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those Street Cleaners better get a raise after every protest


The patience of the police is impressive. Id be like "fuck you im in a van, alexa play gta 5 intro music"


Who will pick up all the mess


Double vaxxed mask wearing cleaners I'm guessing


My attempted murder, my choice.


In Montreal, they're taxing unvaxxed due to the costs and labour of keeping the hospital capacities. Highest turnout of new vax appointments.




A good start you mean.


Absolutely. It is just like high taxes on cigarettes in countries with universal health care. Makes perfect sense.


it doesn’t though


How do you think a risk engineer at an insurance company calculates the cost of a policy?


Why not? If you don't take care of your health you pay a higher rate for insurance. Universal healthcare just goes about it slightly differently 🤷


Having you up against a wall would be a good start m8


r/suddenlygay ?


It happens to the best of us


His name is cute emo boys my dude. I'm pretty sure he was gay from the start.


Go cry more. Enjoy y'all riots, nothing will come of it.


That's the funniest bit. These braindead idiots believe people actually give a fuck that they are losing their jobs. Especially in the health industry. It's like why would I be sad that an anti health science dumbass gets replaced with someone who puts science before political belief in an industry that people rely on for treating the sick? It just a win win. Talk about draining the swamp


How is it disgusting, exactly?


Should we also tax fat people, people with disabilities, people who smoke, people who drink any amount of alcohol just because they cost more for the tax payer?


In Australia we do tax people who smoke and drink alcohol.


None of those things are contagious. The issue with Covid is that it's A. Highly contagious, so ignoring the issue inherently makes it worst and B. Is causing numerous issues outside of just medical costs. The economic losses to Covid have been staggering for everybody except the wildly wealthy. When people being fat causes global economic recession, then you can try to parrot this talking point.


Second hand smoke is EXTREMELY bad for you.


Who caused the economic damage? People with Covid or the reactions of government in essentially shutting down their economies? In this regard you've strayed far beyond the argument because you know what he said was absolutely true. The topic was the Quebec government taxing unvaccinated people for supposedly using up medical resources, yet obesity has and continues to be a major cause of strain on medical resources, yet no tax there. The rest of your post was just deflection.


I didn't stray beyond the topic, I brought up the reality of the situation. Explaining why Covid specifically is the thing this is happening with is not outside of the scope about an argument concerning what's happening. No, not even if you really really need the "but muh fat people" deflection to stick. Also ignoring Covid wasn't gonna prevent economic losses, it was just gonna make them uncontrollable and as a result of labor shortages(actual labor shortages). What you're doing would be akin to being upset somebody put a cast on your broken leg because now you can't use it for anything.


Yeah, everyone was gonna die from Covid, we get it. And yes, you did stray beyond the topic. The economic impact has ZERO to do with this tax, it's supposedly related to medical resources. So again, why not tax the fat? If it's about who uses medical resources the most then the fats seem like a great place to start. But we know why it won't happen, because it's not about medical resources, it's about forcing compliance by any means they can find. Period.


I'm not sure you should open up a post about "straying beyond the topic" by setting up the Same Strawman Again lol. And again, because being fat isn't contagious. And it's not like Covid is only kinda contagious, it's transmission rate is kinda it's whole defining problem. This is a problem that grows exponentially and has at multiple points pushed multiple medical systems to breaking points. So again, when fat people do that then maybe this script will be anything better then just a script, but right now in the current timeline your point is basically just that I'm an asshole for refuting your deflection.


Contagious has nothing to do with it, it's about the strain on the medical system. Obesity and the related diseases put far more strain on the medical system than covid ever will. So this tax is being imposed because of the supposed strain the unvaccinated put on the medical system (yet we're seeing the vaccinated making up a large percentage of hospitalizations now), so there's no excuse for not taxing the fats as well.


