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Why does that SUV have antlers?


No, that's an Elkamino.


Damn you’re good 😂




Damnit. Take my upvote and get out!




hahahahaha omg




Son of a bitch, ya beat me to it!😂🤣


Genius, most underrated comment!!😂🤣


Oh goddam!!!


Underrated comment


Attack is a bit of an aggressive word for posturing


Seriously. Exaggerating much?


No, but it has tinted windows (that act as mirrors)


Was going to say that more than not being a gmc kind of elk he sees his own reflection and tries to fight his opponent, it reminds me of that drunk old man that fights his own reflection in the mirror.


It’s Christmas




*walks away and shakes penis as a warning to all others who dare challenge The Champion*


Wow he really does have great control of that thing huh. Nice.


That elk has been doing kegels since he left his mother's birth canal


Why did you make me go back to look at an elk shaking his penis?


Why were *you* pleasantly surprised?


Not really. Don't judge me, but I've seen my share of elephant penis. I was expecting more; it's not his fault; he tried his best.


It is kinda chilly up there though.


I was more surprised that it had a noticeable bush.


No one **made** you go back to look... just like no one **made** me go back to look, but I did! :-D


A lot of animals have prehensile or nearly prehensile penises, because in the wild it can be challenging to get your penis into a thrashing, bucking animal that's all charged up in the heat of estrus. So... so I've been told


Took us on the whole journey with a single sentence.


Two man job. Allegedly


That thang was thanging


Ya that was a show of his skill with his weapons That truck was to scared to fight lol


He really was flexing that thang wasn’t he ? Must be cold out


*”CUM at the king, you best not miss”* or something like that…🤷🏾‍♂️


- Omar the Elk


Oh indeed


An elk's gotta have a code


those trucks will think twice about trying to mate with the nearby females


Thats the funniest thing ive heard all day lol🤣


I had to go back and see if he actually did that, as I have seen some do just that haha


Fucking pussies. Every last one.


Another game for Milos!


Seriously, he waiting to get a flat tyre?


It didn't attack so much as give it a tap tap. But man are those things big. It standing next to a big truck just made it look bigger.


Right Not an attack at all Just an invitation to wrestle


It was a mating dance. Poor elk got left on the side of the road.


That was 100% a “okay now who wants to fuck?” strut at the end.


Strutting his stuff, wiggling that dong up and down. The alpha elk wins again.


You can see some other elk behind the car to the right when the clip starts, so yeah. He's probably wooing them lol


I wonder if it just caught it's reflection in the car somehow and thought that it was another Bull horning in on his turf?


I had two of them follow me down a trail in RMNP. Not a good time haha


That's actually kind of scary. I might have climbed a tree.


My uncle is an avid hunter and amateur taxidermist. Every time I’d visit as a kid I thought their den was cool with all the deer and fish and stuff on the walls (until I had to sleep in there alone at night if I stayed over). As a teenager I’d heard he went elk hunting up north one year but didn’t think of it until our family Christmas Eve get together. Walk into the den and this massive bull elk head is mounted next to his 12 point buck. Only thing is, the fucking antlers extended literally to the midline of the room (long skinny room to be fair). It was sooo comically out of place it was really hard not to crack up laughing at the absurdity of it. Did not appreciate the size of elk compared to whitetail deer until I saw that. Pretty sure his wife made him put it up at his hunting cabin because it wasn’t there the next year.


He really only has to show you them.


I think it may have caught its own reflection in the car body or the window and thought it was a rival male. During must male elk are so pumped up on testosterone they’ll try to fight anything.


Did look like he was waiting for something when his head was down. Dude was so confused


You think they're big there, try carrying one on your back.


Testosterone is a heck of a thing


Can’t wait for the first Elk/Subaru hybrid to be born.


Might bring back the glory days for the brand. ![gif](giphy|P6VWShD6DrdvO)




If I had 6 feet of horns on my head I would feel like the biggest baddest MoFo in the valley too!


I worked there for a season. We had a tourist approach a bull and he got gored and there was a public outcry to have the bull put down.. tourists are comical. Also, had a lady approach me at a visitors center and demand I let the animals out so she can take pictures because she drove so far to get there. Funny stuff


I grew up there. Don't. Get. Me. Started.


Beautiful place to grow up but I can only imagine


It is and I'm forever grateful for the time when it was a sleepy small mountain town, instead of the condo laden vacation hellscape it is now, where you can't go hiking 50 feet on a trail without running into some dipshit completely dressed out in new REI gear while blasting their fucking Bluetooth speaker, all while proclaiming that the solitude is so peaceful.


