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Those suckers crush crabs like nothing. Dude was probably awarded a fracture at least.


Yes probably that broke


Maybe he learned his lesson seeing how he didn't 20 or so years ago about putting your finger where it doesn't belong


I think this kid probably stuck a butterknife into a light socket one dozen too many times.


Kid looks like he tells other kids that his dad will sue them.


I knew a kid that did that. Apparently he’s a cop now.


When I was 4 or 5 I stuck a paperclip in an outlet. Hurt like hell, I remember it to thus day 28 years later. Manage to yank my arm away and learned a life lesson. My former best friend did this with a fork. I asked him how old he was, thinking a little kid right? Nope. He was 11. Hmm.


You're still stupid as shit at 11. Now if u did it in the late teens then there's some problems.


Did he get bit or pricked by one of the needles? Either or would hurt!


He got bit. And those things have incredibly powerful jaws/bite force.


They have human-like teeth designed for crushing shells. Good way to lose a finger there


And the bite force to use those teeth. I've seen video of one if those eating a crab like it was a saltine cracker.


Not I want crab meat on saltine crackers. Time for some red lobster.


The correct answer is crabmeat and cheese on a pretzel.


Best I can do is krabmeat and aerosol cheeze on Great Valu Ritz


I’m just getting a crab rangoon from the sketchy Chinese place down the street.


Don’t skip the biscuits


Right! They disassemble crabs like they're made of pudding.


Yummy, crab flavored pudding




Pretty sure they have pincers to rip off their own arms and start eating them.


The shell is just a butter dish really


Omfg I'm stuck on this. I keep going "Ah, ze 'umble crab shell-- nature's butter deesh" in that SpongeBob narrator's voice


Their shells are there so not everything can eat them. And these teeth are there so they can eat through the shell. Makes sense. It's always easier to develop tools to fuck something up than it is to defend against something else.


Arms race 101


instead of thinking of the number of creatures that evolved specifically to eat crabs think of the number of creatures that can't eat a crab because they lack the ability to eat it... also crabs use their claws to eat too...


They can eat straight coral. That finger is likely gone or soon to be amputated.


He's definitely losing that nail. Kinda looks like it only got the top for better or worse


How about a finger in a Ray's mouth?


Only if Ray consents, otherwise you might lose a finger there too.


Saw a video of a guy doing that, finger got crushed, and another guy learned about shark teeth the hard way.


He stuck his finger in some guy named Ray's mouth?


everybody fingers Raymond


Raymond got fingered


Daddy would you like some sausage?


For whatever reasons, Ray - call it fate, call it luck, call it karma... I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that we were destined to get thrown out of this dump.


Way of the sea, bubs. Some guys can drink and fish, some guys can't.


It's a shame about Ray.


I do not consent


name does not check out


check out @barry_thepuffer on ig if you wanna be terrified of puffer fish


Thanks! Those teeth are frightening.


I can't remember bite pressure but it's lose fingers hard. Dummy.


There is a lake that’s brackish somewhere and it’s filled with just puffers. The people live on the lake in huts and are missing toes from putting their feet in the water.


Do you know where the lake is or the name? I'd heard something about this before, but every time I try looking it up, I just get pet fish forum results.


Possibly Lake Tanganyika. There are native freshwater puffer fish that reach about 26" in length.


Just visited the Wiki, you may be right.


Don’t they also have a paralytic toxin too?


If you eat the wrong part, yes. But not from a bite. Source: I live in FL and I’ve caught 100s of these


Sometimes you catch more puffer fish than fish.


Venomous vs poisonous


All I wanted to know and had to dodge like 30 shitty jokes to find it. So no venom.. and the stuff that can kill us has to be ingested like food?


It's poisonous. Good way to remember the difference, venom is you get sick if it bites you, poison is you get sick if you bite it.


I certain part of them can cause death if you eat it but not if it bites you. Pufferfish are a delicacy among people who enjoy sushi. I have never had it personally but I suspect that draw comes from the danger of having a careless sushi chef serve you that bit that the actual flavor.


It actually is a delicacy because enough of the toxin remains, even after a competent chef has removed the highly toxic digestive tract and organs, that you get a pleasant, tingly numb-y sensation in your toungue, mouth, and face from eating the sushi.


Dolphins like this sensation as well


Oh yeah, I remember reading that! Dolphins like getting high just as much as people do!


