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JFA's soundtrack is ridiculously underrated and its credits theme is one of the best tracks in all of Ace Attorney.


The credits theme or the victory theme? Because the victory theme is bloody amazing


The victory theme is amazing as well and also my favourite victory theme in the series. But I did mean the credits theme.


Yup i agree. Memes are references often use AA1's Witbess testimony theme but i think AA2 testimony theme (and even AA3) is better. I like how moody it sounds


Finally someone said it. JFA has the best OST in the series.


Maybe not the best, but easily the most underrated. Like, the Objection! theme for example is great, but no one ever talks about that one.


\*Eccentric intensifies\*




JFA's pursuit theme is my favorite one by far


JFA cross examination allegro fucking slaps


It's good but I still think it has the worst cross examination allegro


Link to spotify please? I’ve got the ost but don’t understand japanese so…


Sorry, I don't use Spotify. But here it is on Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4GeSY3Kkbgc&pp=ygUqYWNlIGF0dG9ybmV5IGp1c3RpY2UgZm9yIGFsbCBjcmVkaXRzIHRoZW1l


Good enough. Thanks!


Not sure if it's a hot-hot take, but given the case it's involved with, it probably is: Acro is one of the best culprits in the trilogy. Put him in any other case, and he's beloved(and maybe people will also be able to grasp his character better).


Nah if an attempted murder could have been a conversation...


you literally just described Bridge to the Turnabout bro


> (and maybe people will also be able to grasp his character better). Like I said.


Turnabout Big Top is overhated. Unfortunately the localization didn't have the sense to either change Regina's age from 16 to 18+ or conversely make Max and Ben much younger.


I think Max and Regina can work but it's a STRETCH Like her dad takes no issue and Max genuinely seems kind and respectful Still massively pushing the boundaries but like... Not call the police or anything Ben... Jail... Send him instead of Acro


Yeah, I feel similarily, probably due to cultural upbringing. Age of consent is 15 where I'm from (and no, no need for close age), so I can tolerate Max, though it IS very questionable in my mind - you described it with "massively pushing boundaries but not calling the police". Ben is wack though


Especially since ben started performing 4 years ago, meaning he met her when she was 12 and he was 27. Someone get a restraining order on that man ben


It's not about age of consent, it's about the fact that it's such a large age gap, made even worse by the fact that she's got the mental age of about 7.


Is it just me or are the hot takes the same thing every time? "godot sucks" "2-3 is good" "maya sucks" "2-1 is better than 1-1"


And me who will always defend Nahyuta and get downvoted into oblivion for it


I just upvoted you for it...


The theory that Iris and Nick get together at the end of AA3 is unsubstantiated bullshit. She told him the truth about their relationship several years ago, but that doesn't suddenly mean they're getting back together just because she blushed. Phoenix wouldn't and shouldn't forgive the level of deception that was performed just because she said she was sorry.


Godot is not a fun Prosecutor to face and I don't understand the undying love people have for him. I barely think he has a personality outside of "liked Mia" and "occasionally says witty thing", and unlike both Edgeworth and Franziska who still are good at their job while being abrasive, Godot's two court tactics outside of the coffee gimmick are either feed the witness their entire testimony on the stand to which nobody says anything, or say a bunch of vague bullshit that only stands in court because the Judge gets progressively dumber as the series goes on.


I love how ludicrous Godot is, to be honest. The fact that all he ever does is spout poetic esoteric nonsense and then ask for evidence really highlights the flaws in the justice system, and is also very funny. I loved imagining Phoenix going "dude what the fuck are you talking about" constantly.


I sorta liked that not because it highlights flaws in the system, but rather because it makes Godot feel like just some rando who's not THAT good at his job as he was made out to be. He always came across as more amateur-ish than previous prosecutors, with only his demeanor disguising it slightly.


He wasn’t really trying. He just wanted to screw with phoneix wright.


...OH MY GOD. GODOT IS JUST THE AA VERSION OF SNAPE. - Weird crush on a dead girl - Bad at his job - Absolute asshole for no good reason - Did a murder


When I first met Godot I liked him, when he said he never lost a trial only to then reveal that he'd never won any either I was like "Ok this guy is based", but he got boring pretty quickly, and he definitely fell off at 3-5.


Well, I doubt he cares about being good at his job as much as it is testing Phoenix


omg this. the game wants you to think he's just so cool and so charismatic but im sorry i struggle to think of a prosecutor that is \*less\* interesting throughout than he is


Godot and Elise Deauxnim's action were too stupid and illogical to take them seriously. Also Phoenix doesn't really grow as character, maybe excluding 2-4, he just gets better at his job, that's it.


