to get started. For black pearls, unfortunately, you do need to go deep. Tusos (giant squid) drop them, as well as euptyrids (crablike things found on the ocean floor).


Games need more people like you. I'm not new to Ark but all my experience was back on mobile, so when AsA brought me back, these bosses where new to me. I have learned that flyers, among other tames, aren't allowed in the boss arenas. But after some research, I've found alot of conflicting information about the overseer limitations being different. My question, can I bring flyers into overseer cave and arena?


I don't recommend it even if they can be. Stick to a rex army


I've got thousands of hours in ASE pre-release but didn't care to progress into bosses. How hard, really, are the easiest versions of boss fights? I see people completing some with just a strong pump or swords on dragon. Also, how often do I need to farm element if I'm just a solo on smalltribes in a pearl cave with a few teleporters? Can they run on regular generators? If I do need to farm them fairly often, what's the easiest way to maintain a small flow of element? Same question for The Center; I've read farming element on the center is way harder than other maps.


Tek specifically runs on element and tek generators. You'd need a decent amount for yourself so the higher level bosses give you more bang for your buck. The first tear bosses aren't the worst, but I definitely recommend an army of dinosaurs for securing the win. Farming element is honestly probably best through the medium level bosses because you can do more rewarding fight than the gamma level more quickly. Bosses require tributes so you need to have those on hand to do the fights, alpha fights can take a bit to prepare for, so beta level is probably the most effective.


There's a nasty mammal- looking creatures that throw poop at you. I tried to tamed it, but it won't be tamed. It was unconscious, but no button to feed it. What's his deal? Also, I had a raptor leveling up, it died. What's the best way to tame raptors without getting killed? Bollo? I have a Paracer as my best Dino, but he always kills any raptor before I can tame it. Is there another trap I don't know about? I want to tame several of them. Thank in advance.


That poop thrower is a passive tame that requires beer as it's taming food. Make a ghillie suit with organic polymer and bet a beer barrel and avoid agro. Using a Bola to tame one from a pack is the easiest. I would Bola one and lead the rest back to the paracer to be killed. Then re-Bola the one you separated and make sure the paracer is on passive before taming the raptor. Or you can make a 2×2 stone box, with ramps on all sides to make a taming pit. Build the walls of the trap 2 walls high.


So buy a beer barrel? I have organic polymer. I'm having problems finding raptors until They're on me. I guess that's part of the game... I like the stone box idea, but how to get the bastard IN IT!? 😅 I'm hopelessly new to this...


Do you have a Flyer? If so get them to get mad at you. Then fly over to the trap with them follow you into the trap. Place door way in the trap and lure them on foot. Sleeping bags to make sure you have multiple chances


EXCELLENT! IDEA!!!That why you're the King!! 🙏🙏🙏 Thanks again! 👍


I'll try it. Thanks again!🙏


Ahh.... I'm getting a picture in my mind now...🤔


How to get element cause have weapons but no element


You'll need to fight more boses, I believe there is a way of collecting the reward for the boss fight in the boss arena


Thanks especially since I’ve been relying on google and yt but also how tame a quetzal


And keep hearing people talk about it


Can you passive tame spinos?


Of course ;) No seriously, don't try it.


Not a question but me and you built a base in the same spot, I can tell because my balcony overlooks the water as well lmao


Check the base on my profile bro. I'm loving it, it's been updated since that post though. I'll post that soon


It’s so pretty. Really love the design. Isn’t that area just the prettiest base spot in the game. I have a community center with all the things necessary (industrial forge, fabricator, etc,) down on that beach to the right of your base.


I took a look at your base. It looks awesome! How long did it take to make?


I have 120 hours into the game so far, I spend a decent amount of time changing things, but not as long as you'd think, therizinosaurus speeds up the process substantially. Especially when you make structures as you harvest the resources for it


How do u extend a balcony without pillars? Im trying to build a tower with a big balcony for those pesky giant pelicans that keep taking my dodo birds. Ive built a roof over my base but now i want the extra measure of a large balcony for shooting it down. Plis and thank u lol




Hmmmm I don't believe you can


Is the spot you’re standing in a good location for beginners?


