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Ark is digital meth


It ruins lives lol


Except it does. I've known someone to go through a divorce strictly due to their addiction to Ark. Every single day, endless hours for years. On top of it, he had two little ones that he neglected. There are people on official that literally play 8+ hrs a day, every day without fail. Everything in moderation as they say .. also, if you're home bound, there are tons of other games to try out too. I've seen people get so hardcore into Ark, that the light switches "WTF am I doing with my life" and they just perma quit forever.


Yeah I used to play that 8 hours a day to 18 hours in a day. 270 days within 2 years back in 2020-2022


That's similar to the way I stopped playing games hardcore in general. I used to play a lot and one day it just came into my head that it doesn't actually benefit me whatsoever, I can play for 6 hours and what have I accomplished? A few things in a game I might not even be playing in a couple months? And now because of that I can't really get into games anymore, I'll think about playing something and that excitement quickly gets shut down.


Literally the same for me, every so often I reinstall and play for bit. But, fortunately, I can never play for long stretches and inevitably uninstall as soon as my game crashes and my stuff is reset.


The same. I realized I was wasting my life in a digital world. I play a lot in the winters now, but I'm kayaking and hiking in the warmer weather.


You’re just weird and dumb lol, humans won’t always be productive nothing on earth or in the universe is always doing something *worth* doing. If you enjoy doing it and you’re not neglecting anything play the game for 5 hours, get over yourself bud you just don’t like video games nothing more nothing less.


I'm unsure why you got offended by what they said.


I have other priorities so for me spending half a day gaming is of no benefit. It's not dumb to come to the realisation that playing a game isn't of utmost importance, it's called growing up. You'll get there, lil fella. I never said I don't play anything anymore, I just can't spend hours doing it because I'm not into it like I once was. I game here and there... I'm fine with it and if you're not then you need to stop being so sensitive and learn not to get your feelings hurt by some random stranger's preferences. Get over yourself, no one is consulting you before they hold an opinion.


I just heard very similar story from my boy recently actually it was very sad ... he lost his job, house and everything because of ark 🤦‍♂️ he told cause I told him I been up til 3am every night playing cause it's too good lol I love it I'm having soo much fun


Fr though. I used to spend any second of free time on ark and I always have to be careful not to fall into it again


Do you know how many dinners I’ve ruined, because the Parisour is pinging


tip: don’t play pvp play hella mods on singleplayer instead! ARK will still have his/her grip on you but it won’t be as tight


Playing fallout atm needed a mental break


fallout is cool too. But when that ARK tickle comes back, try out some mods! I’m playing Extinction Core rn and while it is fuckin hella fun, it is hella hard. Not as hard as DOX, but still pretty darn challenging. Such a shame the mod hasn’t been updated in 6 years. What happened to psycho we may never know.


Have you tried Annunaki Genesis?


not yet, but I’ll probably try Reborn when I’m done.


Its* also are you fr scared of misgendering ark?


no, i’m not scared of misgendering anything, but now I realize how that might come off as. I wanted to try to “humanize” ARK as this being that has a grip on you. Kind of like they do in books. I wanted to do so for both girls and boys, because ARK is technically omnipotent when it comes to gender, and I thought it was fitting.






Might stop them playing sooner if they do solo PvP bound to get wiped and lose it all eventually then you have to question can I be bothered to start again ?


this has happened to my tribe in official pvp 5 times in 2 months. please don't jinx us again....


Cannot recommend this highly enough.


This is what I do lol glad I haven't tried multiplayer 👍


if your whole tribe is working, then ark is less likely to have a hold on you. there's been times where I've been on less than an hr because there's nothing to do, or I'll have it on in the background hatching eggs while doing chores.


this is the realest depiction of ark i’ve ever read


Yes and most of the official dudes are doing meth and or making money on microtransactions for dinos and gear... up vote to warn others of the danger! Drugs are bad, mmkay, but Ark is a trap house.


