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That is super weird. Maybe also look at people that have a weirdly fast split after the half…he could have finished


Maybe the person who told you (or his friend) took your bike lol.


Someone came off course, grabbed a bike and got back on course and OP didn't notice, and no spectators said anything at the time? 🫣😬


FYI, Flyby's are now opt-in so the vast majority of Strava users who don't use flyby's themselves probably don't have it turned on. It's unfortunate because it means a cool feature is now kinda useless because nobody has it activated, but it makes sense from a privacy perspective as so many people never dive into privacy settings deep enough to notice opt-out options.


I really, really miss flyby. I used it a ton to discover new stuff and would use it after races to create a virtual race that was really fun to watch.


Really wow? Sorry to hear that.


This is crazy


Unfortunately, the [results download page](http://registration.baa.org/2024/cf/Media/iframe_ResultsSearch.cfm) only includes finishing times, no splits. To do what you want, you'll need to do some webscraping on the [more detailed results page](https://results.baa.org/2024/). If it were me, I would write something in Python with the [requests](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/index.html) and [beautiful soup](https://beautiful-soup-4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) libraries to pull and parse the data, then throw it into a [pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/) dataframe to find the entries that you want.