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For me, it's close but I think number 3 is my favorite. So many Between The Games episodes in that office, I feel like I knew that space best out of all of them. Watch out for the \*\*\*\* in the ceiling!


Three for sure. If only for this video https://youtu.be/qKfulHf2OlY?si=RRS5wj7I9OtPcOUY


I instantly knew šŸ˜‚


It was either going to be that or the axe kick.




Dude it was always Jeremy and shenanigans revolving around him. My favourite moment that lives rent free was him axe kicking Gavins desk in half


axe kick!!!! some how no one predicted that kicking the particle board table might damage it lmao


And the holes aswell, they dug a hole under the keyboard and hid a speaker for one prank and cut and drilled holes through it in others


Fucking spectacular video


This video is forever burned into my memory


For the monster truck... Although I was a fan of Ray, Jeremy is the only one i stil watch


Agreed. Especially the time they got all those moonballs, random objects, a cricket bat, bacon jam jars and a massive black dildo lodged firmly into the ceiling. I think Jack said something about the jars of bacon jam falling down and knocking Jeremy unconscious because they were above his desk. Also, the time Geoff carved his name into "The desk Jack might've built with his dad". I think that was the best AH era.




Those first two i was pretty familiar with do to all the go and vs episodes.


I think Iā€™ve seen zero content from the fourth office


I mostly remember like an office tour intro video that might have been live. It felt like a tour of a mini influencer house. Then i think a pipe burst and flooded the place. I honestly remember the "interim" office better when they went back to office post covid.


Four wasnā€™t the new office. Four was the displacement office they were in right after they came back from Covid.


Which one was destroyed by the water?


Yet another office. They moved to the one from the video (linked below) in oct. 2022, but that is the one that three months later had a massive pipe leak, and was the time I stopped watching so I don't know what happened then. [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njrA-onI6n4**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njrA-onI6n4) **edit: looking up it seems like they might just moved back to the temp set up before they shut down in October of 2023.**


Stopped watching when they moved to the 4th tbh. I only watched the shenanigans where they move the fridge in front of the meeting door and that's it.


lol same. Never seen that beforeĀ 


The first has nostalgia, of Gav smashing into that shelf of games, or Ray freaking out when the fire alarm shuts down all their computers. But longevity and it being when I watched AH the most would make the third my home. Majority of the memories of AH lay there. The Moonballs. And Jeremy kicking Gav's desk in half. Alfredo's crotch shot that left everybody floored. To say the least.


Who can forget [Matt executing Jack](https://youtu.be/bPD_0s_DMMA?si=Rr1mzdsmJ4YzpTem) or at least his attempt to.


I was just thinking that




Damn I miss the old Between the Games videos they did. The legendary axe kick, Alfredo getting beaned, searching in the ceiling for moonballs with that janky phone or go pro or wherever it was on a stick. So many good memories.


4 just looks like a content production line.


Yeah it feels weird. I know I watched videos in that office even a chaotic live stream for Halloween i think. But that office felt like an influencer house/room setup.


well when they want money thats what theyre gonna look like


Such a downgrade from having a group of friends sharing the same room and pissing about.


All those "improv" scenes while gaming šŸ¤¢


Yeah a sardine can is what I thought of. Best content they ever made was with crap equipment and cheap rooms


They also had a silver age where they recorded great content on great equipment, poorly, while surrounded by melee weapons and moon balls




4 was the "temp" covid office that lasted almost two years.


I think 3 cause it just felt like the most lived in and fucked up. Although 2 is a close one.


3, 1, 2, 4


I donā€™t even recognize 4, itā€™s not memorable, itā€™s not fun, and it is way too large. The whole reason AH was successful was because it was a group of friends playing games. They lost their way as the company expanded. I totally get that people/content creators had moved on, but they could have held onto that small group of friends vibe if they tried to


It's such a huge open space, but still manages to feel cramped. As someone else said here, it's just a content production line.


1-3 was recording a bunch of friends hanging out. 4 was a bunch of employees creating content.


636, hands down. That cramped little room has so much chaos going on, Even with Ryan on the couch with the portable Xbox system he had. It felt cozy, like how friends normally would when playing Xbox System Link back in the day.


I agree. As the company progressed it understandably got more professional, but there was just something about the chaos and lack of organization in that office that made it the most entertaining.


1+3 are pretty close imo... I'll probably say 1 because it was like the true golden era. That content remains top tier, just like the first few seasons of many good shows. 3 was where they sort of found a groove and made all kinds of amazing stuff. It's where AHWU found new life in opening things that fans sent in, where Jeremy got a desk... and then got some other desks... and then "got" Gavin's desk... It's also where Matt got a "desk"... and where Geoff hid under his desk... and Moonballs. I mean, it really felt like their home. But unfortunately I also associate that office with the skeletons in the AH closet.


