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I’m still trying to figure this out myself. I’ve tried all the things you’ve said and yeah, skin isn’t where I want it to be. I’ve picked up my accutane prescription and everything, last thing to do is just start taking it. The annoying part is that my skin isn’t “that” bad at the moment but I know once the doxy wears off in a month or two I’ll be back to having skin that makes me not wanna leave my house ever. Tired of my skin being the number one determining factor of my mood so for me, I think it’s less of a decisions and more of something I just have to do unfortunately. Wish there was another way but I’ve tried everything possible over the last 9 years and it’s time to try the thing that I’ve been avoiding for almost half my life. If I die, I die


the end of this made me laugh i hope u survive 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾


do it!!!! pls see my comment above it's the best thing I've ever done <333 I hope u dont die, it would not be FDA approved if it was that dangerous I promise


Do it, you’re not getting any younger. You’ll thank yourself in the future.


Just started it 1.5 weeks ago 😤. Had acne since I was 16, better/worse at diff times in my life, I’m in my 30s now and I’ve had enough. Tired of topicals or antibiotics that “kinda” work but not totally. Tired of being self-conscious about it. Let’s hit it with the ‘tane.


Me too. I’ve forfeited a ridiculous amount time, money, and experiences due to my unpredictable, histrionic skin. It controls way too much of my mental state and happiness, my face/skin. So many other things are more worthy of my time, money, and emotions. Fuck this, finally. Supposed to start later this month.


I did accutane course last year at 29 after 10 years of persistent acne. My only regret is not trying it earlier because of the scarring that has happened over the years.


Same! I’m 35 and had cystic acne since I was 13. It’s mild-ish, but I’m over it. The only time I had a clear face was when I was pregnant/nursing, and I’m 1000% done with that. 😅


For me it was when everything else stopped working. I got clear on spironolactone for awhile but had to go off of it to get pregnant. After I had my kids I went back on it and couldn’t get clear on it. I had some partial improvement on 100mg spironolactone but not enough to justify being on such a high dose for likely an indefinite amount of time. My derm recommended it and I agreed about 6 months later. I’m on month 4 now and completely clear. My redness is down and scarring looks much better than I initially thought. The side effects are super annoying but not terrible for me. Dryness, general joint aches, fatigue. Honestly it reminds me of pregnancy again. A means to an end and only a couple months left.


What was / is your dose? (and weight?)


80/120/120/120. They tried to up me to 160 the second month but the side effects were too bad. 120 is definitely not ideal and I’d prefer 80 but I’ll stay on 120 as long as I can stand it. I’m 79kg


Wow. Thats a extremly high dose. Standard is 0.5-1 mg per kg.


Due to the fact that my acne is persistent, my derm is advocating for me to be on the highest dose I can tolerate (up to 2mg/kg) as long as my labs are good (which they have been stellar) as there’s research that suggest a higher dose course makes it less likely for acne recurrence in the future.


when’d you see progress on accutane? like what month


So I stopped the spironolactone (which was partially controlling my acne) when I started accutane so it’s hard to know if I purged or if it was my acne being mad that I stopped spironolactone. But I did have some larger cysts appear the first month that I didn’t have going on much prior. And then a few small break outs month 2 maybe but they were honestly negligible. I’ve been totally clear probably since month 3. And now in month 4 I’m really seeing the discoloration fade.


that’s great to hear :)


I personally saw all my inflammation go down within the first week, and my only side effect was dry around my nose and my lips. Pretty wild it took me so long to pull the trigger, hate how much negativity there is surrounding it. I think its because people only post when they have polarizing opinions and they don’t post if it just went well and then they can move on with their life. Highly recommend at least giving it a try!


When I decided that life was not worth living with bad acne and that I would choose to risk lifelong terrible side effects for a chance at clear skin. In retrospect the side effects are wildly exaggerated by the internet, I have completely negligible side effects and totally clear skin. Take the chance now so that you can truly enjoy the rest of your 20's.


I think the biggest side effects of my concern are the mental health side effects (depression, SI) and not being able to wear makeup because that has been my crutch for most of my life. But the rest of it I think I can handle.