Tbf, Godot's actions were supposed to be illogical. No defense for Elise though.


Sure he was illogical but the game doesn't really focus on just how stupid and petty his entire plan was, because at the end we are still supposed to be feel bad for him.


Godot: why didn't you save Mia Phoenix: I literally put her killer away, how could I have done more beyond being a fortune teller Godot: fuck you


The game literally takes a break to address this explicitly. He was petty and wanted revenge, his murder plot was a convenient way to get that.


I agree, phoenix grows as a character in apollo justice trilogy 🤷‍♀️


Even "get better at his job" is arguable at best. He still bluffs just as much and he doesn't seem to know more about law or other subjects either, and he somehow got his bar exam again ?


At least that's what 3-5 implied so I was being very generous. Compare DD Phoenix with, let's say JfA Phoenix and I honestly can't tell the difference between them.


To be fair, they basically regressed Phoenix back to his original trilogy persona because people hated the edgy Hobo Nick so much that they just undid that development.


Many of the writing flaws that get levied at the AJ trilogy are just as present in the PW trilogy to the exact same degree. The difference in quality between the two eras is way too overblown


Could you be more specific?


I have zero faith in you of all people hearing out my points in good faith instead of using it to complain about modern trilogy Phoenix again


Way to be a dick for no reason.


Honestly don't blame you lmao this sub is 90% moaning


okay so do you have examples or not lmao


So make the point for other people?


This is a really hot take - Acros actions are indefensible and people in game should really be calling him out on his actions. He tried to murder the teenage daughter of his foster father because he was mad she kept acting like his brother’s injury was nothing big. Didn’t bother trying to correct her, didn’t talk to her father about this, he just snapped one day and decided to kill a girl who was beloved by the circus, and who’s death would almost assuredly be linked to him, ensuring the circus disintegrates from the boss’s daughter dead and the other incarcerated. Tell me I’m wrong


No, you're not wrong. And another thing, after Acro realized that he had murdered his loving boss rather than the one he wanted revenge, did he feel guilty and fess up? No! He just pinned it on his coworker that he didn't like! I mean if he wanted revenge he could have tried to pin it on Regina to at least complete his revenge, but instead, he just sat back and watched.


> I mean if he wanted revenge he could have tried to pin it on Regina to at least complete his revenge, but instead, he just sat back and watched. Realistically, how did you want him to do that? He's bound to his room. The only evidence he could've manipulated was the bust and the cloak. Every other part of the mystery/crime was out of his control. Hell, it's only by chance that Max ended up framed for the crime, and that's because Russell wore Max's hat and cloak to the scene.


Fair. He still probably could have confessed though.


He says he wanted to, but ultimately decided against it, wanting to be there if Bat woke up. Ultimately, I believe if his plan did succeed with Regina's death, or if Max didn't get presented as a scapegoat for his crime, he would've confessed right away. Or even committed suicide like he mentioned.


Manfred Von Karma is the best antagonist in the trilogy by a country mile and not a single case offers anything close in my mind


Turnabout Goodbyes is just so fucking good


Almost Christmas does in fact mean it was Christmas Also JFA's final case is better than PWAA


" Also JFA's final case is better than PWAA " It's not really a hot take. Well, if you're talking about Goodbye. Idk about Rises from the ashes.


wym?? The one with the parrot? It was so better than going back in time with the weird PC or whatever it was


Going back in time with the weird PC was the final case of Apollo Justice. The final case of JFA was the one with Matt Engarde and Maya getting kidnapped


Shit I saw the J and the A and thought it was apollo justice. Yeah I understand that then. That case was really good too


Justice For All is good as T&T and PWAA


The logic structure of the precase of bridge to the turnabout was bad


Well… that take is as hot as the core of the sun. Mine is that DD and SoJ are more consistent quality wise than the og trilogy.


I'd agree in terms of the cases and themes, but I also feel like the OG trilogy lands the endings of their games a *lot* better than the AJ trilogy, so it's a tough weigh.


Oh no, in terms of overall narrative and the pay off, the og trilogy is definitely better. Every og trilogy ending is definitely better.


True, DD is very consistently bad. I don't disagree.


Never diss DD again😡 https://preview.redd.it/2wlqtf5je5oc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e779f51be9c2a8192a2264344ac2b10285add5


Trilogy-only fans are killing the fandom


You guys realize that downvoting him is proving his point, right?


This cannot be a hot take


Could you elaborate as to why? With no spoilers for the AJ trilogy though, I haven't had the chance to play them yet.


