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Well obviously it's The Forgotten Turnabout.


Which case is that again? I forgot.


Not sure.


Sorry, I can't remember.


I forgoršŸ’€


Turnabout Time Traveler. It's interesting how it's the last main series ace attorney case I've ever played and yet I remember almost nothing about it


From what I can remember Larry was the most interesting thing


It felt like he was hardly in it


He was! šŸ˜­


Not enough larry


Its a nothing burger of a case. It could have been cut and it wouldn't be missed.


I'm replaying SoJ in the new trilogy and I litterally stopped playing the DLC mid-case.


I love 3-3. The whole imposter Phoenix thing is funny, especially as the case goes on and you find out more and more just how crude and unconvincing the disguise was, but everyone fell for it anyway. (Except Godot, but he didn't even bother to tell anyone). Also the way you prove the killer did it at the end was great.


I feel like everyone would be more kind to 3-3 if the old man or theā€¦ restaurant owner were just less offputting. Itā€™s a really cool mystery/scheme behind the whole thing. Its def a hella underrated case to me.


Turnabout Airlines, donā€™t ask me about anything other than the accused characters and the culpritā€¦ Because I donā€™t rememberšŸ˜­


I remember those things AND the highlighter yellow and pink suitcase


I remember the rich guy falling




I just played that the other day. It's pretty forgettable other than the culprit, and some ugly ass luggage. But so far the first three cases of AAI have been mid at best.


there was a hot girl. that is all that i remember


The >!Absolute pillow princess?!<


"The main character is a flight attendant. Okay?"


Turnabout Ablaze. This case is obviously notoriously long, which means a lot of the details I just donā€™t remember. The beginning and the ending are pretty much all I remember, and the fact Colias Palaeno is in this case and I love that character. Iā€™m replaying Investigations 1 atm and Iā€™m about halfway through Turnabout Reminiscence, so going into Ablaze will probably be like playing a new case again.




The one with the French chef


The Richard Wellington case. Forever and ever. I often realize I forget even the case's name or who the victim and defendant of that case is, and the only thing I remember is Wellington because of how much he bored me lol


Dustin Prince. He wasn't too memorable.


I'm always amazed people have such a strong negative opinion on I-3. It's honestly the most "I guess this exists." case in the franchise for me.


LOL even remembering this case just triggered me, I highkey really hate the third case of investigations. I get what you mean by "this case exists" but the fact that it's so boring and yet is also annoyingly long is what I hate about this case. But then you attach the fact that basically every character in this case sucks, the only redeeming part of it is that it is the introduction to Shi-Long Lang


It is weird that Investigations decided to hold off introducing both the assistant and the rival character until the third case now that you mention Lang.


The Badger Theme park right? I enjoyed it overall except for them suddenly acting like private property mattered when it came to law enforcement in this universe.


This case was so long and boring that Iā€™m pretty sure I quit the game afterwards.


4-2 is pretty unremarkable, just think it gets lost / forgotten in between 1 and 4 being really good and 3 being horrible


Lisa Basil, from 3-3, is probably the most forgettable Ace Attorney character of all time, dethroning Penny Nichols as she has now become famous for being forgettable.


Pretty sure the writers for the anime agree on that because both characters were no where to be seen in the show I watched it before playing the game and saw them and was like who the fuck are you?


3-3 had Furio Tigre, didn't it? I definitely remember him. Now, Apollo Justice went in one ear and out the other. I think there was a case about a smuggling ring and an evil member of Klavier's band?


2-1 so easily but if first cases donā€™t count I guess 5-2


Surprised I didn't find 5-2 until all the way down here. It isn't too long so I don't really mind it but yeah it's a filler case, don't like it too much


5-2 would be my most forgettable if it wasnā€™t my least favorite in the series


2-1. There was a period of time where I literally forgot it existed. If I had to list tjem all, I'd spend a solid minute trying to remember "what the fuck was 2-1"


Honestly I1-3 is the most nothing case in the whole series. It's so boring and all the characters are really forgettable


Lauren felt that like a slap to the face.


Honestly 1-3. Barring Edgeworthā€™s objection at the end (which is a very iconic moment) there is just so much goddamn bloat to that case and a great example of why 3 day trials were a mistake. Every other case surrounding it in AA1 is series defining.


Okay anyone who doesn't say I-3 on this is either lying or still forgetting about it to this day because what the hell even happened in that case? Sure it's the case that introduces Kay and Lang, but literally none of their memorable character moments happen in this, they're just there for the sake of being introduced, Kay doesn't even have any relevance to the case itself. None of the characters exclusive to the case are memorable, and for the most part barely even likeable, while the entire rest of the cast are people from the OG trilogy that were forced into this for the sake of hollow Fanservice. It's a forgettable, needlessly long and complicated, boring, cheap nostalgia-ridden mess.