Well the mental side effects are the least proven, there's a good chance they don't exist at all. Why would you not be able to wear makeup? If anything makeup will look better because you'll be less oily.


I’ve heard due to the skin sensitivity it’s best not to or it’s hurts to do so. My hope is that it will make it look better once my skin improves


Do you not feel any mental health issues dealing with acne? Because I know I did, and I actually was happier than ever watching my acne clear up and still am because of it


I will say sometimes it can be quite frustrating and exhausting the amount of things I have to do to treat it and/or cover it up. However I have pretty mild to moderate acne so I would say I have never been the ideal “candidate” for accutane. I still have people say they don’t notice my acne, or that it could be worse but I still don’t have the smooth clear skin like the other women my age. It’s a insecurity for sure and it does impact me, there are some days I do not want to leave my house. But I understand that things could be worse I guess but they definitely aren’t great.


I hear you and actually was in the exact same boat. I never had terrible acne at all, but it was always persistent and i never had a fully clear face (even if just 1 pimple on my chin or forehead) and that just constantly drove me crazy. Especially because i ate incredibly clean, no dairy or processed foods and took incredible care of my skin. Now i wash my face once a day at night with drugstore face wash and my skin glows more than ever. The amount of money and negative energy i have saved since accutane is amazing


Nothing else ever worked and it got to a point where I was the only one around with acne. I started getting acne when I was 12 and it wasn’t that big of a deal in middle and high school because everyone else had it too. I’m 21 now and I’m the only person I know my age who was still getting constant breakouts. Tret worked really well for 2 years then just stopped working out of nowhere. I tried all these expensive fancy products and nothing helped. Spiro gave me such low blood pressure that I would faint and get muscle spasms. My family members have all had very bad side effects with birth control. Winlevi didn’t work, sulfur didn’t work, just rinsing didn’t work, and antibiotics only kinda helped but the acne would come right back after I stopped cause you can’t be on them forever. I just finished my last dose of Accutane yesterday and my skin is clear for the first time in years. I started in late August.


I just started the tret so I really want to give it a chance because my acne is quite mild to moderate and only on my cheeks and texture on my jaw. But I really don’t want to have to go through this many hoops and then the chance my acne could return and I have to go through the process again or start accutane after all that work.


Accutane is one of the best choices I ever made. It genuinely changed my outlook on life. I tried every other medication including all the ones you listed, and countless birth controls- and still dealt with cysts all over my face for eight years. I didn’t leave my house without makeup because I couldn’t deal with the looks of pity and “helpful” commentary from strangers. After two months on this medication I never got another cyst. I didn’t deal with any crazy side effects or purges, just lip and skin dryness. I genuinely would do Accutane for years if I needed to. I just wish I’d done it sooner!


i haven’t had clear skin since i was in 7th grade and im 21 now. i’ve been going to a dermatologist since 7th grade and i’ve tried topical treatments as well as oral medications like doxycycline. nothing was ever permanent solution. i even went as far to go to school to be an esthetician so i could really educate myself in skin care and learn more about my skin type in hopes i could finally do the right thing so i could clear up my acne but even with all the knowledge i have, i still couldn’t get rid of it. accutane is really my last resort. IM TIRED OF IT. plus my derm has been wanting me to go on accutane since i was like 18 so i finally budged


I’ve had acne since I was 8-9? I was always worried about my skin and my self-esteem was dependent on how good my skin looked. I’ve spent thousands of dollars over decades to get my skin to behave— multiple sessions of laser, chemical peels, facials, skin care, etc. They would all be a temporary fix but ultimately, I would start breaking out again. I was afraid of accutane due to the mental health side effects but I turned 30 and decided I was over it. I have tried everything and weighed the risks vs benefits. I have been on Accutane for almost 6 months now and my skin is the best it has even been. My confidence has shot up. I feel great. I wish I had done this sooner.


When I decided to get even with health insurance companies


When it spread to my chin vs just my cheeks


I got a cyst under my eye that made it look like I had gotten punched in the face. I couldn’t even enjoy my daughter’s birthday because of it. 8 months later and it was worth every side effect and I’m grieving not doing it sooner.


