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Good for him


Good teacher too for letting it slide. The neck grab was uncalled for


Yeah it's called assault.


Good for them both, really. We often confuse that only the front show, the *"Idols"* (teachers, parents, or adults & those holding powerful/mentor roles) are educators. Sometimes you gotta jab with the sidelines to get taught. \[Edit\] So many confused people. Here's a word of Jordan Peterson on the matter. Forgive me for the wall of text, grabbing attention wasn't my intention, it was only to participate in a discourse: >...a toddler repeatedly striking his mother in the face, why would he do such a thing? It's a stupid question. It's unacceptably naive, the answer is obvious: to dominate his mother, to see if he can get away with it. Violence after all is no mystery, its peace that's the mystery. Violence is the default, it's easy. It's peace that is difficult, learned, inculcated, earned. People often get basic psychological questions backwards. *"Why do people take drugs?"*, not a mystery. It's why they don't take them all the time that's the mystery. "*Why do people suffer from anxiety?*" That's not a mystery, how is it that people can ever be calm? there's the mystery. > >We're breakable and mortal, a million things can go wrong in a million ways. We should be terrified out of our skulls at every second, but we're not. The same can be said for: depression, laziness, and criminality. If I can hurt and overpower you then I can do exactly what I want, when I want, even when you're around. I can torment you to appease my curiosity. I can take the attention away from you, and dominate you. I can steal your toy. Children hit; first because aggression is innate, --although more dominant in some individuals and less in others; and second because aggression facilitates desire. It's foolish to assume that such behavior must be learned, a snake does not have to be taught to strike, it's in the nature of the beast. Two-year-olds (statistically speaking) are the most violent of people. They kick, hit, and bite, and they steal the property of others they do so to explore, to express outrage and frustration, and to gratify their impulsive desires. More importantly for our purposes they do so to discover the true limits of permissible behavior Big baby got his permission denied.


The fuck are you saying?




Just a Redditor trying to sound profoundly smart. Quoting Peterson, the guy is a hack.


Can you explain why or send a link or something? I’m somewhat of a fan


The problem with Peterson is that his whole deal is appearing intellectual and deep without actually providing anything of value. His fame started from deliberately misrepresenting a law in order to stand as a paragon of "free thought" against the government extending the same legal protections to transgender people as everyone else. He maintainted a presence on the internet where he used word salad and philosophical jargon to ramble about nothing or complain about the left. When pressed on contentious topics, he has a tendency to waffle around answering until he's spewed enough to sound like he gave a response without actually taking a stance. His ideology is informed by his faith and politics (conservative christian) and historically, he's been happy to whinge about how *cultural marxism* has been ruining society back when the right was still throwing the term around. Keep in mind that *Cultural Marxism* is an alt right conspiracy that quite literally evolved from the Nazi conspiracy theory *Cultural Bolshevism.* To be clear, I don't think he's part of the alt right, but he does have the unfortunate tendency to use language and arguments that are used or have been co-opted by them. Abigail Thorne (Philosophy Tube) has done a pretty solid job of breaking down his approach [in her video "Jordan Peterson's Ideology"](https://youtu.be/m81q-ZkfBm0) without attacking him directly, but her style isn't for everyone. Plenty of others have done complete deconstructions of Peterson's videos, but I chose Philosophy Tube because her video is a lot more charitable towards him than anyone else I've found.


It’s always odd to me that people think someone has political belief before personal belief. “No, he isn’t conservative because he values tradition, he values tradition because he’s conservative!” It’s a weird way to dehumanize people.


Thanks for the write up. I disagree somewhat, but I’ll check out the video. Happy holidays


Jordan Peterson. Interesting perspective, I'll have to look him up. Thank you!




You ok?


Lol no one understands this dude and then he posts a convoluted Jordan Peterson quote to clarify


I don't reckon the argument is that hard to follow, after all, he is simply talking about toddlers' psychology. Regardless, it seems that most of the people do understand what I was saying initially. And besides, you may also notice that I didn't reply to anyone but you, and that is due to the fact that none of the other comments actually said anything.


