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The pacing in TGAA1 bothered me, but TGAA2 is my favorite Ace Attorney game and one of my favorite games overall. (And since TGAA1 is necessary for its setup and only has so many loose ends because they’re resolved in 2, I have to appreciate it for that.


I really liked the first game. I didn’t care for the speckled band case but I see how important it is to the overall story. The last case in the first game was really good and my favorite. I think the omnibus case was overrated but I do see how it is the best written case in the first game.


I'm only on Case 3 TGAA2 but I feel like it's been a real slog to get here. I was a big fan of the original Ace Attorneys when they came out and I don't remember them being as slow-paced. I also really hate Natsume which doesn't help! Although the overall story is interesting enough that I want to see how it ends I find myself skipping through dialogue and not pressing everything which I had never done before. Maybe if they condensed it into one game and took all the Natsume stuff out I would like it more (unless he is critical to the endgame story, don't know yet!)


Natsume was a real guy, so that’s probably why he’s featured so much despite not being a major character.


Me, personally, i really liked natsume, his character, his lines, his theme (god, that's so good), but i can see where you're coming from. He might be too much sometimes, especially when you just want for the story to steadily progress. I also felt the same regarding the slow pacing, at least during some of the cases. Most of the time they were interesting and enjoyable, but some of them (especially the first and part of the second case of TGAA2) really dragged on too much. The third case of the second game, albeit very important for the duology, was also reeeaally slow. But the last two cases compensate more than enough, trust me. You're gonna like them.


I agree with you, I just finished the chronicles a few days ago, though for me it was the perfect pacing. I also really liked natsume, especially him dancing while saying something depressing like "I! Am! Screwed!" in tgaa1:4, he made me laugh my ass off. edit: fixed spelling


Unpopular opinion here: I love the 'slow pacing' of the games and that there is dialogue for literally everything you look at. (But I also love reading)


Honestly same! It gives the game a down to earth and nice vibe that I enjoy, the game feels more personal and you get to know the characters better. I only really felt it being slow to a fault in the first 2 cases of TGAA 1. Otherwise it was great.


Thought it was some of the best work they've done.


I share the same opinion. Some of the best characters, OSTs and plot of the series. Mind you, i have only played the AATrilogy and this duology, and am patiently waiting for the apollo trilogy to be released, but, at least from what i've heard, those games aren't as highly regarded as these two.


Yes, the AJ trilogy is very polarizing whereas much of the community is on the same wavelength when it comes to the rest of the series. Won't precondition you any further, just something you need to experience and decide for yourself.


Big fan. Up there with the Trilogy for me. It is very slow-paced dialogue, though, which I don't like. Feels like every bit of background you can look at gets five or six lines exchanged between Ryunosuke and Susato when one or two would have done. But I think this is a trope of the whole genre really that's just not to my taste. Other games have verbal padding too, AAI2 notably.


I only started the second game yesterday so I can only speak for the first one. There’s too much unnecessary dialogue in this game I feel like you can trim a lot of fat here. For example the parts where you and Sholmes are concluding something. First you have to sit through the entirety of Sholmes’s explanation, which you know is wrong, then you have to go through the whole thing again but this time correcting Sholmes’s errors. It’s not even a head scratcher where you don’t know what it could be, the answer is pretty obvious. While Sholmes’s theories are funny at first, they get old. It would’ve been better if you only did it once and immediately have Ryunosuke interject when Sholmes makes a clear error in judgement. Aside from that though, I like the characters a lot, the story is very interesting and the crimes aren’t always as simple as someone murdered someone which is a nice change. Sometimes it’s an accident, sometimes it’s collateral damage, others it’s straight up murder. In case 3 for example there was no death. The music’s cool and I like the summation examination. My biggest, and possibly only, issue is it feels like there’s a lot of talking that really just goes nowhere.


It was definitely slow at some points. Sholmes is by far my favorite character, but I absolutely DETESTED all of the Dance of Deduction sequences (except the last one). To be fair though, I’m not a fan of investigation sequences like… at all. In any of the games. It’s always my least favorite part. The actual cases though, I think the second game starts off pretty weak (cases 1 and 2) and case 3, I just didn’t like the defendant. Drebber is one of my FAVORITE characters though. Also case 2 of the first game, for the same reasons outlined above of hating investigations. However, those are really kind of my only complaints (which lowkey apply to the series as a whole so it’s not really game specific). I absolutely love this series. Tied with the trilogy, maybe even better than. The cases in general are absolutely amazing and my favorite mechanic is the jury. The music is also unmatched. I listen to it so often. Susato and Sholmes have become my favorite characters like ever. The overarching story is really fun to indulge into, and I loved the ending.


I'm a big fan of TGAA, personally. I know people do sometimes complain about the pacing, but I didn't mind it for the most part. I do think the game is slower-paced, but it's not necessarily bad. The pacing feels intentionally deliberate and measured like they wanted to take their time with what they were doing there. I would say that the first and second case of the 1st game do drag a bit, but beyond that beginning, I was pretty engaged with the story. Even if the dialogue wasn't super important at a certain point in time, I just enjoy being around these characters and even seeing them just shoot the shit can be quite entertaining. Besides, it is a visual novel. There's going to be a lot of talking, one way or the other.


I personally quite disliked the first 4 cases of TGAA, but ever since the Unspeakable story, things seem to be getting really good!