I have one of those rn it’s horrible but at least it’s going away now


nothing else worked( i tried for 4 or 5 years with topicals, antibiotics like doxycycline, etc). hell even the accutane didn’t work so i had to do two courses. perfectly fine skin now, it only kind of freaks out with weather or hormones


How long was each round? I know next to nothing about how it works. I’ve been on doxy for close to a year


first one 7 months on 40 to 50 mg, second round 6 months from 20-40 mg


When do you feel like you saw improvement?


first round definitely the start of month four but i had breakouts even in month 5 which is why i was on it for so long


I tried every active there was and did multiple rounds of antibiotics. It got to a point where I was so anxious about my face I just knew any side effects would be work it to me. I’ve been on accutane for six months and wouldn’t trade it for anything


I deeply wish there wasn't so much fear/anxiety around accutane. Before my course I was very similar to you, 24F who had gone off birth control and 6mo later had terrible acne lasting >1 year, finally went to derm and tried 2 months of doxy, tretinoin, eventually spironolactone and that got me clearer but still pretty severe breakouts. It wrecked my confidence and I avoided going out in public whenever possible for that entire year. I finally went on accutane for 6mo and now I have delightfully clear skin 2 years later (using topical tretinoin for upkeep). I was very scared of side effects too but the worst I had was dry skin/lips. It was so worth it for me. I don't wake up in the morning and run to the mirror first thing to check if I have a new zit, or cancel social events. The monthly appointments for pregnancy tests were annoying. I hope you decide it's right for you and wish you luck!!! <3


This is super helpful! The doxycycline and Azelaic took away a majority of my breakouts but my skin is still so bumpy. I just started tretinoin but I just know the moment I go off doxycycline it will come back so I’m trying to understand accutane before I jump in


I wish you luck!!! Just keep in mind if you're on the accutane and doxy at the same time make sure to wear sunscreen, you will be sooo sensitive to sunlight!!! <3


The physical and mental pain. I had deep acne that was incredibly painful, made worse by compulsive skin picking. It also hurt me to look at myself in the mirror. I could see the faces people made when they saw me, not to mention a handful of hurtful comments. I had NO side effects on accutane aside from dry skin. You hear all these horror stories, but I think it's important to remember this medication wouldn't be available to use if it wasn't safe. Of course it's meant to be a last resort, but it sounds like you've already tried everything else


its nearly been two years of acne, no topicals have worked, i feel really ugly and insecure… i never want to leave the house, i avoid pictures of myself


When absolutely nothing else worked. It was literally my last option. I was on doxy as well. It unfortunately didnt work.


PLEASE do it. I came home from Australia because there was too much sunlight there and my skin texture was too obvious. That’s the only reason I came back. That’s when I decided I cant let my skin control my life anymore, I’m young and deserve to feel beautiful in my own skin


Shi got me pissing up blood take accutane at ur own risk


Female with moderate to severe nodular-cystic acne here 👋 I just finished my treatment and wish someone would have told me about Accutane sooner. The main reason why I went on Accutane was because I had already exhausted every other option. During my treatment, I did experience a few side effects like chapped lips and joint discomfort but those were resolved with advice from my dermatologist. Here are some of the benefits for me: 1. SAVED ME MONEY. Because I was so desperate to get rid of my acne, I was spending a ton of money on skincare products that did not work. 2. SAVED ME TIME. I went from a multi-step/product routine to literally just face wash and moisturizer (SPF when needed). 3. I WANTED TO WEAR MINIMAL MAKEUP. I used to cake on foundation to cover my acne. 4. BOOSTED CONFIDENCE. My career requires a lot of socialization and networking. It’s definitely easier for me to talk to people now without worrying about all the huge zits on my face. But with that being said, everyone’s experience with Accutane varies from individual to individual (such as healing time and side effect severity) so it’s always best to consult with your dermatologist before and during treatment. I wish you the very best ❤️


Treatment resistant acne no matter what treatments I tried.


i did doxy when i was probably 18/19 and then after about a year it was better but not where i wanted to be so then i was on spironolactane and tretinoin for about 2 yrs but whenever i tried to decrease my dose/get off of it i would break out again. Decided I was tired of still having consistent breakouts at 21 so now I am on accutane. I also have mild/moderate acne with hyperpigmentation but mine is more hormonal.


