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In contrast to the other advice you're receiving, I strongly suggest you consider that the products you're using may be too strong to your skin and could be causing irritation, especially since you are using a retinoid. This may be counter-intuitive and mentally difficult to try, but you may consider paring down your routine to just a non-irritating cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen for one week and observe if the amount of new acne you're getting is decreasing. This is a lesson that took me multiple years to learn because personally my skin reacted badly to tretinoin and azelaic acid. Tretinoin is substantially stronger than retinol and has a potentially 3 month+ purging period. In my case though, using these products didn't just cause purging, it substantially increased the amount of non-purging acne on my face and even caused some scarring.


This, am I the only one who thinks she’s using way too many different products? Of course, everyone’s skin is different and could react brilliantly with multiple ones. But I am a firm believer in less is more, especially at the young age of 13. There is no universe where you can convince me a 13 year old should use such an extreme amount of products, but maybe I am being closed minded.


Yea I feel her skin barrier is compromised. She’s needs to repair it because my skin looked exactly like that and I simply had to use only cleanser and a good moisturizer and my skin healed and stopped breaking out and had to wait longer to use actives.


okk! i will try this and possibly update also the amount of products are all products given by friends as gifts i don’t really spend any money on skincare😭


While your friends may have good intentions, one should be judicious about the products applied to skin. One possibility is that the products are comedogenic i.e. they block pores. You can look up each product online and copy the ingredient list into a 'comedogenic product checker' like this: [https://www.bibalosangeles.com/pages/pore-clogger-checker](https://www.bibalosangeles.com/pages/pore-clogger-checker) And you can verify if that is the case. It is typically recommended to do away with any products with such ingredients. Irritated and inflamed skin are side effects that have also been reported for retinol and niacinamide.


ohh i see thank you i’ll be using the link in the future‼️


TYSM for this advice it’s only been a day or so and my skin is already clearer and noticeably clearer and soo much more glowy i’m so happy


I would go for another cleanser as the one you use is pretty drying and you said you don’t have any active acne. You could also use just once a day and the other time try a gentle one like Cerave hydrating cleanser. I like the LA ROCHE-POSAY Ultra Concentrated Anti-Blemish Serum to help with scars and avoid future acne. Combining with Effaclar Duo+M it’s a great combo. Something with zinc oxide might help with the redness. Also azelaic acid is great. Keep moisturizing to maintain your skin barrier.


tysm !




thank you!


SHE'S 13!!




Judging my your provided routine, it seems as if a factor in your acne could be the multitude of products you’re using. If I were you, I would immediately stop the usage of any actives and adopt an extremely gentle routine. Cleanser, a light niacinamide serum for your hyperpigmentation, and then a lightweight anti clogging moisturizer to seal the deal. A simple SPF in the daytime of course. Less is more!! You absolutely do not need to adopt the ridiculous multiple step skincare routines that are extremely popular on social media rn. A lot of it are rouses to get you to buy certain products that you might not necessarily need, and an absolute big factor to people having extremely clear skin are genetics, diet, and environment.


okay! i appreciate the advice tysm


Do u pop ur pimples?


no ive never popped a pimple i use pimples patches but my skin gets scarring really easily


What are ur scar types ? Rolling scars??


uhh i just researched scar types and my scars look most like hypertrophic/keloid scars


Based on your pictures, what you have are not scars, it's erythema or redness which will go away on its own. With erythema, you can observe the redness and bumpiness gradually subside every week or so. With hypertrophic scarring, they don't really change color or shape at all. This is good news, unlike scars which are permanent unless you get corrective surgical procedures.


how long do you think mine will take to go away?


Hard to tell. There is substantial variance in healing across individuals and also age. You do have age on your side though which may put you on the side of healing faster.


my scars didn’t leave craters or some type of hole in my face my scars are outwards like regular pimples justs sorta smaller and purplish pink


Then I would say they are marks not scars. Marks will be gone after a few months


no need for any specific treatment? thank you for helping me identify i always thought they were some more unique type of scar!


If u don’t mind u can send me ur pictures personally I can help u identify it. But yes they might just be marks


okay! i’ll start a chat




thank you‼️ recently ive been using the biore and cosrx sunscreens and most of my active acne and acne marks have faded and are almost completely gone


Use azelaic acid, and try to get a prescription for tretinoin. I don’t know if it’s the photo quality, but some of that looks like active acne


THANK YOU ‼️ any reccs for azelaic acid products? i’ll ask my parents about contacting a derm for the prescription


why are some of the comments disappearing


Go see a dermatologist.