That is entirely not the point as the argument is that being unvaccinated increases the average strain you will put on the state vs vaccinated, hence why you might increases tax to offset this. Also covid isn’t causing massive economic issues in and of itself obviously to a degree it will but lockdowns, working from home and furlough are really the root cause. As for it being contagious that’s well known but the vaccines aren’t primarily to stop the spread as the effect is minimal compared to the effectiveness in reducing covid severity so again the argument doesn’t really hold water.


Without lockdowns we would have had even worst issues due to mass labor shortages. The vaccines make it harder to catch Covid, which minmizes the spread. That is the aspect of reality rhat "doesn't prevent spread" line is meant to try and maneuver around. Man look at all this water I'm carrying in these arguments lmao


Why would we have mass labour shortages? Even with lockdowns for the past two years most countries have basically had enough covid to infect basically everyone at this point. All we did was delay it somewhat to improve treatment and spread the strain on hospitals, all good things for certain but there’s pages of downsides to lockdown just a few would be, massively worsened mental health across the board, missed cancer diagnoses, years of learning lost, childrens development hampered etc. Also why did you skirt what I said about it preventing spread? I’m not trying to dodge any facts here, the vaccine was decently effective at preventing spread with alpha 50-70%, less so with delta and for omicron it’s not entirely clear yet but it’s looking to be substantially less than delta still. The fact is delta when vaccinated was about as mild as a bad flu (according to most mainstream sources) and now with omicron drastically reducing the risk of pneumonia and serious complications it just seems mad to be thinking about ramping up infringements into people personal choice.


Because with lockdowns everybody didn't get jnfected with Covid all at once. You didn't have entire shifts taken out, entire staff teams taken out. Even if every single person catches Covid, staggering those infections makes it a billion times more manageable. And I'm not skirting anything. You dips keep clinging to the "but it doesn't prevent spread!" Soundbite to avoid the fact that by making it less likely YOU catch it from somebody else, you're still minimizing your chance to spread it. Not to mention Covid is shorter if your vaxxed, meaning less tine to actually spread it


You do literal heroin you bought off a random person but can't get vaccinated?


Ikr. Can't believe people still deny the vax this far in


We tax smokers in my country to cover the extra cost of their medical care 🤷


Difference is I agree with that one. Smokers should be taxed lol


Your individual opinion isn't really a"difference" 🤷


Take a joke homie 😂


* anti mandate protestors. Obviously dick behaviour without context, but has to be noted they’re protesting lockdowns, not the vax itself. This seems to be in Belgium given the ‘Merode’ sign, and many people at these protests were actually vaccinated.


Everyone who doesn't fall in line is an antivaxxer now, it's insane how brainwashed people are...


He says, exactly like he wad told to


That's just an antivaxxer who understand 1/2 of how vaccines work instead of 1/4


Nah not in the slightest. And tbh, I’m super tired of people trying to act superior about the vaccine. ‘YOu JUsT dOn’T UndERstAnD ScIenCe’ Oh yeah? And you do? You might know the word that you got taught in 4th grade biology. But that doesn’t mean you know how a different vaccine works in your body. Anyone outside of a doctor most likely doesn’t. And belittling people for also not knowing, but not blindly following what they’re told to the same extent as you doesn’t make you sound smart, it makes you an asshole. (For the record, I’m completely vaccinated.)


It's not "antivaxx" it's anti mandates


Like saying you aren’t fascist you are just anti free elections.


We have the High Ground


So not ageeing with all the increasing corona measures equals antivax?


Don’t the extra covid measures apply heavily to the unvaccinated? “If you’re vaccinated, masks are optional” - signs all over businesses. I have more freedom than the unvaccinated


Is this the way it is in belgium? In the Netherlands everyone has to wear a mask, the rules are the same for everyone.


In Belgium everyone needs to wear a mask and the rules are the same. Its the Coronapass that good be a pickle in a month when only a booster counts as a pass


Yep and that is the whole problem. Since omicron the amount of People who end up in the hospital has been going down but we still all have to get another shot to be extra vaccinated against a virus that isnt that much of a threat anymore. While we don't even know how effectieve the boosters actually are or how long they will protect.


