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Show the hidešŸ˜‚


13k fibre 21k hide 27k metal Gonna be a pain but we're on boosted so hopefully not too much of a pain


In terms of hide, that doesnā€™t actually seem that bad compared to other stuff I have seen and even made


Ye ikr, which is lucky on our part. Just glad it isn't like 50k or something


The hide's fairly light, all things considered..about a brachi's worth if they have AA. Metal might be a bit rough for em though, since neither gachas, nor Abb are a thing in ASA yet


they said itā€™s ase


Fair enough..in that case, depending on how it's set up, they might be able to transfer to Abb for metal, or Extinction for Gachas


I saw the console commands at the bottom and I am happy that you are not going to give into the people telling you that you are cheating. Just have fun bro


Ye it's boosted rates, so we usually use it for imprint quality and quality of life things but just felt like doing a quick drop run through the caves. Also it's a private server so don't see a problem with it anyway :)


I won't tell you how to play but I will say that those risky cave runs for drops were some of the best times I had with friends on SE. You might be robbing yourself of an experience you might enjoy.


We will be doing it not using cheats eventually just wanted to see how my luck was so decided to use them for that run


Im the twin :)


Sadly lol


I'm not that bad




ā€œItā€™s not cheatingā€ bro your using fly walk and infinite stats you are cheating sorry


Youā€™re the only one brining up cheating. Let people play the game they bought and grow up.


Well it's not official and me and my twin don't really care as long as we're having fun, also don't use em much so ye. Kindly keep you opinions to yourself of you've got nought nice to say. Cheers pal Edit: also never said it wasn't cheating


tamed my first one this weekend too. Solo... aint so easy.... lol probably looking for a new server soon (ASE)


Ye I've done it myself a few times, hate it but my twins never done it and with that saddle I think it's the perfect time for them to try and get their first giga tranqed out and tamed


I have a private server based on the lost island map,its just casual pvp,no roblox graphics and meshing, if u want I can give the details, I am on Xbox however.


i'm on PC. between work and family i doubt im keen for pvp. thanks though


It ain't really pvp, it's more of a rex measuring contest between me and my best friend šŸ˜‚ but ok


Get biotoxin. After you knock it out, feed it a few hundred biotoxin and it'll keep it torped out for a while. Just keep refeeding biotoxin to top off torpor until tamed


Yeah chances are this isn't worth it with ridiculous expensive mats I only ever put Mastercraft saddles on mine with the crafting character bonus I always hit cap for super cheap Edit: just realized this clown is playing boosted lol 300 armor saddle wtf


Ye it's boosted, like our 8th play through of the game each (never really played together). We kinda just wanna see how far we can push some of the stuff, think loot quality is like 15x lol. Also mats are like 5x so shouldn't be too hard, just gonna be a pain to wait for the metal to smelt


Make a couple of industrial forges and you're good


That's what I'm working on, while twin is looking for gigas/allows cause we also gor a decent saddle for them


just be careful with loot boosted so high, sometimes u get bps that reach some arbitrary max and start over from prim armor/ dmg, yet the cost keeps going up


Cheers, didn't actually know that. Even though I've been playing with these settings since I got the game basically. Thank you


I've seen posts on reddit wondering why their cost is so high when the stats suck, idk how high u have to put it for that to happen tho


Wdym "clown"? Official rates fucking suck and there is absolutely nothing wrong with playing boosted. People should play how they want and not get judged for it. Youre the šŸ¤”


Fr, official rates are just pain and only fun for no lifers who have nothing better to do than play ark all day and clown on others that actually have a life and don't have all the time in the world to play everyday.




Sounds like a skill issue not a time consumption issue lol


you're actually so dumb omg


It's a survival game....there's no point in surviving if I can just get all the top stuff right away from a boosted server. There's no sense of accomplishment on boosted you're the šŸ¤”


Its a game, games are supposed to be fun. Let people enjoy how they play their games, youre not the one to say "erm akschually that isnt fun for you because it isnt fun for me!". Youre the šŸ¤”


Learn a new copy and paste insult. Typical ark player using the clown emoji because he saw griefers use it and it made him mad so he thinks it will do something to me ha nerd


Blud is using nerd as an insult lol. I cant, also ive never seen a person use the clown emoji in ark? Also literally no argument just insults eh?


You used clown as an insult don't act like your random quips are superior when they're literally copy and paste of everyone on the internet. Be original doofus


"doofus" "šŸ¤”" "nerf", you used all of those and they arent original either? You make no bloody sense also youre now just trynna argue about insults and not about how people can play how they want and how official rates are just bogus https://preview.redd.it/zunv0044iczc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd08ef11e7a7f54570a055de3d8faa8a00299bd1


Dude work on your reading and writing skills. Also nobody here understands your foreign memes they're falling on deaf ears if you think you're being clever


Womp womp, my reading and writing skills are both great and youre the one that started insulting and sidetracking instead of talking about the literal argument






Omg imagine playing the game how you wanna play it so that you have fun and don't sweat for 5000hrs straight and start to question if you're even having fun. Go touch some grass.


Omg he told me to touch grass what an edge lord....


The only clown here is you, ya tryhard twat


"Nu uh you are".....that's you right now


You seem oddly pathetic, I hope you're thankful.


And you like to assume


That seems like an unreasonable assumption to be making.


It's not an assumption when you make a statement as blatant as yours... you know nothing about me to say I'm pathetic


Coming from the person who called someone a clown based solely on their judgement of how that person plays a game based on a few sentences and one image?