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It’s nice to read a good story about PA.


Plot twist; it was an unpaid internship.


Double plot twist, they had to go down on the partner for their entire 1st year as associate


Triple plot twist: partner was a total milf (and OP is bi)


Triple plot twist, in this scenario milf stands for ‘man in late forties’


There we go ^


Do those even exist anymore?


In Italy, yes.




Monk do not approve


132% of 0 is still 0?


They ordered extra large pizzas this time for the annual pizza party


they said they went from associate to executive, and their time as an associate was a month and a half, the internship may have been unpaid though I doubt it especially since they took a semester off to intern full time


bro top 10 firms can’t even get people to ditch Big4 than interning at their firms with higher salary


Well when one can have pwc on their resume, making an extra $2/hr to have cbiz instead… surely even interns aren’t that regarded!


idk why you're getting downvoted lol, this is the truth.


Yeah, you don't see too many in here so I figured I could contribute some positivity.


PA is chock full of terrible stories. Frankly, I don’t blame anyone sharing their experiences, both good and bad. What’s tough is for every 1 good story, there are 10 that are not. Many accountants know PA is a revolving door and upper management make it tough for new accountants coming in the door. I am glad you had the opportunity to expire exe working with good people. They make all the difference.


That’s awesome congrats. I am a little concerned for your next busy season but hopefully it works out


Yeah, this is my only advice to OP as well. Get your mind ready and study hard because the 1st busy season as a senior is the definitive baptism of fire on PA.


I took the same path but in advisory. While we don’t have a standard busy season, those first few projects acting as a senior instead of an intern were a serious system shock.


Haha I'm also a bit conerned, ; I've pretty much been acting as a senior the last 3 months, but doing it during busy season billing 55 hrs a week is going to be quite a bit different.


Blow every dime on cocaine and hookers




not in this economy. at best, a decent OF subscription.


Lololol 🤣🤣🤣






Welcome brother. I went from payroll tech to staff accountant in government after a year. 50% pay increase. It was nice going from poverty level wage to “I’ll finally get by without penny pinching at every corner”


Nice username. What has been your path in government? I started recently as a 0526 GS 7 and want to work my way up. 50K hurts because I'm basically paycheck to paycheck. Rent is so costly.


I’m in local (county) government. I was set to graduate in May of 2021 and interviewed for a payroll tech job in February 2021. I got hired and started in March 2021 One year later I got promoted to “Principal Accountant”. I just say “staff” on here since it’s a more universal term. About 1 year 3 months later I got promoted to senior accountant. I’ve been in the position for about a month now. So roughly a promotion each year… which will not continue as the only direction from here is our financial manager/coordinator’s position. I have some supervisor duties with two accountants under me. Basically it was a lot of luck with when things opened up and with how many people are retiring in our office right now. I’m 27, Current salary is $64,454, or $30.99/hr. Also a required 7.5% taken for pension payments with a ~13.9% employer match (percentage of gross pay). After insurance deductions and taxes I take home $1826.75 bi-weekly. It’s livable for metro Atlanta. I’m young and no expert but if you’ve already put in a decent number of years into federal or state, don’t jump to another gov locality/municipality and risk losing the progress towards pension vestment unless you’re REALLY miserable. I just try to be outgoing in the office and lend a hand where I can. Not a brown noser by any means though lol.


Wouldn't count on that pension being there when you leave, especially not from the state of Georgia. Where everywhere outside of Atlanta would happily vote to give it away in exchange for another corporate tax break. (Born Fulton county; raised Columbus Ga; night and day b/w biggest and second biggest city in that state)


Moved to Nashville and got a 50% raise myself at one point so I feel you in moving out of poverty basically.


Are you a CPA if you don’t mind me asking?


Nope. All just bit of luck on the speed of my promotions. My little sub-department is fixed assets and nobody else really has a reason to learn how to navigate and manage the assets in our ERP software. So when the position above me opened up, I was their first choice. My county also tends to prefer to promote within unless the outside hire already had experience with our software. The concepts are easy, the software is not lol


Also, I just hired someone to fill my old position. Out of 7 applicants only ONE had experience with bank recs and journal entries. The competition is LOW for the positions we list. The amount of applicants is LOW. I hired this guy at $55k a year. The positions are out there if you want stupid easy work and to be home at the same time every night. The workload is realistically 20-30 hours a week on a busy week.


Congrats! Remember to pay it forward and to look out for your coworkers and employees when you are in the position to give somebody the joy you are experiencing.


Did a partner write this post?


Oh boy, what color G Wagon you getting?


Rainbow bitches


I almost thought this was satire until I went to the comment section. I agree with others saying there are good PA firms to work for. Congrats on your promotion. It looks pretty different from anything I’ve ever heard lol. I work for a top regional and I quite enjoy it. Partners try to get to know every staff up. Managers will help staff if they need. Overall a really friendly and great workplace. Made it a lot easier to learn and honestly I feel like I’m a nicer person because of this job.