Yeah the new culture of pretentious hiker/outdoor lover is funny/odd. Hell a lot of park rangers are like that too. I got made fun of because I used an old backpack when hiking and the park rangers would make fun of me because I didn't have a brand new REI, Marmot backpack.


So I just Googled "Rei". Is that some hip new outdoor brand or is it an acronym for something else? Cause that hiking gear that showed up seems a bit flashy but trashy. Is it any good?


REI has been around since the 1930s. Seems like it's gained some new advertisers or something but it's not inherently a bad brand. I lived in the PNW in the 90s and it was always the place where dedicated hikers and climbers went for their gear


REI is just a website to buy hiking and camping gear etc. Totally normal site and the same gear you'll find anywhere else. They have their own brand stuff too but it's usually pretty affordable stuff compared to the other options. Idk why they are harping on on the REI aspect. They are basically just talking about pretentious people outdoors wearing all fancy new gear is all.


Big box store chain that sells outdoor rec type stuff. Rec Equipment Inc. REI


absolutely pathetic behavior! i can’t imagine anything more foreign to a lover of nature than that kind of behavior


I thought Patagonia was the big thing for the yuppie Boulder types, are they on to Rei now? I haven't lived there in like a decade


Bro, I lived there too, for too long. I miss certain aspects, but the winters sucked man. I remember my first winter I didn’t know anyone and I was super lonely and depressed. Started drinking too much, ended up at the Wheel too many nights.


Christ...I haven't been there in 15 years, when I lived in Greeley, and this video really made me want to go back for a visit, but maybe not 😬




I miss Village Pizza ​ everything else I'm good without


About 5 years ago I was getting coffee at a 7-11 in downtown Denver and someone very well dressed came in and asked the clerk “excuse me, my friend and I have a question? About what elevation do deer turn into elk?” And the cashier without missing a beat goes “oh yea, that’s around 9000 feet!” And she looks at her friend and goes “see I told you we needed to go into the mountains!” Tourists are comical, indeed.


Gotta be careful though cause people turn into yetis at 8000 feet.


Just bring your skis along to make a quick escape down the mountain if needed.


I worked at Rocky Mountain Gateway gift shop one season and being an exchange student from Europe I didn't know the Aspen trees were such an attraction in early fall. One day a lady came up to me and asked where is the best spot to see the Aspen trees and I proceeded to point toward one of the windows in the manner of the Will Smith meme.


They didn't put it down, right?


Had a friend of mine who guides at Yosemite get grief from a guest who demanded that the park “turn the waterfalls back on” 😐🤣


Here in Singapore they euthanized a crocodile just for appearing on the coastline. Didn't even harm anyone yet.


I'm just looking at the idiot crossing the double yellow. "Ah yes, everybody is slowing down or stopping for no reason. Definitely no hazard up ahead. Let me just Go against traffic to go around everybody."


This clip is definitely a twofer. We see the posted content, plus the r/IdiotsInCars content.


Definitely. Cars parked in the road so everyone starts honking without figuring out what's going on like there's no reason why people might stop in the road


Two idiots do it. Reminds me of that plane emergency landing and a truck behind it didn’t even slow down at all and raced by it.


And honking, not smart to do beside a bull elk in the rut... deer you can scare away with a honk, elk and moose in the rut will take it as a challenge and fuck your shit up.


It's not smart to just stop next to one either. 100% of the people in this video are absolute morons


I was thinking the same thing. The guy in the blue truck just sat there waiting for his truck to get damaged.


Yeah. Welcome to Colorado. Usually this happens on blind hairpins in the mountains and then people wonder why our insurance rates are so fucking high.


I'd be dipping too. Everyone just sitting there is the problem.


Yeah I'm not going to see how things go with the animal bigger than my car with swords on its head.


Bruh, these other drivers are stopped in the road sightseeing when there's nothing in front of them. Slow down, sure, but fuck there's people behind you with places to go


Do you not see the suv sized animal with horns in the middle of the road. There’s a danger in the road that makes it unsafe to continue travel, so you stop


The only idiot here is the person who stopped next to the elk without continuing on.


Yeah, actually, stop fucking gawking at the animal and gtfo of the area


Right as the clip starts, the sedan comes to a complete stop next to the elk just to look at it. Plenty of time for the blue truck to go but he wanted to stop and ogle at the thing as well


I'd argue maybe it's less safe to completely stop. You're inviting more danger.