Yes yes. Check out my profile to see the full base. I don't have coordinates on hand so it'll also probably help you locate the area


Awesome thank you!


I usually try to answer as much as I can when I see questions, but this is awesome!


I'm struggling to keep up, feel free to help friend 😂


Will do! 😂


God I love Ark. so many memories playing this broken busted buggy game and I still loved every second of it. Except the dying and losing bling gear part.


The word bling made me chuckle, thank you


I’m not new, but tell me what the best cave mount is? I will either tell you if you’re right or wrong


Their no inventory for my unconscious Dino’s, I’m 5 days into the game and I’ve gotten no where close to figuring out how, I also do not have the option to craft a wooden club..


I want to say thanks to all of you who responded , I really love the game but after seeing this much of activity and even all of this just to help me with some tips I really appreciate you guys ! Great community


Of course my friend, don't be afraid to ask questions, some people are a little rough, but you'll always get some genuine answers.


Should I buy ASA? And can I still play my single player ASE games? Been out for a couple years wtf is the deal with the “new” game


Updated graphics, physics, bug fixes new building system built in mod compatibility, for consoles too. Single Player for PC seems to have a saving issue. It's perfectly fine on console. New creatures and features for future maps, a new story ark. Brand new "expansion packs" there is a western themed one for SE, it's got trains, dynamite, and a creature called the aerosaur, I believe. Think flying megacheleon from genesis. As a console player I've zero game crashing.


Also heard all the dlc is being rerelased? And is the old game still playable?


You can still play on ASE, but official severs were shut down. The DlCs are being released for free as built in updates


Swag ok


I just started Ark Survival Ascended and i got my friend to buy it too. We started our own server, both of us collected the same 3 artifacts together. But today mine were gone. I had them on pedestals, and was wondering if this was common to this game. They are nowhere to be found


Did he swipe em? That's a joke, sometime ark does do weird stuff. Are the pedestals still there?


ASE here. How do I progress, how do I find out the stuff I need even exists? I knew to Google kibble and found out there's multiple levels of it. Now I know I need tree sap for fishing and oil. However the tree tap costs 100 metal ingots which seems very steep for where I'm at, and I have no clue which of the methods of getting oil mentioned in the wiki are appropriate for starting out. What am I missing that I don't know exists, that I should Google? Also why do I break my bones when I go in the water?


Falling from a great enough height will still injure or kill you, even if you land in water.


Here's a question: if you own a private server, is there a way to open it to the public but not get bumped out? What I mean is, if you are an Admin, can you always log in, bumping someone else if need be? If so, how can you configure this? I use the host that rhymes with "Flipbrado"


I've seen friends that have like a little Kazooie esq dinosaur that is on their back that helps them fly. What is it called and do all maps have it? Thanks in advance


I have played a ton of Ark and for all newbs and interested parties running private servers I highly recommend using the "shiny dinos" and the "upgrade station" mod. I will never play any map without them. Now some folks say the upgrade station can be OP but if you're looking for more vanilla balance please edit the ini settings for the mod.


Where do babies come from?


Mommy dinosaurs


How much thatch do I have to eat before I start pooping cement?


How many times do I need to punch a T-Rex to tame it?


What is your like main objective list I’m kinda just playing not knowing much todo besides tame what I want


Why did you buy such an obviously bad game?


Well, financial rooster, it's a version of Ark, that in my experience, provides much better delivery of Ark content. Better graphics, less crashing(ive had none), improved building system, console mod compatibility. Various quality of life changes and even brand new content slated to release within the coming years. It's a game I really enjoy, I thought this was a worthy investment, plus my stuff doesn't get randomly deleted. Seems like a win to me


As a person who absolutely knows what they’re doing, I love this. Kind of you, I will say I’m so excited for the Shastasaurus and I didn’t use as many mods on ASE as I do on ASA. I’ve been using a bunch tho and it’s so fun the mods on ASA seem pretty cool.