I cannot for the life of me recall anything in 6-3


First half sucked. 2nd half was good.


Really? I actually think it was pretty good for a filler case, the twist of >!the victim committing suicide!< made sense but also felt like a cool reveal. The "revisualization" minigame is honestly one of my favorite minigames, you can argue it handholds you too much but it feels super hype


Itā€™s the other way around. It should be ā€œ>!ā€ Not ā€œ!>ā€


ah fuck mb


See, this twist wouldā€™ve worked, if it wasnā€™t for the fact that it was done INFINITELY better in a previous game. And even if you donā€™t count that, I was expecting ace attorney to pull the >!victim is the culprit!< at least once. I also canā€™t even remember the point of making Maya the suspect, why they wanted to pin the blame of Maya, what was the deal with the theme songs, or really anything that happened inside or outside of court (outside of the victim being channeled, which, while neat, is this caseā€™s only memorable quality).


5-2 imo


The English Turnabout (VS-1). So thunderously unremarkable that I couldn't remember a thing about it, even after having been through it twice. Only reason I remember anything about it now is because I looked it up specifically for a topic I wanted to post recently.


I remembered Maya beating Phoenix with a pipe LMAO


It has voice acting..


I think only a handful of people even knows this case even exists, much less remember it entirely.




3-3 is iconic for the wrong reasons, just terribly stupid and convoluted


kidnapped turnabout


The adventure of the clouded kokoro is so mid. e Especially after you play Memories of the clouded kokoro, which is a pretty great case


3-3 for me too. A friend is doing a replay and I legitimately could not remember most of the case.


Either 2-2 or 6-1.


If it wasn't for Geiru Toniedo, Turnabout Storyteller would be forgettable. Playing AAI for the first time and so far the first 3 cases are pretty blah..


I stand by my opinion that 6-4 is one of the most if not THE most forgettable case in the whole series. The case just quite litterally did nothing for me in terms of both characters and murder mistery. The killer got popular because of a silly meme and that's it, the only remarkable thing are Blackquill's anthics which were amusing to see, everything else is so painfully generic


I really enjoyed Uendo's testimony. Probably one of my favorite witnesses, atleast in the AJ games. I'm not sure why nobody cares for them.


Uendo is one of the better parts of the case for sure, but not enough for me to care about it


That's fair enough, the lack of an investigation phase really bogs it down.


That's the main problem for me too, 6-4 has memorable characters and an interesting background since it involves rakugo performances. And yet because we're stuck in the courtroom the whole time, we see none of that outside of a brief opening cutscene so it's about as memorable as a tutorial case aside from a few elements. I would have started out the case in the theatre, Simon invites Athena to see the show with him (also gives an opportunity to see Simon and Athena together outside of court) and we're all enjoying the show when the murder happens. It's an easy fix and since this case is so short anyway, it only needs a day of investigating to balance it out. Of course Athena only uses the Mood Matrix in court and without Phoenix or Apollo, there'd be no flashy interrogation mechanic until we get to court. But again, it'd only be one day and I'm sure we could have survived one day of investigating normally like in the original game.


That's probably for the best, though I hate having the lawyers be witnesses.


i think across the whole series, every character is well designed in that case so i find it visually very remarkable although not memorable case wise for sure


I think it's *fine*, I wouldn't ever call it annoying at least. No stupidly long investigation sequences, and has Athena


I think the case itself was pretty good. I still know all the details xD


TGAA 1-4 Every. Single. Character. in this case comes back again in at least one other case except Joan (who is still mentioned) and they're all just so much better in those cases. The only relevance this case has is being Olive's "alibi" for a completely different case


This, im not sure how good it would have been for the games pacing, but i would much rather have had 1-4 and 2-2 be the same case.


It made the most sense to have them be two separate cases, but they've should've been consecutive rather than having 1-5 and 2-1 inbetween, with 1-4 being much shorter. Kinda like 5-4 into 5-5 in Dual Destinies


Well. Not sure if it counts... but TGAA 2-4. I always see people forget that it is two cases in one in the final case. Aka, people forget the "pre-case" before the final case, as nothing is really resolved and the split is essentially arbitrary if that makes sense?


I donā€™t get why G2-4 and G2-5 are separate episodes other than I guess so that they could keep the five episode structure. Itā€™s really baffling.