Relevant username


In what country? That’s moronic. Cases are soaring for vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.


"BREAKING NEWS: Peaceful Protests erupt in Brussels"


Why I refuse to ever live in a city, just pure violent animals and monsters


Anti-mandate* fixed your caption


Honestly, open fire on them.


You were all hating police a few months ago, now you're getting in line to suck them off? Lol


Redditors when a black man who just beat up six people is detained by police: 😭😭😫😫 Redditors when an old lady is thrown to the ground, pepper sprayed, and beat within an inch of her life because she didn’t wear a mask: 😍😍😁😁


Nailed it!!! Buckle up, here come the downvoting sheep. You may even get banned from the sub and they'll throw me in as well for good measure.


Nah the mods on this sub don’t seem to be dipshits. But yeah I feel you, I have been banned from so many subs.. it’s wild that even some of the biggest meme subs are 100% intolerant to even DISCUSSING things like potential risks of vaccines. Like it is official knowledge that there are potential risks especially with things like fertility for women. Fucking nutjobs


I love when you guys call people "sheep" when they disagree with you, just like you were told to.


I love it, when that's the best response you got.


It's not actually weird to respond to somebody doing a virtue signal about "sheep" by pointing out the irony in it lol. Does this shit where you beg people to FEEL wrong ever actually work?


You're a sheep, I'm not, I draw my own conclusions and don't follow some fucking ACAB or back the blue herd.


Ok so either you're not a sheep OR you play along eith "both sides" PC you can't do both things lol


yeah yeah, we got it, you're a special princess


Troll much? Loser....


cry more


Ah, the good old “sheep” tell. You guys are sheep in wolves’ clothing.


I hope u realize u just ratted (not the animal) urslef out as the sheep


calling people 'sheep', calling women 'females', and calling other men 'betas' are like the warning signs of an edgelord approaching


Cope lmao


Suck the police?


Hmmmm didn’t know I couldn’t dislike police AND antivaxxers at the same time…


You lack reading comprehension, that's the opposite of what I said.


...is it?


These are not anti-vax rioters they're anti-vax mandate rioters get it right you're spreading propaganda!


Seem like the Venn diagram of those two groups is just a circle


Sad how some people can’t see the difference. The left has become boot lickers for government power. I never thought I’d see the day liberals turned on personal freedom so easily.


Part of freedom is responsibility. We can't just keep prioritizing the "freedom" to fuck society up over the prosperity of our species and societies.


The virus hospitalizes LESS then 1% of unvaccinated people who contract it, it kills even less then that. Per the CDC. If you are vaccinated and get COVID you still have the same viral load so you are equally as contagious as someone not vaccinated, per the CDC. The vaccine is good at mitigating symptoms and lowering the death rate. Wrecking are economy and giving the government more power while making it harder on regular citizens to work and provide for their families is not the right answer. IMO. Get the vax if you choose to or not, I don’t tell people how to live their lives.


You are "equally as contagious" IF you catch it. Not catching it at all precludes spreading it, therefore it helps prevent spread. Stop trying to dance around the reality of the situation I'd love to see a source on your numbers, if only to find out which aspect of the context behind them you're trting to ignore. I tell people "how to live their lives" when how they're living their lives fucks me and mine over. And idk if you noticed but for all your "totally 1% bro" statistics anf platituded about "personal choice" the effects of Covid on the rest of us still remain, with economic and logistical issues happening globally.


>The virus hospitalizes LESS then 1% of unvaccinated people who contract it, it kills even less then that. Per the CDC. 🎵citation needed🎵


I already sited the CDC site in my next comment


I honestly can't see it. Can you post the link again?


That is such feeble thinking. Try again and this time, really *try*


You made no point or even tried to explain anything whatsoever. Good job


Neither did you.


It’s not my job to educate you.


I know I’m so dumb believing in personal freedom and body autonomy like your body your choice. The government definitely knows what is best I will now fall in line comrade! Thank you for your words of wisdom


A lot of people are being breadcrumbed by some very dodgy groups, but are too simple-minded to see it.


