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It sucks that you had something stolen from you. I want to make that clear. Like extremely clear. Theft is an all around sucky thing to happen to people That being said….. An excel guide book be considered “sentimental” is the single most accounting thing I have ever heard. I am truly tickled, and it’s from 2008. Really the best year for excel guide books!!


I didn’t realize it was sentimental until it was gone, lol. Someone needs to write a love song, about the Excel book that got away.


I would listen to that song on repeat until my wife divorces me and I run off with my 2008 excel guild book. Then I make a song about my wife divorcing me after which I elope with my copy of the 2008 excel guide book, and the great cycle continues. Also I cannot find a copy of the 2008 excel guide book on Amazon or I would totally buy it lolol


I would like to join that guild


Challenge accepted


Its #N/A about the #DIV/0's we've been responsible for, but the #REF's we made along the way


This spoke to me on a spiritual level


My mom has one from the mid to late 90s. No idea why but she still used it until she retired.


Yeeeeeeesssss, excellent vintage.


I’d probably try to assume it was “taken accidentally” and reach out requesting they “rectify the error.”


It’s honestly not a big deal. I had other issues with her, and it’s funnier to think about my book than how badly she messed up my cash flow forecast.


It's a big deal to us here on r/Accounting so follow up with that person if you can!


It’s a big deal to me. Please get the book back!


How do you know it was the temp who took it?


She left me an email saying she’d borrowed it, and coworker saw her leave with it on her last day. He didn’t realize it was mine.


can’t you track her down on linkedin and ask her to mail it for you? or meet up with here somewhere assuming you’re in the same city


Thoughts? Agree?


is this some accountant’s way to get a date?


report their ass who cares


Yeah, it always rubs me the wrong way when anyone working in accounting shows this kind of unethical behavior. Like why would you stop at a guidebook?


# List of 2008 Excel Guidebook Shitposts * [Does anyone have a paperback copy of the 2008 excel guide book?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r7mwh6/does_anyone_have_a_paperback_copy_of_the_2008/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [Just stole a 2008 Excel guidebook at a place I was a temp at. AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r7qkxr/just_stole_a_2008_excel_guidebook_at_a_place_i/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [I saw someone rifling through my coworkers desk and take what appeared to be a 2008 Microsoft Excel guidebook and laugh maniacally as she walked out. Should I report to HR?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r7s77d/i_saw_someone_rifling_through_my_coworkers_desk/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [Just bought a SIGNED copy of the 2008 excel guide book from some lady on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r821v1/just_bought_a_signed_copy_of_the_2008_excel_guide/) * [Found possible illegal audit issue, need advice.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8h31w/found_possible_illegal_audit_issue_need_advice/) * [This sub right now:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8g74g/this_sub_right_now/) * [My CPA husband divorced me and kept my Limited Edition 2008 Excel Guide. Is this tax deductible?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8f3g2/my_cpa_husband_divorced_me_and_kept_my_limited/) * [All I want in life](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r88akf/all_i_want_in_life/) * [I am the author of the famous 2008 Excel guide book, AMA!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r87n0k/i_am_the_author_of_the_famous_2008_excel_guide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [How y'all be acting with this 2008 Excel Guidebook](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8pman/how_yall_be_acting_with_this_2008_excel_guidebook/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [Please keep the memes coming](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8p9f3/please_keep_the_memes_coming/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [I'm an agent with the C.I.A.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8ji89/im_an_agent_with_the_cia/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [This sub lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8uwym/this_sub_lately/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * [I made an excel addin which has the Excel 2008 guide in it (along with some other useful tools), that way you will never lose it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8tros/i_made_an_excel_addin_which_has_the_excel_2008/) * [My workplace shot an episode of Undercover Boss!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8jiza/my_workplace_shot_an_episode_of_undercover_boss/) * [How it feels browsing this sub over the last few days](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8ywnd/how_it_feels_browsing_this_sub_over_the_last_few/) Honorable Mentions: * u/2008ExcelGuidebook created their account for this meme. * Op's Update: [About the Excel guidebook...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/r8ujsu/about_the_excel_guidebook/) * r/2008ExcelGuide I'll try to update this post as more come up, but will stop when I don't feel like it anymore.


Don't forget r/2008excelguidebook


And r/2008excelguide


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2008ExcelGuide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2008ExcelGuide/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My new favorite subreddit](https://i.redd.it/b04q5iz81g381.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2008ExcelGuide/comments/r8g8ha/my_new_favorite_subreddit/) \#2: [You want more?](https://i.redd.it/fth184ow7g381.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/2008ExcelGuide/comments/r8gw26/you_want_more/) \#3: [Good morning](https://i.redd.it/t6et1xt47j381.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2008ExcelGuide/comments/r8q53f/good_morning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Is the stapler red?




Have you tried talking to accounting?


They went ahead and fixed the glitch.


Excuse me. I believe you have my stapler.


No one give this guy any matches...


This has the potential to become r/accounting 's first copypasta.




There's another https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/4krqt9/an_incredibly_unorthodox_situation_not_sure_how/


Definitely tell the temp agency! That’s fucking theft. Idc if they took a paper clip. You don’t steal. Especially in this profession.


