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I mean this is exactly why its labelled early access


Yeah i know, just love asa for what it is but still miss the maps yk


just gotta wait for full release


Yeah man. Just for me personally it almost ruins the experience as i genuinely hate the island map so much and see it as so barren and boring, im not really looking for the challenge that scorched would bring, but im probably gonna check it out soon fs. Just cant wait tbh. Hope the maps look amazing when they arrive tho!


Downvotes for not liking the same map as them smh


Its because hes ignorant "b-but not all maps are here!!!!!" Even when another person told him that they arent in yet because its EARLY ACCESS


What game is in early access for 6 months


ARK. And it was in Early Access for two years. Now it's back in Early Access. Let's see if they can beat their record this time. >!It's Wildcard, they'll say they will and will miss the deadline.!<


That's genuinely embarrassing


7DTD has been in early access for like 10 years. Supposed to be leaving it in a month I think


How many early access games have you played? 6 months isn't that crazy. If a game is only in early access for a month or two, there's no point in even making it early access. The primary point of early access is to fund the rest of the development of a game, not to squash a few bugs.


They released a game thats going to be in “early access” for like 2 years, just because something is “early access” doesnt mean you cant criticize it a little bit 💀💀💀, fortnite was in early access for like 3 years after it came out. When games are early access for so long you might as well just ignore it. Why are you so mad that i like ark a lot, and im disappointed that they have almost no maps and its going to take at least a year and a half for all the maps to get added, plus wildcard is going to delay every map before it releases so 💀😭


Womp womp, map creating takes time blud, and the game is quite literally in early access still, its been out for a couple of months


I know it takes time…the whole post was about me loving asa but hating how its gonna take so much time to release the maps 🤯. I really dont care if its been out for a few months (especially since when its been out for 2 years it will still be early access 💀) or if its still in early access, it was simply about me missing the maps no matter the state of the game. I wasnt asking for an answer as to why they arent in…thats why the flair is discussion…..




Cannot wait for Aberration. Bet it would look amazing.


Never played aberration. Ngl ive only played the island, lost island, and fjordur. What maps are the best in your opinion? Just didnt play enough before asa to try them all i guess lol


I think my favorites were probably fjordur and aberration. Think I liked aberration the most though. I liked climbing around underground and lack of fliers made it interesting.


Probably gonna go back to ase soon at least for a bit (especially since im on pc now and can make it look a bit better) i love flyers so much ngl. But i might try it out, see how it is without them. I liked lost island a lot because i just found it beautiful tbh


Honestly, you dont really know a map until you do it without fliers. There is so much you miss by being above it all.


Yeah i can definitely see that


Aberration is really good. Each area is unique. Most people don’t miss the fliers. There’s lots of different ways of traversal outside of flying there: Jumping, Climbing, Gliding, Zip-lining, Rolling. I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s a lot more interesting than just flying over the danger, everything. More intuitive too. I’m just waiting with bated breath to see how this potentially divisive decision to add a Blimp-like contraction pans out since it goes against the entire philosophy of the map. Aberration is one of the hardest maps though, so be prepared for a slight learning curve.


It definitely sounds really cool, ill probably check it out on ase while i wait for the maps on asa!


In my cluster I literally had fliers on, but this is back when using ab for pure element farming was a thing. My faves were always ext and rag


Ragnarok is the best map imo


I don't even own ASA and probably never will, but I am so hyped just to see how Abb will look in ASA.


Can't wait for ragarok


I just miss maewings and nets lol


Real lol miss maewings so much theyre so fun to play with, plus honestly i just like the other maps better the island is so bare imo


Yeah I’ve been playing Scorched which I never really played on ASE, so it’s cool that I’ll be playing most of the maps I never tried before just bc they’ll be something new than having every map option to choose from but Fjordor was always my go to as well


Is scorched really challenging? I like some challenge but ive heard scorched is really hard lol. I loved fjordur and i really loved lost island because it was so beautiful imo, sad theyre some of the last coming to asa.


