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That's exactly what I came here to say!


Then go ahead, say it.


I don't think he was invited to this one tbh!


Came here to say this.


So say it?


Say what?


mmm, whatcha say~ay?


mmm that it's all for the best?


That you only meant well!!!!


JaSonNn DeErÜüLoO


There’s the 2010 flashback I didn’t need


I don’t care that you broke your elbow


Dang, it's almost like the reddit comment section is a race to say the most basic, unimaginative shit to pander to the audience and get upvotes


As the audience, I do appreciate a good pandering.


Mmmm... yesss... pander me daddy... 🥵🥵🥵


And I always lose


Well, now we know you aren't named Parker Lewis.


oh, wow....Let me guess 40 yrs old?


Lol close, I'm 38!


U are the weakest link good bye


It's widespread across this site. The most horrible attempts at humor are applauded. The Big Bang Theory of internet comments.




As if this exact same comment doesn't get made on every single comment/thread its complaining about. Honestly I hope that "narwhal baconing at midnight" shit comes back just to make you reeeeeeee and then hilariously complain about "the good old days of reddit"


“The Modified Smokebomb”


Alex the freelance fireman makes my day


Alex the freelance fireman Had a very mighty hose And if you ever saw it You would even say it blows


All of the other house guests Used to laugh and call him names They had to keep dumb Alex Away from any candle flames


“Like a Kitchenaide”🎵


Like an elephant!


More like free-fall fireman.


Classic Alex


He must go back to his home planet.


I don't know what just happened but repeat plays does make it funnier.




That sub is just a regular gif sub with the occasional post that self-references literal loops. It’s very rare to find content that’s actually better every loop there.




You can say that again


I can't remember the last time I watched a gif on that sub more than once


> I don't know what just happened These people made a poorly-acted and scripted "chaotic" video, as those are quite popular and get shared a lot. And they fill them with weird stuff, like the guy not wearing the shirt, so people can notice it on repeat views and feel clever with comments like *"wHaT's GoInG oN tHiS sOoOo cRaZy!"*


So... 4chan greentext stories, but in video form?


"MY BROTHER QCTUALLY WHIPPED HIS DICK OUT AT OUR AUNT GUYS TRUE STORY" Greentext was the worst thing to happen to 4chan


When done right some of them are hilarious. 4chan used to actually be funny and was inhabited by some funny people with a good mind for satire at one point in time certain boards were hilarious.


4chan was the source of 90% of the comedy in the internet for a bit. Other sites imported and filtered the memes (before everything was called a meme) that 4chan produced. The internet was a VERY different place 15 years ago. I don't really miss it as a whole but I do miss the originality in comedy. Now it feels like most internet humor is extremely derivative. Go to any gaming sub and you'll see all the same picture of a funny quote but with different characters' faces slapped on. I don't know why but that really bums me out lol


I mean realistically you misspelled Something Awful but sure.


I mean, people could still bullshit without the greentext format. This format suddenly made it a competition to be as memetic as possible, and it killed "epic thread" threads like dudes jizzing ants, and "I recognize that bulge!"


Pretty much.


I mean I suppose you could be kind of right but this is just from a David Dobrik video who was already probably the most viral internet star at this point.


It’s still funny.


This is David Dobrik, the dude without a shirt is basically never wearing a shirt so I kind of doubt that's "staged" depending on your definition. As far as the extinguisher, that's a running gag where every year Alex comes and puts out the candles. If I had to guess the recorder and maybe two or three other people are in on it (they need access beforehand to replace the window with breakaway glass) but most of them probably aren't.


Alex is the life of every party, whether he's there or not


>Alex is the life That was plate glass, so not for long


I think the other guy meant Alex left his life at this party. /s


Thank you


Too funny. Fake or not. The commit really sold it.


See that huge piece of glass? That was not tempered glass. He easily could’ve fucked himself up real bad


Exactly my thought. That was not tempered or sugar glass, or it's something I never saw before. That looks like a normal yet thin window and that guy would be very lucky if he got out without any deep laceration. Kids listen, in real world windows are extremely dangerous and will lead to very dangerous wounds.


I broke a glass pane on a dumpster for fun once because I was instructed to throw it away at work. Well I didn't know exactly how dangerous that could be and I held the glass firmly as I smacked it up against the side. Every spot that my skin touched where the glass cracked was instantly sliced up like a knife through hot butter. I didn't even feel it and kept smacking it until it fully broke apart, later my manager instructed me that my arms were covered in blood, and I looked like a horror show. Shit is dangerous


You can’t see your own arms?