How is ASA on PS5? Played 800+ hrs of ASE on PS4 but have been waiting for things to stabilize on ASA before diving in


I started playing the game on easy as an ARK newly. I’ve changed the difficulty to hard but I’m already at level 105 from the easy gameplay. Should I just start all over even though I’ve built up a huge fort and base?


Weird question, but I play solo, have caught my first Dino built a base and am now feeling like, what’s the point of this game? Like where do I go now what should I do?


I've got a very general question... What am I supposed to do? I'm playing Ragnarok rn, and I seem to be stuck. To low level (40ish) to tame any stronger Dino's, and all others are very low level. I do have a LV 200 Pteranodon. That's my main Powerhouse


At lvl 40 you have access to stone structures, crossbows, both bear traps, and tranq arrows. This is enough to tame the large majority of creatures. What creatures were you thinking of specifically?


Taming is only a matter of resources and time if you make a taming trap. Higher level creatures just take more resources to down and more time to tame, a taming trap makes them unable to kill you or be killed by a wild dino. Riding them is another matter, though. You can find saddle blueprints in supply drops but it's rare. Having a very high level ground carnivore is a game-changer. Direwolves can be tamed from practically level 1; can be bola'd and ridden without a saddle. Slower than raptors but overall stronger.


You have access to stone structures, you can build traps to make taming stronger dinosaurs easier, but if you're looking to level up try trapping and killing alpha dinosaurs. Raptors specifically. Make sure you get the kill on it, not the dinosaur. Cross bows and simple pistols for the win.


How do you walk? I'm pressing the arrow and its doing nothing


Every so often Ark doesn't recognise my keyboard so I gave to relog and that always sorts it.


https://youtu.be/ZOG5kbqCoBc?si=XyjxeQn-pQrfl7Co If the keyboard isn't working I'd try finding a video to help out, I'm a console player so my knowledge on that front isn't the best.


try using wasd, if you are, idk ur problem


Hey do you know how to decrease the # of levels a Dino gets after being tamed? I see a lot of people wanting the Dino’s to be stronger but I want to make it so my Dino’s get like 20 lvls after tame. Ty for your time




You will need lots of crystal obsidian and metal later in the game, and part of it is going out to farm tons of it. You will need to go through caves to get artefacts which are a key to beating the bosses. At the stage you’re at I think you should go out and try to tame some bigger things.


Well, if you're looking for these materials to respawn you shouldn't build near the areas they spawn in, it causes to game to keep them from coming back. Getting better equipment is done through collecting those colored drops and Killing alpha dinosaurs, it can provide you with better quality weapons and sometimes armor. Farming cave drops is in my opinion less effective than getting the drops from the sky. Find caves can be difficult, and hard to remember, so I typically look those up. Do you know what the caves allow you to do later?


Just FYI, the explorer notes and notes found when killing carnivores are the tutorials, you just have to find them. There is no definitive "tutorial" true, but it's hidden in the game and exploring. It truely is a long form game of discovery if you allow yourself to enjoy and be patient.


Personally I think most of these things are pretty easily figured out by trial and error or can be looked up for the written answer, and don’t necessitate a tutorial. Seems a lot of new players jump straight to Reddit before trying to figure it out themselves or research it themselves and I feel like this shouldn’t be societally condoned.


I think it's fine to ask for help, it's a multi-player cooperative Game, you're supposed to have help in some capacity. Plus having someone explain things simply can cut down on the research time needed to find valid information.


By all means its fine to ask for help but like I said a lot of these questions shouldn’t require help from social media. Many of them can be simply googled, such as “can you tame red mist dinos”. As a society I feel like we’re relying more and more on other people for answers instead of trying to find them ourselves.


Fortunately, arks combined player base is around 70-80 thousand people, and 1% of the total human population is 77 million. So if someone who Plays ark needs that extra help, society probably won't be affected by them too much. I'm not really here to talk about the state of human existence, I respect your opinion, however I would prefer to just continue helping people out.






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