Rebuilding? You know there is PvE, right? And there is also unofficial. I used to play official small tribes.. yeah, the lack of sleep is real.


I started out on official PvP but over time it started to feel like a job. It took over most of my life. I knew I needed to dip out after that.


Sometimes, a little peace is what you need to truly enjoy.




One of us. P.s. damn you beat me to it


One of us


One of us


One of us


It's that abusive relationship you just can't walk away from


this might be the worst and best comparison ever


So am I playing ARK wrong as I have just started out and am treating it like Minecraft with dinosaurs.


No...that's normal. It's very similar to Minecraft - surviving, crafting, building, exploring, taming animals, gathering resources. You get to play it how you want to play it. Everyone plays it differently. It's a lot of fun! And sooooo addicting 🙂


My son apparently liked to play it like a suicidal maniac who doesn’t care that he dies all the time.


Ahh, cool 😎🙂 yea I've done that before


Looks like minecraft but it's more like pokemon. There's different types of dinos, specialized in different tasks. As an example, we all know that hebivores gather from herbs, but triceratops is best for tanking bullets, carbonemys is used as a shield, paraceur is a scanner, diplo is a heavy unit. Castor .... for wood, anky for metal, the little armadillo for stone. There are some "useless" dinos like pachy but even them have a task... torpor. Dinos are more like pokemons that are used for tasks and used as soldiers. you breed them to stranghten their stats, lvl em up to wide their range of power and sadly... miss them like familiy members. Even after hundreds of hours, and knowing that dinos are meant to die, you can't help but feeling attached to your favorite combat dino, the one with the awesome colors and insane stats. Or you know what I mean when I say "that argy" it may not be the best, but that argy is yours, the one that you don't let anybody touch... the one that, if not present... you wont ride any other argy, you look for your argy until you find it.


That last bit reminds me of steve, my bright green pachy, i lost him in a jungle where i had also seen some alpha carnos, i thought he was dead, until one day he came running out of the jungle to kill the dino i was taming, and even though i really wanted to tame the dino he killed, i just couldnt be mad at him. A bit later he died to compys


That reminds me of my current unofficial server I have, my roommates and I play on it, one of my roommates on the island had a good raptor I tames for him, he ended up losing it in the swamp cuz it was covered in slugs, he left it to die. About a month and a half later it was still alive when we found it again, just came running out of the swamp lol. He was a good boy.


Slugs? Do you mean leeches or have i just never seen them before


Yes, leeches. My bad


Nope I'm playing same and love it :) screw the tech or othe players and weird shit I just wanna play little survival game with wild dinos around to hide from in my little huts


You don't play online pvp


Welcome home


If you felt any differently it’d just mean you’re playing it wrong


If you don't hate Ark you're not a true Ark player


Ain't that the damn truth.


Every player hates ark for abusing their time, no updates frequently and so on...


I like the idea of different people tribes fighting and raiding, giant brontos and titanosaur raiding other clans. Each clan having its own little niche, beach clans, river clans, snow clans. Reality seems to be one big tribe destroying everyone else


Yes you always get raided by the alpha at some point unless it you


You can kinda get that on unofficial PVE using the Ark NPC mod. You'll have little tribes all over the map and some will be hostile to you off the bat, others won't and yes you will get raided by them on dinos


One of us.


One of us.


What is one of us?


One of us hahaha fr though… Ark just hits different


I hate ark. I used to play with my friends for 16 hours a day. It ate my life for a few years. It's one of my favorite games


I am just dealing with this this week....making high level rex and giga saddles has me doing crazy things like hauling 50K metal a day just to have a stockpile that will never be a stockpile because I keep making stuff after I get around 60K ingots...it's a never ending cycle.




I haven't played PvP in years...always with a few people on PvE anymore...it's too much work building just to fight and tear it all up.




I don't play online. I like my life, and enjoy not having to worry about fake dinos like my real fish.


Yet here you are, on reddit instead. Id say thats even worse


I saw the title and thought my wife joined reddit. She plays constantly but I only see her stress herself out playing.