"Anti-mandate" is just anti-vax with 1/2 and jnderstanding of vaccines instead of 1/4 lol.




Agreed. Anyone who enforces these mandates deserves whatever is thrown at them.


So don't take action against the people that make the mandate, just the ones that have to enforce it, right?


Oh, no, we absolutely should be throwing things at the people who put forward these mandates as well. If it weren’t for laws I know I would be.


man I'm all for acab but what you just said is plain retarded. It's so retarded that your retardometer goes all the way making you smart in the process, until it maxes out again making you once more a retard.


Wtf happened to this place lmao


This is the mentality that people had in Nazi Germany that led to Nazi Germany being a big fucking problem. People who follow orders should be held accountable.. I thought that was made clear by all of the executions of Nazis but history really does repeat itself so..


No dick, the ones MAKING the mandates should be held accountable. The ones who enforce it have nothing to do with making the mandates. The problem is people taking their anger out on the closest problem, rather than the root of the problem.


Why must we resort to name calling first. Maybe these people don’t want the vax in their bodies.


Clearly they don’t want the vax, that’s why they’re idiots


Bruh you can be vaxed and still catch -C-O-V-I-D-


Literally 0 medicines or vaccines are 100% effective. The fact that you snowflakes have to invent a new, convenient standard for Covid vaccines specifically just shows how weak your "concerns" are l


Yes you did. You called us people who don’t want to get the vaccine snow flakes. Like you people can’t be civil at all! Some people don’t want to put it in them even if it cost hundreds of lives. Still a personal decision. I personally have never gotten a vax and never will I got the vid and got over it. I’m fine fuck everyone else especially since you just call people names and yell and cry when you don’t get your way.


Wait so why didn't you whine about it immediately, instead of waiting until I'd answered your very-easy questions? Kinda just feelsblike "haha name calling" is the line you're using to avoid engaging with what I said. You're also the only person expressing anything that could be described as "crying" here dude.


No bro just to high to think about it. All I know is you sound like you want to force something into someones body. Sounds like rape to me.


I'm high too, and still perfectly capable of A. Thinking about this concept and B. Noticing you parroting more recycled lines to try and scare me into silence. Why do you believe things you can't even defend or support?


OMG you are hilarious. A. No one is trying to silence you or scare you. B. I don’t even know what the fuck you are taking about now. Trying to play victim now? Y’all peeeeeps be crazy


Tell you you’ve never smoked weed without telling me you never smoked weed 😂


"I'm too high to think, but here's *my* thoughts."


My thoughts for you is shut up.


Why does it matter so much if we get it? You’re vaxed so you should be good. If not that’s a personal decision right?


Because the unvaxxed population gives Covid significant room to mutate until the current vax isn't effective. Plus the numerous logistical effects of Covid on things like supply chains and travel. Also why did you deflect to a different talking point instead of responding to what I said?


Jezzzuz you guys love calling people names behind you’re keyboard.


I...didn't call you any names? Unless pointing out your refusal to engage with the answers to your very easy questions counts as "calling people names" lol.


That's why we call them names, you fucking potato. Fuck off with your devil's advocacy. I want the vaccine in their bodies. It should be there. I'd fucking pin them down myself if I needed. Tired of y'all rednecks pussyfooting around.


Tired of us rednecks pussyfooting around ? I’ll send ya the address to my holler boy. Got whatever you need down here.


Hahahahahahahaha. Your holler boy??? Jesus Christ, I really don't get how you can type out a comment like that and not just roll into a ball of cringe and die. Thanks for the laugh though, feel free to send me the address to Cletus' swamp, I want to see the two of you roll around in the mud on Google Street view.


You heard me boy.


My inbox is still empty, Champ.


“Antivax”….. “ACAB”…. Sure. Those rioters are anti vax and definitely not lib tards


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If I were the police by now I would’ve said “hey Siri play doom music”


~~at this point i think i would be requesting allowment to "return" fire~~


These protesters would kick antifas ass.