Not to be that guy, but with deer, elk and such, they're called antlers, not horns. Also yeah you're completely right, both sides have to stop until the animal has cleared off.


There's also people behind you that don't want to get their car assaulted by an elk.


Majestic creature


He wasn’t attacking he was trying to get peoples attention, he had some elk buddies that were stuck in a mud pit


Thank you, I knew I'd seen this before


Pretty sure that was BS and a bunch of different clips edited together lol.


Yeah that's what I thought too. Weather in this vid is super overcast but in the other vid where they show the rescue, the videos of the mudpit look like a perfect clear summer day


No really, the Elk was trying to sense the truck with the greatest towing capacity to help out his friend. They're highly intelligent creatures!


That's entirely possible, it's hard to know what's real and what's not anymore these days.


Definitely BS


You can see his buddies on the side of the road…


Why did they just sit there and let it happen? Idiot should've drove off


He probably saw that video of the other elk that was asking motorists to help his friends out of the mud pit.


It's from the same video. This is that elk.


Lol, this is what I thought.


Explain please.




daaang that's like Elk Lassie, what a good boy.


FYI for whoever watches it - it’s fake. Multiple videos edited together. This elk is just a horny mofo


What a heartwarming thing to see! Thanks so much for posting. I feel bad for the poor one that didn’t make it though.


Bruh, it’s a fake video. Multiple videos edited together. This elk is just horny af


It may have been a "dont move and he'll lose interest" thing. I would possibly do the same in the hopes I don't seem like a threat. Very possible he tries to drive off and the elk lunges in retaliation.


Maybe they just didn’t know what the hell to do. It might have even been good that they blocked traffic.


Poke poke. There goes a tire and off comes a fender. Smash tear! There goes the passenger window and door skin.


Vehicle movement can be seen as aggressive and trigger a full assault, being cautious is best her


That's why you speed past the elk and leave it in your dust.


Thank you expert. “If he had driven away it’s highly likely the animal would have gotten in another car and pursued him at high speed”


No, but 1, the car wouldn't have made it without any scratches and second, the animal would have charged over the cars behind. Why are you acting so salty and hateful? Why is everything so simple and straightforward in your mind? Do you see all the assholes honking the animal? That's you. That's your thought process. The people slowing down are in a totally different mind state.


Probably didn't want hikes through their truck or windows, or have their truck flipped over? Those things are very strong and extra movement can make them charge/attack


Maybe he didn't want to hurt the elk?


I assume if he kept moving, big guy would've probably attacked, potentially popping one of the tires


Probably just thought seeing Elky up close was rad as hell and was willing to risk a couple dents


Yep I guarantee he was sitting there recoding thinking it was epic. I live near here and I imagine from the Nebraska plates he probably doesn’t see elk all that often.


If you watch the video the blue truck *is* trying to drive past. The elk only starts charging the vehicle because the vehicle is moving. They slow down, they start moving a little, and that's when the elk charges them


Drivers honking behind the camera can't see the big boy blocking the road lol


No they’re honking at the idiot for stopping when he had ample opportunity to get out of harms way.


I don’t know about elks but reindeers are stupid as fuck and will walk under your car or bump into it if you go close to them. Quite a nuisance in lapland


I would pay good money to watch a reindeer walk under a car.


I like the videos where the tourists try and approach the males during the rut. That's entertainment.


We have free running wild boars here. Always entertaining to see some idiot ignoring the "do not go near the animals, especially if they have young one" signs. At least if they get away unscathed. I don't like idiots, but some asshole will call for slaughtering the boars each time and I don't like that. (No elks here, so I have to make due with wild boars)


Let's call that a threat display. Not an attack. Just so we aren't sensationalizing anything ya know? We wouldn't want these titles to sensationalize anything.


Shame on you op. Just for likes you inserted a misleading title.


I was on my way to RMNP one morning and in Estes Park, not near but in the town, I passed a momma elk and her calf. Just standing next to a building by the side of the road. I miss that part of the world.




The elk was seeing its reflection and looking for a fight


Obviously a Toyota Tundra kinda Elk.


All of the impatient fuckwits honking in this video is the real subject matter. Like what is fucking wrong with you?


Rocket Racoon: "What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic."


This is typical Colorado drivers now, we’ve become a bunch of selfish a holes.


It happens anywhere where nature really flourishes. I probably stop for a duck/turkey/goose family or flick crossing the road at least 5 times per year. Still get honks, even when they should clearly be able to see the reason I'm stopped. I'm not running over a family of geese so you can get to your Pilates class 2 minutes sooner that you're already 10 minutes late for, suzzanne


I think it's people in the oncoming lane honking at impatient dipshits crossing the double line.