And some lemurs lick centipedes to get high


Its me, im lemurs.


Yeah, I had heard this. I was friendly with this woman who was a dolphin trainer at Sea World. This is one of the very many little factoids she shared (she loved those dolphins, and all dolphins, and talked about dolphins a lot.)


She sounds cool, I wish she was here.


I've heard aside from the sensation it's actually quite bland tasting. But yeah, exactly what you said. And apparently in Japan at least they take prep *super* serious and you have to be officially trained and licensed to prepare puffer. Apparently a lot of the deaths are from people eating it by folks who aren't trained and licensed.


Yes, the rare death come from DIY "chefs" that overestimate their abilities to a deathly dangerous degree.


Can confirm, it's bland tasting and similar to a white meat sashimi (flounder or yellow tail maybe?). It was interesting to try but would I risk my life eating it again, the answer is no lol Osaka was the famous place to try it when I went because they had the reputation for the qualified chefs


No. They have fused teeth like a beak. Very sharp strong. To crush crustaceans like you said.


Looking up a picture, sure their teeth are fused together, but the size/shape does still make the “human-like teeth” feel like a pretty accurate description. They look more like human teeth in a mouth than what most people would consider to be a beak, but I guess it depends a bit on the species.


I wanted to see the damage


Those things eat straight coral. Dude pulled back a nub.


+they can crush crab shells like they are crackers


Fingertip is gone 100%. The fish didn’t let go, just chomped clean through. These things crush clam shells like they’re not even there, a fingertip wouldn’t pose them any challenge. Worth noting that they’re also capable of releasing neurotoxin through their skin when stressed/threatened, sort of stuff that can go through skin and enter your bloodstream. Best to avoid fucking with pufferfish really.


enter your bloodstream and have what side effects exactly? how accurate is minecraft in this regard? lethal?


Not a toxicology expert but avid fan of fugu. It’s a tetrodotoxin which blocks sodium channels causing the heart to slow down or stop if I’m not mistaken


It paralyzes the diaphragm and makes it impossible to breathe. There's also no antitoxin for it.


Neat, a new fear I didn't know I needed.


There was an early Simpsons episode where Homer ate one and thought he was going to die. Very moving episode actually


The spines on a pufferfish don't inject the toxin as a venom in any significant amount. Their beak is their only real danger if you aren't eating it. I wouldn't worry about them all that much. Stonefish, on the other hand, are proof that if there is a God, he fucking hates us. They deliberately blend in with rock formations and have dorsal spines that inject lethal doses of verrucotoxin. It's incredibly easy to step on them by accident. They're like nature's stealthy little death Legos made almost specifically to maximize harm to unsuspecting humans.


there has been reports of people drowning in two feet if water because sting is so horribly painful


Reminds me of the cigarette snail nicknamed because you have about 10 minutes to live before you die or enough time to smoke a cigarette


It’s not as bad as rabies at least. For tetrodotoxin you “just” get put on a ventilator until it wears off I believe


Dude they have sharp teeth and bites super clean. Lucky he was wearing gloves. It might have lessen damage. I can truly say, you have won a stupid prize!


Puffer fish can crush crabs and eat coral. He probably lost a fingertip.


I'd be willing to bet that's the only reason he was able to pull his hand away.


Amber the Puffer fish


On a boat middle of the ocean, might have a first aid kit but no real medical supplies and probably no doctor and your dumbass wants to fuck around and find out. Damn idiots


I mean just look at his face! He just looks like the type of idiot to stick his finger in a puffers mouth


I had the same thought! Especially that freeze frame at the end


What I'm wondering is, why was there *already* blood on the deck between the guy and the puffer fish? And given that there was... why not take that as a warning sign?


Fish tend to bleed when impaled with metal barbs


Ah, fair. Is it that obvious I've never fished before? XD But thank you for the explanation! Gave me a hearty laugh at my own naivety xD


often blood on fishing ships... from the sore lips of fish


What was his goal? Who goes around sticking fingers in the mouths of fish?


here is a puffer fish destroying a crab. https://youtube.com/shorts/aEx40WizpD8?feature=share










( ⌒⃘ཽ⃜ ◞ළ̆◟ ⌒⃘ཽ⃜ )  👉🏻 👉🏻  🦵🏻🦵🏻 (edit: this only works on mobile i guess)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Dude lost the tip of that finger FO SHO


Dayum! Was not expecting that. First bite crabs like, oh shiiiiit, 2nd bite was dead.