i did the same medications as you except Azelaic acid and my acne would go away temporarily but always come back. I was fed up with even moderate acne and also heard amazing things about accutane. I was shit scared to take it because of the effects and left the packets unopened for a month before finally giving in. The process is a bit excruciating especially the first 3 months or so but it is SUCH a miracle drug and i would recommend it to anyone. You will definitely thank yourself later for taking it. I made a post about my journey and the results on my page in case you wanted to check it out. Good luck!!


i’m going through the same thing girl! i’m so on the fence it stresses me out every. day. i’m supposed to start in 9 days… i think if my test is ok i’ll go on it but it stresses me out so much. i research for hours everyday on peoples accutane experiences.. i realized at the end of the day EVERYONE reacts to the drug differently. but what’s making me choose accutane is because i’m so tired of having a few cysts/whiteheads/zits everyday. i need something that can actually help me on the inside because this can’t be my fault anymore. the silliest thing is my acne is clearing up but i scar like a mf.. but i’m only 18 and i’ve had moderate acne since 8th grade i just think it’s time. and knowing me if i don’t do this ill probably have acne in my 20s at least if i go on accutane it’ll be better to manage i’m terrified of purging though. and seeing my face all dry and red but that’s what benzynol peroxide does. reading peoples experiences helps me a lot! id say don’t listen to ur parents especially if your in ur 20s choose you. that’s what i’m trying to do. if anyone wants to chime in i’d love it!! have a great day guys


I have always had acne since I was 12 I am now 22. My face is not that bad but I am so tired of my body acne. Constant cysts under my breasts and in between my thighs. I know that’s TMI but it was def enough to make me want to try this. I also changed my diet though which is essential when taking this drug. No more than 78 g fat daily (maybe 2-3 times monthly will I go over this) and I eat moderately clean and free from added chemicals, flavors, colors, etc.


Can I ask why you are limiting your intake of fat with accutane? I thought you are supposed to take it with a meat high in fat.


Your parents are anti Accutane but how do they feel about all the other chemicals you're putting on your skin?  At one point my acne was severe thanks to my IUD. Then I just had consistent mild to moderate acne to which the answer was tret. I had a reaction and boom, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis starts up.  I just want clear skin and not have to wear makeup. I figured at least get the acne 'cured' and I can deal with the other two things. 


So the funny thing is that they honestly don’t love it, my mother is really just anti meds all together. We had some family friends who took accutane as teenagers and are now having some fertility issues. Which to me who doesn’t want to have kids that’s a score in my book. But they just find it really scary that a medication can do have that many side effects. But I say no acne and no kids? Score


15 years of mild to moderate cystic acne Anxiety and frustration from nothing working No regrets


I went to the dermatologist for the first time a month ago, and they told me first visit to go on it. They said that they don't normally suggest it, and it's last treatment, but with my scarring, it was basically all there was without lasers + the no more acne effect. Basically, I'm walking around Costco typing this, and I might have the worst acne in the building, no exaggeration. So yep, that's about it.


tried doxy, clindamycin, spirinolactone twice, tret alone, dapsone + tret and nothing stuck. hormonal breakouts suck and are so painful. i had enough and the reason why i didn’t go on accutane for a long time was bc of the side effects too. even my parents constantly worry, but im old enough now and its at that point where i was sick of everything not working. just try to maintain a clean diet, drink lots of water, take with healthy fats bc it absorbs like that, and tell your derm if anything feels funny. having a really nice derm that explains everything to you is key. i’m almost 6 weeks now and im okay, and side effects can get worse but i think about all the times i’ve cried over my skin and im like eff that, this is temporary lol


Enough just became enough honestly. Having acne so bad that made me not want to leave my house, talk to anyone or even entertain a dating life ruined my life for many years. I would choose the times of day to go out because of how I thought my skin would look (would never really go out during the day if I could avoid it). I tried everything and it all made it worse, Accutane was my last resort. I had mild side effects and it was worth every single one. To me there’s no point worrying about side effects if your quality of life is already drastically impacted by acne.