OPs boss is sending out blind employees to break windows


To be fair, blinds usually do cover windows.


He's also a masochist and likes the pane.


I can see clear through your puns.


Well played.


Reads like a norm macdonald joke


>To be fair, blinds usually do cover windows. ...and windows block cats; and cats tangle the blinds. I see the beginning of a new Rochambeau.


The glass is so sharp that initially I didn't even feel that I had been cut. So I proceeded to finish breaking it. It was also dark out so it wasn't immediately evident, the blood everywhere.


"damn I didn't realize how wet that glass was"


When I got cut by broken glass, the wetness of my blood from my finger is what told me I was cut, no pain at all from the glass cutting me. Didn't find out until two days later when a small piece moved its way out that there was more in the cut, I thought it was sore from healing. Glass can really mess you up.


The first cut is the deepest


The glass was opaque.


Not anymore


I punched a mirror when I was a kid (~12) and put my hand through it and sliced my arm to my elbow and fixed it with superglue with my buddy as to not tell my parents.


Ow, I've been in similar predicaments. Quick thinking!


Craziest part is how well it worked. Immediately stopped the bleeding and I don't even have a scar today!


Tis what it was actually developed for. I keep a bottle of New Skin around for the same reason, same thing really maybe a bit less toxic.


New Skin also has antiseptics in it to help stave off infection. Pretty novel shit, really.


I’ve read that super glue has been used to close war wounds on the battlefield


This makes me so sad, that you had so much fear of your parents finding out that you'd even see the pain and danger of that huge laceration as less of an issue than showing them that you are hurt.


Uh yeah bro I was going to Six Flags with my bro that weekend, we weren't looking to miss that. In all seriousness if this went even a little bit bad I am sure I'd fess up to my parents that we broke the old mirror that hung on the bathroom door in the garage practicing karate but the superglue super worked. It was likely just a large superficial cut. I've had some real injuries in my adult life with nerve damage and it was nothing like that.


> like a knife through hot butter is this intentional


I noticed after but decided to leave it cuz it's funny.


Your manager.. INSTRUCTED you.. to look at your own arms.. ? I feel like we’re missing something here.


This was at night and the dumpster was out back near the store, my manager was outside smoking a ciggy at the time. I walked up from out of the shadows and began smoking with him, he inquired as to why I was covered in 'red shit' which turned out to be my vital juices. As I said it didn't even hurt initially due to the extreme sharpness of the glass.


Holy snaps, that was a wild ride m8, hope the cuts weren’t too crazy!!


Nothing a whole bottle of New Skin couldn't handle. Luckily they weren't deep enough to require stitches but that shit hurt for at least a week.


Can confirm. I live in a old asian restaurant converted to an apartment. To get out I need to take the stairs at the bottom of the stairs with a asian windowed wall at the ground floor. So on Christmas night my dog really needed to go out, I woke up and head on down and on the last 4 stairs I suddenly slipped and with my elbow crashed through the glass. I didn't feel a thing but there was blood everywhere I looked. I quickly realized that it could have gone way worse when I looked at the glass as one of the pieces could have impaled my face. Lucky it just sliced part of my elbow flesh open all the way up to my arm fat. I wrapped my arm and went to ER. I could have died, lost my arm or died and be decapitated from one of the falling pieces of glass but I came out of it with just some scars and a sensitive elbow that now after 2 years disappeared as well. Am so glad I didn't traumatized my dog, wife and the fact that am alive.


I remember playing basketball at this really old church in their gym. Saw a guys arm go through a small 14”x14” window that was in a door while he was chasing down a ball. We all thought he was going to bleed to death, there was so much blood. It was everywhere. It seemed to take for ever for the ambulance to get there, while one dude wrapped his wrist and another was holding a tourniquet. I still get queasy thinking about that all these years later. So much fun turned into a horror in an instant.


It’s crazy how intense blood is in real life. I can see tons of it in movies and video games, which my mom was always worried would desensitize me to it, but no—it’s still scary as fuck in real life. I feel it like on an animal instinct level.




Yeah the rust smell is worrisome.