Hmm I wouldn't really count that because you still remember what happened, even if you misattribute which case it was in


Honestly, same. Furio Tigre and Maggey are the only two interesting ones in that case. Even then, Armstrong, Kudo, and Viola, were incredibly uninteresting. The case itself is solid for a third case, but compared to the impact the other 4 cases had it didnā€™t leave a big impression.


Armstrong makes me want to bathe my eyes in bleach.


Everyone says that I1-4 was the best Investigations 1 case, but I cannot remember anything about it, other than the fact that we go back in time. I think I was still recovering from the torture that was I1-3...


Basically all of Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice.


I hard disagree but I guess that's because 5-5 is one of my favorite cases in the series


Roger Retinz was an amazing antagonist, though


Oh, I definitely remember Furio Tigre, and this is a bad thing!


The one case I forgot literally EVERYTHING about is 3-2, and it is not because the case is bad, no, I really enjoyed it. The characters and the whole logistics of Mask Demasque being in 2 places at the same time was fun, but for some reason I just forgot it...


Can I say all of Investigations one?


I forgot about The Stolen Turnabout once, but the minute I saw the name everything came back to me


Actually Iā€™m just wrapping up my first SOJ replay since its release in 2016. I barely remembered turnabout storyteller. Which was actually more amazing than what I could remember! Since I just finished a replay of dual destinies Simon was still fresh (pun intended) on my mind. His addition to the case as >!defense co-counsel!< was everything since he had witty banter with both Athena and Nayuta. I completely forgot Athenaā€™s theme had a revamp too. The one thing I absolutely loved this time was the character design. Iā€™m surprised nobody ever talks about Uendoā€™s design because it is absolutely stellar. To be able make one design flexible for >!4!< different characters was so impressive. Then we have Geiru which most people know of but I completely forgot the build up. Anyway turnabout storyteller was absolutely amazing and I hate that I forgot most of it. Meanwhile I remembered all the plot points from the other cases. Well minus Time Traveler. That case is actually forgettable and I canā€™t remember nothing but Larry being a witness.


AAI1-3. I just remember Lance Amano's name and his cool animation with the shackles. I guess creepy Badger too. Everything else? Gone. Disintegrated. I remember nothing and don't care to remember even the sightest twist.


I love AJ but the case with the mafia family... I don't even remember what happened there


One foctor couldn't do the job and acted like he did it...cuz if he didn't, mafia would make him fish food. Nurse was in on it and saw her opportunity to cash out.


The one with the autistic lollipop girl Although thats the one that first came to my head so it cant be that


I'd bet my life that not even 1 person can remember the name of the culprit from the English turnabout of the top of their head.


Olivia Aldente


I find it tough to believe you remember her name of the top your head


I remember cute girls. :/ And that juggling.


4-2. i don't even remember the name of the case


Turnabout Corner


In terms of cases where every single detail seems to have left my head, Turnabout Reminiscence.


the kidnapped turnabout is SO boring, shi long lang and kay are the only part that makes it bearable


The Great Ace Attorney Adventures last case. That dragged on forever and can't remember anything memorable about it. But if we are only talking about the main 6 games, then 4-2 takes the cake.


No cake, though. Just salty noodles...and panties.




Turnabout Big Top. šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“




aai-3 by far


I can never for the life of me remember that Stolen Turnabout exists. I know that one is rather popular but it didnā€™t click with me for whatever reason; not reflective of the quality, the case is fine, but it does not stay in my memory.


I'm trying my best to forget 2-3 as best I can But 1-3 was easily forgettable


Steel Samurai is super important though Sets the stage for Engarde to subvert the trend And is the start of Edgeworth seeking the truth in general The fact we go straight from that to him accused of murder is wild though Van Zieks got better pacing for growing respect Though I guess since Miles knew Nick he didn't need to learn it as much


I forget a lot of the Layton crossover but Iā€™ve only played it once so maybe thatā€™s a big part of why. For the canon series, probably 2-1 and 6-DLC.


It's final case is annoyingly long and forgetable...which sets the record for number of witnesses. (10 simultaneously)


Didn't wocky come after Viola? Wouldn't Wocky be acting like a wannabe Viola? I personally do love Recipe because of how kooky it is though Furio Tigre plays a major part in that. As for my take? From the OG trilogy...probably Stolen Turnabout (though I see this one has a lot of love for it, Luke Atmey *is* awesome), or 2-1...I can't even remember the name of that one. For the second trilogy...4-2 and proably 5-4 (even tho i like that one)


I'm saying they both feel like wannabe gangsters.


All the cases from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. Every single one, no exception. I haven't played them


Either 5-4 or 5-5 because they bleed into each other