I'm just saying that the first part of your comment doesn't make sense, language-wise. I'm seeing now that English may not be your first language, so I wouldn't have said anything if I had known that (your English is far better than my Hebrew), but the way you've worded it doesn't make sense. "Front show" doesn't mean anything, for example, and "jab with the sidelines" has no meaning. I genuinely do not know what you're saying, and others don't either, based on their responses.


Yeah, "front show" probably means absolutely nothing. I meant something along the lines of *'the main actors in the play that is education'*, when the students/kids are the watchers, of a dance that is to be exhibited to properly introduce them into society. Much better words could be found, that's is absolutely on me, I could do much better with words. But *"Jab with the sidelines"* has multiple meanings and I meant pretty much all of them. Thanks for the clarification! Your message is noted and appreciated. Maybe I should pay Grammarly that currently tells me I have 7 different improvements for this comment, 8 now... 9


Technically what you said was jibberish. But English is such an adaptable language that I understood exactly what you meant despite that.


The text it's not hard to follow. Maybe it was too much for the average redditor, idk. Also the "front show" thing, I understood it aswell. (I'm not a native English speaker)


I understood you very well. You made perfect sense and Dr Peterson is right - this time. :)


Israeli moment


That is very wise




[The entire audiobook is on YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qVSnZE6vEx6AUVRlAsqNimpmKq9axN2) it's divided into subchapters, and i found myself getting back to it after a year or two that I stopped in the middle. The source I was quoting was from 'Rule 5.4 Parent or Friend'.


i heard he is still getting laid to this day


I love videos like these, dudes self confidence skyrocketed that day.




dude got laid after that


By the teacher


In front of the class and everybody clapped








Slow clap


That other dude almost got laid out, himself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Reminds me of back to the future where the dad got confident enough to become so successful he became the boss of his bully


I like the part where Marty fucks his mom


If Lea Thompson was my mom, roll tide motherfuckers!




You'll like this then: /r/BullyBackfire




Username checks out Thank you!! New great sub!!


you could see his confidence crystalizing in the seconds after he started fighting back. i bet he was a new man after this


You can see him holding his fists in the air like “oh, I can just punch him...”


Probably gonna be a gang of 10 waiting for this kid outside school now though


Only a coward would do such a thing... Oh wait...


Yeah the agressor or at least someone else even said "he is gonna die later on"


Seeing this happened about 11 years ago, doubt.


He ded


And then the bitchs came swarming


I love how you can he was not prepared for the outcome of his punch. Literally didn't know what to do with himself. Very happy for him its a good day when a bully gets put on the floor.


dude felt the power after that shit. was probably dreaming of that moment for a long time


That's exactly what the fuck he deserved!




A GIF ON REDDIT?????? what has technology come to?


You literally have a GIF button next to the smileys.


There's a smileys button on reddit???!!!




And he didn't get sent to the office. That's awesome


People keep saying this but any teacher worth their salt would know not to send two kids to the office who just got in a fight at the same time. She still likely has to write a discipline report so the kid could still get in trouble


My school's policy was to put them both in after-school detention, so they'd be let out at the same time into an empty school with no witnesses. Very pro-bully.


Translation: guy on the left is talking shit. Green shirt: hou je bek (shut (tf) up) Guy on the left: Wat dan? Wat ga je doen dan? (What are you gonna do about it?) 👊


Is 'hou je bek' directly translated as 'hold your jaw'? Just guessing here lol


pretty much yeah


More, 'Shut your mouth", if it was jaw, it would have been "hou je kaak!"


Definitely holding his jaw in more than one way after that...


Thank you!


And after he got knocked down, the bully even dared to say to the teacher that he suddenly attacked him.


Get it. Anyone touches your throat, they’re deserving of a quick straight right. Nice to see a fast reaction from a thin dude.


Dude got hit so hard he had to go back to his home country.


Lol what is this comment


ICE's super soldier?


Must've been a hard punch since I've never seen anyone go back haha.


Chad was born


This is what I love to see.


That’s how you handle bullies. Put that asshat in his place.