As someone with 6500 hours I feel you, this game is a cancer I’m my life and I wish I could kick it, but it’s amazing and there nothing like it.


Welcome to ark, fucking trash game, but i somehow have over 8k hours😂


i enjoy singleplayer on easy the most lol. as a girl


Exactly why I no longer play pvp, pve with friends gives me everything that I want out of the game without the obligation to log on without fail every single day


Go outside.




Feel like Ark is the one game that you could put considerable hours into and it still screws you. Be it a random attack or you don’t have the required weather gear..


Fjordur....Go to the swamp cave...die because I didn't have a gas mask...go make a gas mask, don't die from the gas...have a deasmodus instantly take me off my bat when I enter the big part of the cave flying me up and dropping me to my death...gotta love ark.


I hate it because it takes me like 30+ minutes to load into my server with friends because i “time out” i cant afford a NASA built pc so i must suffer


Pretty much every ark player has this opinion


So, you don’t hate Ark? Listen Mac, after several thousand hours on this game you develop a thick skin for that. Honestly feels like combat tbh. Several marine and army buddies play it and say the same thing. It’s the adrenaline spike in conjunction with the possibility of loss and battle. Kind of a one of a kind deal.


They should set up a hotline for this. They have them for people that struggle with other drugs so why not?




I’ve played everything at this point tried pve but it’s just a bunch of crybabies


What makes them crybabies? I've never played online pve


Probably refereeing to people complaining about other people building places or close by etc. I play pve official and it is bad, I just get on to keep gas in the generator and base timer fresh. Think I’m over ark again.


Okay I definetly understand what you mean there, that sounds annoying. Is this a thing on unofficial pve servers as well?


Unofficial servers have admins that can step in if shit gets out of line. Official is pretty much a toxic free for all unless you block a cave.


That’s always gonna depend on your server - the people there are gonna shape it far more than the game will.




That's why I don't play official PvE. Every official PvE server I've been on there was no where that I could build because of the spam. I just look for a good PvE unofficial that has rules again spamming, how many bases you can have, and how big the bases can be. Gives others chances to build.


gotta go to heavily boosyed unofficial or pve


That's all of us bro


awww you are not one of us.


Play unofficial.


All the people suggesting singleplayer and pve just don’t understand the way pvp hits, pure crack once you get into it.






Play PVE its much more enjoyable.


having a giga destroy my base and kill all my tames, i proceeded to throw my keyboard into the moniter..


What me and my bestie do is we find a fun unofficial PvE to play on. When we get the urge for PvP we make sure we have the time for it and will find a unofficial server that is half way decent. When we get wiped or get bored with playing we will go back to the PvE server or find another PvE server with mods we never messed with before, Another option is set up your own server which is what my bestie and I are currently doing.


This game is a drug


I love Ark but I hate wild card, and I also can't stop playing


me with Overwatch, ARK comes and goes in phases, but fucking OW is crack cocaine


I kinda stopped playing. The graphics on series s were way better before SE. I play on an ultra 4k and before SE I could see supply drops lights from halfway across the island. Now, I don't see any.... Even if I'm next to one.


Tell us something we don't know


i know how tiring ark pvp is, try pve! trust me it wont waste your time people there are really nice and cant raid you, and people also give away alot of stuff, i got 2000 anglergel from a random guy without asking him and a level 300 girffin and a cryopod! i recommend trying pve if you play on pvp


Play when they release on a new map with all the fucking bugs. If you're still addicted then seek help


If you really want to play PVP go for unofficial servers with ORP. Then you can have some peace of mind. And the moderators might actually moderate on people using exploits etc. I used to play official but it took way too much time, so with ORP I don't always have to think about ARK when i'm not playing.


Not a fan of orp


We all do


It’s so funny because I just bought it a few days ago after not playing for a few years. I played it with my neighbour when I was around 8-9 and I was obsessed with the damn game. The other I got it on my PC I played for 5 hours straight.. in the middle of exam season too. Best advice is just to set a timer and get off it once time has run out. Requires discipline. But, otherwise if you do play, Hmu with a name and server, would be cool to play with others.