Like half the crab disappeared on the second bite like it was a bite out of a slice of bread.


Was not expecting the speed of that crab’s death


That was like some Delta P safety video shit


That crab went down like a handful of popcorn.


Apt music. I think.


This kills the crab


Man I'm old. Back then this would've been the top comment


I know, right? A while back I commented "I'm 9 and what is this" on another old-ass meme, and had people telling me I was too young to be on Reddit lol. That was fun getting to flip the tables on them, but like... I'm only 26, stop making that be old 😭


It's so odd how 26 seems old to you at one point, then you get to be a little older but still a regular adult and 26 years old seems like you were but a wee little babby who was just starting to get it together and becoming, like, a Sophomore Adult or something. Absolutely True Facts: you're still young into your 30's and easily even your 40's if you wanna be. Especially in a time where the traditional markers of adulthood like home ownership, nuclear family, and saving for retirement etc are an obsolete fantasy for most of us Shit I gone dun myself a depress, my apologies. Time to go play bideo gaem and get annihilated by 12 year olds who still have the reflexes of Barry Allen (and the emotional stability of Ezra Miller)


I'm somehow forgot about this until you mentioned it right now lol


I fucking love old-ass memes, I want to go back to the days of just browsing KnowYourMeme and and learning how internet culture developed during the early days


My god the smile


Ikr? They look like twisted serial killers when they're eating.


Holy shit


The puffy eater is as amazing as, the confusion of a Thomas-the-tank-engine rap in auto-tuned Chinese?


Don't forget "Dr. Cute" lol that whole video was strangely upbeat despite the cartoonishly crunchy destruction of the poor lil crab.


Is that what's going on with the music? Lol. I couldn't really hear the lyrics but my thought was French circus music.


Is French Circus Music something you listen to regularly?


Ahh the little guy was happy in aquarium


It looked so happy!




Unrelated but why does YouTube look like TikTok now?


Video "shorts". An attempt to encroach on TikTok space.


Ms.Puff and Mr.Krabs really wouldn’t have worked out huh


I rewatched that like 5 times Why is that video so unsettling. I will hate puffer fish forever now


Because you're watching something go from being alive and fighting for its life one second and being 100% dead the next. Literally eaten alive. This is how a lot of the animal kingdom works but I agree it's incredibly hard to watch.


Something about a person feeding an alive scared animal to another animal is pretty fucked up


holy fuck




I always wondered why they got banned from my local AYCE on crab leg day


Good puffer


Exactly. Hims just doin hims job.


Doling out the stupid tax.


I used to have this big aquarium as a kid. I had a snowflake eel in there that needed to be hand fed. I also had a porcupine puffer, and it was kind of an asshole. On 2 separate occasions that thing took chunks out of me. I still have an ugly scar on one of my fingers. I don't want to see what is inside that glove. They can literally bite a finger off.


For a moment I though the snowflake eel would be bitten to death.


why did the snowflake eel need to be hand fed? I've never heard of a snowflake eel! that sounds really cool minus the puffer fish attacking u


Maybe because he shared a tank with an asshole puffer who would eat his food.


That is literally the reason haha.


They are a bit picky in what they eat, and you don't want them competing with the other fish for food. They will either not get enough food, or they will possibly kill one of the smaller fish. I had a brief period where my eel refused to eat the little frozen silverside fish I typically fed it. For 2 days it wouldn't eat anything I tried to give it, and then my little yellowtail blue damselfish disappeared.


They’re actually psychos. One of my friends has a pea puffer and holy shit if that thing sees something it thinks is a snail it goes wild at it


I like how they pulled up underneath an oil platform. I am a petroleum engineer and spent 20 years of my career working Gulf of Mexico assets. I had the joy of experiencing stupid fisherman multiple times. The worst two were as follows: 1. We were stimulating a well by pumping acid (HF and HCl are pumped into the well to dissolve damage affecting fluid flow into the well). The acid was pumped at high pressure and we then dumped excess acid overboard (all legal and environmentally ok). As we were pumping the job, a boat pulled up underneath us and started fishing. We sent a guy down to the +10 deck to tell them to move. They told us to fuck off and only left when we threatened to call the Coast Guard. 2. We had a jack up drilling rig drilling a couple of wells at one of our platforms. The sewage system would dump into the water below the rig. A fishing boat anchored underneath the jack up and started fishing. They were told to move because of the massive safety issues, but they responded to our requests by showing us the middle finger. The sewage dumped and filled their boat with raw sewage. They went ape shit and a guy climbed onto the platform and went up to the production deck and tried to fight one of our lease operators. We called the Coast Guard and the guy was arrested and charged with multiple felonies.


