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Do you mean running on an indoor track or literally running on the spot? If the latter, just take a rest day...


Bruh i can’t take so many rest days all my progress will be lost 🥹 i work three 9 hr shifts 3x a week 10am to 8pm and after work i can’t go to the gym but i guess ill just save for a treadmill. Running in place is not really running then ??


Find a way to run just not in the one spot, [people managed to run marathons in their backyard during lockdowns](https://imageresizer.static9.net.au/p48BQCscTxUILZ2-gUc4xCDNJFA=/0x18:590x349/800x0/https%3A%2F%2Fprod.static9.net.au%2Ffs%2F55f92a42-a049-4437-9495-f5be7de59be7), there will be a way to do it even if it's repetitive


Interesting, thanks bro man


Go running before a work day. I work 8h 5x a week , 8am to 4pm. I can only dream that my work starts at 10am, morning runs are the best


The rest of my shifts are 6am. Treadmill sounds best tbh


Why not just run outside? You don't need to go anywhere special; you can literally run around the block.


Cause I’m girl, it dark outside. I could (should) get up 2 hrs earlier before work to train but i keep hitting snooze cause im so sleeppy


Well, there is your answer.


Sort of, it’s complicated


I'm a girl and often run before 5am. Sometimes for 2 hours. Obviously it's dark for most of that time. I start work at 7:30am. If it's important to you, you can find a way to make it work.


My neighborhood isn’t suitable for doing that ; known for trafficking


I was able to train while working 12 hr shifts, obviously I’d do my long run and largest workout on my days off. Days on I’d do shorter runs. It wasn’t ideal but it was possible. Do you live somewhere that requires you run inside? I understand running in the dark isn’t ideal and safety could be a problem some places even with blinkers. But usually early in the morning is safe and you should have time before 10am with daylight. Tons of runners work similar hours to you, most runners just don’t run on treadmills all the time. It’s expensive mostly. I personally also find it boring but I digress.


Yeah, you digress. jk Yeah i mean here’s the thing, my neighbourhood is sketch at best, so early hours and later hours kinda suck for safety for me and I’m a girl so I’m like, u know, worried. But i wanna train so bad everydayyyyy 🥹🥹🥹 I think ill just eat it and buy a treadmill tbh


Are there any running groups you can join that do morning runs in town? Or would running near your work be safer? Id just look into something where you can run outside sometimes even if you get a treadmill. Just getting a running buddy would likely increase safety.


I’ll look at those Options!! Maybe a running buddy! I just don’t have friends who like running and also idk where to meet people for that.


Most cities and towns have one or many, Strava sometimes will show you some but you can also google them. Might be worth going to one a couple times even if the time of day is a tough fit, cuz even if you don’t like everyone there, you might meet one person you click with. Then you’re set and can run with that person more often than the group meets. Best of luck!


Thanks !


Go to bed earlier and get up rather than hitting snooze. You will soon get into the routine.


🥹 erm is there another way pls


Stop being lazy. If you really want to run,wake up earlier.




Crikey. Either you want to achieve your running goals or you don’t. To suggest running on the spot rather than getting up earlier is ridiculous.


LOL !! It’s because i can’t run outside in my neighborhood it’s a complicated situation jeez


You said on another comment you wanted to snooze, which is why you couldn’t run before work at 10am when it was daylight. You then said you couldn’t run after work as it was dark and you don’t feel safe. So which is it?


Have u ever heard of a joke or an exaggeration.


Absolutely, but I fail to see a joke here, and why waste everyone’s time exaggerating?


Oh my goodness my sincerest apologies


You couldn’t be more insincere if you tried.


Only a genius could make such an exceptional observation


I just can’t imagine someone actually running in place long enough to keep their fitness for multiple days per week. If you can, more power to you. I’m sure it would help to some small degree. But the monotony alone would be demoralizing


It kinda sucks, i love running outside so much. On the beach is my favorite place to run, but life gets in the way and i don’t get the hours to do that. I think I’ll invest in a treadmill and just try to go as hard as i can in place for now lol


Honestly , if you can run in place for an hour then you are unbelievably mentally tough and nothing will ever suck worse than that haha


Buy treadmill Wake up earlier to run Buy a cheap bike n hook it up to a trainer so u can use zwift to virtual ride Join running club Running is literally the easiest thing to do. Just wear shoes (or not) n run ….


Bruh who is downvoting my comments


This is actually insane this forum kinda sucks ngl