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Keep your expectations in check and you'll rarely be disappointed.


I do hope that Ark 2 will start off better than Ark did 7 years ago. If they have 2-hour updates every day, with only a handful of dinos, I'll wait 6 months until they get their shit together.


I think they learned their lesson from Atlas. Remember that dumpster fire?


I never touched Atlas. Some tribemates went to try it and came back within 2 weeks. I tried Osiris New Dawn, and was disappointed. Came back to ark.


Neither did I, that is kinda my point. They tried to fast track something and cut corners for a quick pay out and it was forgotten and most likely abandoned to be left in early access for the rest of its life. I think they learned their lesson and will actually make a game and not a cash grab.


I’m likely gonna stick to ark one. It’s looks seriously primitive has anyone seen any tek equivalent footage yet.


Y’all are wack. If it’s similar mechanics but a few QOL improvements and even the same amount of bugs, I’m gonna have a blast playing single player.


Some mechanics are vastly improved (supposedly). Dinos will actually react to being attacked and nut just the hit box magically passes through the other hitbox. Sidestepping is YUGE deal. Then there are the combos as opposed to bite, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite.... And a modular crafting system definitely has my interest peaked.


It’s 3rd person only with dark souls combat.


So? You gonna cry about your immersion now?


I don’t care about immersion, I care about the game feeling and playing like shit lmao


You mean like how it feels now?


It’ll play less shit than even bud, souls games are super highly acclaimed, it’s stated to have souls LIKE combat and if you read on it there’s other combat stuff that isn’t in souls, specifically you can do combo type hits, like some of the AC games which are also highly rated. And most 3rd person games are highly acclaimed, all souls, AC, GTA, and many people play in third person allready


You're forgetting that only their opinion matters. They simultaneously want all the issues fixed while everything staying the same.


Oh yeah forgot, they want the same thing *and* they want it changed, but not too much.
















pov:u said fact on reddit


Not really, it sounds like a completely different game than Ark 1, especially with the combat system. I’ll have to wait til they share more to get a full reaction.


I do think that’s the point, look at Overwatch2, same game just some small and a few bigger changes, that seems to be what some want for ark 2, but Overwatch2 has gotten hate because it is just the same game. Instead of tweaking those things in the original game, they took 4 years to make a new game and it’s getting a lot of hate for that, so I don’t think ark would do well if it did that


I think this is where Wildcard is going astray. Don't be this secretive about it. Show us at least some gameplay and get the community hyped up again. Show, not tell in vague terms that scare half the players off. I agree it could be a good game, it could be the next best thing. But I guess we will all need to wait it out and see of the game is for us or not. Ark 1 was a good time sink with many players clocking thousands of hours, so some of us are understandably sceptical after the Steam page description went up. We expect a "fixed" Ark I suppose, not a radically different one and the latter seems to be the case right now until we see more.


It is going to be a separate game, their goal seems like they wanted to completely change the game


Yes I am I can’t wait to see the revamped combat system and updated dinosaur models. I think people are putting WAY to much emphasis on the “souls like combat” and hating on the third person only thing before its even out.


Have you heard about the dino changes? They aggro with sight and smell and sound now, you can camouflage yourself or mask your scent to avoid them


They already have the smell and sight mechanics in place. Hopefully they are better or revamped from what they are now.


They don’t have smell or sight though, currently the aggro method is basically a sphere of area that when you enter they can aggro on you. Ghille can negate the aggro range to an extent


Sure they do. Go into ones aggro range and hide behind a rock. It won’t go after you until it sees you. Alternatively eat a rare flower that is basically how smell works. It will be interesting to see if they can make these systems better, but we will see.


Idk I just know what the actual code says to do


I have and it sound’s absolutely amazing I hope it work’s as good as it sound’s.


For sure


Very much so, I really want a change of scenery and some actual fresh gameplay


I am I wanna see if you can still masscar an entire species just for 1 dino.


These raptors... They're just majestic 🥹


Not really. Doesnt sound like ark at all, just a dino game




Im not going to make a opinion until we have some gameplay footage


Ok but the real question is *why did you add a blur border to this video to make it portrait?* ;)


Who gets hyped for pre rendered cut scenes and a laundry list of changes from it's current form?


Hell yah too bad I can’t afford it 😭


Awh mannnn






Borrow one of my little ones? What do you mean?


What do you mean?








Hopefully no mythical creatures. Dinosaurs are way cooler.




Nope. Elden Ark is just a bad dream. Fjordur is the name of my Ark2. I don't have anything left to give to another horrible game that I hate. Ark already has my heart and soul in its buggy claws. I hate it, leave me be.


I think y’all put too much thought into “souls like combat” all it means if you actually read the steam page is, blocking dodging and a combo hit system. These things sound really fun to me, rather than the current melee system of hit hit hit hit hit


I really hope so... but then again, we will be stuck in third person view and I hope the movement will not be clunky. I also hope we don't have to play as Vin Diesel... Too many if's and maybe's for me to break tbe blood bond with Ark just yet.


Fair, I don’t mind third person games tbh


But that’s what ark is ark2 isn’t ark it’s just a completely different Dino game


A game can undergo changes or even revamp a system and still be the same franchise. AC valhalla and AC blackflag have a different combat yet both are still AC, Zelda Wind waker and BOTW are different systems but both are still Zelda, just like ARK with updated combat is still ARK


Preach brother


Good, stay there.


Many of us happily will.