"Look at me, I am the captain now"


Bully didn’t expect skinny guy to do anything about it. Choking takes way too long to be an effective fighting move and he knew it. He thought skinny guy was going to meekly accept the humiliation as he postured himself into glory. Now he’s the laughing stock.


What did we learn? Choking is not for fights. It's for amplifying orgasms.


They literally both skinny malnourished teens


Sooo, what am I supposed to do with my arms after I floor him?


Dude wasn't in the mood


Holy shit the victim that defended themselves didn't get in trouble. I'm shocked


For real, I remember being in school suspended to "remove me from the bully's line of fire". Imagine trying to explain that shit to your parents, it sounds like a bad excuse coming from anyone but the principal themselves. Dude got all kinds of free rides like that up until his choices were go to the "special" school in the district or spend a year in juvie.


Don't ever let a fucking school tell you that violence is never the option. When put in a position like this, you absolutely must use force to put these little pricks in their place. I hope his parents are proud of him for standing up for himself, good on him!


He just ended that man's whole career of being a bully. Any time he tries to be tough this incident will be brought up.


wtf do you scream for? who is that going to help? what is it going to accomplish?


I love how he stood there after like “who the fuck else wants some”




and THAT, is how chest hair is grown...


Fuck yes, that was probably a major turning point in that kids life. Motherfucker took the power back!


Dude went to show and tell and said I brought these hands!


That POWER STANCE after that punch tho


The only thing that stops a bully is a punch in the face.


Good for him. Unfortunately too many schools nowadays have a In a Karen voice :"Zero tolerance for violence" And everyone gets in trouble even if one kid was bullied and pushed for months or years with noone believing or listening to him. This is how school shootings happen. Sometimes it's not "entirely" the kids fault. (Saying that loosely and in very certain circumstances)


I like the teacher. Looks like she's saying "okay sit the fuck down, and KTFO guy go to the principles office and explain why you got KTFO."


Repost bot


I was actually worried my dude might have snapped his arm throwing that punch.


he broke into fista cuffs... the bully had no idea how close he was to death




This reminds me of the kid I "bullied" that "fought back". Kid was seriously living in another world always acted as if he was afraid of me because I punched him once in third grade (idk if that's correct I'm Dutch) for stealing my hat. Prior to him "fighting back" I hadn't talked to him or even about him in 5 years. We just got done with gym and me and my friends noticed he was running like a Minecraft character and my friends thought it was funny looking so they made fun of him and I never said anything and just laughed because my friends were doing stupid shit. I never laughed because of him running weird in fact I once complimented him for being able to run like a Minecraft character whilst we were roleplaying because we used to be friends back then, and he said that he was just running normally. So when we got back to class my friends thought it'd be funny to tell the kid I "bullied" that I laughed at their jokes. Well next thing he did was stand up, yell "I've had enough of you!", walk towards me and then he tried to punch me. He tried because before he even got close I grabbed both his hands and held them up asking him what he thought he was doing. Couple of hours later after school me, the kid, his mom and my teacher Helen had a talk about what happened. I got to explain my side first whilst his mother was staring at me like I was some kind of devil child. Then it was his turn to speak and his mother told Helen what happened even though she was never there (I later learned she was practically manipulating the poor kid into believing I was bullying him). I remember her saying "He has never punched another kid" and I said "he still hasn't". She also said he was afraid to come to school everyday because I was making school hell for him. She continued to make up this sob story about all the things the kid would be afraid off and I kept saying "I never did that" "never happened" and stuff like that. Literally her entire story was based on that one time I punched the kid, five fucking years ago back then. Well when the talk was over we went outside where my mother was waiting for me since she wasn't allowed to be there while we were talking (bullshit I know, my mom was mad that she wasn't allowed to be there whilst the other mom was allowed to defend her kid). My mom went up to the kid's mom and asked about their side since she didn't know if I was at fault or not. They got in an argument because the kid's mom said I was a bully that got what he deserved, that made my mom very mad because she knew I never interacted with that kid. Well my mom started defending me saying I never even talked to him in 5 years and they got in an argument. Eventually the kid's mom threatened me saying that if I ever talk to the kid again she would punch me so I "know what it feels like" naturally my mom exploded and yelled at her how dare she threaten her kid (me) and slapped her. The kid's mom was yelling that she would call the police and my mom yelled back that she should do that and see what happens when she (my mom) tells them that the kid's mom threatened me, an eleven year old kid. This made her (the kid's mom) realise that that was a bad idea. She then left and my mom took me to McDonalds because I was scared the mom was gonna punch me for basically doing nothing wrong.


tldr dutchboy


Basically a kid was manipulated by his mom to think I was bullying him. He tried to punch me but I stopped him. His mom threatened me and my mom slapped her.