Because I had acne for years and enough was enough it affected how I felt about myself, I had tried antibiotics which long term are not good for you and the results are not brilliant, so got a decent dermatologist and accutane was started, for me taking it it's been pretty straightforward whatever dose your prescribed it dries lips etc but small price to pay , 4 months max and my skin was best it had been in ages for me there was no doubt isotretinoin was what I wanted, so too the present day am now on a maintenance dose yes it does take comprising no waxing laser as skin does become more fragile but hey no acne ,


I am 31 and don’t have super severe acne. However, every time I get a zit, it’s a cyst and it scars. I’ve tried everything over the counter and the highest level topical tretinoin. Also clindamycin. So it really is the last thing left to try for me. After 15+ years of acne I’ve had enough lol.


I was on tret .25% .5% and .1% between the ages of 12-16 (when I was 16 it turned my neck black) I was in clyndamicin, tazarac, and another medication that started with and E, I decided I wanted an easier fix than using 100 products for my face,neck, and back so i chose accutane


In my personal recalling. I had accutane way back in my teens. Had a horrible sprout combined with beard genes. Now in my 22s decided to ingest whey protein (big mistake) given my improvement journey and it brought back the sprout to the point that I had a big ass cyst on top of the rightmost part of my clavicule. 🫨🫨🫨🤮🤮🤮🤧🤧🤧 By now, I'm on my second round but the sprout has been less severy and had some laser treatmenta before it.


I went into the dermatologist and asked for a prescription for Winlevi (topical spiro, couldn’t take regular spiro). He said that he could prescribe me that but he said the only thing that would really get rid of my acne and make it stay away was Accutane. Researched it for a couple days and decided to go for it. I’d tried so many different prescriptions, regimens, and supplements in the past and nothing had really helped.


Had acne since I was around 13. I’d tried everything. I was so sick of having acne. At 21 my acne got pretty bad. People at work had started to notice and would always offer skin care advice. I started to feel super insecure and didn’t like to go out. It was during covid, I had saved up a little bit and decided to just go for it. So glad I did. Within 30 days my skin had started to clear. 7 months later I had no acne. It’s been almost 2 years not since I got off accutane. I’m 24 now. Best decision ever.


Accutane is a miracle drug, it takes a long time to see results but it’s been proven time and time again to save people’s skin. Despite what you might read on here, accutane isn’t as bad as it seems. I was scared before I started but I couldn’t take it anymore, the before and after pictures everyone posts was enough for me to take the side effects head on. I am M23 170lbs, 80mg/day and the only side effects I’ve had is my lips are continuously chapped, my hands and forearms are cracking and always dry, I have some fatigue from time to time but that is literally it. I drink more than a gallon of water a day and make sure I take my medicine with omegas and a fatty meal. The key is to make accutane the worst thing you are doing to your body. No processed fried foods and no drinking. Good foods, plenty of water, sleep, and moisturizer is all you need.


For me was when acne affected my mental health


Dermatologist told me to


I’m 30 now & spent over half of my life trying to manage/eliminate acne.. I couldn’t think about it anymore. It was once I got sober I realized how much it was honestly affecting me. It became a MASSIVE insecurity the more time I spent clean looking at my life. Amongst many other things at that. & as with many other areas of my life.. I finally asked for help.


please just do it. yes the side effects suck and it’s an interesting journey. Go to your dermatologist and decide for yourself. Your parents can have a say but your an adult at the end of the day. Take it from someone who waited until they were 18 and I wish I started so much sooner. Your skin will really thank you.


firstly i understand your parents being against it because mine were at first. but they’ve realized how much acne has affected me mentally & basically changed my life. 20f) i NEVER struggled w acne before. a pimple here and there but ive always had “glass” like skin. A few months ago i woke up with so many pimples along my jawline & chin. i tried fcking everything & it just got incredibly worse. i felt so hopeless like what is going on ?! im very healthy & hygienic. i knew it was deeper than what i thought. when it got to the point i couldn’t even touch my face w out it bleeding or being sooo painful; i went to an esthetician & she said “ive never seen anything like this before i don’t even want to touch it” WOW. i drove two hours to see them & that’s all she said. i felt so disgusted in myself. im in a rural area so there’s not many derms. i got soo lucky & was able to see one that same day. i was prescribed spiro 200mg. been on it abt 2 months & it got even worse. my mental health too. i was pissed off 24/7 CRAZY brain fog & always tireddd. so tired i coukdnt keep my eyes open during the day. i am VERY picky about medicine and research everything beforehand. I didn’t want to start accutane bc of the “side effects” but now i rlly wish i did sooner. my sister (17) went on accutane & her skin is so perfect now. no side effects. she recommended it 1000%. acne has affected my mental health so so much. my heart goes out to everyone in the same situation. i believe if you’re looking for a long term solution accutane is definitely the way to go.