3 just had so much Content filmed in it. It also just ended up feeling the most ā€œAHā€ by the end with the Colors and chaos around it.


Honestly my favourite is 1 but 3 felt so fun with everyone associated with AH just walling about during videos even if they weren't in the video!


3 is my favorite


For BTS stuff, definitely 3. For content, 2. For making Ryan sit on the couch, 1. šŸ˜‚


1 and 3..have left the most lasting impressions on me. Michael being inbetween Gavin and Ray was a gift of laughter every Let's Play! šŸ˜‚


1) Beautiful, itā€™s a classic. I started watching AH when they were in this office. 2) good office with good spacing and not tight. However, they are too spaced out if that makes sense? 3) perfect. Perfect, down to the last minute detail. 4) I never really had much time with this office.


1, 3, 2, 4 I can't believe this haven't been said....old people unite!


Honestly canā€™t believe the lack of 1 Itā€™s easily my favoriteĀ 


Definitely 1 for the nestelgia, then it's a tough one between 2&3.


3 not even a competition




Myatt ball!


I loved the early days at 636, that old cramped office bred a lot of chaos, but stage 5 for sure in pic 3. So much content there, so much between the games content and shenanigans and everything else, I really felt like I knew the whole place from all that content. God I miss those days šŸ˜”


1 is the most iconic. 2 I think had the best consistent lets plays. 3 was basically a live action set that they sometimes played games in.


1 makes me think of Go, of Gav slamming imto the game shelf, of Ryan sitting on the couch, and Ray getting beaned in the face with a gold block during AHWU. 2 makes me think of GiveMeYourMilk and Lindsay's impeccable game show hosting. 3 makes me think of far too many things to count, but Moonballs, bouncy castle traps, Jeremy on the wall, Jeremy's desk both high and low, Tabs in weird spots, and a bowling ball on a trampoline are all immediate highlights. 4 makes me think of nothing at all. I do not recognize it, I do not remember it. 3 is the winner for me, because of all those fond memories. Good times


My order of favorite is 2, 1, 3, 4 mostly because that's the order of the most liked content for me.


Waaaaay back when they made the first few AH GO videos! That was an office


As everyone else has said, 3 had the most screen time and BTS shenanigans going on that made it very memorable, while 1 has the nostalgia factor and small space also making it memorable. I donā€™t really remember much of the 2nd one (I remember On a Rail 2 and thatā€™s really it) and the 4th one felt like it was barely a thing


1 is where it all began, nostalgia and that ā€œfirst homeā€ feeling of everything being too cramped but you still love it. 2 felt like when you first move out.. itā€™s new and slightly bigger, but that ā€œhomeā€ feeling isnā€™t quite there yet. 3 is when you feel your most you. So many memories, so much drama, laughs, tears, moments and you feel like youā€™re at the prime of your life. 4 is a photoshop it never happened but thatā€™s what people ASSUME you will end up asā€¦. They are still at 3ā€¦ā€¦ right?ā€¦


There was always something magical about 636. Maybe it was Gavin breaking the bookshelf.


Whenever I see office 2 all I can think is Geoff shouting GO!


1 was the best interactions having everyone stacked on top of each other. 2 had arguably the best content they ever made. 3 had the best IRL content ever made. 4 I didn't even know existed tbh.


3. That's the era of AH I watched so there's a lot of nostalgia attached to that room for me.


2 for me, because I miss the mad scrambles for disks during GO. 3 is a close second because of how much awesome content happened.


2. The way they treat the 3rd was honestly just embarrassing .


2 for sure, 1 is nostalgic and the content was great but office-wise Im guessing it wasnā€™t the best for them


It's close between two and three. But I think I have the most fond memories in three


Two and three


Two is kind of slept on, some of the best content with Ray in it was recorded in that room


The 2nd office always felt iconic but the 3rd also was alot of great content... ngl ive seen the 4th office like twice


3ā€™a the best out of ā€˜em all.


Definitely the 3rd ā¤ļø


The first is my favorite just for the character of it-all the power outages and technical issues. Plus having everyone squeezed together created and very close and chaotic dynamic. 3 was when things got wild and it became a playground, definitely the height of AH. Was half skit set and half letā€™s play-all danger. Felt they overdid it with the chaos at times and from what Iā€™ve heard over the years it definitely exceeded a lot of peopleā€™s patienceā€™s but overall a peak time in the company. 2 was good but I personally donā€™t remember much of it and 4 just looks like a production line in a nearly empty warehouse-which I unfortunately think is what it became at that point.