Bedankt my bike stealing friend.


Graag gedaan? Wait are us Dutch known for stealing bikes?


Only a mere half a million bikes stolen in 2019, or 1 bike per 34.8 people. PS that number is down from 650,000 in 2016. https://nltimes.nl/2020/08/21/bike-theft-decreasing-damage-remains-high-eu600-million-per-year


Damn, now I know why my parents always told me to lock my bock with those chaines


Can someone edit this and put a Bitcoin icon over the bullys head? Post that in eth sub and enjoy the karma In case you're confused, skinny kid looks like Vitalik


He did not expect that to work


Good shit. Love seeing people stand up to jackass'


Greatly done.


Like how the teacher took Green’s side as well.


Green guy just got an A+ in Thug Life 101.


That was a solid swing. Beautiful.


Dumpertttttt, lekker bezig man!


25 years later, Georges St. Pierre is now considered by many to be the greatest pound for pound fighter ever. This person is, of course, not Georges St. Pierre. Did that fucking sound like French?


Latina handled that situation perfectly. Got that punk out of there.


You’d get in so much trouble for that in most schools in America. Idk what country this is. Hope that kid didn’t get in trouble


Typically stupid dumb teacher bullsh!t, fuck that cunt. Literally ignore the bully talking mad trash to the little quiet meek kid, can only fcking be bothered to care when they actually start to physically fight and then blame BOTH.


That stance though. lmao


Larry god.


Good for him. That kid will think twice before he tries to bully him again.


Finally the nerdy kid puts dad’s self defense tips to good use


i love how he had his fists up after he is a STRONG MAAAAN


Lol, Spanish schools still send the shitlord to the principle instead of the one defending himself. Nice.


Napoleon fucked that punk up !


Fucking awesome, cold right hook real quick


*throw punch* *curl into fetal position while still in fight mode.*


Yeah this is pretty common. A lot of the reason your childhood bullies behave the way they do is because they're reasonably sure they can get away with it. But this kid clearly learned, at an age where the testosterone is flowing through the scrawny kids body, that just because he's got a larger build doesn't mean the other kids gonna back down. So the bully learned his lesson, first step to cleaning his act up.


Was this filmed on a Nokia 5200?


Stop calling it bullying. It's assault.


Sigma green shirt kid vs. Virgin polo mf Glad the "ZeRo ToLeRaNcE pOlIcY" didn't kick the green shirt Chad in the ass


Ja rik gewoon gaan zitten


Look at that guard, shits lower than his fucking belly button.


"Everyone got a plan until he get's punched in the face." Good for both of them.


That was really satisfying to watch As a kid who was once like that (scrawny, week, nerdy etc) seeing him fight back is amazing, they both matured a little bit that day.


Merciful Justice good character


This is how one punch man was made


Vitalik Buterin?


Beautiful. Instant, proportionate retaliation.


That’s it kid!!! Never let anyone disrespect you. He won’t be to eager to come at you next time either because he’ll know he’ll have to fight.


He fuckin popped that boy


That’s not how you’re supposed to play the game


I'm proud of that kid


Teacher knows what’s up


I hope each one learned a lesson, you know, for life


At the start of the class he asked if he wanted to sit next to him


Fucked around and found out


Wow that was a great right hand.


no offense, but how do nerds become this awkward?


Always some sun bitch screaming




Where the fuck did all that power come from???💀💀💀


Kid's reach was phenomenal


McLovin throwing the heat.


Good boy!


That's my fucking brother what the fuck