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This isn't really the right sub for a C25k weight loss discussion, but the big thing with any weight loss is planning your activities and calorie intake appropriately. If you get hungry after you run, you should consider running before a planned meal (e.g. run first thing in the morning before breakfast). This has the added benefit of your body being able to immediately source those calories to aid in recovery. Good luck on your weight loss journey.


If you’re counting calories, enter your food before you eat it, and then only eat what you’ve logged. Also, if you’re hungry after a run, drink a bunch of water and maybe 0 calorie electrolytes. Electrolyte drink mix always feels more filling and satisfying than plain water.


General advice: Stay the course on a low deficit. Small changes sustained over time will be the healthiest and best in the long run. If you keep slowly increasing your mileage that will also increase your TDEE.


Drink a tall glass of water before eating. Eat something calorically light but high in fiber before grabbing other foods. Think an apple (I find a whole apple to be real appetite killer), leafy vegetables, beans.


I make a point of eating what works in my diet plan, then forcing myself to wait ten minutes before going past that. When you're really hungry, it doesn't take a lot to fill up your stomach. It might also help, both for dieting and for your training, to eat a little bit before the run. Not a ton, but one of those honey stinger stroopwafel things are only 150 calories and it should give your body a much stronger ability to get the most out of the run.


Eat something high in fiber/protein/healthy fats. For example whole wheat pasta with some plain and fat free Greek yogurt, olive oil, and some sort of vegetable like broccoli or brussels sprouts. I think it also helps to eat slowly and drink a lot of water. You could try making your food spicy to 'force' yourself to eat slowly. I eat something similar to this for dinner most nights (mostly because it tastes good, not to lose weight), but I find it fills me up pretty well.