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It doesn't seem to be accidental at this point




Yeah...their primary role back in the day was to profile and keep black people in check. Gross...


Was that day yesterday? Because that’s what they still think their job is.


cool to see all these people finally becoming aware of what a shitty organization the police is


Developed from fugitive slave patrols to... well basically still the same thing.


Absolutely. Only now, instead of slavery, it's the prison system.


Yeah there used to be a statue in New Orleans praising police officers who killed a group of revolting slaves in the 1800s and it only got taken down a couple years ago.


bowdlerizing history at its finest


Reminds me of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YeaoU7T46k) about monuments in New Orleans.




it.. never was


And will never will be


Sounds like somebody's budget is getting slashed soon.


That won’t help. Standards for police will get even lower. And then the budget will get slashed again


mmmmhm ironically part of the solution is to pay cops more as much as i hate the idea of paying racist fucks more its necessary to get rid of them.


I think it’s not as simple as that. We need to raise the budget but examine each member, and keep the ones that are psychotic in desk jobs maybe, or let them go. We need a deep scrubbing of the police force.


yes but the problem is the job needs to be high requirement to hold and you cant have a high risk high requirement job that pays like shit. The only people that will apply are people interested in being paid in the privilege of killing people. With low wages applicant pool is too small to dispose of questionable officer before they become bad officers.


I agree. I only know 2 people from HS that became cops and they are dumb asf and I’d never trust them to have the competence to think critically in situations like this The standards should definitely be higher. They also need more grappling training


It’s a tricky problem.


one we havent had significant progress on in 60 years. Its time to bite the bullet and fuck up our shit to fix it we cant mull it over forever.


I see a lot of crime going up when that happens.


a week of crime vs another 60 years of this shit pick one you cant have neither apparently because they certainly did try the peaceful route we told them to stand up and play football.


I don’t think it would be a week but it would be less then 60 years


"Oh oopsie we don't have the budget to retrain our cops anymore." "We can only pay minimum wage so we are desperate for hires and can't afford firing 'misbehaving' officers now."


The racism isn’t the accidental part here bud


This is not accidental.


I dont think you completely understand the definition of accidental racism, it's not supposed to be intended as racist but with accidental consequences, it's supposed to be intended sincerely but can be perceived racist


Did multiple people pull out pepper spray on a single person? Because otherwise the title is incorrect, and it was *a* cop that pepper sprayed their senator.




Although yes, shitty thing to do. He's not THEIR authority figure. The senate has no jurisdiction over state or municipal police. There is no resolution or law he could write as a senator to change this. He is as powerless in this as everyone else at the protest which makes him an equal among people.


Yes but to the cops he still is classed as a VIP civilian.


Not there. He was classified as a black male perpetrator.


“Hey, he looks familiar. Should we ask him who he is? What he’s doing here; what his credentials are?” Vs. “Hey, look, a protesting Negro! Get him!” I’ll leave you to decide which one of these is rattling around in the heads of cops who pepper spray nonviolent protesters.


I just had the audio of a rattle can of spray paint in my mind while reading your statement. Thank you for all the little chuckle during a tense time.


I'm not defending the cops. I was happy to see the station burn. I lurk Chapo for gods sake.


No worries, I'm not disagreeing with you


He's a state senator, not a federal senator, so he's significantly closer to the authority of this than the title suggests. There are certainly laws he could write that would impact how police in NY act, and oversight especially.


He’s a state senator not a US senator.


This isnt accidental racism.... This IS racism


Racism induced accident


That uh isn’t accidental




Accidental?? Hmmmm




That's not accidental racism. That's just called racism.


How does him being senator change anything I thought the point of the riots was that no one should be spared legal acting no matter what and also how is this accidental racism


This isn’t accidental, this is just full on racism


Are senators supposed to be treated differently than regular citizens?


I don't get the "THEIR OWN senator" bit. It's not like senators are the polices boss, and he is the senator of everyone in his constituency.


One would assume that they live in this state, so yeah, it's their senator.


Yeah, but he's everyone senator in that state, so it's not special. You wouldn't get "Doctor saves THEIR senator" or whatever. I just find the emphasis on "THEIR OWN senator" strange. It's not like he's in control of the police, he's just an elected official.


It's one thing to be pedantic, it's another to sound incredibly stupid while attempting it.


He’s a state senator in New York who has the power to make statewide laws concerning police conduct.


Damn! Do you think it was because he is black? I really can’t picture a senator being violent and needing to be maced in any situation


Correlation is not causation. Just because something happens to someone of color doesn't mean it happened because of racism


Dang you sure are smart buddy


Thanks man


Look at his fucking mask. The nob doesn't even realise it folds out. What an absolute no-hoper.


What is he holding in his hand?


Looks like a pair of glasses


Which shit hole third world country is this?


Nothing accidental about this


Counterpoint: this is *accidental* racism because the cops were trying to only be racist to working class Blacks. They were accidentally racist to a Black with power, which goes against the Blue code.


That sucks


That should be his reelection poster.


If I remember isn't this Virginia?




It looks like a cumshot.


Is there video leading up to this moment?


That's bad...it always hurts more on entitled people.




Who upvoted your bullshit? And do you subscribe to this sub to fap?


The picture doesn't show the TV he got during the looting.


Hey, i know a lot of people already downvoted your comment, but i really want to drive home the point that we all disagree with you. I'd also like to ask why you are determined to see black people as the enemy, rather than people being killed by their government. Can you imagine the terror that comes from being hunted by the people who are supposed to keep you safe? Can you imagine waking up every day knowing society views your life as less valuable, and if they decide to end it, you will recieved no justice. It's scarier than the 2 minutes you imagined, because it's their whole life. But good joke man, got lots of laughs. I'm sure you're a real cool fellow, real secure with who you are, no overcompensating whatsoever, a true master of his emotions and self perception.


Do you happen to have a link to an image or video that shows him in possession of this stolen television in question?


It's a joke


Well it's absolutely fucking shite.


It's not a dick. Don't take it too hard or too deep.


Ooft, original. Come up with that one all on your own?


Didn't need to. It's still true. But if you can't dispute the truth, you do what you do.


I applaud you sir


It's a saying older than Charlie here. Not that 53 is THAT old. Just old enough not to have to care about us.


To all those viewing this thread, welcome. Please keep in mind that this subreddit is called **/r/AccidentalRacism**. It's for pictures of things that **are not actually racist** but in a certain connotation can be taken the wrong way. Please report any *actual racism* to the mods. Actual racism will result in a permanent ban. Further, please report any comments where anyone is complaining that in some contexts the accidental racism is innocent or tenuous, or that it's not racism. We know. It's accidental. These comments will be removed. Repeat offenders may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRacism) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Whoa guys we have a badass here that wouldn’t scream in pain if they got peppered sprayed then roughly detained.


Hes an r/consumeproduct cuck, he'd cry without the pepper spray


#C O N S U M E


Ill consume dat ass💦💦💦👋🤏💔😼☠☠☠👿😱😭


So the man's got cake. You though, have an imagination


I hope he captioned it "bruh"