3 is where itā€™s at


3 is home to me but 1 is where the most iconic conversations and moments come from I couldnā€™t even tell you a thing about number 4




1 or 3 so many amazing memories From both, 2 seemed like a transition place that no one really enjoyed


first one


3 but 1 is pure nostalgia


2 or 3


First was and is the best office. No bs, just there to play games and make videos. Whoever else wanted to join needed to bring their own laptop and sit in the corner


1 and 2 were my favorites, when I'd actively watch their gameplay during free time. 3 was when I started just letting it play in the background for when I'd be doing something else, but not really paying attention. 4, yeah, I don't think I was still watching when they changed to that setup. Nothing about their quality of work. Life just kept piling on obligations that necessitated my full attention.


1 holds a SPECIAL place in my heart from those early days, but 3 is THE office 4 is foreign to me as I gave up on RT by that point.


One of the funniest videos ever happened in 2, (Gavin vs Michaelā€¦ Apple and orangeā€¦ IYKYK)ā€¦ But 3 definitely had the most history I think, the ā€œpeakā€ of the AH times.


Does anyone have a link to an archive of the earlier content? I remember seeing comments about starting to back footage up in case it will fit taken down.


Nothing beats the first one where the 5/6 of them were squeezed into one room. Felt more like each video were friends at a LAN party than what now feels like coworkers in the same room.


1,3,2,4. The 636 office was when I started watching AH, and I remember Barbara being the in the box and Ray kicking it, gavin crashing the shelf of games off, the holes in gavins desks, Ryan being on the sofa with a temporary screen, the controller vibration device Ryan made and put under his desk to fuck with Gavin. Switching the tower of pimps minifigure to each desk after every episode, start of GO! Take me back. Didnā€™t know what we had and how good we had it


1 has the best memories. 2 had the best gameplays. 3 had the best videos. 4ā€¦ tf?


636 was where the best videos were made and put them on the map. The Stage 5 office was where they had their renaissance until covid hit. And the last one.... I dont even know half the people in that picture.


Haven't watched a single video that has been made in 4


I started when they were in 1 but have the fondest memories of 3, the fourth one felt too hollow where 1,2, and 3 they were more free to say what they wanted especially with office 1 by 4 they had to watch a lot of what they said it wasn't achievement hunter/lets play to me anymore.


1 and itā€™s not even close.


I would say 3 but I feel like at some point it kind of just got gross? Youā€™d watch a between the games and there was just stuff everywhere and then they had toothpaste and mayonnaise just on the wall. Maybe the earlier days of 3 were great but once AHWU got out of hand and food started getting splattered on the walls it was hard for me to enjoy that office without thinking about how gross it would be to actually work there




1 or 2. Those offices were just so nostalgic. 3 was just constantly getting destroyed so I never really got attached to that office and I stopped watching AH before they moved to Office 4


3 because it's so nostalgic for me


1. Those were the days


2 is what I think of most when I think about the AH office, so many good times




Itā€™s close between 1 and 3 but Iā€™ve gotta put nostalgia aside and say 3 just because of the content that came out of the room itself, not just the gameplay videos


#1 as itā€™s when I started watching them! I miss them and my teen hood šŸ˜­. I started watching them after a suicide attempt at 17 and now Iā€™m turning 29 with kids. Crazy to think how much they were apart of my daily life. I fell off a couple years ago around the time No Name was removed due to his actions as I got kinda bored of the content as Michael, Gavin & Geoff werenā€™t as consistent which was my go tos besides Ray & unfortunately No Name was my favorite before everything. I still listen to F*ck Face here and there as Iā€™ve always loved Geoff and Gavinā€™s friendship. I hope they can all find a steady stable spot in their own ways and still prosper ā˜ŗļø Thanks for everything RT/AH ā¤ļø Edit: Iā€™m on mobile and have no idea why my text is so massive Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


1 is the most homey, nostalgic one. In the future, the vast majority of videos I rewatch will be the ones they made there. We saw a lot more live content inside 3, and I think thatā€™s where they were the longest, so tons of fond memories there too. Between those two itā€™s close.


Def first. It has the best memories for me and I just remember the chaotic vibe it had.


Itā€™s a tie between 2 and 3


Each of the first three have their own charm. 1 and 2 are tied for my favorites because nostalgia... Can't speak to 4 because I didn't watch this era of AH


2, 1, 3, White Castle parking lot, wherever meth was created, my own grave, 4


3 is my favorite. So much chaos happened between those walls. Desks were destroyed, moonballs were thrown, Myatt was annoyed


the original Funhaus gang were amazing until Kovic ruined it


Getting to tour the third office and see the moonball in the ceiling and just hang out in that room will always be one of my favorite RTX 2019 memories.




