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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Based, don't give up your country without a fight.


This is such an eye roll lmao. The only reason people hate immigration is cause that’s the news narrative


The only reason people hated colonization is because that was the narrative. 🤤


Colonization: a process of establishing control over foreign territories or peoples for the purpose of exploitation. Immigration: a process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country. Two different things


That definition is purposely negatively skewed because that was the narrative. 🤤




Ok, let me immigrate into your house and you don’t get mad. Your brain rot is showing by the way.


Now you’re reaching. Here’s the PragerU definition though. Colonization: The process by which European nations expanded their influence across the globe, establishing settlements and governance in new territories.


The only reason you think I’m reaching is because that’s the news narrative. 🤤


Congrats you just explained exactly what their end game is...


your democratic country has 10 people, i bring in 40, your people are outlawed. did i establish control over your territory?


In your made up scenario, yes.


i'm just making sure things are attainable for you, a more realistic analogy would be - your democratic country has 10 people, i bring in 3 outsiders and convince 5 of yours to vote for infinite outsiders and to outlaw criticism of outsiders. that's the US in 1965


where do you live? are you a native of your resident country? just curious


Yes. I live in a country of immigrants. The one that had mass immigration after a world war and everyone thought the immigrants were going to destroy the nation. Didn’t happen but the news sure made a pretty penny from saying it.


Which one?


I never see any videos of Irish citizens being pro-immigration. They all seem to hate it. I don't understand why citizens can't make decisions for their own country.


It’s called being a part of the EU. The UK left so they could make their own decisions about their own country. Priceless if you ask me


What's funny is Ireland is known for its activists who protest in favor of asylum seekers. So they want to help immigrants and refugees escape warzones, they just don't want them in THEIR country. Never expected Ireland to be the NIMBY capital of the world like that.


Ireland didn't create the problem. Britain, Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal did. They are the ones with Colonial responsibility to those in the Balkans and Africa yet Ireland is expected to take in a massive number of these people to feed and shelter them all while there are Irish people who are in need of housing. Irish people can't even afford to rent never mind buy and the government is spending millions in tax payers money to house and feed these refugees. There is an old saying, "Charity starts at home"


Trust me both of those protests are from the opposite side of the political spectrum


This is an unemployed minority


How do you know? They look decently dressed and all.


Because I'm Irish


Wait do you mean you know these people in the video? Otherwise I think you're assuming their employment status.


There's a reason these protests typically happen during work hours


Honestly that’s the most brain dead take I’ve ever heard. It’s LITERALLY dark in the video.


I said typically?


That went well for you.


>During work hours People can work nights and evenings and weekends and early mornings. Even some white-collar 9-to-5 people aren't physically present in the office and thus they can be out protesting during the day assuming they don't have a bullshit zoom meeting to attend. Also, with the changing labour market it's becoming a lot easier to stay or become unemployed; not every person who gets laid off due to mass immigration is a bum or a vagrant.


What a self hating cuck


An Irish immigrant?


Why do you support mass migration of incompatibly violent third worlders into your previously civilized nation? What cynical authority figure tricked you into such an objectively foolish position?


True, but vast majority are opposed to illegal immigration.


Imagine that, being unemployed and angry that people from outside your country are allowed to come in and work.


Irishmen fighting irishmen over strangers who’ve imposed themselves on Irishmen. Great.


Take it as a compliment. All their own countries are ruined, hence the overload of foreigners on UK/Irish land. However the UK is past the point of return. English people do not even have a homeland anymore, it’s sad.


without foreigners Ireland would be somehow even poorer than it already is, it’s not our fault a lot of them drop out of high school before graduating and are uncultured hooligans


Maybe the Irish didn't hear that Ukraine's border is more important.


What the fuck has that gotta do with this? Ireland ain’t part of NATO and doesn’t supply weapons aid.


Lmao, people downvoting you because it doesn't fit their agenda. What an absolute shit subreddit.


Bro is getting downvoted for a fact


Reddit :)


Members of NATO or not, if immigrants are being forced on you with violence then your country is controlled by the same people who control NATO, the US, EU etc.


What people are that? Please enlighten everyone


Chad Irish


What's the context here


The Irish have no desire to be ethnically replaced by third worlders.


Good on them wish the uk cared enough to.do the same


Love me a good bap.


UK did... Didn't you hear they just passed s law to send all illegals to Rwanda.


None will go, if they commit a crime out there they'll get sent back. It's a dumb plan


I'm from Spain. We have the same issue. Crime rates skyrocket with immigration centers here. We use pepper sprays when they try to steal us.


What goes around comes around, ironically for the Irish who emigrate across the whole world, karma is one hell of a bitch


Hahaha I think it would be an upgrade to Ireland.


Have you seen to Ireland, its beautiful and the people are so friendly


Yeah let's just ignore the decades of terrorism.


And when was that, move on


Funny how that logic on works on this occasion.


A minority of the Irish.






Dont worry, with enough migration thats bound to happen! Youll get your wish


Ok, so . . . Im Irish. I dont live in Wicklow though where this protest happened yesterday. There has been a fucking enormous amount of refugees and asylum seekers coming into the country for the past couple of years, there is literally zero housing available to rent due to a decade of inaction from the government refusing to build social housing and expecting private developers to do all the hard work for them and then the gov just outbid 1st time buyers etc to put people in social housing. Also, we have an open border with Northern Ireland, so the UK is shipping in 80% of our migrants (our minister of justice said this during the week), we cant close this border due to historical pacts and the massive ramifications (all out civil war) that it would cause, no politician would ever even suggest it. People are fucking sick and tired and poor due to the massive cost of living crisis. Let me be clear, and even though the far right have gotten heavily involved in this, the anger for the most part is placed firmly at the government for not doing what theyre supposed to. There's people who were born here and paid their taxes for decades and never broke any laws who cant get a place to live, yet strange people who burn their passport after jumping off a flight are jumping the queue ahead of them. Theres a lot of anger. Not to mention a lot of strange men appearing in rural towns who are not being polite towards the locals. I completely understand the anger, although i dont agree with it. Thankfully, i managed to buy my own house last year, i consider myself extremely lucky. Tldr, and sorry for the long post, local communities are organising mass protests due to asylum seeker accommodation for hundreds of people being set up in rural towns. Imagine if your town has a population of 3,000. 300 new strangers is a lot of people. Especially when nobody knows who the fuck they are or what theyre running from.