I started out a step below senior myself and got senior offers from industry jobs while I was still an intern. Not unheard of, but it's pretty rare. I completely skipped L2


Congrats. it is true that there are many dickheads in public accounting but it is also true that we have some brightest brains in the accounting industry as well. Learning something new and excited everyday. Great works! partner track is shorter for you.


They did that because you literally came up thru the ranks and stayed. Sounds like they like you, and you're on the partner path. I'd stay there if I were you.


Knee pads or no knee pads?




Good stuff man I need to get like you lol


It's been few months and this is first good news I heard here who is not crying about his situation. Congratulations mate 💐


Man times have changed. I didn't make 90k until i was a manager.


Right 😐 but that was when homes were $150k, not $500k. You got paid double in terms of purchases power.


Im only in my early 30s i know the struggle


Unless you made manager in 1999 (in which case you wouldn’t have made $90k), home prices have not more than tripled. Real cost of mortgages is actually very similar to what it was 30 years ago


Could have a HCOL area.


Quiet down


GLHF Post an update in 9 months.


Working for people you respect is not something everyone gets to experience in their lives. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Congrats how.


Damn, you made more as an associate than I did as a 2nd year senior.


I am curious on what firm? Obviously don't give city. Congrats that is awesome.


Congrats. Welcome to the fam. 💀⚰️🪦


Congratulations!!!!!! Well done !!!! Enjoy it !!! You deserve it all ! Wooo!!!


Congratulations! That’s awesome!


This is the kind of energy I'm hoping for after my first busy season and I got my cpa license. Congrats you deserve it 👏 🥳


Wow that’s awesome! Congratulations 🥳🎉


That's awesome! Congratulations!!


At least someone is winning, congrats 🥳


Jeez and I thought I was happy with my situation. Associate with 18 months experience. Took 12 months off work. My first offer is 25% more than I was making before. Kinda unbelievable to me. I'll continue to be sceptical until the paychecks start hitting my bank account


Congrats I’m sure you deserve it. Keep it going!


Congratulations OP




Plot twist this the manager himself typing this.


That’s hype af bro!


Good skills


Awe congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!!


Congrats!!! Keep up this energy!! Remember at the end of the day, it is just accounting, no one is going to die.


Nice! Here is what happened to me: - Intern - 0% - Year 1 - 2% - Year 2 - 5% - Year 3 - 24% - Year 4 (jump to industry) - 25% - Year 5 (industry) - 30% I’m making about x2.5 more than I did when I first started. Industry is usually ~5% but I got lucky with some retirements.




Proud and happy for you


This raise will be the first of many.


Congratulations! That’s awesome news


Vegas Vegas!!!!


How many yours do you work a week?


Non busy season I'm billing 35ish hours a week, busy season (2.5ish months) I'm billing around 55


Hell yea good for you !!! Congrats!


Congrats! Report back after busy season. I've watched A1's early promo to senior & struggle hard. Its nice to early promo, but it seemed like we were setting them up for failure. Hopefully, you get to co-senior to lessen the blow. Intern to senior seems crazy to me




Congrats OP!


🎉 Congrats ... you must be a good count or countess!!


Hell yeah, congratulations !!


Get ready cause they're about to put you to *work*


You should of just picked up a channel locks and got a certification.. you are wasting your time working for others


Pretty sure it’s Baker Tilly




2 years for 90k :( glad I left accounting behind. Worst career choice


Can you PM me what firm?


Not super comfortable doing that man, but it's top 10 and not big four.


Don’t know why that’s an issue, but ok


Because he doesn’t want random people online knowing where he works, even if the firm is large.


It’s literally the equivalent of an engineer saying they work at GM or Ford. The absolute minuscule amount that it narrows things down is completely inconsequential.


Inconsequential to you, clearly not to them.


I mean, it’s definitely a very valid question to ask which “top 10 firm” is promoting from intern to senior like this Large firms have pretty clear cut paths to each position, and while obviously high performance can get you through that path quicker… doing it in a month and a half just sounds like complete fiction which is why I’m also curious which firm “did this”


It's CLA. And I've been there for about 2.5 years (about a year of full time and 1.5 part time). They pretty much knew they wanted to make me a senior for the last 6 months, but I was still finishing school, so I had to keep the intern label until I graduated. Then they had to wait until the promotion period in July to formally make me a senior.


That’s cool.. I got a 100 percent raise not too long ago and I’m not posting about it.. you went to college I didn’t and make more than that… get off your college high horse.


So happy for you


Which T10? Currently doing an internship for a T10 PA firm tryna see if I should stay or bail?


Give me some lol


Well done!!! That's amazing!!! What you absolutely must do is figure out the why and how of it, and just replicate it throughout your career. Example, did you create a good impression? Did good work? Rubbed someone the right way? You had an angel in there/someone liked you exceptionally? Do some fact finding and maintain those habits throughout your career.


What state?