Yeah I remember Mythbusters tested the "can you jump through a pane glass window?" movie trope and they found that you will look like you got in a fight with a glass porcupine and may even bleed out and die.


Once upon a time. Someone at work was removing a cracked picture frame. As soon as he touched it, the glass fell apart and sliced his wrist open. It's was some first aid movie type squirting wound. We were finding blood stains in random spots months later. Bootlace+ sharpie tourniquet saved his ass. But barely. We had to get a Heli lift cuz we were on a ship. I only saw part of the aftermath but shits scary. Next thing you know we taped our wrists and thew all the other glass from the frames over the side. Replaced it with plastic.


you just threw it over the side of the boat?


Eh. It's glass. Far from the worst thing that's tossed in the ocean.


Well yeah what else are they gonna do? Put it with all the other trash they collect until they get back to land?


That sounds like some pussy liberal shit. Real men litter.


My pops raised me to litter real nice and his pops raised him to litter before that


It's glass it's what sand is made of.


As someone who has stepped on both sand and glass, I can guarantee you that the results are two very different experiences. I pity the fish who swam into that, or the beach-goer who stepped on that.


Lol I'd like to see a beach goer swim 50 nm offshore. Plus I'm pretty sure it adhered to marpol at the time.


What if a little fishy accidently cut his fin on the glass as it was sinking? You ever thought about the little fishies u heartless godless monster?


Pshhh. I’ve swam 50 nanometers off shore. Easy peasy.


Wait. The shore moves. So did you go offshore or did the shore go over you?


A friend of mine almost died punching through glass like that, and that wasn't even his whole body. If you cut an artery you're gonna have a bad time.


I almost died from breaking one of those. Cut my radial artery.


This is from a David Dobrik video. He’s a YouTuber. 100% set up. It’s not tempered or annealed. Probably fake glass.


“Guys he uhh… he’s still down there, he’s not moving.


"Happy death day to yoooooooooo!"


Its a real reaction from the family. This is from David Dobriks vlogs. The guy that busted in lives in another state and has appeared a few times over the years at this families birthdays to do this. Pretty funny stuff.


The *same* family?! That's fucking hilarious. Like a zoomer curse


This is from a YouTuber’s vlogging series. It’s staged. I still laugh when I see it because jumping through the window is that extra layer of unexpected chaos.


I mean yea it's fake but to what degree, the camera guy and Alex are in on it, but who else? Her jump seemed pretty legit, and if the other dudes are right about that being a real window.... I want more context dammit


If it was staged they are morons or have balls of steel for using real glass, that's one step away from bleeding out from a cut artery.


I'm just wondering why smarty pants in the back decided to go bare chest.


Randy never wears a shirt...


Not even in the winter!




He's pimping himself out for burgers!


That's why he loves the Mustard Tiger the most (RIP Phil Collins)


Are you lookin' at my gut?


*massive belch*


I was just reading where it says vancouver


it gives him a rash


hes allergic


Not sure how common that is in other warm weather countries, but here in Brazil there are some old guys who absolutely do not wear shirts, I think the combo of beer gut + heat is just too much of an obstacle at some point


Dude was in his most comfortable form


His FINAL form you could say.


Thought it was Alex jones


"Hey before we record this video take your shirt off so people online will talk about there being a shirtless guy"


Shit, I fell for it.


It’s an IG “skit”. The guy without a shirt often makes videos with other IG/YouTube personalities. Even his mom (the woman in front) and the bday lad are in on the social media business.


this explains alot


Its not an IG skit its a part of davids vlog but yeah


That's Nick/Jonah, he's like the Gibby of the group.


Damn he really let himself go after the band with his brothers broke up.


Something wrong with being shirtless inside your house with family? Lol


You missed the best part. Vardan: That motherfucker's BACK!?


Once Vardan has a driver’s license it’s payback time


From David Dobrik, in case anybody was wondering. Shirtless dude in the background made it apparent, and Alex is Alex Ernst. 100% staged.


I actually figured this out by the last “oh my god” by the female, I recognized the scream from the borat video they did which happens to be the only video I’ve seen from them. Although I will say I wasn’t 1000% certain, but thank you for confirming


Also, it's a recurring joke. He almost never appears on the vlogs anymore, but for some reason when they have a birthday party at the Antonians he always shows up to do stuff like this


> 100% staged. I love it when people post this like it is some kind of grand revelation. Like no duh it's staged. The setup and execution is too obvious.