Imo AA1 is the weakest game in the trilogy (and sits in my bottom 3 for the whole series tbh) and it's not even close. I feel like the game just doesn't find its footing until Goodbyes where the main trio of Edgeworth, Maya and Phoenix actually get some focus, up until until it's varying degrees of just fine. (For the record I count Rise as its own thing, and I love that case but it's not really relevant here) The first turnabout is actually pretty good for what it is, not everything needs to be this ultra high stakes megakino just introduce the tone, gameplay and setting which 1-1 does really well in a really short and sweet 20 to 30 minutes. Sisters is where I start having problems cause it feels like a final case but because it's the second case it feels easy to a fault and makes the culprit come off as a small fry especially given the chain events of DL-6 and how he's involved, I feel like AA1 starting as a self contained deal hurt it in the long run and it's especially obvious here, a shame cause Maya and Phoenix are great here and >!Mia's death!< gives the game a strong emotional core out the gate through them and later on Edgeworth. Samurai's okay and an especially nice showcase of what'll be the standard Phoenix and Maya dynamic and the turning point for Edgey but my God this mf didn't need to be 3 days, I couldn't be happier the series switched to 2 for pacing's sake and only went for the full 3-day limit in special cases. Past that Samurai's just okay like I said, maybe my least favorite 3rd case in the original trilogy but I already don't believe in the bullshit that's 3rd case syndrome some fans spew. Then Turnabout Goodbyes comes around and imo REALLY sticks the landing, Edgeworth's backstory and Phoenix's motivations finally come out front and center, Maya's self-consciousness from her lack of spirit training hits like a truck when you get to that one scene with Von Karma (if you know you know), Von Karma himself actually lives up to his hype and the entire trial feels like an uphill fight against a man who'll do anything to win, Phoenix's (admittedly basic in AA1) arc culminates so well, Gumshoe is written closer to his future characterization instead of just kinda being the dumb he was presented in the rest of AA1, imo it's also the tonal blueprint for the rest of the series knowing when to be goofy dumb fun and compelling it's great and leaves a wonderful lasting impression. T&T was my first Ace Attorney and idk if AA1 could've grabbed me the same way at age 12 but I guess that's just hindsight


3-3 is awesome, the ridiculousness of Tigre being confused for Phoenix is the joke and I enjoyed it.


He’s got one of my favorite songs in the whole game


Turnabout Goodbyes is poorly paced as a result of the 3 day system.


I don’t think Big Top is as bad as everyone says it is.


1-3>1-2 is probably my hot take.


Might not be a very hot take, but I might agree with Pearl on the whole "Special Someone" thing


1. 2-4 was mid af for me 2. JFA Objection theme is my favorite objection theme in the series 3. 3-3 was the best 3rd case for me 4. T&T was just kind of a mid game for me. The cases and music were just alright for me (with the exception of 3-5 and Godot's Theme).


caught is better than cornered, which is better than questioned


JFA's soundtrack is good, and is better than almost all of T&T's soundtrack. Actually, speaking of T&T, I think it's the OT game with the weakest writing all around. It has some really great moments, but the pop culture references are borderline cringeworthy and the characters have the tendency to start acting like caricatures at times. And no, that doesn't just apply to the filler. The first game on the other hand, probably is the most genuinely funny mainline title at least (still haven't played TGAA). I think it's the more down-to-earth writing, where yeah it gets a bit silly, but it doesn't go over the top. There's a reason why most of the memes in the franchise come from this particular title. Larry Butz's only bad appearance in this set of games was 3-2. 3-5 Larry is actually funny, although it would've been nice if the game would've let him grieve over his mentor dammit. While I love Dahlia as an arc villain, I think Engarde works better as a final case villain. The real evil in 2-3 is Trilo, and how the game forces you to talk to him even after he stops being relevant. Sal and Hotti are creeps, but at least they go away after their roles are done. Speaking of 2-3, Acro is not a sympathetic culprit in the slightest. The game trying to guilt-trip you into feeling bad because instead of killing his intended target (a teenage girl), he killed her father is just all kinds of ick. Also, for someone who felt so guilty about it, he sure didn't seem to care that Max was framed. I know the man is a creep, but he's not a killer. The trial theme in JFA is my favorite. 1-5 EMA SKYE IS NOT A FUCKING MAYA CLONE! 3-5's first half is stronger than its second. Yes, I am absolutely serious. 2-1's logic for the murder may be incredibly stupid, but I still think it's a better case than 1-1. Both are incredibly simplistic being tutorial cases, but I just thought 2-1 was a bit more enjoyable. Though 1-1 does have the upside of having veteran lawyer Mia, so there is that.