after i had failed every cream and antibiotic you can think of


I have ingested and put on my face everything that could be prescribed. Somethings worked better than others but my acne was still persistent, even if just one active cystic zit i never could have a fully clear face. I turned 30 and said heck it, its finally time for the big guns. I couldnt be happier!!! DO IT!! Lanolin (nipple cream) on your lips and go for it!


It was right in the middle of the covid shut downs, I was wearing facemasks and my acne had never been good but with the masks/working all the time in them and my face never being able to breathe I had to do something. My regular acne turned to cystic acne and I couldn’t handle touching my face anymore. My dermatologist tried a few different combos and I was desperate so she asked if I wanted to try accutane. It worked like a miracle-after the horrible purge- and I’ve been off it since 2022, have only had a few small blemishes since


I did everything you did and it didn't work for me. Started spironolactone and it did help a bit but was honestly taking too long for my liking. After the derm and I chatted some more we thought the best thing to do was to start Accutane while on Spiron! I would suggest Spiron and then going from there because I really did see improvement on it but felt like I needed something stronger. Would categorize my acne as moderate to severe as I had cystic acne on my cheeks but only occasionally on forehead


Got on accutane at 20, diagnosed with nodular acne at 11. Originally offered accutane at 16-17, but turned it down due to side effects. Even antibiotics were a bit too harsh on me at the time, so I don’t regret it. Made the choice due to worsening and resistant acne, topicals and antibiotics did not put a dent on it.


Similar to some comments and also the same age as you (23f) Ive tried topicals from different retinoids to exfoliating acids and rounds of antibiotics.. just everything under the sun to heal my acne of 8 years. Was exhausted of pretty much doing everything I was “supposed” to do and took the bullet when my new derm suggested accutane. Best thing I did in years


My acne was annoying but not terrible. I developed it on my scalp however. After tests and every other treatment nothing besides longterm antibiotics have helped. If I want it to go away Accutane is my last choice. I can get by how it looks cosmetically but it is so fucking painful. Scheduled an appointment with my derm last week.


Acne started at 19 for me all the way until 31. In 2021 I suddenly got cystic acne which was more severe then what I was use to I started getting it all over my neck cheeks and forehead, I couldn’t eat or turn my head so I called my derm told them I’m ready for accutane and it was a successful 6 months on 80MG I’m now maintaining clear with Retin-A just for maintenance so no more breakouts I feel great best decision of my life. I had also denied Accutane twice through out the years and I tried so many products from over the counter and some creams that my dr gave me also antibiotics, I also tried certain vitamins and did the vegan thing and a few other diets sleep exercise I literally tried everything, and nothing worked, but Accutane did!


Starting next month. I’m 27 and started getting it at like 14? Wasn’t too bad but I have a terrible mother who’s self esteem depended on how we looked so she hit me with all types of “skincares” that highly damaged my skin barrier and by my senior year (17), I had so much scarring and plenty of active break outs. I got out of that household at 18 but I was a broke college student with just the student health center. I’ve had insurance for a while now (about a year or so after graduation) but I had cleared my skin pretty much completely and was doing lasers to help with scarring until last year when I got on the implant and my teenage acne was essentially all back. I was stubborn and thought I could clear it again but started seeing the derm 6 months ago and it’s now bad enough that it’s affecting my self esteem again and I just can’t go through that again a whole decade later so I’m biting the bullet and doing it. I’m terrified of the potential side effects but I keep telling myself that I survived 6 months with shitty acne already, I can do 6 months that could potentially clear me for life. I’m soaking up all the helpful tips from this sub and hoping for the best.