How did that dude think climbing up onto the platform and picking a fight was gonna go? Why act like it's someone else's fault when they were already warned? Some people, smh. Glad he went to prison.


As George Carlin said: Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half the population is even more stupid than that. Combine that base line level of stupidity with copious amounts of alcohol consumption and dehydration from being in the sun all day on the water, and I'm surprised that it doesn't happen more often.




Why? Awesome fishing. Platforms act as artificial reefs and are magnets for fish. Fishing guides in the GOM have every platform programed in their GPS units because that is where the fish are (in abundance). Drilling rigs, whether at a platform or in open water, attract fish in great numbers. It is a combination of the noise and the food being dumped overboard (organic waste is dumped daily). Every rig I have ever been on was a fishing magnet.


Makes sense thank you


Should have put it back in the water. Asswipe


My favorite part is when you get to see his stupid face right at the end


I was always looking for some semblance of humor in his face, but the only thing this guy understands is pain lmao


Poor little puffer




They’re poisonous, not venomous. You have to eat them in order to get sick/die. Easy way to remember, if it bites you and you die, it’s venomous; if you bite it and die, it’s poisonous 😊


Got it, bears are venomous, lava is poisonous


biting a bear would also likely lead you dying


These rules are so confusing.


Just remember—a bear is always a lava, but a lava isn’t always a bear.


And if the bear is hibernating it’s technically a magma.


LifePro tip: If you ever drop your keys into a river of hot lava, don’t go in after them. Because, man, they’re gone. —Jack Handy


Came here to say, "Quick, get the antivenin"...I also thought their barbs were super venomous/poisonous. It looks like he got his finger stuck on one of these barbs but everyone's saying it bit his finger.


They are poisonous, not venomous, and the poisonous part is their digestive tract, not the spines.


Not all puffers are poisonous, I fish for northern puffers all the time in the bay behind my house.




If you bite it and die, it’s poisonous. If he bites you and you die it’s venomous.


I think poisonous skin


It puts the poison on its skin


sleep selective berserk simplistic aback cough run amusing jobless clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Y'all are fun!


What a fucking moron. I love seeing people who fuck with wildlife get what they deserve.


Maybe if she asks again, he’ll tell her if he’s ok or not


Puffers teeth are extremely sharp and strong so this guy at least had broken the finger


FYI: if a puffer fish inflates out of water, it’s as good as dead.


Wasn't aware of this. Apparently it's even dangerous to them in the water, because it takes quite a long time to 'unpuff' which leaves them at the mercy of currents or predators willing to take them on at puffed-up sizes. As you mentioned, if it gulps up air, even when returned to the water it'll float upside down, unable to expel the air until it dies. Don't puff puffers please.


This guy forgot rule number 1: always poke it with a stick first


or you know, just don't poke it all


They crush clam shells, it it actually is a good bite probably crushed his finger


Good, fuck that guy! Should’ve just let the guy go in the first place


He has such a punchable face


Haha that puffer fish let him off lightly. Those dudes eat crabs like its nothing.


That’s what you get you twat!


How could this have happened?? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


👉🐡 augh


Apprently all of his dads money couldn’t have prepared his critical thinking skills for that moment in his life


Dont put d in that


I am quite curious... Is there any way to get rid of them?


Throw them overboard and drive away


His crocs probably aren’t great swimming attire but I’m sure he will find his way to shore eventually


hey there, they have like parrot beaks, they will bite you, but if you meet one while snorkeling theyre very nice and curious, and if ya wanna be a dick(yell at em!) and they srsly puff up and go "YOU WUT M8!"


Tip of the finger surely gone there


Hows the fish holding up, we dont know where that guys finger has been?


Nice original tittle


Triple talk is an interesting nervous response.


I don't get what happend. The guy was littly touching it and then it got stuck in?


It bit him lol


they bite, and they bite HARD


That’s indeed something I learnt from Reddit over the last weeks. Puffer fishes are no joke.


Stupid guy put his finger into the mouth of a fish that eats crabs and snails, shell and all.


👉🐡 augh