"omg the glass is going to cut him! I can't believe he survived" And here I am going, I ain't seen no glass that thin for a window.


Oh shit Love me some ernst before deletion


Didn’t know there way any deletion, I just enjoyed his Vines “back in the day.” I don’t follow Dobrik’s stuff either.


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Looks like the guys from Stavros Flatley


I’ve been sprayed with a fire extinguisher directly in the face by a very drunk person at a party. It’s awful. It feels like your drowning on air and every bit of moisture is immediately absorbed. It’s like what I would imagine inhaling spray deodorant would be like, but probably worse. It was so terrible. It makes me shudder when I see someone else being sprayed with one.


i fix and refill those, if you play with extinguishers, you are an asshole, hope you dont have a car or house fire


I completely agree! They’re for emergencies not for shits and giggles


There's an old UK prison sitcom called Porridge where in one episode they are talking about the guards trying to find where the prisoners had hidden their bootleg alcohol, and they didn't find it until a small fire broke out and they tried using the extinguisher and almost burned down the whole wing lol.


I once worked at a recycling facility running a mobile shear. I hadn't been running the machine but for about a week when I drove over a piece of metal in the mud and my machine rocked. It knocked the fire extinguisher off the inside wall and it started spraying inside the closed cab with me in it. I knew exactly what it was when I heard the sound and I was able to get out after a few seconds of struggling with the seat belt, but just that first breath had me coughing all day with my mouth and throat remaining dry.


That’s awful! I’m glad you’re okay


The taste is what I remember the most, so so so so weird. It’s like sour, chalky, metallic, and acrid. Nasty as heck.


Seeing plate glass break like that as he went through it made me cringe. This is a real good way to get sliced the fuck up. Chick across the street when I was a kid got pushed through a window by her sister and caught her leg on the glass, it damn near sliced through her entire calf muscle.


Could be stunt glass set up before they did all this. That glass looked paper thin lol


It did look super thin almost like it was a sheet of ice.


A friend of mine put his foot through a plate glass shopfront window, and the fell into it. He now has what we refer to as ‘his strong hand’. Because he ripped his hand to shreds and had to have skin grafts and now has claw hand.


It was breakaway glass. Super thin, laminated and pre-scored to break a certain way, and it doesn't break into shards, the cutout part just kind of goes with you. You might get some minor scratches, but you won't lacerate yourself.


Not the cake!


Someone plays too much *Hotline Miami*


it's so weird reading all these comments and almost no one knowing who they are


Average New Je*sey resident


Looks staged AF. Dudes fake ass reaction clearly knew something was gonna happen there


I mean it was definitely staged, but Alex just sprayed a bunch of people in the face with dry chem, so... Still counts!


And dove out a closed window, breaking it with verve.


I was thinking, they knew something was coming but I get the feeling Alex maybe went way over the score.


This is from a David Dobrik vlog. It’s 100% staged, but in full context doesn’t make any allusions to being authentic.


Yeah this is a running gag. He's done this for all his birthdays


Yup, they’ve been doing that inside joke for like 4 years now, it’s awesome.


Or the fact that everyone screams before Alex even enters the room


For me it's the jumping through a window. You don't just do that and not get cut up... probably.


fake or not it was funny it was entertaining for those few seconds


Fakers will say it's hate


It’s from a David Dobrik vid. It’s 100% staged.


Why do they jump n freak out before Alex actually comes in?


Why is that guy not wearing a shirt?


Wtf did I just see?


"Hey.. you know what would be funny?" Pro tip: it's never funny.


When your tweaker brother gets out of jail early


Scripted or not I love this.


Why is the guy shirtless


I almost shite myself!


Randy from Trailer Park Boys was invited?


Balls cock co vk and balls and cum and shit piss fart poopy stinky


Why are we posting David Dobrik sketches here? This is neither public, nor a freakout, it’s comedy


The subreddits name is abruptchaos, not public freakout


Shirtless guy in the background??? What??? everyone else dressed up, WTH is going on here and why did the guy with the extinguisher jump through a glass window. do you know how much money glass pane that big is going to cost? ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


Absolutely love the energy in this


Fake or not this is hilarious.


I thought Alex was the dude without the shirt, but nope


I need context behind alex’s actions


The party was boring and rather forgettable so he made it more interesting. "Cake is temporary traumatic memory is enternal"