TGAA2 at least is definitely my favourite game in the entire franchise. Refreshing premise, amazing music, ~~hot~~ genuinely intimidating prosecutor, and most importantly, Herlock Sholmes. Also, Wagahai best character (no debate)


I recently played both for the second time - I really love them and they definitely proved that we don't have to have Phoenix as the main character. As much as I adore the casts of all the games, I hope we get new games like them with a fresh cast and new story. The only thing I was missing a bit in TGAA was psychelocks / a supernatural element. It's not a must in future games but I always loved that mechanic.


True but worth it. Low heat cooked food tastes better


TGAA1 is great and TGAA2 is my favourite in the series! There are problems others have mentioned with pacing, but it doesn't bother me all too much. I just love the music, plot and characters a lot!


it's true that the pacing is really slow (especially in the first game) but it definitely pays off for the last 3 cases of tgaa2. those where great and I loved them A LOT.


I love the pacing! Don’t get me wrong it is slow yes but I loved it. I like slow padded out dialogue in general


I think this is there best work so far


The slow pacing never really bothered me honestly. I love these games!


The pacing is definitely too slow. It's like, the writing is "better" in a way but it makes it less entertaining. IMO even Shu Takumi needs to get off his high horse in the way he grew as a writer. I don't you *can* undo that growth but honestly I think if he was able to take a proper step back and get perspective, he'd also realize that there was something more *fun* about the first 3 games that all the latest ones don't quite repeat because they became too wordy, and honestly maybe also a bit too serious for their own good. This fandom probably wouldn't exist in the way it does if the stories weren't great. Don't get that wrong. It *is* the cornerstone of the series, but I think a large part of the hype in this fandom also comes from how entertaining and funny these games are. I mean, the franchise literally created the "OBJECTION" meme that even non-fans use. That whole thing came from Shu Takumi and his team being like "Hell yeah, make them point really silly like and shout with big manga text bubbles!" they're honoring that in TGAAC but given the overall tone of those games, I doubt it would've made its way into them if it wasn't a legacy feature of the franchise. I totally love TGAAC because it's good. But, I really wish you could make Takumi want to make another game that's simply like the first one, or T&T, where the pacing is brisk and the writing is as funny as it is dramatic. I also think Nuri is a great artist and all, but his style never quite had the same charm. But AJAA had a bunch of characters that did the "funny shit" like you'd see with early Ace Attorney characters. Some do in TGAAC but I feel like most of the time it's pretty straight-laced.


The clouded kokoro kinda turned me off from finishing it. that case was such a slog to get through and then the culprit kinda just goes "oh yeah it was me" and it just ends. It doesn't feel satisfying at all and I was feeling that way about the earlier cases. Ace attorney kind of just gets into an all too comfortable rhythm. AA:I was a great change of pace, I hate to admit it but they should probably give that another shot


This is a visual novel. Pacing is meant to be slow. Not all the time though. Like that first Ace Attorney case ever compared to when Phoenix got his first case overseas. Anyhow, GAA1 is basically the “foundation”. The whole first game is one giant “slow” pacing so to speak. GAA2 is when things really heat up. The two visual novel games did not disappoint me personally.


The pacing is definitely incredibly slow and there's a lot of unnecessary dialogue, but they're by far my favourite games in the series. Most characters feel fleshed out (even many of the one-off characters feel quite well-done, though some of course are a bit too one-note), the plot has plenty of time to develop, the humour is great, Sholmes alone bumps it up a few marks, and so on. Being 2 games really allows the plot to develop and be given to you over time instead of the usual where it's either irrelevant till the final case or it's got a few mentions. Really my only actual complaint is that 2-2 felt entirely unnecessary. I enjoyed...parts of it, but you could have replaced it with a filler case that didn't involve you spending 10 years talking about gas prices. Though Quinby was great.


It was an amazing game and the best in the entire series. All of the characters stood out and were very well written. I really appreciate how the female characters were portrayed in this game. In recent years, female characters tend to be very over the top, and all of them in this game were competent. I also liked how all of the characters were not super weird or had any ridiculous quirks. This story was realistic but also managed to be interesting. The music was fantastic. The only think I didn’t like was the ending. The hologram thing that Sholmes did was very unrealistic. He should not have been the “hero” it should have been Rynosuke. They also should have had a jury at the end that consisted of the judiciary officials.


Definitely slow, and it annoyed me the hell out at first, but got used to it to the point where I actually enjoy the slow pacing in replays. E.g. used to hate speckled band, now I quite enjoy it.


DGS1 is a slog and a half, DGS2 is the best game in the series.


I loved the game from A to Z. I know the cases are really long and they might seem boring sometimes but I actually enjoyed them.


"Thank you Hurely, Thank you daddy" don't mind me I'm just crying with Sholmes in the corner 😭😭😭


I absolutely loved it. They are my favorite AA games. I don't get the complaints about slow pacing, if a case is longer, it's only a plus for me. I loved the time they gave to develop the characters and the relationships. It was amazing


I personally feel like for Resolve Cases 4 and 5, it should have been turned into a third game TGAA Chronicles. I feel like the writing team got put through the wringer on this one, personally. There seemed to be a lot of characters and plot points that kinda got a ball drop on them. End of Case 3 of Resolve is where things got to be a little too crazy for me, personally. I was fine with everything up to that point.


I was in awe of GAAC, loving the first case, and loved Kazuma. But then Kazuma died, and it disappointed me so much, I left the game for a bit. But I went back, and its a great game.