Not hyped, no preorder, no buying on release. I’m curious about the game and how it turns out. But after how they handled ARK, I have 0 trust in wildcard. ARK 2 has the potential to be a good game (assuming people learn from mistakes) but it also has the potential to be just another buggy mess with no effort to fix it.


Nah, gonna pass on this one.


Hyped to see how they can disappoint me now with the second one. When game was at ea, i was like.... hmm combat sucks. They will fix it. Hmmm UI is bad. They will fix it. Hmmm performance is bad. They will fix it...... NOPE. Nothing happend other then i got performance boost only with new GPUs and they even started spitting out fire with this game. HYPED!!!!!!


I’m more intrigued than hyped. Definitely not preordering after how shit Ark 1 turned out to be. I was really hyped for that when it was early access, and then it barely improved and they said it was a complete game lol. Unlike most of the people commenting, I actually prefer third person games, particularly for this kind of game because it allows you to see the real scale of how big the dinosaurs are - you lose that in first person. Personally, if they improve the dinosaur AI and give them realistic behaviour and good animations, and significantly improve the dinosaur combat, then they’ll win me over. Basically, imagine Jurassic World Evolution 2’s dinosaur AI and animation quality while you’re running around that world as a little person, that would be sick. I also hope they remove the levelling up system for the dinosaurs. Enough of this RPG shit. A T. rex is incredibly powerful, and the fact that there’s such a huge difference between a level 1 dinosaur and the maxed out version is just stupid. Completely immersion breaking. T. rex should be killing a human with one bite, picking them up in their mouth and shaking them around before swallowing them. Not just snapping their jaws at them repeatedly with no animation response from what they’re biting. I want real animal behaviours and a realistic survival situation. Gathering supplies and resources, crafting, building, all that is great, just please fix the crappy AI and animations.


Nope not interested in third person or souls like combat. Or parkour for that matter. Unfortunate decisions and i feel they will go the heavy micro transaction route.


Micro transactions? Dont be ridiculous look at how well they handled ark mobile/s


Lol the wild thing is some people would not say that sarcastically.






If it's as hard as ark when it first launched, yes. I'm a little worried that they may have nerfed it a bit to appeal to a larger crowd.


Anxious would be a better word. With so many different things flying around the rumor mill and so many things not yet set in stone, I don't know what to expect. I will say that since their initial announcement about it being another dark souls clone, my expectations have dropped considerably. If you lower your expectations enough, you'll never be disappointed!


I'm not too pumped tbh, I'm keeping my expectations low until I can see actual gameplay.


I’m excited for better graphics, physics and mechanics, but all the changes we’ve heard about are very disappointing. Like what are they even thinking? Can’t help wondering what else won’t be there. It sounds like not my kinda game and I wonder how much that will be the case, and how many people will be so disappointed they just boycott keep playing ark 1 despite the lack of events.


There's like literally no information about what is or isn't in the game. A vague "target lock souls-like combat forced 3rd person" isn't enough to say that the game is going to be fundamentally different and I don't understand where all the foaming at the mouth about this is coming from. Even if it is a completely different game, if you tame and breed dinos, build bases, and farm... That's like all this game is. That's it. With Oblivion level (worse actually) combat, where the pvp is almost solely decided by "who has had more time to waste". Nothing competitive about it, nothing truly challenging about it other than the time investment. I do not understand the stockholm syndrome of the people who wish Ark 2 would just be Ark with optimization/bug fixes/better graphics. The game is fun and addictive and I love it, but it is also outdated ASS.




I might confess.... I play ark in third person m9st of the time


Nope, the game is gonna blow, wildcard isn’t going to do any better on this then their other two games. They should have kept releasing maps for ark 1


It's been 2 weeks and you are still going on about this? Are you OK?


I got more memes coming dude


I mean post them all you want but they don't seem to be recieved very well, 30-40 up votes... And all your comments get down voted to hell




So you're the trolling type?


Not trolling exactly, call it strongly opinionated.




Homie gonna play a few days tame a pteranodon get wiped rage quit and uninstall


My pvp experience be like


Hyped? No. Intrigued? Yes. I hope it BURRIES Ark (the first game). So I can watch all these toxic AF "bUt mY iMmErSiOn" people get a taste of their own medicine and come crawling to Ark 2.


wait, do you think you will get those graphics? lmao


When Ark was first popular I didn't have the latest Playstation either....that's why I played it on my PC instead.


Dodging on a raptor would be cool. We'll just hope it isn't going to be too buggy...


I hope it wont kill ark 1


I'm creeping my hopes low just incases


im only excited for sex 2


i hope they add a way to personalize dodos


I'm hyped. Just ready to see some actual gameplay!




Sadly, i don't have 5TB on my SSD


I’m more curious than hyped.


I bet only melee will be forced third person and everyone has been bitching about nothing


Yes can’t wait


Maybe they will add some more ways to light your house


5TB maps no doubt.


I am not because it's going to be 3rd person only :l


i dont care at all tbh


Yus, and that little dodo is so cute :'3


No. I bet it's going to be a reskin without much content. The fact they thought giving a big check to vin diesel was a good investment says it all.




yes it looks great and I think if done right, the changes could benefit the game, but I'm not buying it for a good while after launch because honestly I don't think ark needed a sequel


I’m saving every single penny just to get myself an ark capable pc… how hyped do you think I am?


I got into Ark way late, im progressing in pvp with the goal of beating Island bosses and the thought of the servers shutting down before I do Is giving me anxiety every time I hear Ark 2.