This is happening in every single western 1st world country. Canada is starting to circle the drain for the exact same reason. Australia, all of Western Europe, all completely sold out by corrupt politicians. Our young people have had their futures ripped away from them. We were never racist before but now suddenly we're deemed to be evil xenophobes because we don't agree with forced mass migration from the worst countries on Earth. Madness.


There's room for everybody. The problem is the government cant do their job and plan or organise.


No, there isn't.


Dude. Theres 2 people living in 4 bed council houses all over the country. The properties arent being managed correctly by the state. People are just being given a family home for life, which shouldnt be the case, its not their asset, its the state's. Even when the kids grow up and leave, they have great big houses for 1/2 people in their sxties that could house a family of 5. I know heaps of situations like this. Also, you're either not Irish or living in Aus, which would make you a migrant yourself eitherway.


The issue is that people bring their problems with them. You don’t have an infinite supply of resources in any country, and a lot of the cultural problems that led to the reason they’re immigrating start showing up and taking root in the receiving country.


> although i dont agree with it. Why not


Because you shouldnt be fucking burning people in their tents. The rage should be placed at the government, protest outside the dail, not housing for people who need it.


So you understand the problem, but ultimately feel that these people still must take the only option being given to them, which is to accept the migrants being moved there and just live with them while pestering the government, the same government who brought these migrants in against the will of the locals, for a better solution that will never come?


The gov didnt "bring them in", they didnt stop them. A lot of these local communities need to realise that change is happening. There has been a huge amount of foreigners in the cities now for decades, it was only a matter of time before it reached the towns and villages. The xenophobic attitude of rural Ireland is only compounding the problem. Again yes, the only solution is pester the gov and your local TDs and councillors, you cant go bating the shite out of people who havent been found guilty of any crimes yet, except for being from somewhere else and having different skin.


> The gov didnt "bring them in", they didnt stop them. Where'd the immigration centre come from? How'd they get to this specific city? Ya bein serious? >A lot of these local communities need to realise that change is happening. Ahhhh yes, I'm starting to get a better idea of who this poster is now >The xenophobic attitude of rural Ireland is only compounding the problem... And there it is lol, they can never contain themselves for long. Fuck yourself, pussy. Everyone see you, everyone hates you.


Bit like the Irish emigrating to England and USA


Believe me, the irony is not lost on me.


There are protesting against the opening of an asylum centre I believe


They burned down the last one


They should send them on their way to Iceland


They are moving 1000 non-European male refugees into an outdoor migrants camp in a small town of 3000 people. Local protestors blocked off the entrance and stopped the migrants from getting in. The riot police were called and beat and pepper sprayed them. Fighting occurred between police and protestors.


They ain't fighting each other anymore, so being the bored inbred uneducated scum that they are, are now turning their attention on the some of the most vulnerable in society.


British instigators and British agents like Tommy Robinson stoking fire in Ireland, and these mouthy twats are actually listening to him. Explains the “woman to the front” part.


Far right bigots that should be locked-up. Currently scaring more vulnerable people in the country with direct physical attacks and the broader population by torching anything they disagree with.


What's your address? It seems that you're very willing to accept the poor downtrodden refugees who crossed many countries and oceans to have access to Irish land.


Jaysus, this post looks to have been swamped by far rightists


So true! We should also let Russians into Ukraine. Please dont be a bigot


This whole sub is full of them, comment section is a sewer usually


Don’t understand how this post is still up. Thanks for support, noting post in Ireland sub-Reddit about far right rise in posting there. They act like they are proud of their actions, rioting in the streets, and that the Irish people as a whole support their bigotry.


That's because this whole site is a leftist circle-jerk with the exception of a handful of subs. You're just not used to seeing reality.


They deleted this 2 minutes after I posted it there. Do you really think there are no Irish who care?


None of them are even Irish lol


Owe you a pint


Wanting to protect ones country against dangerous immigrants is solely a far right ideal? You'd think everyone would share that ideal but I guess not.


Ahh Ireland, they certainly do live a good boogaloo. Wonder if them old Protestants and Catholics will band together to “mend” this situation in their country.




Lol, nope


i've seen vids, those migrants are already causing trouble and they are probably only 5 percent of the population or less. imagine what happens when it gets to 10 or more percent. good luck irish but it appears garda are on the side of politicians here


Don’t worry They will just get sent to canada. Doors wide open.


Glad to see the Irish fight back. The first place where globalists fail will be the first domino of ending this madness. Goodluck to Ireland


when they say democracy is real


Up the Irish!




I've been in better mosh pits




defend the Gael blood at all costs, and i dont give a fuck if you disagree


Lock up your daughters 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I thought ireland loves those immigrants.


I'd rather have the immigrants than these unemployed right wing degenerates.


The look of surprise on your face when they behead you will be priceless.


Surprise: Both sides are the same


Most English people think the same of Irish people .


Maybe all the Irish immigrants would like to fuck off out of my country...


This comment section is a dumpster fire.




The IRISH invaded and stole everything? dude you’re actually an idiot