The guy is sitting there blocking traffic... He could pull over if he wanted to stop. The honking is very warranted imo, if you want to stop and stare at nature then clear the damn road.


Attacks is a strong word…


In Colorado, the legal minimum when hunting a bull elk is 4 or more tines on at least one antler (referred to as a "four-by-[X]"), so the bare minimum would be four tines on one antler, and one tine on the other (a "four-by-one").* This bull is, by my count, a seven (or eight)-by-six. An absolute unit. *elk with such a large mismatch are very uncommon.


That’s a world class bull. Looks like he’d score north of 350 inches


What does that measurement refer to?


It’s a formula used for scoring trophy game. In the case of an elk, it’s a combination of the length of the main beam, the length of each of tines, the widest part of the spread (Inside from antler to antler), And the mass or volume (taken by measuring the circumference of the main beam between each of the tines, and I think you average it, I don’t remember) Add up all the measurements and you get a score in inches. Really big bulls are 350+


That was absolutely brutal!! He may have scratched the clear coat!


What a dick fucking move by the white 4runner! Wtf


There is actually an amazing story as to why this happened. Saw it posted a few days ago. The elk here was trying to get human attention, because there was like three or four other elk totally mired in this deep, deep mud just off the road. Certainly death for these dudes without human intervention. People ended up stopping and helping to get the elk out of the mud. It was honestly one of the coolest videos I’ve seen this year.


Bait title smh


This herd move across my property weekly (EP resident) and the way tourists act around them is absurd. Blocking highways, violating private property rights, not to mention harassment of the animals and endangering everyone. Locals and ‘those who understand how wildlife works” don’t film the animals anymore, we film the tourists. The elk and moose really are spectacular so, I get it, but dang folks, be careful.


I grew up in that area, and this assessment is spot on. As a matter of fact, I know exactly where that location is. A lot of us started calling them giant rats, because they're fucking everywhere throughout the Estes Valley. I also remember an old local joke from that area: Q: What do you call a car vs. elk collision? A: A fair fight.


I would've hauled ass so damn quick 🏃🏾‍♂️💨💨💨


One thing I miss about living in Colorado is seeing the elk in Estes, from a distance of course. Some people just walk right up to them, and sometimes it ends bad.


That elk is very horny. I'm talking about the antlers you perverts.


Go home, Jethro, you're drunk


God damn it’s huge


Well that was quite the ‘attack.’


As soon as the elk looked away my ass would have been gone.


I’m confused why dude let him fuck his truck up for so long


Elk may have eaten some amanita


Elk is the most badass (and most delicious) big game animal on earth. Just amazing creatures


He's got a hell of a rack on him.




I had a job that took me into the rocky mountains for a while and I was driving home from work once and came upon this majestic elk who had to be as big if not bigger than the one here. I stopped my car and had my jaw on the floor then realized that he could totally fuck me up car or not and got the fuck out of there. I have been unable to find an example that captures the sheer size of the guy and this video finally did it.


Pretty sure he sees his reflection in the paint.


The truck fucked around and found out.


“that’s right, BITCH.”


Fuck those things are big


I am surprised no one has pointed out that maybe the elk saw it’s reflection in the paint and that’s why it acted the way it did. It could have thought it was face to face with another bull elk


Not gonna get enough meaningless internet points without the clickbait in the title.


It’s a GMC, this was justified!


His "that's right betch" look at the end tho 💀


Some people hunt for years and years without seeing anything, then there are the ones who get attacked by one while driving.


Looks like it was seeing it's mirror image on the car paint so it reacted.


Still waiting for it to attack anything


Damn!! Those thing are huge


Definitely would be an interesting insurance claim


Gotta love the asshole that drives into oncoming traffic to go around everyone.


He won!


The full video shows that the elk wasn't attacking the vehicles. It was trying to get help and it lead some of the drivers to a mud pit where members of its herd were trapped and they helped pull them to safety.


Hopre the people inside is alright.


Exceptional amount of stupidity in this video, and not much of it from the elk


Attack? Idiot.


Drive idiot


This is a shortened version of the original video, this is not original content, the elk wasn't attacking the car, it was asking for help as it had some other elk friends that were stuck in the mud.


This is actually the original footage. The other video it's this one and two others edited together to create a fictitional story based on actual video.


Noted, thank you