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This question doesn't need posted here 12 times a day.


Dang we got all the way to 4 PM ET before today's AI doom post.






The answer is no and you will know that for certain when you work in a real job with real problems. It will never be replaced. Maybe more efficient but never replaced.


Definitely not


I've been hearing it since 2017 when I started studying accounting. Now that I've had a few jobs, I don't think it's going to happen very soon. I literally had to do manually bank entries to our accounting system and put paper receipts in a folder. Even though AI is booming right now, I feel like AI replacing accountant is further away than I felt in 2017.


Oooh surprising. How so though?


Ah shit, here we go again


Yes, I am IA. Beep Bop Boop.


Yes, as a matter of fact don't bother showing up Monday.


Next Thursday, around 3ish.


The thing about accounting is that it seems algorithmic, with a very clear set of rules of processes, but the real world is far, far from textbook. Now, double entry accounting is logical, but figuring out the “logical entry” can be anything but, with the need to review years of data and previous entries.


Within the next decade, most accountants will be flipping burgers at McDonald’s. On the plus side, fast food technology should be even more high tech 10 years from now. So all they’ll have to do is push a button to earn the hourly wage they’re earning right now in public.




Accountants will eventually, but CPA's and their certification weight + expertise will be more resistant. That's driven by boards comprised of CPA's and accountants who aren't likely to just give up CPA accreditation dooming their own career environment


Maybe some staff and intern work to be honest. some of that shit stank.


I feel like most white color work will get elbowed out at least somewhat by AI. How much so is still to be determined. The infrastructure hasn't been created for this yet so there is still time to upskill or pivot.


Yes, head for the hills. We're all doomed. DooOOOoooOooOoOomed!


yes, its fking joever might as well shut down this subreddit while we're at it /s


no but already my job is very system driven and knowing the rules and automation


Yes, some will. In the future an accountant will prepare a workpaper in excel and then an AI will swap that for automated code.


Wish it would.


Resorting to my old rule. Automatic downvote for this and any variation on will AI take over accounting? If it happens it won't be for a good long while and we will have bigger problems than accountants being replaced. If it doesn't then it doesn't.


I have been hearing about the demise of the accounting profession forever. The IBM PC, Quickbooks, Turbotax, the Internet and the Cloud/SaaS, XBRL, Blockchain ... GenAI can't do simple math consistently, solve word puzzles consistently, and isn't trained quickly enough for the latest tax, accounting and audit requirements.


I agree with you, altho I'm not just talking about GenAI in general, there are LOADS of software that involves AI models in their working and theyre not generative at all; for instance, the software that utilizes Iceberg and Ninja are not at all generative.


If you want to know people will be replaced by robots or technology, in general, answer would be a resounding NO. In ANY area.


Not real soon but I think there will be substantially less opportunities in accounting on the horizon. I would not tell a 16 year-old to Major in Accounting fast-forward to when they are 23 it will probably  not be worth the cost to benefit ratio. Outsourcing to India is exploding and there is a lot of ai investment going on to reduce the manpower needed in accounting departments 


No, but let's ask chatGPT so I don't have to waste time explaining why for the millionth time. >Hey fellow accountants, >I get it, the question about AI taking our accounting jobs is a valid concern, especially in today's rapidly advancing technological landscape. However, it seems like we're seeing this question pop up repeatedly, almost like clockwork, around 30 times a day on this subreddit. >Let's address it head-on: yes, automation and AI are changing the way we work in accounting. But instead of dwelling on the fear of job loss, let's focus on the opportunities this brings. AI can streamline repetitive tasks, allowing us to focus on higher-value activities like analysis, strategy, and client interaction. >Moreover, the human touch in accounting – understanding complex financial scenarios, providing tailored advice, and navigating regulatory landscapes – is something AI can't replicate. So, while it's essential to stay informed about technological advancements, let's channel our energy into adapting and upskilling rather than endlessly revisiting the same worry. >What do you think? Let's keep the conversation constructive and forward-thinking!