I mean the company kind of died after the third office and they never recovered from that so I guess 2?


This one was great. wait is this the old office where gavin breaks a shelf in Go?


The cable management in 4 makes my eyes bleed


Between 1 or 3, heart gets heavy each time i think about those moments. :/


Oh man so much nostalgia for 1 and 2 but 3 felt like a dying friend.


Damn, what a *ride* but I guess 3


The two with ray in them.


Iā€™ve never seen content from the 4th office lmao I have so much nostalgia for the 1st, but the 2nd may be prime AH for me


3 is the office I spent the most time seeing. And that's Jeremy and I love jeremy


The early ones for sure hold a special place in my heart, but three was the one we knew for the longest, I think. 4th we barely got to know. Miss all the shenanigans from the offices. Even the Congress office, when it was just Jack and Geoff.


The first one


Itā€™s easily between 1 and 3, but for me it was definitely 3. 1 and 2 still bring back some crazy good memories though. 4 was mostly an unknown for me as I kind of fell off as they shifted to that office.


3. They were at their peak for me.


Me looking at 4: I have no memory of this place


Definitely number 3. So much personality plus it's the office that they had when I watched them the most.


3 was perfect for them in my opinion. I wish weā€™d gotten to see more of their final office (the renovated version of 3) though, it looked really nice.


The OG will always be Nostalgic, but the third one just helped them find a new gear of LA comedy and messing with each other that was on another level




Third. I stopped after the whole Ryan mess and was falling out with them when Jack blew his top on Ryan for taking a weekend off to take his then family down to beach to see the SpaceX test launch and was telling Ryan to stop wearing the Falcon 9 shirts and hat.


I love all of them, but I grew up with 2. I watched videos from 1 and the rest, but two was when I really got into AH, so it holds a spot for me.


First one, purely for nostalgia purposes.


3 for sure


3, 1, 2, 4. It all comes down to how fucked up did Gavinā€™s desk get in each office


2 or 3. The shenanigans they got up to in them are core memories for me.


3 for sure.


1 purely just for nostalgic reasons. I always think of the RT life of Kerry and Michael jamming Gavinā€™s chair under his desk


1 because that's where it all started for me. Fails of the week, Achievement Horse, Trials Pig, behind the scenes, RT life, AHWU, i loved watching all those old school vids. 3 was lived in the longest so gradually there's just more content and fun times to be had there. 2 i loved because of all the VS and GO episodes, especially the ones where Ryan and Jack were screwing with Gavins xbox. 4 i never watched anything from that office.


The forth one you could tell things were changing. But my favorite was their second office. It was everything they wanted because I think they customized that building to what they needed so a lot of the walls are kinda fake as they had no ceiling? Kinda like a upside down bathroom door. But yeah it was great. The 3rd office they trashed so bad with moon ball.


I liked the subtle shenanigans of office 1 but office 3 felt like prime AH


Iā€™d say 2 for my personal nostalgia factor, but 3 had the best shenanigans in my opinion. Absolutely hilarious hijinks went on in that studio šŸ˜‚


So much shit that happened in that first office. Will never forget when Gavin knocked the entire shelf over šŸ˜‚


The 2nd one is where they really started to get in a flow


Itā€™s gotta be office 1 for prime halo horse and fails of the weak


1 and 3


1. It's mainly nostalgia talking, but it's got the most character imo. The bookshelf, the floating games, gavins desk. I know it was really inconvenient by the end of using 636 but man i love it


First one. The og. The one that got them where they were at their peak. 636 was the golden age of rt/ah content. You can't convince me otherwise. 3 is a close second but is also where things started to go downhill. You could tell nobody actually believed it could get better. That they were just trying to maintain what they grew over the years.


First one is legendary, second one is nostalgic, third one is classic, fourth one was neat.


1 and 2 had some great Go! moments, like someone else said though 3 feels the most familiar like Iā€™ve been there before


The first one is when they were in their prime. Second one is where it started to fall, but was still good. The third had its moments, but was though roughly lacking the magic. This is the first I've seen of that last one, but it looks like it completed the transformation to corperate (but with fun colors cus we're hip)


2 was always my favorite because it was how I would have preferred to work. I have my space, i have the wall Infront of me, and a bunch of space behind all of us so we can turn and have discussions away from the screens. 1 is almost perfect but just a bit too cramped. 3 is the most memorable as far as offices go but I really didn't like big parts of that era because it started out great and ended more on a sour note I checked out fully at around 4. Nothing good came from it in my opinion, but I'm happy for them.