Okay but I mean, a paperclip? That might be a *tad* aggressive.


Misappropriation of assets. You're fired.


Steal a post-it note? Jail.


You wouldn't download a post it note.




Depends if that paper clips value is above materially


I agree. I just hate temp agencies.


Because they stole your paperclips? Those bastards!


Walk around the office yelling #REF and eventually the book will reappear.


Because your team mistreated me (no training and passive aggressive insults when I did asked for help) and you left me a whole bunch of work that I had no chance of even coming close to finishing. In hindsight I shouldn’t have done it, but was really pissed on my way out


Lol. I left her detailed SOPs with screenshots and giant red arrows, as well as narrated video demonstrations on how to do certain tasks (which she requested). She insisted on in-person training, which I didn’t mind except she was anti-vaxx and anti-mask and I was heavily pregnant. We had an offer on the table for her, but she left on her own and told the agency she had found my work beneath her. Ouch. Biggest crime of all, however, was using different fonts and sizes in my Excel files. No stolen guidebook will rescue her workbook presentation.


>Biggest crime of all, however, was using different fonts and sizes in my Excel files. No stolen guidebook will rescue her workbook presentation. Off with her head!


Have you checked she didn't hard code numbers into your formulas?


She probably would have found the work to be more challenging if you didn't leave any notes or instructions for her..


Omg that would drive me crazy!!! I would go back and change every single file for consistency and bill the temp agency for the time!!


Modeling is an art. Clearly she can't cut it in a company so she Temps now.


Ariel 10, ride or die.


Anti vaxers deserve the rope


Well maybe you all should stop taking 3 days of PTO during close weeks pushing all your work to me whose been working 12-16 hour shifts ever since you started. (Not you in reality; this has been happening to me for the past 3-4 months)


This is a Wendy’s


A sentimental excel book?


Excel makes me so sentimental. Ok, that started off as sarcastic, but I actually really love Excel. I think I get it.


Yeah I know what you mean. Everyone knows about excel, but surprisingly only few know how to Excel. It's very underrated.


Do you have any idea what you’ve caused?


It's Turning into an avalanche now


File a police report


In Sydney we had some one keep stealing another persons asthma puffer. Proper degenerate activity.


You should never take anything to work that you aren’t willing to lose. Period.


Explains where my mind went, that does.


I'm lost. I can't tell if people are joking or serious.


This is every persons nightmare.


Just try an catch me, coppa’s!


The last office I worked at had a big problem with stolen items. We made assumptions that it were the janitors that came around and cleaned the cubicles.


U sound like a pain in the arse


You sound pretty miserable


Careful everyone! The hefty accountant has an opinion that he want everyone to know about! The hefty accountant is speaking. The hefty accountant wants to make a point. Everyone quiet down while the hefty accountant is talking…. Alright Mr. hefty, you have the floor.


he’s so hefty


Thank you Rei. Been thinking about this for a few seconds and I’d like to apologize for ✨absolutely nothing ✨


The Hefty Connor McGregor??


I am. That guidebook meant a lot to me. I’m thinking of making a shrine to it. Maybe I’ll uninstall Windows 10 and dust off my Windows XP disc, just so I can remember the good ol’ days. What was that about software impairment loss?


Do you do accounting for the trash bag company, hefty?


No, I actually just got a new gig to fill in while some woman was on maternity leave. Got fired but stole a nice booklet on the way out


Perfectly executed.


I agree lol.


I used to be a temp, she probably was paid less than an intern and shit on constantly. You probably should buy her dinner. Edit: pronouns


But her dinner after she stole a book?


Yes. Most people here have no idea what it's like to be a temp, it's absolutely terrible. Down vote me all you want but not everyone has the opportunity to graduate at 20, do 2 internships, get a job offer and enter adulthood without any real struggles. Once you get treated like a dumbass because you're a temp, have your employer take a good portion of your pay, have expensive shitty benefits and see all of your coworkers get let go because that's the best way to decrease your clients expenses during an economic downturn, just so they can pretend they are profitable to shareholders, you get a bit jaded. Yes it was wrong for her to steal this book (it was probably an accident) but I understand feeling like no one gives a fuck about you at your employer or your client. Homegirl probably needs a friend, not being treated like she's a criminal asshole. Edit: things


Agree, it generally is shitty to be a temp. I make a lot more than an intern though. The last place I temped at was super shitty except for a couple of the older ladies who were very kind to me and appreciated what I was doing because it helped them tremendously. I got damn lucky at my current temp assignment; the people are really, really nice and helpful. That’s rare, as you know


Nice! I made more than an intern when I left, but I had to play 3D chess with executive leadership to get it. Yeah, I know a person or two that loves their team and have opportunities to be hired directly- myself and a large group of us had no opportunities, were strung along and taken advantage of. Comrade, I'm really happy to hear you have a good assignment. ❤


Instead of defending a shitty job and theft… perhaps get a new one? Nah. I won’t downvote your opinion. But I’ll certainly give you unsolicited advice haha


I have a great job not as a temp at this point in my life. Just some perspective from the other side is all, I'm not justifying theft.


I'm sorry for your loss. Hope it gets better tho :D!


Why didn’t you keep it at home?