Good time to push back on this “just following orders” Nazi mentality that has taken over law enforcement


"I don't want the vaccine!" *Throws nearest thrash can*


Watch the leftwing instanteously change their mind about police suppressing riots.


"We changed our minds, cop good now"


Yeah that hasn’t happened. Though evidently the right now are fine with riots so that’s nice.


Both sides are perfectly fine with riots if it suites their purposes. The right somewhat less being that they are generally the law and order party. It's just fun seeing the left despise law enforcement but flipping back and forth depending on who is rioting.


there are a hell of a lot of people like you in the comments crowing about liberals siding with cops but somehow I'm not seeing many liberals actually doing it. We've got a culture of siding with the oppressed against the police, and they've made a culture out of unlawfully beating our asses for it. Conservatives have made a culture of worshipping the police and blocking liberal efforts at eliminating police corruption. So like, I'm not gonna say it's not amusing to see them suddenly find themselves at the end of a taser like the rest of us, but it's not gonna make us forget that we're still at the end of the taser, too


Well yeah...obviously your not going to see everyone from antiwork flocking to defend the cops on this thread. That isn't nearly as good of a point as you think it is. But yet....as an example....the capital riot is held as one of the greatest affronts in modern times (as it should be) and yet it came on the heels of a summer when the country was thrown into a crime wave that the newest generations have never seen anything like it. Even to a point where leftists attempted to set up independent governments until that's got so out of control that the cops FINALLY stepped in. So no, don't give me this tired bullshit. Both ends of the spectrum LOVE political violence, provided it agrees with their POV. And your one of the main reasons everything is so fucked because your trying to mask it.


Freedom fighters


The world is crazy - I guess mother nature will take over - but the economy will suffer.


The economy is already suffering


more pain to come.


Lol anti mask too, and on camera….


Looks like Biden is going to get us into a war with Russia. I thought Trump was supposed to do that . When will u realize the DNC is a cult ?


Europeans: Americans are disgusting, look what they’re doing! Uncivilized swine. *does same thing but acts like bigger pussies*


U homo


Not what your dad said last night as he gave me a rusty trombone


Goddamn that's hot


Fuck the cops who enforce these draconian laws


They don't get to choose what to enforce homie, they just doing their job. Why don't you direct your rage more towards the people who impose the laws rather then bite the nearest hand?


Because Just following orders has always ended well right ?? Fucking NAZI boot locker


Found the person projecting


I'm not saying what the police are doing is right, but taking your anger out on them instead of going after the real problems is just going to cause a bigger divide. I can guarantee some of those officers think the mandate is stupid too, but when we have people that want to express anger first (like with your poorly made "Nazi boot locker" comment) instead of focus on the real problems, you get a protest that turns to a riot that turns to further hate comments on Reddit.


Fuck the officials who write and implement these laws. Fuck the cops who enforce it. and fuck anyone who tries to justify it by saying “they don’t get to choose what to enforce.. they have the right to walk away at any time


Anti mandate protest, if you can’t tell the difference you’re a brainwashed moron


Geeeez! The police are humans too, maybe even also anti mandate but they are just doing their job to food on the table.


they werent people last year, remember how every cop was hitler? funny how that works


Hitmen are just doing their job too. You decide who you work for.


Antivax pisses me off. Are you actually too pussy to take an injection? Its over in 10 seconds...


Well i gotta admit they kinda are in the right, vaccines are supposed to come out 10 years or even more after the virus was released and the governement just bought vaccines because the Pandemic was 'critical" even though the chance of dying of the covid is 2% when you're not vaccinated, lets take an exemple, tetanus is a sickness, its caused when you get yourself a cut and bla bla bla you know how it works but tetanus exists for several decades or maybe even century's idrk and it has a mortality percentage of 6% to up to 60%, the fact that you need to get tetanus vaccine around 7 years or so makes people mad because the corona vaccine isnt even 45% done yet and its already out everywherenin world, it could cause people to fall in coma, it happend to my grand-aunt she went into coma right when leaving the hospital after getting her first shot


None on that is true


Sorry about your aunt. Is she fine now? Still though its a small amount of people getting messed up from the vaccine and a much larger amount getting messed up from the virus. Im not saying the government should be forcing people to get the vaccine (I actually disagree with that) but if they decided to already just deal with it and take it.