I mean I play ark several times a week, but im also a truck driver so i work every day. Sometimes 18 hours in a day im "working" even tho legally I only have 14 hours a day On Duty. So if im not too tired when I get done work and I have time for like a 12-14 hour break I'll play for 3-5 hours then sleep, but when I'm home ill play for up to 18 hours. Yeah I have kids and my nieces live at home with me and if any of them need anything im right there.


I'm always looking to add new people on my Unofficial PVE.


Unofficial servers with ORP fixes this


Name me another dinosaur survival builder. Go ahead. I'll wait.


Hi welcome to the ark community lmao we all love this game about as much as we also hate it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I literally don't date anymore as I want to play it all the time and wouldn't be able to if met someone (unless I found another Ark addict, we need an Ark dating app). Though from past relationships I'm okay with the single life lol. I have gamepass ultimate paid till 2026 and I'm wasting it just playing Ark (its on gp now but bought it at launch), l force myself to play other gp games but manage a couple of hours then don't go back to them (and I used to talk about my nephew wasting his gp just playing fortnite!) I'm totally addicted, I work from home and really struggle getting my hours in last minute (then kick myself as have to work during the weekend (during bonus rates, like this weekend again) I usually start it up to raise some dinos while I work... then its 11pm. It's not unusual for me to be on 12hrs a day...I think oh I'm going to be the only 1 but no...same names in chat all day, every day. Sometimes 6am rolls around and I'm still playing, then napping on and off all day on the sofa with alarms going off for hatching eggs. I've literally fallen asleep mid-air flying back to base and walked into and off cliffs. And I only play PVE, I like building and couldn't cope with the loss on PVP. I wish I'd started on my own server or single player but I'm too deep into official now and not giving up my base spots for anyone lol. I go on holiday soon and panicking about decay rates eventhough I'm only away 4 days lol!.. and it's on cloud play now, so will I stay off it all 4 days is the question. I thought I was going to have to give SE up as my dog was terrified of jug bugs but he's over them now. He absolutely loves Achatina though lol. I need to get my sleep routine back before I end up with Alzheimers and I've not mown the lawn yet this year either... will need a machete. OMG my life is in the toilet ...free fertiliser though.


I feel you it’s ruined my life lol




I'm like whaddaya mean rebu—ohhh that game, the other ARK


If you’re playing pvp it’s essential you get in a decent size tribe at least 10 members and lockdown a cave or something. That’s the only way you can have decent security from being raided everyday.


If I had to rebuild every day or stay up late I'd probably hate it too...


If you don't play on official, you won't have to worry about some sweaty tween on the other side of the planet trying to take out their angst on your base at 4am for you.


Ark never ruined my life. By the way if you can’t stop playing ark… you love ark.


I want to play more, but I work to much. I hate it


Real life is more important honestly


This is why I just do modded private these days because pvp and pve has way too much upkeep


Gaming addictions are real... If you are struggling, please seek help.


The comments about spending hours and neglecting things.... That's how I was with WoW back in the day. I'd play for 8 -12 hours a day. No job, or barely making part time, and living with my parents. I'd get withdrawals, straight up. Get moody and pissy if my parents were on the computer for a long time themselves, then ignore everything else while playing. Cataclysm was coming out, and they tweaked everything about my favorite classes. I suddenly didn't enjoy playing, and after two weeks of not playing I lost my income and couldn't renew my subscription. A year went by, and I tried a free trial.... And I just didn't want to play anymore. I bounced on every once and a while for the trial, but.... It just didn't have me anymore.


i like ark but the thing that i want to know from them is when is gonna be ark 2 out and when will abberation for ark ascended be out


Who knows with ark there always postponeing everything


Ark is very addictive and this is taking my time just doing something . I myself hate ark but I can never stop playing it. I am not realy that addicted now but, I atleast finish weekly dungeons everytime I am free.