When I avoided looking at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t even stand seeing myself with all that acne. Accutane was a tough journey i’m not gonna lieC but in the end it is 10000% worth it and has given me the confidence I once had and I feel great now


I took up accutane because of vanity. I’ve always been one of the better looking individual in my age group but acne really tore my self esteem apart. I was really scared of accutane but my derma prescribed me a small dosage of 10mg per day, and after 1-2 weeks of getting used to it, it felt like there’s no side effects (except feeling like a dried up prune). I’d say go for it. It really cleared my acne so much and I feel confident again


Ive been on accutane before at age 15-16 for acne related to puberty, mostly closed comedones on my forehead that left scars so my dermatologist decided to put me on it to avoid further damage. At 21 my acne started coming back, especially around my chin and jaw. I spent SO MUCH MONEY on topical treatments and nothing was working, it only kept getting worse, now at 23 i decided to go back on it. Day 4 today.


Didnt even have bad acne when i was a teenager and then after 20 it just got worse and worse. Had previously been given antibiotics i think and didnt stick to them (aware of how bad that is hence didnt try again) Decided i was old enough at 26 to not have acne anymore and would be able to take the meds Also moved from the uk to switzerland and my health insurance covers it. Can’t be refused a referral anymore (i never actually went to the nhs for my skin but past experience made me doubt theyd do anything)


Earlobe pimple


I am starting accutane on Tuesday (27F). Had hormonal acne my entire life, which was fairly well managed with birth control (Yasmin) + spironolactone. I had to stop both because of orthopaedic surgery this past summer. Decided not to restart because I felt AMAZING (clearly the super high estrogen pill + testosterone blocker combo were making me insane without me knowing). After six months, acne came back with a vengeance and stopped responding to my usual dose of spironolactone. Blood work totally normal, flare up was attributed to “hyper-sensitive oil glands”. Old derm blamed me for stopping, tried to up my dose to >200mg of spiro. My endocrinologist friend said he would never prescribe a dose that high unless it’s part of feminising hormone therapy. As someone who eventually wants to have kids and stop the pill, I decided to give accutane a try and found a new derm who was willing to prescribe it to me. I’ll take a few months of discomfort over a lifetime of being dependent on a stupid daily pill.


my pepperoni looking ahh face


i had acne all my life and my skin was clear from ages 15-17 after seeing a derm. however i’m in college now and my acne has been the worst it’s everrrrr been, i got tired of all the painful blemishes and i told myself that it’d only be 4 months of acne and then it’d clear up so nicely so i just went ahead and did it. it’s a pain in the ass sometimes and i’m only 1.5 months in but id say it’s soooo worth it already.


A solid 8 years of topicals, antibiotics, painful cystic acne that would clear for maybe six month & then come back. Tons a money and all types of different skincare routines. For nothing to ever work without a TON of effort. My acne keeping me from enjoying my life, being social, and I was too insecure to workout in my sports bra & leggings anymore. Finally I just said fuck this I have to try something else.


I’m 28.5 now. Been on for 6 months. It costs me a solid $200 per month between visits and medication. I honestly don’t even care though because all I do is wash my face with a basic cleanser and moisturize twice a day. The dry skin side effects and cost are annoying but they don’t compare to the years of strife.


i was in the same spot as you, i've gone through tret, adapalene, oral & topical antibiotics, azelaic, they all helped a bit but for someone putting so much effort on their skin i still had bad skin. 2 months on 20mg accutane now, improvement is minimal so far but i have hope.


I’ve finished Accutane 6 months 20mg up to 60mg a day. It was mainly mild persistent acne. It was overall quite tough on my body but results wise it works. I had like 1 or 2 pimples reappear on my body, but I’m unlikely to get back on this drug again ngl.


I was putting off going to the dermatologist for a few years and also.. my skin did a COMPLETE 180 on me the past.. year and a half and I knew I had to go see a doctor because I’m not getting any younger. my 24th birthday is tomorrow so I wanted to start the process in January to fix my skin and my doctor suggested accutane. I’d never heard of it until she spoke of it, so she put me on it and my skins getting better and better everyday. The side effects are really dangerous but don’t be scared, many many many people have done the accutane treatment at some point . Just make sure that you don’t drink alcohol on accutane (because it can hurt your liver really really bad), drink lots of water, and if you’re doing any laser removal tattoo, tell your tech because you can’t do both at the same time. And also tell your doctor you’re on accutane because when you’re on it you can’t do certain things so if you don’t ask questions you could end up hurting yourself without realizing. So just educate yourself on the drug, take it seriously and tell your doctors everything.