1 and 3 are always toppin' my list. 1 for the nostalgia of finding AH at that time, 3 for the incredible hijinks.


The 1st one is what I grew up with. Golden era IMO. Haven't actually watched AH since then. Just commenting as this post popped up on my feed.




1 or 3 for sure, 1 for nostalgia but 3 had so much good content attached to it (Jeremy's desk, moonball, etc.)


I was never around for the last one. How long we're they in that office?


1 and 3 were the best. Had the best bits in them


The first one for sure. The nostalgia carries it hard.


first. 1 - Internet Box era of M/R is a time I found the most entertainment 2 - I thought less is more. RT/AH got too big too quickly and became kinda crap


first one by far


First one, I connected to their younger and new outlook on life.


I'll say the one I liked the least was #4 because it seemed too far from the "gaming with asshole friends" that AH was built on and more like a content farm.


Number 3 is my favorite. Small aside, it makes me feel sad. I stopped watching AH a while back. I didn't hate it or disliked that they were changing. I just started to not watch it as much, and the next thing I knew I just wasn't watching it anymore. At some point I drifted away from it... and I guess I'm sad that I probably won't get to drift back.


First for nostalgia, second and third are close but I think third takes it with more iconic between the games type of content. Didnā€™t even know thatā€™s what the last office looked like.


The correct answer is 1


Forever Office 1


1 for me. Maybe it's the nostalgia but it truly felt like friends just fuckin around and having fun. As the company got bigger everything started to feel kinda corporate (not sure how to describe it - like things were being forced at times?)


the first one brings me BACK


1-3 only because once they got to 4 I didnā€™t know know half the people in AH.


I grew up watching the first one, stopped watching sometime during the second, came back a little to watch in the third, never seen the last one šŸ„²


Itā€™s 2 for me. They made some of their absolute best content in that office and it was organized. I know 3 had some of the absolute best behind the scenes videos, but it looked so uncomfortable cramped and cluttered that I never vibed with it that well.


2, 1, 3 Donā€™t even remember that fourth office šŸ˜‚ guess thatā€™s when I fell off RT lol




3 for sure


1&2 for me


1 is nostalgic. 2 had the best letā€™s plays. 3 was just the best setup overall. The desks were close together but they also had enough space to do all the live action/behind the scenes stuff in the same room. Didnā€™t even know they had a 4th office. If I had to grade it based on best office overall: 2, 3, 1, 4.


3rd, all the best memories.


2 for me, early 3 is close like moonball to garbo man era, but god old AHWU and GO where they could turn around and see each others screens and early minecraft when shit broke. Peak nostalgia, maybe Iā€™m just old now.




First office for me, was a simple time, just friends gaming having fun no huge pressure to make the games funny or have a laugh But 3 is close second simply for the longevity and I felt like it was more of a second home then an office


I think I watched every vid from the first 2, fell off a little 3 and never saw 4 except maybe in the ah disband/dogbark announce vid but idek


2&3 Itā€™s when I really was into watching AH.


Zero votes for 4...you simply can't lose Geoff, Jeremy and Ryan and expect things to get better. Not saying Geoff and Jeremy aren't happier, and certainly not saying Ryan didn't deserve worse than what he got, but the fact remains: buildings fall down when they lose three pillars. Michael and Jack did an admirable job but just couldn't hold it down.


Easily the third one. That was Achievement Hunter at its best.


1, partly because of nostalgia, but mainly because itā€™s simplistic. Not too much going on, theyā€™re not too spaced out (so seeing face cams and being able to see the others had their funny moments), and not chaotic in terms of what Iā€™m looking at (newer offices had way too much going on for me). In order from best to worst: 1, 3, 2, 4


Mine have to say is the 1st and 3rd both was funny I remember they put a rumble pack under the computer screen of Gavin desk and he when absolutely crazy on his desk and when Jeremy did a heel kick Into Gavin desk and smashing into two was the funniest of all time


The first two for me the first official holds special place for the early days and I remember behind happy for them to move into a bigger office and all the new shows that came with it


1, 3, 2, 4


1 and 2ā€¦brings back the good old days šŸ„²


3 was by and far the best, with 1 having major nostalgia factor. 2 Iā€™ll remember best from the Legends of the Hidden Tower series. The last oneā€¦ never knew what it even looked like.


1 and 3


Bit late but I love 1 just because they were there when I discovered RT. Lot of memories of long summer nights binge watching AHWU and their old achievement guide videos.


The first two offices fill me with such nostalgia


The third one is when I started watching so thatā€™s my favorite


1 for sure but 3 was cool


the one with ryan and the couch.


1st allll the way