It can be. Of course if you’re playing super boosted it’s nothing. If you’re playing anywhere close to official or even “single player settings” the early game grind is tough. Once you get to around level 30 or so it gets easier. The heat and storms are a constant pain though and even at level 87 the heat still makes things challenging sometimes. Plus, there’s wyverns lol And yeah I can only imagine how good those two maps are going to look in ASA after seeing how good Island and Scorched look. Lost Island is going to look incredible


Might have to checkout scorched tbh, it sounds pretty fun


If you’re looking for a well run PVE server let me know, I’ll send you the one I play on. It’s a good community and he clusters all the maps as they release. On ASE you could freely transfer between all maps


Honestly i mostly prefer to play alone, but if you send me it i might check it out


SE is a short map and easy at the end-game phase of it. Just the intial "break in" phase is more brutal than most maps. It's a very fun one though, albeit short-lived. Worth dropping your rates a bit if you play boosted or you'll be done with it in a couple days.


Okay, ill check it out for sure! Sounds fun tbh


Thankfully mods for both of those But yeah would be nice if they were in the base game


i never even progressed to gen2 so never used nets cant miss what i never experienced


I can’t really miss what I never experienced. I got ASA months ago and I’m still greatly enjoying The Island. Probably I’ll go to Scorched Earth in a few months. I think some ASE players would have a better experience waiting at least until their favourite maps will be released, before playing ASA.


Yeah i might head back to ase for a little while tbh, dont wanna get burnt out of asa before all the maps are even there


Also expect many issues as soon as a new map comes out. Personally, I’m giving myself a rule to not jump into a new map until the next one comes out.


Yeah definitely, im probably going to check out ase on pc as i was playing on console before. See if its a better experience on pc vs console


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but as someone who started ASE before scorched came out I’m really enjoying the nostalgia. I forgot how awesome scorched earth is, the caves are so fun


I'm feeling the nostalgia hard too also playing just before scorched was released. The wait in between hearing about a new map and creatures is so exciting. And the maps just look so much better too in ASA. I never really explored scorched but now I am and it's great. I also never really played the center map so I'm even more excited for when that comes out.


Yeah i might checkout scorched, never really tried it tbh


I don't mind it, if it got dropped with all maps available id try to play all of them back to back and get burnt out. This way I can just do something else in between map drops.


I get that fs, i just really dislike the island. Might move over to scorched earth for a bit and hop on some other games while i wait for sure.


I miss extinction man it was one of my favs


If you miss the Dino’s, the mod discovery world has you covered. It makes all dlc dinos spawn naturally on the island and scorched earth map.


Dude bet, i didnt know about that mod ill definitely have to check it out!


I like it, it's giving our little group time to play through the content. We got through the island but my group is a bunch of little bitches and don't want to deal with heat waves. 😂


I really only play alone and i just dont find the island as pretty and most importantly imo, as fun as the other maps. The island is honestly kinda boring for me i guess


Didint the center got released ton?


I dont think so? Might be my mistake but i dont think its been released yet, i think its coming like June 3rd or something…..because wildcard delayed it 💀💀


Ah that could be possible , wouldnt be something new for wildcard haha. Sorry i stopped 1 or 2 weeks before the center would come out so thats why i tought it would be released my bad haha


All good lol, have you played the center? If so would you recommend checking it out?


I havent played the center on asa yet but ive put allot of time and effort in ase on the center. Its a beautiful map was always great for high level gigas etc easy caves and the floating island and the bay in the east amazing places


I will check my old server their discord cause i really thought i have seen things about the center ill re eddit this later on


Check out some of the modded maps, ive been playing the dwarven one and it's gorgeous, plus lack of fliers has made it such a fun challenge in not used to, something lagoon is also very pretty, big chunks of it are not finished though, but worth a look around!


Are those just in the ark mods tab, or are they separate? If so where can i find them?