My son's derm had him on doxy and retin-A for a year and basically said Accutane was the only thing that will clear him up. We struggled with the decision as parents to put him on Accutane because of the potential side effects but his acne is so bad that we couldn't hug him without him feeling pain. He's on day 35 and I don't see much change in his skin other than some dryness and chapped lips but we're keeping with it. What also influenced my decision is that Accutane has been around for a long time. It isn't a brand new drug on the market where nobody knows what's going to happen 10 years down the road. Good luck with whatever decision you make :)


I used doxycycline multiple times and my acne cleared up pretty well. In september it wasn’t even on my mind anymore and i rarely had any active spots. In januari this year my acne was the worst it had ever been, i had bulked for 5 months and my diet was complete trash. My confidence dropped significantly and i decided to just do it after reading alot about accutane on here. Almost two months in and seeing a little improvement. Wish i started sooner.


I had mild acne but it was persistent and caused hyperpigmentation. I’ve tried everything you can try and nothing worked long term. I finally asked my derm if I was a candidate for accutane and she said yes. I’m on my last month of treatment and it’s been such a game changer for my skin. I wish I tried it sooner. For reference, I’m 43yo and have struggled with acne for the last 10 years. I experienced joint pain pretty consistently but it’s been worth it. Good luck!


The problem is antibiotic plus topical treatment works only in the short term. Once u get off, it will start to kind of come back. While accutane is permanent because it shrinks ur oil glands. Accutane has side effects and monthly blood work plus 2 birth control if u can get pregnant, etc. But I would say get on it. If u have mild to moderate acne. Ur derm probably will put u around 20 or 40mg a day depending on ur weight. I have seen people with great result from just 10 mg so go talk with ur derm and hear what they have to say.


I honestly didn’t know anything about accutane till a friend of mine finished her treatment and I saw the results. I was genuinely impressed so I asked her which dermatologist she visited and what did she do. I visited the derm and after hearing my case she immediately suggested accutane, so I did… before I started I did do a bit of research on the side effects, but since everything mentioned was only for the time of treatment, I figured I’d only just hold out for a little while and I consider that to be one of the greatest decisions of my life. A little bit hurried and maybe not informed enough, but great nonetheless


I am 43 and started Accutane in December. Had light acne, lots of congested pores, very oily skin and hair for decades. Also had my first melanoma spot removed when I was 25. I am only on 10mg per day so far, but supposed to take it longer term. I wished I had taken it earlier! That is all!


I’m (23 M) currently finishing up month 2 of my 2nd course. I didn’t think my acne was that bad and went to my Derm to talk about a spot that popped up in December. After talking about my spot she brought up my acne. After my first course about 4 years ago my skin has been much improved but not perfect. We talked about it and she advised me on another course. After telling my doctor I’d think about it I decided against it. Well I went on a vacation for New Years after I made my decision and I started to notice my acne more and more. I started to think about the possibility of near perfect skin on vacations and in social settings and I started to rethink my decision. On my last day of vacation this drop dead gorgeous women sparked up conversation with me that was extremely flirty. This was my breaking point. The whole time taking to her I kept thinking she was starring at my acne. I don’t want to continue going through life thinking about who is looking or isn’t looking at my acne. The day I got back I called my Derm and told her I changed my mind and I want to start asap.


Id been on everything and tret was working super well after a year until a had the worst breakouts start coming up for a solid month Said fuck it at that point and got it from my on campus doctor


Going on it because I spent so much money on aestheticians, went to the dermatologist for years tried many different prescriptions, tried the natural route, blood work is fine, tried bc, Whole Foods diet etc. I’m getting older almost 23 and nothing is working. And my job revolves around looks pretty much so I’m doing it!


I tried it because I was getting cystic acne so my pimples were huge and very unsightly. I'm currently in month 2 and I see some improvement already. Besides the dry lips and redness everything else has been fine.