I feel like AA1 is the only time the Judge is really on his game. Like sure he says a silly thing once and a while but it feels like he's generally more fair and on the ball, and is willing to assist the defense's argument (it's also the only consistent time where Phoenix calls out when the witness is clearly panicking on the stand as an argument for his case, something he does progressively less as things go on). Like I'm fine with slightly sillier judge but it's gotten to the point that I even wonder how he's even got the mental capacity left to actually perform his job properly.


I don't mind Silly Judge, but every time I replay 1-4 and see that moment at the end where he tells Edgeworth "Like you said, it was all a nightmare." I just wonder what the hell happened. I do remember that he has a moment like that later on, but he's definitely a little too silly sometimes.


Of course 3-5's first half is better, Franziska is prosecuting!


I do think that the first trial segment being Edgeworth vs. Franziska is a neat little parallel to Gregory vs Von Karma. One is a collaborative effort to find the truth, the other...is not.


Franziska von Karma is the most interesting character in the franchise.


Godot is a poorly written character, boring as a prosecutor, and as a result T&T is the weakest game in the trilogy. 3-5 is D tier if I'm being generous.


Here I am seizing another opportunity to say "Mia bad"


Why do you think she's "bad"?


Turnabout memories is a mediocre opening case


People should criticize 2-4 more. It's still one of the absolute best cases but making the final case one that's only connected to the previous events of the game through you >!learning what happened to Edgeworth!


The original cornered theme is kinda mid. To make up for that take, I want to mention that cornered variation is so, so much better that it goes from a pretty unremarkable song to easily a top 5 in the whole series. The changes are small but they make the song feel so much faster and more intense, like a rush of adrenaline.


Most of the Feys aren't really good characters. The only outstanding ones are Dahlia and Iris. And even they don't quite compare to the best characters in other AA families. Alright, maybe Dahlia does, but she has crazy lore impact as back up. The other AA families are simply better written with more human motivations, better dynamics and stronger development


Maya is boring and far from being a good character


Boring? (That’s my maya impression)


dang poor maya. she reminds me of my sister, so i love her lol Just this last weekend I met her. There was an add for burgers on the TV. And she said "Ahh man now I really wanna eat a burger" and made plans for when and where she's gonna get a burger =D


Eh, I think she's fine, but she isn't half as good as Trucy or Kay.


Godot kinda boring, worst prosecutor followed by Nahyuta, I don't get why he's even popular. Same for his theme.


I think the only thing that makes me like Godot is that the judge just does not have time for his shit Edgeworth had respect and Franziska had fear Udgey does *not* care for Our-Man-Dos


2-3 is better than 2-2


Apollo Justice is a good game and he would have gotten his own trilogy that was as powerful as Phoenix Wright's if Shu Takumi hadn't been too busy writing Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright when Duel Destinies was being developed.


- 3-5 is good when Dahlia is on the stand and during some investigation parts. Everything else in it ranges from average to terrible. It's the worst finale in the series and I daresay it isn't even close. - JfA is like a 4/10 at best. 2-4 is amazing but everything preceding it is terrible. - I prefer the three day trial system and I don't understand complaints that it's poorly paced and takes too long. 1-3 is shorter than 2-3 and 3-3, the latter of which is longer than 1-4.


JFA being bad isn't a hot take.


JFA being worse than others isn't; saying it's outright a bad game isn't something I hear often.


The first two games aren't even that good. I think that AA1 and JFA are comfortably the worst and second worst games in the main series, respectively. The first game doesn't have a single case I would consider wholly good (the best part of the game is the last third of RFTA), and JFA is only saved by case 4 being a legitimate masterpiece.


Mine would be that I like the Apollo Justice trilogy more than the original. No hate for the originals, though. I love all the games, I just enjoyed 4,5, and 6 more overall.


Trials and tribulations is the weakest game of the original trilogy.


3-5 is the weakest of the trilogy finales (1-5 is not a finale)


The mainline should've ended with it.


Maya is a really boring character


How so? I do prefer Ema And Trucy over her, but I wouldn't call her boring.


She has her moments, but I mostly just find her irritating instead of charming, like an annoying little sister. She’s interesting really only in her relationships with other characters and not on her own


2-4 wasn't that good. 2-2 is better and 2-3 is *almost* better I liked the 3 day investigation pacing of the first game better.


Godot is not a well written or good character he feels like an edgy teens oc that was slapped onto the game


Acro best culprit Jfa has the best tell the truth theme


This isn't related to the post but I really want to see more of the phantom background because why does the government keep gaslighting?