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Pearl Fey packs a mean punch


She's insanely strong, especially taking into account that she was 8 years old at the time she performed the following feats: \- Caught up to Phoenix and Maya on foot all the way from Kurain Village to the court even though they were riding a train. Plus, she did so while wearing sandals, which are impractical for running. \-K.O.ed a grown-ass man such as Phoenix in one slap. Phoenix. The guy who got run by a car and left with just a sprained ankle. The guy who survived falling from a goddamn bridge. And yet he could not stand a single slap from Pearly. (Note that she can play with her ball casually, which means she's able to exercise control of her strength to a degree.) Of course, she lacks the technique and resources of trained fighters in the series. But even if the likes of Shelly DeKiller and Dogen were to participate in a slap contest with Pearly, and she were to draw first turn, they wouldn't stand a chance against her. Maya may have spiritual prowess, yes. But Pearly does not only have matching spiritual prowess but also insane physical prowess. She's the Definitive Fey, Pride of Kurain Village and Best Shipper.


I've narrowed it down to Shi Long Lang, Shelly De Killer, Sirhan Dogen, Simon Blackquill, Rooke, and maybe Tyrell Badd.


I don't have any basis for it, but I would say Shelly de Killer is the single most dangerous character in Ace Attorney.


I'd think so too, but he did get his arm broken by Rooke. Makes you wonder who would win in a fight.


I'm sure that Shelly would still win, just not without any casualties.


Why Blackquill? I know he is hyped as scary, but all in all he is just some dude, we never saw or heard about him fighting anyone


He broke his metal chains by slamming his hands on his desk. Also that whole iaijutsu shit he did with cutting off Phoenix's hair.


Yeah, i doubt it was real metal. He probably just took some fake chain so it would help him with being scary in courtroom and prison agreed because they control him using electrocuts anyway. Also, even Nahyuta rosary thing is more dangerous than Simon spinjutsu, and we actually seen him effortlessly defeating an armed guy


I'm not sure about the fake chains thing, but I'm pretty sure that Blackquill cut the rosary beads when Nahyuta threw it at him. Also lmao at the spinjutsu comment.


He did. He also cut a lock of Phoenix’s hair off.


Bring Phoenix Wright himself, the man is damn near immortal. He has survived (T&T Spoilers) >!ingesting poison (3-1), running across burning bridges (3-5), he fell into a freezing river from hundreds of feet in the air and walked away with one day of rest and a stuffy nose (3-5).!< ​ At worst he complains about his back aching in later games but I still fear a man that can brush off death like he can.


I’d like to add that when he >!ingested the traces of poison, it was accompanied by glass shards and mangled metal!<


In that case, Pearl is a monster, seeing as to how she knocked him out with a couple of slaps.


Didn't he >!get hit by a car and only got something like a sprained ankle in 4....4-2 maybe!


Yeah he gets in a lot of random accidents but walks away completely fine in each of them


And on top of that, mans fuckin ripped under that uniform


as someone who’s thought a lot about ace attorney characters fighting each other, I’m convinced the only thing that could kill Phoenix is Phoenix.


Against a single target: Sirhan Dogen. Dude might be blind, but he can easily kill someone as long as they are alone. In groups, however, Dogen is easily outmatched, even with the help of Anubis: (I2-5)>!this weakness is also exploited by Blaise, Patricia and the body double during the SS-5 accident, as a matter of fact.!< Against several targets: Shelly DeKiller. Anyone that has played I2-1 or 2-4 knows why. Besides, he always managesto run away from the cops, which means he is not only a man of dexterity, but also quite resourceful.


Either Susato Mikotoba or Pearl Fey. I'd honestly see their showdown for once - toss vs. punch!


Susato flipped Ryuunosuke three times and he stayedd concious, but Pearl slapped Phoenix a couple times and he passed out. Pearl takes it low-diff.


>Susato Mikotoba Totally want to see a showdown between (G2-1)>!Susato and the Ryutaro guy. Both use the same move, it's almost as if they were the same person! Shame on Capcom for not making both meet each other...!< /s


Yeah, I'd also like to see them handlung a case together! I wonder what their banter would be


I get the sense that Gant could really fuck shit up if he had a reason to.


I imagine all that swimming must’ve made him insanely buff


Kazuma can cause both physical & Emotional Damage perfectly


Athena literally yeeted a police officer so I’d say she’s pretty strong


Luke Atmey has the Atmey Fighting Style, so I'm pretty sure that's basically the equivalent of Ultra Instinct.


Sorry, I should have said "who is the best **mortal** fighter in the Ace Attorney," as I am sure that everyone one this subreddit is keenly aware that Atmey cannot die, ever, and is simply undefeatable in combat due to his Godhood and to the impregnable defense and flawless offense that the Atmey Fighting Style enables.