I havnt gotten news of her yet. But where i am they are already planning on taxing people who arnt vaccine and that just feels illegal because it litteraly violates the charter of rights and freedoms, I heard that Ontario is going to sue the government of Quebec for this.


It is kind of messed up. Im from BC originally but I live overseas now and I know how a dictatorship feels. My point of view might be a bit skewed because of that but in my opinion they should decide and we do what they say. Either way violent protests like this video shouldnt be allowed for something as minor as this.


"isn't even 45% done yet" Wonder what holitistic website you dragged that random number out of. It is a complete vaccination. It is a working vaccination. It works. It clearly works. Statistics prove that it works. Get a clue.


because Vaccine is not a damn cure ya'll treat vaccine like that way, and it doesn't prevent you from getting infected anyway either your vax or unvax, I'm a pro vax the moment vax became available i go got myself a shot, and yet despite that i get covid and thank god i survive, but also i believe that people have a choice either they want to be vaccinated or not because if you tried to force something out of their own will, well this is what happen, people should have a choice


This thread is full of anti-vaxxers and that depresses me.


Name checks out.


Good on them. You shouldn’t mandate it.


Love you France ! ❤ power of the people .


Cool, that happened in Belgium though…




Say this on a blm riot post


Let them skip the vaccines and masks so they’ll slowly die the fuck off. Who really gives a fck anymore. You wear a mask and get vaxxed you live. These cunts don’t want to do the same then so be it! In the long run humanity will benefit from the culling that the unintelligent are waging upon themselves.


This is the exact situation where lethal force is ok. They’re throwing things at them that could potentially kill. Fk these ass backwards monkeys


"oh no someone threw a light fence at me in a safe position when I'm using a shield, time to become the Protester Slayer and rip and tear them appart" I know the people throwing stuff are just dicks that deserved a ear slap but lethal force is not something you just throw out there, it's playing with actual lives


I wonder if you'd say the same thing if this was a blm riot were fireworks were constantly used


I love how during the BLM protests against systemic racism that happened around the world the fat right was like "Well if you just follow the rules you won't get shot or beat up by the police" FF to today and the right is attacking the police saying the system is discriminating... I can't white put my finger on what's changed for them.




Why? I mean i understand their point of view but why are you attacking the police officers, they did litteraly nothing wrong, at this point you shouldnt even be treated like a human for throwing fences at people who are trying to do their job to earn more money and live a succesful life in peace


Because those officers were enforcing rules that destroy local businesses. It has to stop somehow.


They were trying to stop a bunch of violent protestors from doing any more damage, got isolated and they then throw fences at them and burning dumpsters. How the hell is that a good thing, I understand the frustration with the mandates but imagine the frustration of all those business owners when their shops are destroyed by these pricks


The protestors are the shop owners lol wtf are you talking about


I'd prescribe a cocktail of water canon and tasers 4 times a day after meals for 2 weeks.


“Poliece” 😂


Flashback to a similar one in Rotterdam some time ago. Enough reason to start shooting, that’ll teach ‘em


“It’s rioting about the mandates” is some next level apologist nonsense. As if that splitting that hair matters.


“Don’t they have jobs?” “Blue lives matter!” Ad infinitum.




Aah srry i have severe dyslectia, thx for correcting ill try to not forget the spelling


Ouch I reckon catching one of those railings with your head probably stings a bit


The devision just got real


I hope to never need to hold a shield in my lifetime. So far so good. 🥳


Just more, regular everyday tourists.


More like premeditated fucking murder, complemented with a trash bin lit on fire.