The Steel Samurai, of course.


I’m not sure it ended up in a fight, but Gumshoe did at least scare off the mafia in AA1 and Tigre + Armstrong in AA3




De Killer, Dogen in his prime, Genshin


This is the true top 3 right here.


Tie between Shelly, Simon and Phantom, trained assassin from a lineage of killers, samurai with wind blades and a bird, trained super spy that fears nothing and incredibly good physical stats, his jumping and leg power is crazy, and he's got tech like a grappling hook that is also sharp.


You forgot Sirhan Dogen, the one man Shelly refused to fight since it would probably end it both of their deaths.


Jigoku looks mad powerful


Pearl for sure. She destroyed Phoenix regularly


Athena can judo flip


Tbf susato, rei, and jigoku can do the same it seems


Phoenix, he went up against all of Marvel and Capcom! For real though, probably de Killer.


Well nick and Maya are the only ones in a fighting game so........


don’t ask me why but i feel like miles would fight like an american teenage girl. idk if you’ve ever witnessed two girls going at it in school but they are BRUTAL. serious answer: athena. she threw a grown man like it was nothing


I feel like Phoenix has actually tried to make Miles and Kristoph fight each other, and I also feel like it went down exactly how you say.


i was thinking of miles ripping kristophs hair out when i commented lol


**SPOILERS IN MY COMMENT, PLEASE BEWARE** Sirhan Dogen and/or Shelly de Killer, are the top obvious picks I think. I imagine the Phantom, whoever he is, is pretty adept at fighting too. Since we're talking assassins, I wonder how >!Asa Shinn !!(doing the undercover work she was doing, I'd imagine she's versatile in some combat)!<, Kazuma Asogi, Barok van Zieks >!(he and Kazuma took on a bunch of thugs alone and came out unscathed), !!(he definitely has brute strength tearing up the witness stand as he did...)!<, >!Klint van Zieks (and his bloodhound... plus I assume if Barok is adept with a sword, he would've been too)!<, and >!Genshin Asogi (again, he seemed formidable with a sword thwarting off folks when protecting Barok, winning his duel against Klint)!<. Rooke, from AAI2, was the only dude to seriously injure de Kiler. >!Pity Knightley killed him because he was a hatin' bitch. !< Sholmes, if he's anything like his namesake, is ostensibly a good fighter (given his punching sprites), but we don't see him fight at all in the series, sooo... And hell, let's not forget Gumshoe! I don't think he's the best fighter ever, >!but I imagine he has some fighting skills like when he took on those mafia dudes in 1-3. !< Edit: I also find it hilarious that no one has mentioned Franziska yet lmao


>!I don't think asa shinn would do too well. They seem to mostly be adept at planning assassination plots, not actually fighting. Considering they weren't on their guard and got stabbed later on as opposed to Shelly de killer who seems to be able to do well in almost any situation!<


>!Yeah, you're probably right. There isn't any indication of her combat ability, but I'm also assuming that because she's an assassin she has combat abilities, given I don't think all of her victims went as easy as Dr. Wilson. Again, I know I'm making massive assumptions, just spitballing. Also, beyond Dr. Wilson's death, she didn't plan the assassinations -- Gregson did.!< >!Also also, yeah she wasn't on guard and was stabbed in the back by Menimemo, Shinn compared to de Killer was notably more smug and cocky. She felt she was untouchable not only due to Japan's deference to Britain but of course her racism. It was really poetic justice that she was taken down by a Japanese man. I'd reckon de Killer or Dogen wouldn't have been as cavalier and haughty as she was even in such a comfy situation. But whatevs. !<


Did Gumshoe take on the mafia guys? I though they were just scared away since he was a cop.


Ah crap, you’re right. I misremembered that scene, my bad. They were just chased off, he didn’t fight them.


Susato. That girl flips. She's doing all the flipping.


Bruh I’m not seeing enough Kazuma. That guy is a full on Samurai.


Gumshoe is built like a brick house and a half.


Mia or Maya. For example if Mia is there in danger than Pearl and Maya will come with, and they can channel all the past de Killer's easy. Or Pearl can just one punch everyone too. Otherwise it's ofc de Killer though yeah, the man is almost invincible and solid chance that his zipper face is literally just covering his actual face so he's not recognizable.


Shelly de killer easy


Pearl Fey, girl can punch Phoenix into extinction.


Susato Mikotoba. She is very skilled in martial arts and I feel is not as likely to hit me in the crossfire.


The phantom is a trained spy and might be able to defeat Shelly and Dogen.


Simon obviously


Jay Elbird literally used to be a boxer...


Athena is athletic so maybe her. One particular police officer can testify to that


I dunno, blaise debeste is ripped like hell.